> Am 10.11.2018 um 20:58 schrieb Morlock Elloi <morlockel...@gmail.com>:
> GOOG has been offered Stasi building for Berlin HQ:
> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DrojODFXgAAMPK-.jpg 
> <https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DrojODFXgAAMPK-.jpg>
Hm, looks like some of the protesters might end up in a moral conflict because 
of this… ;)

Btw, I couldn’t find one single newspaper correctly analysing the situation.
(International press review)

Actually the protesters didn’t win, but google delivered a perfect media stunt:

The truth is google nevertheless pumps 14 million into renovating the building, 
The main tenant, just gives the space away for 5 years, and only invited 2 
And google-friendly organisations to what they advertise as „social center“. 
One of them is a „google impact“ laureate, the other one gets depicted as 
social fundraiser 
Platform while not mentioning its other end of the tail with a think tank 
promoting to shift social 
Responsibility to the private sector. I guess the advertising agency 
specialising in „experiential 
Marketing“ that the fundraiser works with has recommended that sharing a space 
with an institution
Hosting 15 homeless teenagers makes for the best 3D experience for its stock 
Perfect example of social washing, not backing down.

Funny enough, though, the fact that the protesters can yet capture some kind of 
victory from this,
derives from that obviously neither journalists nor politicians are using a 
search engine for vetting 
the news google’s marketing department delivers to them :)
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