So, according to Michael's numbers, to live up to its valuation, Facebook will 
need to quintuple its profits fast -- without alienating users. That will 
likely be challenging, especially at a time when its aggressive tactics have 
drawn a lot more attention to its legally suspect strategies (at least 
according to some recent court decisions).  His estimate tracks with others 
I've seen claiming that Facebook will need to double its profits each year for 
the next couple of years. A lot of people (or a few people with a lot of money) 
are going to have to believe targeted advertising is worth the price for that 
to happen. 

As for the history of advertising, I don't agree with Michael that the correct 
way to frame the discussion is as a contest between two conjectures: that 
advertising "causes" consumerism or that production automatically creates its 
own demand (I suspect this is really a version of the claim that the demand was 
always already there, waiting for the market to catch up to it). A lot of work 
on the history of advertising and marketing has been done (to name a few, see, 
for example, Roland Marchand's Advertising the American Dream, Schudson's: 
Advertising, the Uneasy Persuasion, Beniger's The Control Revolution, Ewen's 
Captains of Consciousness). The standard story is that as industrialization and 
the rationalization of production dramatically enhance the productive capacity 
of industry, the need emerges to ensure that there is a market for the new glut 
of relatively inexpensive, mass produced products. This leads to a focus on 
both distribution and marketing/advertising. Producers
  needed both to get the word out, and to find strategies for convincing people 
to change traditional patterns of domestic production and consumption. 
Eventually they sought to find ways to connect products with desirable 
lifestyles -- indeed to build the image of desirable lifestyles modeled around 
consumer goods (Marchand's book is great at documenting this process). 

This is not to say that advertisers are brainwashers, but rather to claim that 
they, along with the media they support, play an important (thought not 
exclusive) role in selectively representing society to itself, and in shaping 
this image to reflect the imperatives of those who craft it. It would be 
setting up a straw man to reduce this claim to the assertion that advertising 
single-handedly created consumer society. But I don't think we're left with the 
choice between saying that either advertising is solely to blame (or credit) or 
that it has no significant role to play. The historical accounts suggest that 
it had an important contributing role -- not so much in moving particular 
products as in helping to shape and publicize an ethos of consumption and the 
media environment that reinforces it. 

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