The infrastructural grip on the human exchange reached the stage where there is little sense in having discourse with end points. Drones with smartphones grafted onto their faces have little, if anything, to say. They are like smart Christmas lights creating patterns that they individually don't even understand. Fake news about fake news. Probably many failed experiments to figure out the efficient ways of information injection. That's how you learn.

So who is the one to talk with? There is definitely a Command and Control Center (CCC) (one or several.) Its presence can be detected by the speed with which dissemination points (DPs) (TV channels, print media, server operators, various talking heads) synchronize the message. The communication between CCC and DPs is undoubtedly electronic and likely overlayed over the existing infrastructure.

This, of course, has all hallmarks of a conspiracy theory, so if your religion includes chaotically emergent phenomena and Deity of Complexity, you should stop reading here.

There are two interesting questions that matter: who owns CCCs and how is communication actually performed? Investigating actors on remote controls, which is where most of the discourse is, is a total waste of time, evidenced by exactly zero effect.

CCCs are likely manned by some subset of elite and Roman Guard, most likely tightly associated with various security services. These are the people you actually want to talk with - they are humans like the rest of us. But first you need to find them, and that's not trivial.

As for communications, they appear to be properly secured. There was not a single leak of coordination messaging. This hints that the communication hierarchy is exclusively populated by high pay-grade humans - there are probably no low-level operators in the chain. It may make sense to see what kind of personal communication equipment do high-level managers of DPs carry around.

For artistic approach, see Carpenter's "They Live".
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