Bogdanov was the founder of 'Critical' 'Cultural' 'Western' 'Marxism'
as opposed to Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant versions of religious
and scolastic Marxism(s).

The below is the list of Alexander Bogdanov's main works in book format.

And here is the Russian language list compiled by one of the editors
of the Alexander Bogdanov library, Evgeni V. Pavlov:

Bogdanov's books in Russian:

Bogdanov A. Short Course of Economic Science. Moscow, 1897; St.
Petersburg, 1899; 1905; Moscow, 1920; 1922; 1923; 1924; Petrograd,
1922; 1923; Kharkov, 1922; 1923; Kursk, 1922; Novgorod, 1922; [15

Bogdanov A. Key Elements of Natural Studies. St. Petersburg, 1899

Bogdanov A. Cognition from Historical Point of View. St. Petersburg, 1901

Bogdanov A. On Psychology of Society (Articles of 1901-1904). St.
Petersburg, 1904; 1906

Bogdanov A. (as Ryadovoy). Olminsky M. Our Misunderstandings. Geneva, 1904

Bogdanov A. Empiriomonısm: Articles on Philosophy. Vol. 1. Moscow,
1904; Vol. 2. Moscow, 1905; Vol. 3. Moscow, 1906

Bogdanov A. Red Star: Roman-Utopia. St. Petersburg, 1908; Moscow —
Leningrad, 1924; 1929; [6 editions]

Bogdanov A. Destruction of a Great Fetishism. Faith and Science. St.
Petersburg, 1910

Bogdanov A., Stepanov N. Course of Political Economy. Vol. 1. St.
Petersburg, 1910; Vol. 2. Moscow-Prague, 1919-1920; 1925; [3 editions]

Bogdanov A. Cultural Aims of the Present. St. Petersburg, 1911

Bogdanov A. Engineer Manny. Fantastic Novel. St. Petersburg, 1912; Moscow, 1918

Bogdanov A. General Science. Tektology. Vol. 1, 2. St. Petersburg,
1913; Berlin — Petrograd, 1922; 1927; Vol. 3. Berlin — Petrograd,
1922; 1925; 1929; [3 editions]

Bogdanov A. Philosophy of Alive Experience: Essays. St. Petersburg,
1913; Moscow, 1920; 1923

Bogdanov A. Introduction in Political Economy (in Questions and
Answers). St. Petersburg, 1914; Moscow, 1917

Bogdanov A. Science about Common Consciousness. Moscow, 1914; 1918; 1923

Bogdanov A. Question of Socialism. Moscow, 1918

Bogdanov A. (as Werner N.) For What does Society Develop? Vyatka, 1918

Bogdanov A. Introductory Course of Political Economy. Moscow, 1918;
1920; 1924; Kazan, 1918; Tashkent, 1918; Tyumen, 1920; Kharkov, 1921;
Yekaterinoslav, 1921; Ryazan, 1923; Saratov, 1923; [11 editions]

Bogdanov A. The Elements of Proletarian Culture in Development of
Working Class. Moscow, 1920

Bogdanov A. Essays on General Science. Tektology. Samara, 1921

Bogdanov A. On Proletarian Culture: 1904 — 1924. Leningrad — Moscow, 1924

Bogdanov's books in English:

Bogdanov A. A Short Course of Economic Science. Ed. by S. M.
Dvolaitsky. London: Communist Party of Gr. Britain, 1923; 1927

Bogdanov A. Essays in Tektology. The General Science of Organization.
Transl. by George Gorelik. Seaside California, 1980

Bogdanov A. Tektology: The General Science of Organization. Transl. by
George Gorelik, 1989

Bogdanov A. BOGDANOV'S TEKTOLOGY Book 1 Ed. by Peter Dudley, 1996

Bogdanov A. Red Star: The First Bolshevik Utopia. Ed. by Richard
Stites, Ann Arbor: Ardis Publishers, 1982; Bloomington: Indiana UP,
1984; 2006

Bogdanov A. The Struggle for Viability: Collectivism Through Blood
Exchange, 2002

Bogdanov A. The Philosophy of Living Experience, 2016

Bogdanov's books in German:

Bogdanow A. Die Kunst das Proletariat. Leipzig Wolgast, 1918

Bogdanow A. Uber der Kunstnachloss; Die Kritik des Prolet. Kunst. Leipzig, 1919

Bogdanow A. Was ist proletarische Dichtung. Berlin: Seenol, 1920

Bogdanow A. Die Wissenschaft und die arbeiter Klasse. Berlin—
Wilmersdorf: Dia Diaktica, 1920

Bogdanow A. Algemeine Organisationslehre (Tektologie). Bd. I. Berlin,
1926; Bd. II. Berlin: Hirzel, 1928

Bogdanow A. Ruga Stelo. Fantasia romano. Leipzig, 1929

Bogdanow A. Sowjetphilosophie. Darmstadt: Hrsg. W. Goerdt, 1980

From the above list itself, it becomes crystal clear that it was not
Ernst Bloch, Karl Korsch, Gregory Lukács nor Antonio Gramsci, nor the
early Frankfurt school philosophers, nor Althusser who did produce the
first systematic Marxist work on ideology, consciousness, cognition,
and culture. It was Bogdanov who opened the path, starting from 1897
and developing his ideas in more than 6 books focusing on cognition,
culture, and ideology both in an integral way to the critique of
political economy and as an autonomous field of inquiry.

This fact alone makes Bogdanov the most important Russian follower of
Marx, Engels, and Dietzgen, who upgraded historical materialism for
the 20th century and shattering the myth of 'critical' 'cultural'
'Western' Marxism. This makes Bogdanov the precursor of all the
others, who were aware of Bogdanov and his work, as Gramsci who
secretly translated Bogdanov's Red Star (see Ghetti, 2016) during his
time in Moscow in a collaboration with his wife Iulia.

To remember, and put in perspective, Bogdanov's major contributions are:
1. Production of first vernacular study book on Marxian political economy.
2. Production of the standard version of the Russian translation of
Marx' Capital.
3. Production of first systematic work on ideology, culture,
cognition, consciousness.
4. Production of the first communist utopian novels: Red Star and Engineer Menni
5. Production of the meme of Red Star, as the symbol of future
communist, collectivist, comradely society.
6.  Production of Tektology, as the emancipatory alternative to
reactionary  Cybernetics, General Systems Theory, Chaos and Complexity
7. Production of the first form of "Input-output" analysis, as the
core of the democratically planned economy.

Every contemporary Marxian, or radically critical thinker and militant
should, therefore, be questioning and knowing very well how about of
the demise of such an important figure and work, by conscious and
continuous efforts of the 'makers' and 'the leaders' of the
'revolution', Lenin first and Stalin after him, those who made gods
and prophets of emancipatory praxis out of their personal cults, which
has became one of the major religions of modern times, as the main
cause of the great failure of emancipatory praxis before capitalism.
Similarly, it is essential to see how this massive body of forgotten
work, offering a revolutionary new paradigm have preceded and exceeded
those Westerners like German critical theorists and French
post-structuralist, both influenced and manipulated by the development
Cybernetic apparatus, developed by US imperial army, and became part
of it in the post-War and Cold War era.

A new theory, science, and practice; a praxis of revolution, which is
capable of simultaneously building cultural, political, economic
hegemony and alliances, is on the rise as an inevitable and
unstoppable force.
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