Re: Rude Awakening: Memes as Dialectical Images by Geert Lovink & Marc Tuters

2018-06-28 Thread Ivan Knapp
biding historical
> mysteries: it relied on an opaque 'standards-setting' process involving
> tacit, backroom coordination between campaigns and national TV networks.
> I'm sure that when the GOP captured the red flag in 2000, it was due in
> part to a few GOP's power-brokers at the time who just liked red more than
> blue. But it was also a deliberate political strategy. It allowed the GOP
> to simultaneously *appropriate* the color associated with political threat
> — insurgency, revolution, and communism — while *negate* those same
> discourses. And it's on that basis that, a decade and a half later when the
> alt-right 'took the red pill,' we can see what they were up to: they tried
> to do to the GOP what the GOP had done to 'the left.'
> But wait! There's more!
> You cite Philip K. Dick — much as you cite Robert Smithson — more or less
> randomly, as someone who decades later thought "in similar terms" to
> Benjamin. But PKD figures much more directly in this: in the mid-'60s he
> wrote "We Can Remember It for You Wholesale" on which Total Recall was
> based. If I remember rightly, there's no pill in that story, but there's no
> need to be so literal. His last novel, The Transmigration of Timothy
> Archer, hinges in part on the proposition that eating red things was
> central to Christian beliefs about the Resurrection. That novel drew
> generally on PKD's long-standing interest in gnosticism, but it drew very
> specifically on John Allegro's theory that Jesus wasn't a historical figure
> but, instead, was a mythological figure that originated in the ritual use
> of psychoactive mushrooms — Amanita muscaria.
> By academic standards, this kind of associative chain is erratic to the
> point of madness. It leads everywhere and nowhere, unconstrained by logic,
> definitions, context, or method. And it drifts and leaps from one context
> and scale to another: from kooky theories to cinematic fragments to
> backroom agreements on the fringes of governmentality. But these delirious
> landscapes are *precisely* where and how memes operate. I don't think
> Benjamin's theories have much to say about this all — not without doing
> serious theoretical violence to the myriad specificities at play. And you
> concede:
> One need barely ask how Benjamin would react to the film’s Platonic
>> allegory. Of course Benjamin would take the red pill.
> But we know how he reacted, don't we? I dimly remember — as if through a
> glass (or maybe a scanner) darkly — that his suicide involved a glass of
> wine, and even more dimly that it was said to be white, not red.
> ❤️
> Ted
> On 4 Apr 2018, at 2:46, Geert Lovink wrote:
> Rude Awakening: Memes as Dialectical Images by Geert Lovink & Marc Tuters
>  <...>
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Ivan Knapp
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Re: Brexit democracy

2017-11-06 Thread Ivan Knapp
Not new to anyone here i'm sure, but this thread can't help bringing to
mind Wendy Brown's ever more prescient work on this subject- especially
chapter IV

On 6 November 2017 at 15:44, Brian Holmes <>

> On 11/06/2017 05:13 AM, David Garcia wrote:
> The success of the slogan ‘Take Back Control” is cruscial to understand it
>> speaks to the profound loss of agency that so many of us feel and how for
>> many the capacity to disrupt politics as usual gave Brexit voters a sense
>> of power.
> This is spot on for the United States as well. Alas, in our country the
> wording for a very similar sentiment was very different: "Build That Wall."
> The many degrees of hatred condensed in such a statement have made it
> almost impossible to have any conversations with core Trump voters, who
> definitely want to hang on to their sense of empowerment. However, you can
> have conversations with centrist people who simply never would have spoken
> to strangers about politics before. Not just the Republicans, but also the
> plutocracy, the corrupt Democratic establishment and sometimes even the
> police and the military are critiqued in ways that were formerly taboo.
> Universal health care and climate change mitigation are increasingly seen
> by the Center Left as urgent needs. But it's tough to get to the three key
> questions: How do we restore democratic equality? Who is the 'we'? And is
> 'restore' the right word?
> The Right has presented us with the demand for system change. So doing,
> they have responded to a deep and fully justified anxiety which the
> Democrats - and to some extent, even the post-68 Left - could not voice.
> But it's clear that Trump cannot produce the change, only its media-driven,
> hate-drenched simulacrum. The real thing is so much harder to achieve. It
> requires a political, economic, philosophical and even spiritual shift in
> each of the people who would be its agents. You cannot get that from a
> single leader or a single doctrine, much less a slogan. I can only speak
> from my own narrow position in society, among academics, artists and
> activists in a Midwestern city. Before we could successfully argue with
> Republicans on a train, we would have to have much deeper conversations
> among ourselves, while at the same time becoming much more sensitive to
> worlds beyond our enclosing spheres.
> Brian
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Ivan Knapp
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