Re: European Islamophobia report - countries needed

2019-01-07 Thread Morlock Elloi

EUR 16K ??

They should invest at least the same for europhobia reports.

On 1/7/19, 15:04, Molly Hankwitz wrote:

::Call for Islamophobia reports ::

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European Islamophobia report - countries needed

2019-01-07 Thread Molly Hankwitz
::Call for Islamophobia reports ::

The *European Islamophobia Report* (EIR) is an annual report, which has
been published since 2015. The EIR documents and analyzes trends in the
spread of Islamophobia in various European nation states. Every year on the
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (March 21),
the EIR is published online and in print and disseminated among leading
stakeholders, politicians, NGOs, and anti-racist organizations. The EIR is
presented at several supranational institutions such as the OSCE ODIHR, the
European Parliament, and other important international and national
institutions. One or more persons can author a report of his/her country of
expertise. The executive office will disseminate the reports among key
policy-makers, journalists and NGO activists on the local, national, and
European level.

*Language:* English (Executive Summary in both the native language and

*Dissemination:* Reports will be available in hard copy and accessible
online via


*We are still looking for authors for the following countries:*

Long report (6,000 words): Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Netherlands,
Norway, Sweden, Switzerland.

Short report (3,000 words): Albania, Belarus, Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary,
Iceland, Kosovo, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Portugal,
Slovakia, Southern Cyprus, Ukraine.

*Professional fee:*

€1,000 for long reports

€500 for short reports

*Application should include:*

   - CV
   - Expertise in the field of racism studies, including Islamophobia
   Studies (list of publications)
   - List of NGOs in the country with which the author(s) will cooperate to
   get information on Islamophobic incidents on the ground

January 10, Feedback to authors

February 1, 2019: Final draft for country reports

March 21, 2019: Publication

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