Re: Fwd: [] Our Silence is (also) a Commons -- 05.25.19

2019-06-05 Thread Morlock Elloi

The most reasonable argument against suicide ever. Don't do their work.

Ulrike Meinhof was once rumoured to have said that every suicide is a
death by capitalism. And in this sense her note to her sister, "If they
say I committed suicide, be sure that it was a murder" can be read
beyond that of the specific

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Fwd: [] Our Silence is (also) a Commons -- 05.25.19

2019-06-04 Thread tbyfield


Subject: Our Silence is (also) a Commons -- 05.25.19
Date: Sat, 25 May 2019 07:14:49 -0400

Our Silence is (also) a Commons -- 05.25.19

1. Our Silence is (also) a Commons
2. First Postscript
3. Second Postscript

1. Our Silence is (also) a Commons

A few years ago, we wanted to organize a series of gatherings under 
the heading 'The Comin or the common Depression'. We were hestitant 
because naming is not a neutral act, and we did not want to call into 
existence something which we were hoping as a community to avert.

A handful of months passed and we received news that Mark Fisher had 
taken his own life. A brilliant writer and thinker who was himself so 
present to the challenges imposed by a realism shaped by contemporary 
capitalism, had been taken under. Again, we were challenged to do 
something, say something, meet together, read Mark's writings, only to 
fall within those same weeks, attending to the existential wildfires 
caused by uprootings and evictions within our midst.

In these years, we lost more than one can recount, when even one is 
too many.

Meanwhile the headlines go by, idiot president and hypocrite president 
before him, and parties, and journalists saying truths while the lies 
spill from their laps, from their laughs, from their cries. The 
society of spectacle becoming the spectacle of society.

Fake news indeed make good fake presidents and fake politics and fake 
lives, this analysis was done 50 years ago. Scurrying over to the next 
protest, the next corruption or scandal, the next evidence that the 
majority of institutions we inhabit are structurally capitalist, 
racist, patriarchal, and intimately hooked into the biocidal machine 
taking all life toward extinction. And we are not allowed to speak 
about it, we may be deemed out of our minds.

Green New Deal up their ass, as our friend Valerie Solanas might have 
said if she were still with us. And so too the addiction to 
organization, without ever changing the way we ‘organize’ our 

As if we would be waiting for the states and the existing forms of 
institution to bring about the revolution rather than starting from 
our everyday capacities and looking for the measures and means in our 
everyday lives with those around us.

Already since our meetings with Bifo in 2009, we wanted to orient 
attention toward one of the shifting terrains of capitalist 
exploitation and extraction, what Bifo at the time referred to as the 
mining of the psyche and what he would later write as the soul at 

How many have we lost in this war that is so invisible, so silent, 
where the very machinery of care or cure, like the hospital, the 
medications, the doctors themselves become the last and most violent 
tools of capitalist extractivism. The most bitter pill to swallow for 
those suffering from and struggling against the wreckage of capitalist 
life, are the pills whose efficacy are measured not by how many they 
cure and certainly not by how many they drive to the edge but instead 
by the billions of profits they bring to their manufacturers.

‘Welcome to the New Paradigm?’ Where the institutions that are 
meant to protect against racism or ecological ruin help perpetuate 
them. Or the institutions responsible for educating the young only 
seem to produce a more generalized ignorance concerning the gravity of 
our times. Nothing has changed really, only now it appears the forked 
tongue is more univocal and the masks hiding the racist, colonial, 
patriarchal, and classist inheritances and underpinnings are 
momentarily off.

Ulrike Meinhof was once rumoured to have said that every suicide is a 
death by capitalism. And in this sense her note to her sister, "If 
they say I committed suicide, be sure that it was a murder" can be 
read beyond that of the specific circumstances of her own murder 
inside Stammheim Prison.

How many silent deaths caused by medications, caused by overdose, by 
abuse, institutionalized dis-care, by the ‘there is no 
alternative’ conditions of a capitalist reality which does not give 
space for other sensibilities, values, senses of life - augmented by 
devices and apparatuses which aim to capture, extract, profit upon the 
last bit of intimacy we posses, our imaginaries and our words to one 
another. And where journals and newspapers cannot read yet alone 
recall all the signs of a total disaster without adding a list of 
great books to read this weekend, great shows to see, great recipes to 
survive global warming, and the right app to organize your estate 
before parting.

So it is with a deep sadness that we interrupt our extended 
silence/strike to share the passing of a young comrade and friend of 
the space, Zack Rosen. The crossing of a threshold always needs a 
leaping into a beyond. We are in the beyond now, remembering a friend 
of the space, but doing s