Re: [EXT] Re: Thoughts on coups

2020-11-24 Thread Sean Cubitt
 need an eco-state. I mean a form of social coordination that doesn't 
precipitate collapse, but protects against, reverses the trends, allows human 
and ecological healing. Of course you can imagine an eco-state in an 
authoritarian vein, because that's where China is going. Rana Dasgupta surely 
sees it differently - I'm looking forward to read that text - but I see China 
going toward a state that will internalize earth system imperatives, and 
actually respond to the climate crisis by producing self-driving electric cars, 
total surveillance and geoengineering. Geoengineering is good - or at least, 
it's inevitable - but authoritarianism isn't. How should the Western countries 
and their "integrated peripheries" respond? What can civil-society movements do 
about it? The answer is, we don't have a clue. Shame on us. Mexico is 
collapsing, and white people in the US think they can bring back the good old 

As for the carbon tax that someone mentioned, I hear you, but it's too little 
too late. It might have helped twenty years ago, if it hadn't been just another 
neoliberal ploy for gaming the system. It can still do some good, in a more 
serious form, but now we're on a timeline that's going to require central 
coordination in addition to market coordination. Unless we just want 
civilizational breakdown in the megafires of the Pyrocene. Which is really 
coming into its own in Colorado, by the way. I'm afraid it will put a real dent 
in the tourist industry.

Green New Deal or bust. I'm not kidding when I talk about eco-socialism. The 
question is how to get there.



Sean Cubitt | He/Him
Professor of Screen Studies
School of Culture and Communication
W104 John Medley Building
University of Melbourne
Grattan Street
Victoria 3010

New Book: Anecdotal Evidence<>

Message: 1
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2020 10:58:52 +0100
From: Felix Stalder>>
Subject: Re:  Thoughts on coups
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

On 24.11.20 04:14, Brian Holmes wrote:
> Here's my two cents: Keynes aimed to save capitalism from itself. Double
> down on Keynes, unleash vast new creative energies on the basis of fiat
> money, and maybe, instead of sapping capital's foundations, we can push it
> over the top into ecosocialism.

There are probably two distinct political strategies here. And it would
be interesting to work out their relation.

The first is move capitalism towards a different regime of accumulation,
one based less on extractivism and consumerism but rather more on
renewable energy and "eco-system services" for repairing some of the
damage already done (I know, this term is conventionally used in a
different sense). A little bit of this we are already seeing, with the
EU's project to become a first climate neutral continent by 2050, China
commitment by 2060 and new Biden admin making similar gestures. So far,
actual effects, in terms of reducing the output of CO2 and and
ending/slowing down the loss of biological diversity, have not been
achieved. The big question is: is that too little too late, unable to
overcome very real system barriers to substantial change? Or can this be
made into the beginning of a self-accelerating shift in the energy
regime of global civilization?

In the longer run, it's hard to imagine how capitalism can still be
capitalism without treating "nature" as an externality. So the question
then becomes, what are the condition under which a 'greener capitalism'
can be pushed into something else. In a way that is like an update of
the old Marxian idea that capitalism will produce productive forces on
which communism can be realized.

all the best. Felix

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Re: Thoughts on coups

2020-11-24 Thread Brian Holmes
y and "eco-system services" for repairing some of the
> damage already done (I know, this term is conventionally used in a
> different sense). A little bit of this we are already seeing, with the
> EU's project to become a first climate neutral continent by 2050, China
> commitment by 2060 and new Biden admin making similar gestures. So far,
> actual effects, in terms of reducing the output of CO2 and and
> ending/slowing down the loss of biological diversity, have not been
> achieved. The big question is: is that too little too late, unable to
> overcome very real system barriers to substantial change? Or can this be
> made into the beginning of a self-accelerating shift in the energy
> regime of global civilization?
> In the longer run, it's hard to imagine how capitalism can still be
> capitalism without treating "nature" as an externality. So the question
> then becomes, what are the condition under which a 'greener capitalism'
> can be pushed into something else. In a way that is like an update of
> the old Marxian idea that capitalism will produce productive forces on
> which communism can be realized.
> all the best. Felix
> --
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Re: Thoughts on coups

2020-11-24 Thread Sean Cubitt
e old Marxian idea that capitalism will produce productive forces on
which communism can be realized.

all the best. Felix

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End of nettime-l Digest, Vol 158, Issue 30

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Re: nettime-l Digest, Vol 158, Issue 30

2020-11-24 Thread Donald Dulchinos

> ---
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2020 10:58:52 +0100
> From: Felix Stalder 
> To:
> Subject: Re:  Thoughts on coups
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> On 24.11.20 04:14, Brian Holmes wrote:
>> Here's my two cents: Keynes aimed to save capitalism from itself. Double
>> down on Keynes, unleash vast new creative energies on the basis of fiat
>> money, and maybe, instead of sapping capital's foundations, we can push it
>> over the top into ecosocialism.
> In the longer run, it's hard to imagine how capitalism can still be
> capitalism without treating "nature" as an externality.

Not so hard. Isn’t a carbon tax an attempt to address that? 

Further, here in Colorado, USA,  institutional machinery has turned relatively 
quickly - extractive industries used to drive the state economy, but now 
outdoor recreation more important, and legislature recently amended role of 
state Oil and Gas Commission from “promote” oil and gas to prioritizing “health 
and public safety”, which will reduce fracking here. This is partly one 
economic sector’s ascendancy driving regulatory change at the expense of 
another’s. Also, we are aware here that wind energy is significantly replacing 
coal generation in the state, coal plants being retired even before their 
planned life span. Obama’s “All of the Above” energy strategy looks canny in 
retrospect; on a level playing field, fossil fuels are now losing. Reversing 
Trump tariff’s on cheap Chinese solar panels will help as well. 

> So the question
> then becomes, what are the condition under which a 'greener capitalism'
> can be pushed into something else. In a way that is like an update of
> the old Marxian idea that capitalism will produce productive forces on
> which communism can be realized.
> all the best. Felix

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Call: 'Critical Meme Research'

2020-11-24 Thread WILSON, JACK (PGR)
Hello nettimers, 

Some of you on this list might be interested in contributing to this 
forthcoming INC reader on memes:
If so, swing an abstract to criticalmemereader[at] by 16 
December 2020. 

Also, feel free to share this call with any potentially interested network or 


Critical Meme Research

As they metastasized from the digital periphery to the mainstream, memes have 
seethed with mutant energy. From now on, any historical event will be haunted 
by its memetic double — just as any pandemic will have its own infodemic that 
will recursively act upon it — issuing in the kinds of cross-contamination that 
Baudrillard already prefigured in the 1980s: of the convoluted age of 
simulacra, of epistemological crises associated with postmodernity, and of a 
generalized informational obesity whose gravitational pull bends reality to 
whatever “program”, in the multiple senses of that term.

In its idiosyncratic track, our responses to memes in the new decade demand an 
analogous virtuality. Beyond the so-called ‘Alt-right’ and its attendant 
milieus on 4chan and Reddit, memes have passed the post-digital threshold and 
entered new theoretical, practical, and geographical territories beyond the 
stereotypical young, white, male, western subject.  While academic scrutiny has 
largely lagged behind memetic production, online-facing media has tended to 
uncritically relay or clutch its pearls in ways that malicious actors 
tactically exploit. These conditions demand an approach that matches the 
deterritorializing violence of memes: their ability to abstract and frame, 
deduce and reduce, to distill and hide, and to alter our perception and 
behavior through contagious spectacle and cognitive terraforming.

Lastly, what will become of the meme that has been declared dead yet refuses to 
go away? Does the very notion of a meme become redundant once it is 
all-pervasive, like any successful cultural technology? Yet we also seek to 
revisit old territories: what can we salvage from these affective and aesthetic 
ruins to re-enchant our present appreciation of memes and meme culture? How can 
we (re)theorise the meme as something between a semiotic surface and 
asignifying network (or something else entirely)? How can we apply the meme (as 
it is now/as it will be) as a hermeneutic for the study of other online 
phenomena like the spread of conspiracy narratives? How are memes made and 
deployed beyond spaces of (sub)cultural production and what are the 
implications of this? 

What is it to see oneself in a meme? 

We invite authors from a variety of disciplinary and cultural backgrounds to 
contribute manifestos, essays, interviews, fictions, artworks and other 
speculative interventions in our understanding of what memes are, or will be, 
in the process of becoming.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

- (Re)theorising the meme (between semiotic surface and asignifying network)
- Non-anglophone & local meme cultures (Pepe in Hong Kong, meme-driven 
moral panics in India, anti-censorship memeing in China, Japanese imageboards)
- Meme genealogies and web histories (usenet, Something Awful, YTMND)
- New approaches to online visual culture (, altpedias, image 
- Artistic appropriations of memetic styles and tactics
- Unfunny memes & attendant notions of influence, manipulation, 
gamification, and war (in propaganda and political campaigning, armed conflict, 
population control, genocide, global intelligence, viral marketing) 
- Memes and online identity politics (gender, race, class)
- Memetic subjectivities and political affects (zoomers, doomers, Karens, 
Chads, Wojaks)
- Conspiracy theories as memetic narratives
- Normiefication and its counter-responses (ironic/post-ironic, wholesome, 
surrealist, dank, meta memes)

INC Reader #15 – Critical Meme Research  will be edited by Chloë Arkenbout, 
Jack Wilson and Daniel de Zeeuw. Proposals/abstracts should be around 300-500 
words. Send these to criticalmemereader[at] by 16 December 
2020. Final texts should be 500-5000 words and submitted by 10 March 2021.

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#  @nettime_bot tweets mail w/ sender unless #ANON is in Subject:

Re: Thoughts on coups

2020-11-24 Thread Felix Stalder

On 24.11.20 04:14, Brian Holmes wrote:
> Here's my two cents: Keynes aimed to save capitalism from itself. Double
> down on Keynes, unleash vast new creative energies on the basis of fiat
> money, and maybe, instead of sapping capital's foundations, we can push it
> over the top into ecosocialism.

There are probably two distinct political strategies here. And it would
be interesting to work out their relation.

The first is move capitalism towards a different regime of accumulation,
one based less on extractivism and consumerism but rather more on
renewable energy and "eco-system services" for repairing some of the
damage already done (I know, this term is conventionally used in a
different sense). A little bit of this we are already seeing, with the
EU's project to become a first climate neutral continent by 2050, China
commitment by 2060 and new Biden admin making similar gestures. So far,
actual effects, in terms of reducing the output of CO2 and and
ending/slowing down the loss of biological diversity, have not been
achieved. The big question is: is that too little too late, unable to
overcome very real system barriers to substantial change? Or can this be
made into the beginning of a self-accelerating shift in the energy
regime of global civilization?

In the longer run, it's hard to imagine how capitalism can still be
capitalism without treating "nature" as an externality. So the question
then becomes, what are the condition under which a 'greener capitalism'
can be pushed into something else. In a way that is like an update of
the old Marxian idea that capitalism will produce productive forces on
which communism can be realized.

all the best. Felix

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