Re: “Meta”

2021-11-02 Thread Adam Burns

I suspect you are correct with regards to attempting transcendence.

The disconnect of its core products plunging into a lack of relevance, 
reputation, morality, etc. together with its present accumulated wealth 
provides an opportunity to create and then pivot an umbrella Alphabet 
analog to transcend Metastasis?

On 02/11/2021 16:58, Jon Lebkowsky wrote:
My interpretation of this change is that the company wants to 
transcend the FB application. This is probably partly from a concern 
that the FB app will be regulated out of existence or will otherwise 
lose users and traction. It's also an acknowledgement that the company 
has accumulated so much wealth and attention that it doesn't have to 
lean on the app, it can branch out and do many other things. This 
could  be a jump-the-shark moment, but I've avoided saying so because, 
in the early days of Facebook's evolution, I predicted its demise 
several times. Usually because it had done something stupid, but 
Zuckerberg kept finding his way back.

On Tue, Nov 2, 2021 at 5:54 AM mp  wrote:

On 02/11/2021 02:26, Brian Holmes wrote:
> Alphabet was realistic. Meta looks desperate. I have the same
impression as
> you, Michael. It will come to nothing.

Could this be more of a necessary share-holder reference/pointer,
opening new doors and preparing a pathway to shed FB if it becomes too
much of a liability? From an organisational PoV is makes sense, right?

From another perspective: In a sense it already came to something.

Facebook as a medium of social relations has already grabbed much
and intentions.

In many places and for what concerns many topics, struggles and
mobilisations, what is called 'activism' and which used to be
in groups meeting in dark cellars with the phone batteries removed, is
now often exclusively done on Facefuck. Not on, you're out of the

Once the "resistance" lives deep inside the beally of the matrix
then, ha, it must be time for Resistance 2.0

But what the Facefuck do I know, I've never been on it.

"...So I decided to take my work back underground, To stop it falling
into the wrong hands..."
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Jon Lebkowsky (@jonl)
Cofounder and Cohost, Plutopia News Network 
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Re: what does monetary value indicate?

2021-03-20 Thread Adam Burns
On 15/03/2021 10:38, Florian Cramer wrote:

> It’s [NFTs are] like a “Certificate of Authenticity” that’s in Comic
> Sans, and misspelt.

written in crypto crayons. for the love of humanity!

oh ... but wait. check out these 'humanitarians'

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Re: The Left Needs a New Strategy

2021-01-20 Thread Adam Burns
Hi Brian,

On 19/01/2021 19:29, Brian Holmes wrote:
> Democracy as collective self-governance basically works - to the
> extent it ever does work - when different groups of people achieve
> consensus and even some degree of common purpose by peaceful,
> procedural deliberation.

I am of the opinion that this may have been true.


Does this least worse form we call democracy scale in our current

In my humble life of something over 50 years, human population has
doubled. Despite the tragedy of the death rate of COVID, it has hardly
made a dent on human population growth. The entire global pandemic has
put back human population growth back by less than a week.

Now add time. And digital media & platforms. And speed of propagation of
machine mediated communications. Global scale communication (with its
current limitations) is now almost instant and vast in reach. Albeit in
forms controlled and influenced by relatively new media players.

We are, I believe, stumbling in the dark. Human beings (animals) need
space and time to digest change and to recognize patterns.

The more we come to understand the nature of large complex systems, the
more we see that certain qualia only make sense at certain ranges of
scale before models, concepts, and classifications break down.

As James Lovelock has recently written in his book Novacene, do we need
silicon to add to our carbon to help the universe look and understand
itself further through the conversion of energy to information? Or is
this something we cannot abide?

I'm unsure whether we really understand where we are at this point of time.

Not that we ever have!

Best to all,


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Re: DiEM25 Green Paper on Technological Sovereignty

2020-01-26 Thread Adam Burns

Data Center and Service providers are attempting to lobby further for
large amounts of investment planned in Gaia-X, see slick pamphlet here:

They are appropriating the language and growing support for

with little or no mention of any governance or accountability towards
supporting or maintaining such principles.


On 24/01/2020 20:19, Luke Munn wrote:
> In terms of alternatives, there is the Gaia-X initiative, "the new European
> data infrastructure project that aims to grow a sovereign and
> self-determined digital ecosystem in Europe."


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Re: A Dystopian New Initiative Will Charge Inmates by the

2019-12-05 Thread Adam Burns
Perhaps the laws may benefit refurbishment or demolition labor, not to
mention logistics and decommissioning, etc.

There seem to be a few of these facilities to deal with:

On 04/12/2019 19:26, tbyfield wrote:
> The good news: "States are passing laws abolishing private prisons and
> businesses are cutting ties with the facilities. And private prison
> companies are planning for a future in which their core service is
> illegal."


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Re: Flying in Berlin's Sky, an Afternoon Investigation - September 22

2019-09-05 Thread Adam Burns
Dear Harv,

Thank you for adding insight from your expertise in this area.

I was approached by an NGO several years ago to develop robust,
embedded, low power ADSB radio loggers to be deployed in remote areas of
conflict and strife, specifically to assist with detection of anomalies
that may assist with discovery of human and arms trafficking activity.

Third party aircraft radio beacon detection networks (such as
Flightaware, etc) were not trusted, as their aggregated data collection
and web presentation were seen as mediated, potentially edited to remove
such data.

There was knowledge and recognition within the NGO that not all aircraft
are fitted with ADSB beacons and not all aircraft fitted with beacons
would have them switched on during such "sensitive" flights.

However over the years, increased regulatory mandates for the active
installation and usage of ADSB within aircraft to assist with airspace
management has meant that most commercial and military aircraft now have
the beacons fitted. But of course as you say, no doubt not all military
flights will have them active. Transnational flights that are picked up
via radar or visual identification without their corresponding beacons
run the risk of detection and potential international dispute (a form of
peer review of the beacon regulation).

The NGOs rational for this project was specifically to cover anomalous
flight data that differed from or was not detected (through remoteness)
by 3rd party detector networks or public flight records, as well as the
case of human error, arrogance or ignorance in terms of beacons being
left on by military or especially subcontractor flights engaged in such

Although not an expert in the field, I find the ADSB beacons for
aircraft and the corresponding AIS beacons for shipping and waterway
entities a fascinating evolution in terms of direct exposure of transit
network placement and movement. With the availability of cheap consumer
USB radio detectors, Internet based networks such as Flightaware, etc.
have business models based on highly distributed networks of local radio
receivers providing a service of aggregation and correlation in global
visibility of human and goods movement.



On 04/09/2019 22:50, Harv Stanic Staalman wrote:

> On Wed, 4 Sep 2019 17:43:47 +0200
> Tatiana Bazzichelli  wrote this:
>> Dear Harv,
>> you get here the answer directly from Emmanuel Freudenthal, who I am
>> quoting:
>> "Flightradar, Flightaware and all the websites apart from one
>> (ADSB-Exchange) remove many aircrafts from the data that they present on
>> their website.
>> More than 80% of all military aircraft and 60% of all government
>> aircraft aren't shown.
> Hi and thanks for your answer.
> But that is simply not true and I am not really saying trust me - but I
> do. :)
> When I was 18 years old, I have been educated as a military flight
> controller - you know that guy in the tower, nervous and smoking a lot
> while looking into the "lighthouse ray" of a, now ancient, Raytheon
> round radar. 
> I have had many years ago a correspondence with many airplanes enthusiasts
> so I got to know the guys who build trackers - such as F24 and some
> others.
> Especially that is as conspiracy theories would claim, not really hidden
> info, so while it is true that all are not shown the reason is
> however manyfold, but rational. 
> TLDR: Many aircrafts have no ADS-B transceiver, especially military, one
> of the reasons they do not show up...
> Here some other reasons not really listed on F24 follow.
> Usually military flies above or under the known commercial routes so they
> do not have to switch transponders and/or FoF (friend or foe) ID signal,
> more as in "not obliged" while doing training flights, but most of them 
> do have them on.
> Russians always have them on on almost all the known frequencies. 
> They had those on even doing the bomb runs in Syria.
> MLAT - multilateral - or a GSS (ground, sky, satellite) - triangualtion is
> another method to track the planes, but it is not the most accurate as
> ground radars are mostly effective on the lower flying planes, below
> 11.000 meters. Military usually goes high up to 18.000 or even 20.000.
> Other reasons  - as in  FR24 and almost all other trackers - are to not to
> create a clutter as most of the people are interested in commercial
> flights.
> Also if you subscribe for a fee on some you'll get all the info as in this
> case:
> So there is no plane today that can really hide in the skies regardless of
> being NATO, stealth or anything else. 
> But I wish you good luck in finding hidden planes, sounds fun if anything
> else.
> Berlin being far for me, I am more fascinated by those guys at:
> That is a lot of electricity and a pile of cool antennas tracking it.

Re: The Cryptopticon

2019-01-07 Thread Adam Burns
Absolutely agree with the thread sentiments of driving people
underground and into disadvantage.

However, situations like this demand effort to circumvent and encourage
the exploration of methods allowing the routing around of such censor

For instance in Germany, VoIP gateways (eg sipgate) offer leasing of
local German voice numbers, Freifunk offers open wifi connectivity, and
with the right app, smart phones work for calls and SMS with no SIM card
over WiFi. The setup is by no means perfect in terms of connectivity,
but functional at least without visa/proof of ID (albeit CC or online
payment is still required).

Disadvantages and effort aside, in terms of surveillance and control,
there are distinct advantages to not embedding a SIM card into your
device and your life, so perhaps in some ways such constructions and
their work-arounds show us all a small but more liberated way forward.

Such regimes are pinpoint in their regulatory requirements and create
their own shadows in terms of defining the characteristics of bias,
focusing on suspicion of the adaptable rather than the flaws of
assumptions and intent behind their own constructed regulatory system
(unless their intent is indeed to create the shadows in the first place).


On 07/01/2019 17:03, Emery Hemingway wrote:
> It swings both ways, stricter registration requirements eventually
> pushes more people underground. For example, immigrants in Germany
> with temporary visas (fiktionsbescheinigungen) cannot buy SIM cards,
> but they can hardly complete the administrative process without one.
> E.
> On Monday, January 7, 2019 2:00:18 PM CET, Felix Stalder wrote:
>> In 2014, a protestor at an anti-fascist rally in Vienna was sentenced to
>> 12 months of jail, for alleged participation in violent action.
>> Among the evidence that was held against him was using an non-registered
>> prepaid card. Even though that was entirely legal at the time, it was
>> held against him as evidence that we was actively engaged in obfuscating
>> his tracks, which meant, obviously, that he had planned to commit
>> crimes. To add to the absurdity of this case, this was before the EU
>> eliminated roaming charges, so lots of people bought disposable sim
>> cards when traveling aboard (as he did, coming from Germany) for the
>> simple reasons of saving telco charges.
>> Felix
>> [1]
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Re: When repression is cheaper than redistribution

2017-09-04 Thread Adam Burns
Can a Valis trilogy paranoid distributed plausible deniability pave the
way to a Stand Alone Complex?

All hail the new flesh!

(apologies to PKD, Mamoru Oshii, David Cronenberg & Tom Morello)

On 04/09/17 19:04, Morlock Elloi wrote:
> By engaging in the most revolutionary activity there is: regain the
> sovereignty over the infrastructure (fiber, switches, sensors, end
> points, backends) and the data it generates, by working with your city
> to snatch it out of the private hands, and by building a parallel
> infrastructure, unreliable and slow, and make using it a statement of
> the dissent.
> The agents of oppression are not human actors on the streets. They are
> aspies in modern campuses.
> On 9/4/17, 03:44, ddraig wrote:
>> So, yes, take to the streets, vote from the rooftops, etc - but how do
>> you organise anything with sizeable numbers when everyone is being
>> watched?
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Re: The Five Minutes App

2017-08-01 Thread Adam Burns
On 01/08/17 18:16, Morlock Elloi wrote:
> What would one do if one had only 5 minutes of Internet access per
> day? What would be the priorities? How would the life look like? How
> would one prepare for those 5 minutes? Would it be a ritual?
> Maybe an app that allows Internet access only 5 minutes per day? No
> configurations, no settings. The Five Minute App.

 It's for you ... it's nethistory calling. UUCP for email and news
feeds and file transfers and ...

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