Catalonia And Brexit: The Same Nationalism

2017-10-09 Thread Siegel Allan
A reasonable appraisal of the situation:

“The British Prime Minister, David Cameron, will not enter the history books as 
an enlightened leader. However, when in 2014 he had to decide to allow the 
Scottish referendum, he used his brain and opened the door for the referendum. 
It took place on October 14, 2014. Only 45% of the Scots voted for 
independence. The contrast with the referendum in Catalonia could not be 
greater. The Spanish Prime Minister Rajoy stupidly decided to use violence to 
prevent a referendum in Catalonia, despite the fact that a peaceful referendum 
would most probably have led to a similar outcome as in Read Here:”

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to Brexit or not to Brexit that was only one of the questions

2016-06-26 Thread siegel allan


As Brian Holmes has stated, "Yesterday's vote is a stunning development and it 
foreshadows the possible end of an era shaped, in many positive respects, by 
1968 and  the immense and diverse forces of liberation that flowered in its 
wake.” This is only partially true; but, nevertheless, indicates an important 
frame of reference in regards to the implications of the Brexit vote. Like the 
’68 events, and more generally the political movements that flowered during the 
post-war period (including the revolutionary movements in Africa and Latin 
America as well as the civil rights and anti-war movements in the U.S.) what 
was brought into the foreground was the necessity of the Western democracies to 
deliver on the promises of their anti-colonial rhetoric. They didn't. And, 
putting aside (for the moment) whatever truths lay behind the propaganda 
battles of the Cold War, what we do know is that the colonial powers of Europe 
and the neo-colonial upstart, the U.S, needed to be forcibly pushed to 
relinquish their colonial dominions AND often the changes that did take place 
were short lived or only partial. But this serves only as a fragmentary context 
of the times.

What was significant about this historical moment is that it dramatically 
highlighted the disconnect between the rhetoric of democratic regimes and 
social reality. In the U.S. this disjuncture was painfully obvious in regards 
to the limitations on human rights and violence directed towards America’s Afro 
American citizens, in particular. And, while the post-68 generations carried 
forward many forces (and ideas) regarding human liberation, and other social 
movements, “in their wake” was an equally forceful counterrevolution 
incorporating what Marcuse called ‘repressive tolerance’ as well as an 
avalanche of neoliberal policies and wars that created the ground work for new 
forms of social alienation and political disconnections. 

The complexity and diversity of today's emerging social movements are 
significant and have parallels with an earlier time; they define a prologue 
that suggests new forms of political dscourse and actions; they consciously 
seek to diverge from traditional and stale political institutions. We see this 
in the Bernie Sanders campaign in the U.S., in France, In Spain, in Greece and 
very soon in England. The common denominator here is youth, disempowered and 
disillusioned youth who, like the youth in ’68, see the political rhetoric of 
the established political parties as a sham: their rhetoric riddled with lies 
and disinformation. The Iraq war in this sense was a watershed for it not only 
brought havoc on to the region but was justified by pompous sloganeering and 
policy statements that were little more than conscious deceptions designed to 
sway public opinion.

When I say that the present moment is simply a prologue marking more critical 
struggles that lay beyond our immediate horizon or sense of the possible, I 
mean exactly that. What is required now is a rigorous sifting through the 
ideological terrain and a thorough critique of the viability of existing 
political institutions; the moment requires also a decisive leap in our 
collective ideological imaginations; a leap that strenghtens nascent, 
innovative, political institutions; that articulates new forms of governance; 
and, most definitely, developes and publicises social and economic policies 
that courageously break new ground. 


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