Re: Jody Ribtot: The Hostile Email Landscape

2015-10-19 Thread Nick
Quoth nettime's_landscaper:

> If you were to launch a new mail server right now, many networks would
> simply refuse to speak to you. The problem: reputation.

It is a sad state of affairs indeed. Bradley Kuhn recently wrote 
about very similar issues he had running his own mail server:

It sucks in particular because email is already in a more precarious 
state than it should be with people relying more on surveillance-as-
a-business services for communication (admittedly gmail is also in 
that category, but at least it's a distributed system enough that 
one doesn't have to accept its terms to communicate with people who 
use it.) I am finding that the proportion of my friends I can write 
to electronically is gradually diminishing as a result. I find it 

Maybe some new service that is actually engineered to respect people 
(there are several reasonable looking candidates) will get popular 
enough that it will take the place email had. Maybe.

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WikiLeaks Hosts Cryptome with Search

2015-10-19 Thread John Young
WikiLeaks Hosts Cryptome with Search

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Re: WikiLeaks Hosts Cryptome with Search

2015-10-19 Thread Erich M.
On 2015-10-19 19:42, John Young wrote:

> WikiLeaks Hosts Cryptome with Search

Good move, John, very much appreciated. Fun to look a few things up, as
to say "ETSI" or "LAES" and "TR-45" shit of the late 90ies - great!

Not forget more recent gems such as these
There is always a faint odor of history in the air, when archives sync
to an alchymic informational wedding

-- KEY 0x2440DE65
fingerprint A564 1457 71C3 E907 6D78 429E 76F3 C66E 2440 DE65
--... ...--   -.. .   . .-. .. -.-.    --- . ...-- . -- -...

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WikiLeaks is not hosting Cryptome, search service only

2015-10-19 Thread John Young

Clarify: WikiLeaks is not hosting Cryptome, instead a search service
which points to Cryptome site files. Mighty helpful.

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