nettime Yes, we leak - Diving in the corruption of Spanish system.

2015-06-27 Thread Simona Levi
Dear all,

we have just permite the open access to our main leak (enter form the bottom 
left column):

The reason we are sending to this list is become we think the divise can be of 
interest. The contents are more for researchers on corruption and finances.

More infos here:
Spain, December 2013: 8,000 leaked e-mails sent from Caja Madrid corporate 
regarding the actions of former president, Miguel Blesa, have led to over 100 
bankers and
politicians facing trial. This is the inside story of Blesa’s e-mails, from 
those behind
the leak.

All the best,


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Re: nettime hot summer in Europe

2015-06-13 Thread Simona Levi

My 5 cents on the subject:

24M: It was not a victory for Podemos, but for the Indignados' movement

We are increasing our competencies and the fronts we?re fighting on, not 
imploding into a
single brand.
And it works ;).

All the best,


El 13/06/15 a las 12:24, Felix Stalder escribi?:

 After Barcelona, now Madrid [1]. Majors from the M15 movement are now
 in charge of the two biggest cities in Spain. Greece is on the brink
 of being sacrificed on the altar of orthodoxy. The war in the Ukraine
 is grinding on. Is 2015 turning into 1913? Who knows, but it's gonna
 be a hot summer in Europe for sure.


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nettime FYI Hacking EU Parliament: #FalcianiVsJuncker

2014-04-24 Thread Simona Levi

For the corrupt elites that govern us, the candidate of the Citizens' Network 
Party X
Hervé Falciani poses a threat as big as Juncker, and the Troika and its 
policies, are to
us, the people, the citizens.

The European PP (the major group in the European Parliament), has proposed 
Juncker to be its candidate for president of the European Comission. He 
governed Luxemburg
for 18 years like a tax haven and had to resign for spying on the Luxemburg 
parliament. He
has also been Governor of the World Bank and was president of the Eurogroup. He 
was also
proposed as Governor of the International Monetary Fund and the Central 
European Bank.

Juncker IS the Troika. He is Merkel's candidate and he is being supported, of 
course, by
Rajoy. Juncker is the market. He is austerity and impunity.

Falciani was an anonymous citizen until he abandoned his position as a systems 
engineer in
a Swiss bank, taking with him data about tax evasion of 130,000 large fortunes. 
Falcini lives under witness protection because his life is at risk. His 
information is
known as the Falciani list and it is much more than a list of names of great 
tax evaders.
It is a monumental set of data that Falcini collected thoroughly for years and 
that prove
to the citizens the scam that the political and the financial class have played 
systematically avoiding tax payment combined with total impunity. Tax fraud 
unveiled by
Falciani represents 2.5% of the Gross Domestic Product of the European area: 
300 000
million Euros.

Falciani´s work has allowed to recover many billions for the American and 
French tax
authorities, and several hundreds to the Spanish Hacienda and to proceed with 
causes such as the Gürtel case in Spain. But this is only the beginning. 
Falciani has
proved us that, besided a moral, social and political problem; corruption is a 
problem that can be solved. The corruption of those that govern us needs a 
constant flow
of briefcases filled with money, and that leaves a trace. You don't need much 
money to
follow the trail of a lot of money.

We can fight back. For the corrupt élites that govern us, the candidate of the 
Network Party X Hervé Falciani poses a threat as big as Juncker, and the Troika 
and its
policies, are to us, the people, the citizens. This battle goes beyond the 
framework. We call all the citizens to join in the fight for a Europe that is 
democratic and just against the impunity of the elites.
Printed, Falciani list could fill a freight train. We want the next stop of 
that train to
be the European Parliament.

More infos about the guerrilla comunication group called X Party:

This project start from an idea to adapt Network philosophy to action.
Here my staring text about it:

Then to hack institutions vía citizens' organization - via methodology.

Then a party anti-party:

Then european election. Here me explaining it in OWS:

And working with Flaciani in other things about corruption and deciding that it 
would be
great if he and his knowledge could go to the EU parliament. It would be a 
great MindFuck
, if you don't mind the word .

Here the story 

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nettime FYI [presentation video] The Citizen Network - X Party is grooving

2013-11-21 Thread Simona Levi
We  are a group of Spanish activists and citizens involved in a new
political initiative called 'Red Ciudadana Partido X' (Citizen Network -
X Party). You might have read some of the articles published about us in
English-speaking media [1] [2] [3] or some of the references appeared in
academic or activist sites [4] [5]. Anyway, you can find more
information about this project at our webpage [6]. Many of us have been
involved in the M15 Indignados movement in Spain, which has deeply
transformed  the Spanish political scene.

We have spent more than one year developing a 'prototype' of a citizen
network that could be able to pose a threat to the duopoly of Spanish
main parties. For the last several months we have been building that
network, which now includes thousands of people and active nodes in many
of the main Spanish cities.

Last October 8 we organized a public presentation of the project in
Madrid and six other Spanish cities that was attended by around 1000
people and was watched by more than 10 000 viewers over the Internet.
You can watch a video summary of the event in Youtube [7] (English
subtitles available):

We  are very interested in talking to people who promote similar lines
of  action all over the world.

All the best,
Red Ciudadana, Partido X



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nettime FYI [presentation video] The Citizen Network - X Party is grooving

2013-11-02 Thread Simona Levi
We  are a group of Spanish activists and citizens involved in a new
political initiative called 'Red Ciudadana Partido X' (Citizen Network -
X Party). You might have read some of the articles published about us in
English-speaking media [1] [2] [3] or some of the references appeared in
academic or activist sites [4] [5]. Anyway, you can find more
information about this project at our webpage [6]. Many of us have been
involved in the M15 Indignados movement in Spain, which has deeply
transformed  the Spanish political scene.

We have spent more than one year developing a 'prototype' of a citizen
network that could be able to pose a threat to the duopoly of Spanish
main parties. For the last several months we have been building that
network, which now includes thousands of people and active nodes in many
of the main Spanish cities.

Last October 8 we organized a public presentation of the project in
Madrid and six other Spanish cities that was attended by around 1000
people and was watched by more than 10 000 viewers over the Internet.
You can watch a video summary of the event in Youtube [7] (English
subtitles available):

We  are very interested in talking to people who promote similar lines
of  action all over the world.

All the best,
Red Ciudadana, Partido X



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#  nettime  is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
#  more info:
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nettime FYI [presentation video] The Citizen Network - X Party is grooving

2013-10-27 Thread Simona Levi
   We  are a group of Spanish activists and citizens involved in a new
   political initiative called 'Red Ciudadana Partido X' (Citizen Network
   -  X Party). You might have read some of the articles published about
 us in English-speaking media [1] [2] [3] or some of the references
   appeared in academic or activist sites [4] [5]. Anyway, you can find
   more information about this project at our webpage [6]. Many of us have
   been involved in the M15 Indignados movement in Spain, which has deeply
   transformed  the Spanish political scene.

   We have spent more than one year developing a 'prototype' of a citizen
   network that could be able to pose a threat to the duopoly of Spanish
   main parties. For the last several months we have been building that
   network, which now includes thousands of people and active nodes in
   many of the main Spanish cities.

   Last October 8 we organized a public presentation of the project in
   Madrid and six other Spanish cities that was attended by around 1000
   people and was watched by more than 10 000 viewers over the Internet.
   You can watch a video summary of the event in Youtube [7] (English
   subtitles available):




   [4] [5]

   [5] [6]

   [7] [8]

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nettime [text] Learn in the Net, act everywhere

2013-06-26 Thread Simona Levi

We tend to be self-referential. Our psychic structure pushes us
towards familiar things; our compulsion to repeat prevents us from
being spontaneously faithful to the objectives that we set ourselves
and encourages us to betray the things we know are good for us.
Our historical responsibility, our rational efforts, must focus on
remaining faithful to our desire for change. This means overcoming the
fear of the new in the ways we think and behave.

As our colleague Toret says: when you have no imagination, you turn to

And as Marx ' Groucho Marx ' says: better new than never.

All these steps are anti-natural. They all lead us to what we truly

We've been able to do it and we'll keep doing it; this is why
we've been able to take a r-evolution into a space of arid thought.

As I write, there's no doubt that I am missing some of the
subtleties. In general, I'm better at creating history than talking
about it. Like everything we do, egoism drives what I do. The future
doesn't interest me. I don't have children to pass it on to, and
I don't think the human species deserves to survive. But the future
is here in my present, every day. And as the saying goes, 'I'm
interested in the future, as I'm going to spend the rest of my life

See you there, along with my personal heroes who aren't in any book.

My heroes are my comrades in the fight.

Justice and quality

Simona Levi

Barcelona, March-June 2012

(translation: Nuria Rodr??guez)

PS: I've been accused of overlooking the more 'feminine' texture
of the struggle. Perhaps because of my military tone? J I actually
don't overlook it at all, but this didn't seem the right place to
show it. Children may be reading. J

But I do think that we should take advantage of the widespread
contempt for women. The enemy don't see us coming, and by the time
they realise, it's too late for them.

Licence: you can do whatever you like with this text as long as you
mention the authorship.


[1] : This text is a continuation of this one which I wrote last year.
It's called 'Working Notes for a R-evolution' and it includes
the following subjects, which you may miss in this second text:

- The defense of the Internet and of sharing

- The Internet as a tool for counterinformation and self-organisation;
as a way of ending impunity and the atomisation of ideas for change.

- Netiquete and a new ethics that favour maturity and autonomy thanks
to the recognition of each individual's merits and skills, and the
standardisation of forms of organisation that favour decentralised
control, the empowerment of end users, and the shared distribution of

- Timing

- Spaces: affinity groups and online collaborations; anonymous, viral
presences; 'brand' development; assemblies.

- The 'how': be radical, demand the possible.

- Learn to win: whenever there is change, there is loss.

- This war is a language war

- We need to be present at all levels.

- Letting ourselves be co-opted.

- Finding resources within the system.

[2] Erick S. Raymond, ??The Cathedral and the Bazaar??, Indianopedia

[3] Thanks to my friend Stef for passing me 'The Cult of Done'.

I think this is the original source, but I'm not certain.

[4] When I say 'do your crying elsewhere' I don't mean 'go
and cry on your own somewhere like a stray dog' I mean 'we should
treat our spaces of organisation as a space where we go once we have
our ideas straight, not a space where we can dump our insecurities and
weaknesses.' We have to build ourselves strong affective networks
that include other spaces in which we can care for each other and show
our fragilities. But we shouldn't ask strangers who may feel as
needy and lost as we do to cover our emotional needs and understand
our fears. Our space of political action and our emotional space may
be the same, but this is not usually the case.

This is not a text on spaces of affect ' don't look for any of
that here; that's a text I haven't finished writing yet. J

[5] Xabier Barandiaran and Lluis Guiu Metabolismo, comunicaci??n y
evoluci??n en redes bacterianas y tecnol??gicas

Other texts that I consider complementary and very useful:

- Amador Savater: '??C??mo se organiza un clima?

- Un mensaje para el #12M15M desde el barrio de Internet

- This DVD: very useful, even though it's completely off-topic

- Jacques Lecoq, my theatre teacher, taught me two things that he
never wrote down:

1- When you start an improvisation, accept things as you find them.
Use the elements that are available, never say 'no' to them and
try to impose your own.

2 ' Always ask 'why'? about everything.


Spanish original version:

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nettime The quickest crowdfunding ever to jail a banker (Spain)

2012-06-17 Thread Simona Levi
We did it!

In 24 hours.

Enjoy it ;-)
Soon more (and even better ;-)) news.

300 000 press results:,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osbfp=3ecb5371e9da3be1biw=977bih=436

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nettime Save de date: oXcars and FCForum 2011.

2011-09-21 Thread Simona Levi

27 to 29 of October 2011 - Barcelona*
Oxcars and FreeCultureForum 2011
Networks for a R-evolution

**Three days to think about what the Internet has done for us, and what we 
can now do for it ;-).*

2011 is the year when the consciousness of a global network has
emerged. The massive and strategic use of social and digital networks
has allowed the movement of citizen empowerment to step up a notch,
and has facilitated a viral uprising of civil society in many parts
of the world. The struggles to defend the Internet have shown to be a
fertile breeding ground for such uprisings.

The #15M movement within the *#spanishrevolution* is organized online.
By the same token, one of its biggest strengths is the feedback
process that happens between the network and the streets, between the
internet and the men and women gathering in streets and squares.

*We have to continue promoting, facilitating and improving the
efficient use of the Internet to achieve mobilization and direct

During the previous edition of the FCForum it was already discussed
that the intense struggles by civil society within the Spanish
state to defend the Internet against the Sinde Law (a law to stop
downloading) were the starting point for a larger action.

*For 3 years now, the OXCARS and the FCForum*, held in Barcelona, have
provided international meeting spaces in which to build and coordinate
common tools for issues regarding free culture and the Internet. The
FCForum gathers the main organizations and active voices that are
working on such issues, while it is also an open space for all those
who wish to understand, deepen and participate in the responses before
the pressing challenges that face our connected societies.

This year, the FCForum will focus, inevitably, on the experience of
the 15M movement as a case study that can be exported to the global

*The intention of the FCForum 2011 is for all participants to analyze
and build the best tools that the struggle needs at this point, both
for its organization and for the impact it aims to have here in Spain,
as case of study to be applied more globally.* * Some of the questions
that we will discuss this year are:*

Which tools and methods of online organization and communication have
allowed the emergence of the #15M movement? How can these practices be
improved? How have social networks facilitated a change in the respect
shown between people from different groups? What dangers threaten
the neutral, open Internet which we know and want to preserve, at
the local and global levels? How has the Internet facilitated the
creation of new ways of producing and spreading culture? How can some
of those methods become a way to avoid artists being used as an excuse
to privatize the Web? What should we do with SGAE (the main management
organization in Spain) now that its directives have been taken to
court ;-)?

*This gathering of 2 days will be preceded, as always, by the OXCARS,
the biggest free culture event of all time. A great celebration of
free culture that will serve as a warm-up event.*

We believe it will be a very useful space for the empowerment of the

We welcome and await you all.

This year we will be helped along in our discussions, amongst many
others, by John Perry Barlow, who in 1996 lit the spark with his
'declaration of independence in ciberspace', Alex de la Iglesia, who
stepped down from his post as Director of the Film Academy in protest
against the Sinde law, as well as many of the hackers and people who
have created tools to assist the actions of the 15M movement, such as
the network

*Three days to think about what the Internet has done for us, and what we 
can now do for it ;-).*

Thursday 27th October, 20.30 Oxcars Sala Apolo - Barcelona
Friday 28th and Saturday 29th from 11h to 21h at the Rambla in front of 
Santa Monica and at Santa Monica, Drassanes metro stop


English translation will be provide.
Please, help to disseminate the info.*
Twitter at @fcforum_net (ingl?s) at @fcforum (ingl?s)
Twitter at @X_net_ (castellano)


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