‘Radio is the theater of the mind’ – 100 quote

2017-02-14 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक

Radio is the theater of the mind  100 quotes on World Radio Day


   ,  13 FEBRUARY 2017


   Each medium has reinvented itself with the advent of successive new
   media waves  with perhaps a few exceptions, such as the near-extinct
   cassette tape! Radio transmission and broadcasting have come a long way
   since developments such as the founding of the Marconi Corporation 120
   years ago, in 1897.

   Radio transformed print media, news, sports, politics, music, home
   entertainment, education and even the driving experience, and would in
   turn have to reinvent itself with the advent of TV, satellite, internet
   and mobile phones. I have had the good fortune of being an RJ in India
   and in the US, on FM radio (WMUA), satellite radio (Worldspace) and
   internet (Radiowalla), each with differing strengths in immediacy of
   user feedback, national reach, breadth of customisable choices, and

   UNESCO has designated February 13 as World Radio Day, to celebrate
   its strengths in fields like socio-economic development; recent annual
   themes have been women empowerment and youth mobilisation.
   Broadcasters, regulators and audiences alike should nurture and make
   the most of its power, according to Irina
   Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO.

   Asia has added its own flavour to the world of radio, with Kotmale
   radio-internet surfing (Sri Lanka), CGNet Swara (community radio
   via mobiles among tribal communities in India) and even the
   award-winning Kan Khajura Tesan (on-demand entertainment via
   mobile radio in Bihar). See also YourStorys coverage of community
   radio and startups in India such
   as Anchor, Audiomatic, Radio Raja, One
   Beep, and SamaritanPhone.

   Perhaps no invention of modern times has delivered so much while
   initially promising so little, observes Guy Gugliotta. In this
   compilation of over 100 quotes, we capture the promise, potential and
   pitfalls of radio over the decades, as it continues to morph and
   evolve. Happy reading  or, happy listening!

   More than eighty years after the world's first station was founded,
   radio is still the most pervasive, accessible, affordable, and flexible
   mass medium available, especially in the developing world.  Bruce

   Community radios provide profound new opportunities for more inclusive
   sustainable development. - Denise Gray-Felder

   Radio pluralism is an essential component in the deepening of the
   democratic process. - Bamako Declaration on Radio Pluralism

   Combining social media and local radio is also a chance to strengthen
   community participation, especially of marginalised groups. - DW

   The internet creates more of an appetite for media - it doesn't replace
   physical books, radio or TV. - Marissa Mayer

   Exponential growth in access to the Internet, satellite television and
   radio, cell phones, and P.D.A.'s means that breaking news now reaches
   virtually every corner of the globe. - Dee Dee Myers

   Radio on the Internet is yet another world-shrinking example of what
   communications analysts call death of distance. - Tim Jones

   Podcast listenership is some 20 times what people are listening to on
   the radio. - Scott Aukerman

   I strongly encourage listening to the radio to hear something you
   haven't heard before. It's a very healthy thing to do. Unless you
   reload your iPods every couple of weeks, you're listening to and
   recycling the same music all of the time. - Alvin Lee

   I think the Internet is an awful lot like FM radio was when it broke
   out in the late '60s. It's kind of a wild and wily kind of format. -
   Roger McGuinn

   Along with several very popular Internet sites, talk radio has served
   as alternative media that gives listeners information that they
   otherwise would not hear. - Paul Weyrich

   I do not buy CDs any more; I usually stream Internet radio. - Oren Peli

   The digital revolution has disrupted most traditional media:
   newspapers, magazines, books, record companies, radio. - Ken Auletta

   Radio killed variety and TV killed radio, and the internet will kill
   television and it will go on and on. - Victoria Wood

   I particularly like Twitter, because it's short and can be very funny
   and informative. It's a little bit like having your own radio program.
   - Margaret Atwood

   Radio is closer to a Tumblr, or a blog, or Twitter, than it is to
   television, I think. - Ira Glass

   People don't listen to terrestrial radio. They don't find their music
   that way. They don't get their news that way. They go to blogs. They go
   through Sirius/XM. - Kaskade

   The fear of the never-ending onslaught of gizmos and gadgets is nothing
   new. The radio, the telephone, Facebook - each of these inventions
   changed the world. Each of them scared the heck out of an older
   generation. And each of them was invented by people who were in their

India, biometrics ... and the debate

2017-01-31 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक
   Published on 7 Sep 2016

   Speaker: Sunil Abraham, Centre for Internet and Society (CIS).

   This talk reflects on several aspects of the Aadhaar project from a
   technical perspective. First, there is a reflection on biometrics as a
   unique, identification and authentication technology. Second, there is
   a critique of open washing by the UIDAI through their adoption of free
   software and open standards and finally there is an analysis of
   alternative technical solutions and architecture
   which will allow India to harvest the benefits of identity management
   without the harms and risks of centralized biometrics.
   _/ � Frederick Noronha � http://about.me/noronhafrederick
   _/ � P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter @fn Fcbk:fredericknoronha
   _/ � Hear Goa,1556 shared audio content at

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Rise of the right: 'Anarchist' media in the Netherlands - The

2016-11-30 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक

[First, we thought not to approve this, because it's just a link
and one of the un-ruly rules on nettime is that we don't want bare
links that might sooner or later lead to nowhere. But in the context
of the talk by Florian Cramer on the alt-right in the US, this clip
by Al Jazeera on the rise of far-right media and their influence on
the politicla discourse in the Netherlandṡ migþt be particulary
pertinent. Mods]


_/  Frederick Noronha  http://about.me/noronhafrederick http://goa1556.in
_/  P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter @fn Fcbk:fredericknoronha
_/  Hear Goa,1556 shared audio content at

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INDIA: Adhar... India's much-debated biometric and demographic data

2016-09-16 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक
   The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) is a central
   government agency of India.^ Its objective is to collect
   the biometric and demographic data of residents, store them in a
   centralised database, and issue a 12-digit unique identity number
   called Aadhaar to each resident.^^ It is considered the
   world's largest national identification
   number project.^^

   As of March 2016, the original legislation to back UIDAI is still
   pending in the Parliament of India.^ However, on 3 March
   2016, a new money bill was introduced in the Parliament for the
   purpose.^ On 11 March 2016, the Aadhaar (Targeted
   Delivery of Financial and other Subsidies, benefits and services) Act,
   2016, was passed in the Lok Sabha.^ On 26 March, 2016,
   The Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of financial & Other Subsidies, Benefits
   & Services) Act, 2016 was notified in the Gazette of India.^

   Some civil liberty groups, like Citizens Forum for Civil
   Liberties and Indian Social Action Forum (INSAF), have opposed the
   project on privacy concerns.

   On 23 September 2013, the Supreme Court of India issued an
   interim order saying that "no person should suffer for not getting
   Aadhaar" as the government cannot deny a service to a resident if s/he
   does not possess Aadhaar, as it is voluntary and not
   mandatory.^ In another interim order on 11 August 2015, the
   Supreme Court of India ruled that "UIDAI/Aadhaar will not be used for
   any other purposes except PDS, kerosene and LPG distribution
   system" and made it clear that even for availing these facilities
   Aadhaar card will not be mandatory.^^^


   * * *


   Aadhaar authentication on phones is for manufacturers to decide: Ajay 
Bhushan Pandey

   Interview with Chief executive officer, Unique Identification Authority
   of India

   Nitin Sethi |  New Delhi

   September 16, 2016 Last Updated at 00:25 IST

   Ajay Bhushan Pandey
   Govt pushes for mobile phones with vernacular language access
   Aadhaar law has good data protection & privacy provisions: A B P Pandey

   I have long said we need a privacy law but Aadhaar has safeguards:
   Nandan Nilekani

   India's Aadhaar mandate for smartphone makers may rile global firms
   Why is the UIDAI cracking down on individuals that hoard Aadhaar data?
   Ajay Bhushan Pandey, CEO of UIDAI speaks to Nitin Sethi on the way
   forward for Aadhaar now that allregulations are in place and addresses
   some controversies that are dogging theplatform.

   You have the regulations in place now to operationlise the entire
   Aadhaar law?
   Yes, when Aadhaar Act says certain actions such as enrolment,
   authentication, privacy, will happen as per regulations.
   To operationalise the act, the regulations had to be put in place. This
   week we have done so to make all provisions of the act operational.
   There are still no regulations in some areas, such as a grievance
   redress mechanism? What other such things are left to detail out?
   In case of regulations in several places we have said that something or
   the other will be done as per process approved by the UIDAI or
   specifications approved by UIDAI.

   Already there are specifications and processes in place. Now these
   regulations will have to be read along with those process or mechanism
   document. Today we already have those documents in place.

   The regulations say that all processes that were being followed so far
   and are not inconsistent with the act and the regulations will continue
   to have legal bearing.

   For example if you are using the enrolment software or hardware, what
   should be the specifications? All these cannot as such become part of
   the regulations. So in regulations we have said these specifications
   will be laid down by the authority and we had already laid them down

   So when will the grievance redress system become functional?
   Actually if you see, we already have a grievance redressal system
   within the UIDAI. We have a call centre. Any resident can call 1947 and
   can register their grievance.

   Today every day we get 1.5 lakh calls every day. Of these 50% are
   addressed through the automated system and the rest need handling by

   We monitor every week the nature of the difficulty people are facing?
   What is the predominant complaint at the moment?
   That changes from time to time. Currently people are concerned where
   they can get Aadhaar or that they have enrolled but not received it. We
   devise our media strategy accordingly to educate people and if some
   corrections have to be made within our system we try to address that as
   a systematic issue besides attending to the individual problem.


INDIA: Publishers vs. Delhi University students... and David wins!

2016-09-16 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक
   Good news! This case pertains to some ludicrous copyright violation
   allegations made by major publishers, involving Indian university
   students (and cheap photocopying outlets) reproducing their work for
   educational purposes.

   See the comments on the judgement below.

   I believe the role of publishers is to spread knowledge, not to block
   it. Also, as a class we publishers should not be so stingy just to
   maintain desired or dreamt-of standards of affluence. Fair use and
   readers' rights should also be kept in mind and enforced. FN



Breaking News: Major Victory for Students and Educational Access in DU
Photocopy Case!

   by Shamnad Basheer September 16, 2016

   As many of you may have heard, the Delhi High Court just handed down a
   major IP verdict in the DU photocopy case. In a 94 page decision, the
   court (Justice Rajiv Sahai Endlaw) dismissed the suit of the plaintiffs
   (CUP, OUP and other leading academic publishers) and held that the
   educational exception under section 52(1)(i) of the copyright act is
   broad enough to cover the acts of photocopying and the creation of
   course packs by Delhi University (DU) for their students.

   For background to this case, see our posts here and here.
   Other posts with the tag DU can be found here.

   As some of you know, a group of us academics (drawn from the law and
   social sciences) intervened in this DU copyright matter and presented
   arguments to the court. We formed an association
   called SPEAK (Society for the Promotion of Educational Access and
   Knowledge) for this purpose. Our counsel was Swathi Sukumar, a
   terrific lawyer at the Delhi high court, who was led by the wonderful
   Neeraj Kishen Kaul, a leading senior counsel. Similarly a number of
   students had formed an association called ASEAK and their counsel
   was Jawahar Raja, an exceptional  lawyer (I had the great privilege of
   going to law school with him).

   DU�s counsel was the truly gifted Gopal Subramanium (one of India�s
   leading senior counsels or silks) who ran a rather maverick argument
   stating that the earlier framework where one qualified an act as an
   infringement and only then went into the �defences� was wrong and in
   cases such as this, there is no infringement at all in the first place.
   From my limited understanding of the order at this point, I believe the
   judge did incorporate this insight into his decision.

   On a broader note, it seems like the court was pleased to accept many
   of the arguments that we had advanced. Here are the key highlights
   based on a quick understanding of the order (this is my version and
   only I am to be held responsible if there are any errors).

1. The judge (Justice Endlaw: god bless his soul!) dismissed the
   publishers� law suit as a whole. Noting that there was no cause of
   action at all. Since there was no actionable infringement in this
   case. All the alleged copying is covered under the broad
   educational exception under section 52(1)(i) of the copyright act.
   In short, the judge noted that there was no need for trial at all
   in this matter, since there was no actionable infringement.

2. The decision stands at a whooping 94 pages!

3. The judge explicitly stated that the educational exception under
   section 52(1) (i) should be construed widely and clearly covers the
   present set of acts engaged in by DU (photocopying excerpts of
   books etc and creating course packs). Plaintiffs� argument that it
   should cover only photocopying in the classroom is incorrect. The
   exception should cover all kinds of educational copying including
   copying for the purpose of preparatory work towards a class etc.

3. Copyright is not a �divine� right! The judge actually said this! I
   repeat: God bless his soul!

4. IRRO doesn�t even come into play since educational exception covers
   the alleged acts. And no need to pay IRRO. So out goes the IRRO
   business model strategy, which I believe is why this suit was
   brought in the first place at all.

5. If DU can photocopy, so can its agents (Rameshwari photocopiers) or
   any photocopier for that matter, whether inside or outside the

   This decision will prove one of the biggest landmarks in IP
   jurisprudence the world over. And clearly spells out that private
   rights will have to yield to larger social goals which have to be
   interpreted widely. Much like the Supreme Court decision in the
   Novartis case, this decision too makes it amply clear that while India
   will be guided by foreign precedent, it will carve out its own IP
   jurisprudence and interpret the law in a way that suits its own
   societal requirements.

   On a related note, I�m really happy to 

Community Radio News From Across India -- CRNFAI Feb 14, 2016

2016-02-13 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक
   _/ Community Radio News From Across India -- CRNFAI Feb 14, 2016
   _/ Compiled by Frederick Noronha [1]fredericknoro...@gmail.com

   BIT extends reach to rural populace 6.2.2016 Hindu: News
   Rural outreach was accorded a thrust by Bannari Amman Institute of
   Technology at Sathyamangalam on Friday through commissioning of
   Radio with a reach of a radius of up to 20 sq km.
   Radio waves may guide patients in PGI 2.2.2016 Chandigarh News,
   A teacher proposes community radio to help patients know route of
   depts, deliver health talkShimona.Community radio has been proposed in
   to help patients and attendants who lose way to various ...
   Radio stations in Maoist-hit areas soon 19.1.2016 RanchiÂ
   The Jharkhand Police plans to set up community radio stations in 13
   Maoist-hit areas across the state to counter the Maoist influence.
   officials said the radio stations will be used as an important tool to
   Left-wing extremism in the identified areas.
   Open school launches its own radio channel 26.12.2015 Delhi News,
   Allotted a frequency of 91.2, it will cover a radius of 10-15
   from NIOS' headquarters.
   No formal complaint on Community Radio Station misuse: Govt 22.12.2015
   Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting Rajyavardhan Singh
   Rathore said that 188 Community Radio stations are active in the
   Second Term for Unseco's Chair at UoH
   Unesco renews community media chair at UoH 11.12.2015 HBL: Home
   The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
   (Unesco) has renewed its chair on community media in the University of
   Hyderabad (UoH) for a second term.
   Emergency community radio service launched in flood-hit Cuddalore
   Cuddalore district administration has set up an emergency 24-hour
   radio service (frequency 107.8Hz) to disseminate information relating
   relief and rehabilitation of flood victims and to address their ...
   Centre sends right signal to the flood-affected 10.12
   Bizwomen share their success mantra on community radio 3.12.2015
   A group of eight budding women entrepreneurs on Wednesday shared
   stories of
   their creative works on community radio.
   Over 100 community radios operating 'illegally'in India
   The seeds of revolution 30.10.2015 India Together
   Deccan Development Society (DDS) is transforming the lives of villagers
   Zaheerhabad, Telangana. Ashish Kothari visited the place recently and
   about how DDS is successfully working with Dalit farmers towards
   ecologically sustainable farming, women empowerment and community-led
    Why this popular Bengaluru community radio station needs your
   25.10.2015 DNA: Popular News
   For three years DS Shamantha founder of 90.4 FM 'Sarathi Jhalak', a
   community radio channel in rural Karnataka, had successfully managed to
   out content that was beneficial to the locals and popular among
   However, the channel which operates from just 70 kms away from
   suffered a financial crisis and had to discontinue its shows as the RJs
   owing to low salaries. But due to its popularity among its audience,
   Shamantha and team were forced to put a few shows back on air again
   just three days. "Villagers from around Malur and Hoskote were very
   It shows the radio has had an impact on them," said Shamantha. The
   educates the listeners on health, agriculture, folklore, legal matters,
   social welfare etc. It has lighter content in the evenings. It also
   to problems of the youth by 

nettime India-EVMs

2014-07-02 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक

Election Commission to scrap EVMs whose infallibility was questioned during
Lok Sabha polls

Ritika Chopra, ET Bureau Jun 28, 2014, 04.00AM IST

NEW DELHI: It's vanaprastha time for these old warhorses of Indian
elections. And unlike some lush forest, the setting for this will probably
be in a junkyard for electronics goods.

The Election Commission of India (ECI) could soon embark on a wholesale
junking exercise in which up to 900,000 electronic voting machines, or
EVMs, could be headed for the scrapyard in the next five years, after their
supposed infallibility was questioned during the recently concluded Lok
Sabha polls when some defective machines reportedly recorded all votes in
favour of just one political party.

In early April, in the run-up to the final polling day in Assam, election
officials stumbled upon a voting machine in Jorhat constituency which
transferred all votes cast to the BJP candidate.

A similar incident was reported from a polling booth in Pune a few weeks
later, when voters found their vote being cast in favour of the Congress
party irrespective of the button pressed on the electronic voting machine.

Although the defective units were replaced immediately, media reports on
the faulty machines had political parties and activists questioning the
efficacy of EVMs in general.

An embarrassed EC has now decided to embark on a major revamp ??? the largest
ever ??? of its EVM stock and abandon all 15-year-old voting machines and
replace them with new ones before the next Lok Sabha elections in 2019.

According to senior EC officials, some 900,000 EVMs are set to complete 15
years of age before the year 2019.

The commission has prepared a detailed plan to get rid of them and replace
them with new ones over the next five years, said a senior EC official,
who requested anonymity as he is not authorised to speak to the media.

The proposal for the exercise, which could cost around Rs 1,000 crore, was
sent to the Modi government last week. EVMs, which are now the backbone of
elections, were first used across the country in the 2004 Lok Sabha
election, making India even ahead of several developed countries where
paper ballots are still the norm.

The use of EVMs in India started in 1981, but these were mostly done in the
form of pilot programmes and were scaled up in subsequent elections. The
adoption of EVMs accelerated from 2000-01 onwards and by 2004, EVMs were
the norm.

In the 2014 general elections, the commission had deployed close to 16 lakh
EVMs. Complaints regarding these machines, senior EC officials say, have
surfaced recently and only in those EVMs which were procured in the year
2000-2001 at the cost of around Rs 10,000 per unit.

One of the machines' manufacturer, Hyderabad-based state-run Electronics
Corporation of India Ltd, on EC's directive, found that the 2000-2001 batch
machines were acting up because of a defective part.

They offered to repair these machines, but the commission decided to not
take chances and dispose them off. There are about 1-1.5 lakh EVMs from
this batch and they will be destroyed first as soon as the law ministry
(EC's parent body) approves the proposal, the official added.

FN P +91-832-2409490 M +91-9822122436 http://goa1556.in

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nettime INDIA: Wendy Doniger's book... some online links

2014-02-15 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक
Wendy Doniger's book is a tribute to Hinduism's complexity, not an insult
Penguin's decision to destroy The Hindus: An Alternative History panders to
an orthodox, bourgeois view of this great religion. Vijay Prashad.

Full text: Petition seeking Penguin Books apology for Wendy Doniger's book

Give up your copyright, Penguin-Chicken! Lawrence Liang, readers serve
legal notice on Doniger publisher

Penguin blames Indian laws for pulping Wendy Doniger's The Hindus

Madhu Menon @madmanweb: Ha, NDTV sneakily throws in a page where you can
download The Hindus by Wendy Doniger (at the end of the show)

FN Phone +91-832-2409490 Mobile +91-9822122436

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nettime 'Can I have my house back?' JPMorgan cancels Twitter QA after

2013-11-14 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक
This is getting to be a strange world! One has to go to Russia Today
to get news of this nature! I'm following @JPmorgan now:

'Can I have my house back?' JPMorgan cancels Twitter QA after
receiving 'offensive' questions

'Can I have my house back?' JPMorgan cancels Twitter QA after
receiving 'offensive' questions

Published time: November 14, 2013 23:54
Edited time: November 15, 2013 01:13
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AFP Photo / Timothy A. Clary / Files

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Banking, Internet, USA

JPMorgan canceled a question-and-answer session on Twitter Wednesday
after receiving a barrage of critical questions skewering the
multinational banking company for legal problems, foreclosure
practices, and other ethical transgressions.

Starting at least since last week, JPMorgan, the investment and
services portion of financial behemoth JPMorgan Chase  Co, asked
followers and others on Twitter to send questions about the bank’s
operations for veteran investment banker and company vice chairman
Jimmy Lee using the hashtag #AskJPM ahead of the planned Thursday

Few had used the hashtag until Wednesday afternoon, after JPMorgan
sent a follow-up tweet on Tuesday promoting the event.

After the reminder tweet, the floodgates opened. Questions - or,
often, heckling - ranged from highly critical of the bank’s practices
to complete non sequiturs. Company CEO Jamie Dimon was a particularly
popular target among the taunters. Twitter users also criticized the
bank’s billions of dollars of fines to mortgage regulators and its
connection to low quality mortgage securities tied to the 2008
financial crisis.

Among the “questions” posed to JPMorgan:

JPMorgan cut its losses and canceled the Thursday QA on Wednesday evening.

The tweet barrage inspired a dramatic reading of some of the tweets by
actor Stacy Keach.

Following the cancellation, David Dayen, a longtime progressive
blogger, announced he would - tongue in cheek - answer #AskJPM
questions in place of JPMorgan.


FN Phone +91-832-2409490 Mobile +91-9822122436
Blog: The View From My Window http://wp.me/1c1F
About.me: http://about.me/noronhafrederick
Goa,1556: http://bit.ly/Goa1556Books2

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