Re: Lacanian meets Trumpian

2016-08-11 Thread John Young

JFK's "legacy" was ratcheted up and deployed to pressure LBJ
into continuing and expanding the Viet Nam war into an ignominous
defeat after Nixon milked it mercilessly and murderously rather than
increasing social benefits LBJ hung his 10-gallon hat on.

That natsec opportunistic manipulation, aka fabrication of enemies
of the natsec-industrial-media state, that is, browbeating the sacrifical
populace to supply copious "warfighters," (horrible fodder euphemism)
continues and expands worldwide to assure continuing and expanding
wealth accumulation. Clinton and Trump presaging Obama's future.

"Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his
hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats." H.L. Mencken.

Now this Lee Harvey Oswaldian is attributable to ISIS, so must
not be stated on a public forum. Consider it not digitized into the
big belly of the Library of Congress for alimentary to the IC.

At 02:37 AM 8/11/2016, you wrote:

   You are right about all the positives of LBJ, and I concur.
   Unfortunately, you minimize his role in enormously escalating the
   Viet-Nam war, which led, quite probably to the stagflation that put
   Nixon in power and created the conditions that helped sweep Reagain in
   an undid much of the GreatSociety.


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Re: Lacanian meets Trumpian

2016-08-11 Thread Michael Goldhaber
   You are right about all the positives of LBJ, and I concur.
   Unfortunately, you minimize his role in enormously escalating the
   Viet-Nam war, which led, quite probably to the stagflation that put
   Nixon in power and created the conditions that helped sweep Reagain in
   an undid much of the GreatSociety.



   On Aug 10, 2016, at 11:39 AM, Lunenfeld, Peter B.   

 An interesting question is how [Hillary Clinton] would govern should she 
win in a
 landslide. LBJ redux? That didn't work out so well.


   Dear Michael --
is an international list, and I hate to hijack it for an
   internecine dispute about the legacies of American leaders. But given
   the fact that Donald Trump is a clear and present danger if ever there
   were one, it's more important than ever to keep our historical memories
   straight. If we're going to talk about Lyndon Baines Johnson and the

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