Sortir du noir

2016-04-26 Thread János Sugár

Son of Saul is a 2015 Hungarian drama film 
directed by László Nemes. The film premiered at 
the 2015 Cannes Film Festival, where it won the 
Grand Prix. It also won the Golden Globe for Best 
Foreign Language Film. The film won the award for 
Best Foreign Language Film at the 88th Academy 
Awards in 2016.

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Re: Guardian > Monbiot > Neoliberalism -- the

2016-04-26 Thread Eric Miller

> On Apr 25, 2016, at 9:17 AM, John Young  wrote:
> Rise of the Internet and other personal devices for handy-witted exposition 
> has affirmed wealth accumulation by digital technology's inventors, producers 
> and distributors, and thereby neoliberalism and ordoliberalism in shrewd 
> disguises especially that of digitally empowered expositors quite satisfied 
> at reaching far more consumers than by paper and ink and talks, thereby 
> empowering (i.e, enslaving, aka educating) consumers who are taught and 
> instructed and seduced to affirm intellectual wealth accumulation at their 
> student-indebted expense and thrillingly diverting fandom of very own 
> smartest of personal devices and brilliantly cogitating bold-name digitally 
> dropping heros, heros of dual-hatted complicity with neo-ordo contributors to 
> intellectual dole, aka socialism of the top 5% of finest minds social 
> engineering for <1% grant-masters and prize bestowers.

Wondering if this should be subject to Hanlon’s Razor ("never assume bad 
intentions when assuming stupidity is enough” is Wikipedia’s version) regarding 
the intent of the digital producers, whether they are pop stars or corporations 
or (ugh) ‘thought leaders’

So those digital technology inventors, producers and distributors _might_ just 
be behaving economically rationally.  Bread and circuses sells quite nicely, 
thankyouverymuch.  The net corrosive impact on society might just be an 
unfortunate externality.  "We have met the enemy and he is us" and all that.

Or maybe someone wants to argue that ProPublica could actually beat TMZ’s user 
metrics, but the only thing holding them back is a skewed playing field….


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