Re: I farted

2018-02-07 Thread Andre Rebentisch
Cavalry charges against tanks. Is this a legend or real?

Anyway, one of the most iconic and defeating acts of bravery is the
sinking of the interned imperial fleet at Scapa Flow. The first ship
that sunk was SMS Friedrich der Große, named after another ruler (whose
brother build memorials for disgraced generals and neither became King
of Wallachia nor King/President of the United States) with an ability to
turn military disasters into alleged glory.

The methodology of sinking ships was later perfected by Hans Langsdorff
who flooded the ship under his command, the Graf Spee, and committed
suicide. An act his crew was quite thankful for because as a result they
were among the few navy crews that survived WWII.

Concerning the Golden Toilet stunt, let me raise the point that salty
humor can't become an exclusive domain of strongmen to demonstrate their
power. Old school conservatism always had the nice mix of puritanism and
dirty jokes. What observers failed to recognize is how - say - his very
breaches of conduct made Berlusconi popular and humanized him. Same for
Trump. It's like Commedia Dell'arte.

Isn't it funny that Trump is the first US President who tried to bark
back vs. North Korea in their own style of sabber-rattling. I think this
was psychologically the appropriate method superior to conventional
diplomacy. Does the Guggenheim need to become slackless?

Why not! The difference is consciousness. In the case of North Korean
propaganda, when they criticize Trump as a maniac, that implies that
they have to become more reasonable in their self-conception. In the
case of the Guggenheim they are not vulnerable as the art snobs anymore
when they make these cheap shots. It is also never wrong to be playful.
Your assumption is that the Guggenheims need to be the reasonable
professionals and that certain conduct would harm an art institution and
the art scene at large.

Here we are with all the preconceptions and the paradox to have a
President that defeated conventional wisdom and an art community that
wants to restore conventions. Pointless actions matter.

-- A

On 01.02.2018 11:53, Felix Stalder wrote:
> This analogy is wrong.
> The better one might be the Polish cavalry charging against German tanks
> in September 1939. Impeccable in style, even scoring a micro-victory,
> but no match to the forces just unleashed.
> Felix

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Re: I farted

2018-02-01 Thread walter palmetshofer

On 2018-02-01 11:53, Felix Stalder wrote:

This analogy is wrong.

Trafalgar not Krojanty.

Charge at Krojanty
.DE vs. .PL
killed: 11 vs. 19 - 25
wounded: 9 vs. 40 - 50

Battle of Trafalgar
.FR&.ES vs. UK
casualties & losses: 13.781 vs. 1.666
ships lost: 22 vs. 0

Same up shit creek without a paddle situation is currently unfolding in 

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Re: I farted

2018-02-01 Thread tbyfield
Spector's gesture may have seemed 'well played' to a few people on on a 
few social networks for few days, but beyond that its impact can only be 
neagtive. During a lull in high-pressure federal budget negotiations, a 
posh museum curator insults a famously thin-skinned president who (a) 
has a penchant for crushing his enemies and (b) rules by pouring 
gasoline on smoldering culture-war issues — what could possibly go 

We learned what can go wrong in the '80s and '90s, when 'art' was 
hijacked by a handful of attention-seeking pottymouths. But the main 
result wasn't to establish that the work of Karen Finley or Andres 
Serrano is brilliant or enduring. Maybe it is, I don't really care. But 
we do know that arts programs of every kind across the US suffered 
savage budget cuts — and reactionaries gained a whole new range of 
weapons to pursue their agenda.

But isn't it a bit odd that we'd be debating it in these terms on 
nettime now? The list's roots lie, in part, in the recognition that huge 
swaths of contemporary art had collapsed into irrelevance — part 
theory, part commodity, part ritual, part soap opera. Morlock suggests 
this is a 'perfect illustration of the dismal state of what once was the 
progressive left (20 years ago?)' — but 20 years go we were saying 20 
years before, ad nauseam.

Think for a moment about the range of freedoms Spector had, the 
resources she could have drawn on, to create some interesting or 
challenging situation — *exactly* the origins of this list. Instead, 
she decides to relive the golden moments from her youth.


On 1 Feb 2018, at 12:03, Keith Sanborn wrote:

I give the Guggenheim some credit, though the Cattelano is a cynical 
piece of crap anyway. The ironies there are instructive. Where is a 
more fitting home for it than in the bathroom of a racist who is 
obsessed with gold?

And if both analogies are correct, then farting in the Fueher’s face 
is not an opportunity to be missed. It’s on his level.

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Re: I farted

2018-02-01 Thread Keith Hart
On Thu, Feb 1, 2018 at 11:53 AM, Felix Stalder  wrote:

> This analogy is wrong.
> The better one might be the Polish cavalry charging against German tanks
> in September 1939. Impeccable in style, even scoring a micro-victory,
> but no match to the forces just unleashed.

Morlock came closer than horses against Panzers. At least the Polish
cavalry were bravely defending their country, however ineptly. This lady is
like a courtier who uses the manners of her class to disguise that it was
she who farted during the king's speech. It was a sly put down for the
benefit of cultural insiders and was never intended to achieve anything
politically. In that she probably succeeded.


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Re: I farted

2018-02-01 Thread Felix Stalder
This analogy is wrong.

The better one might be the Polish cavalry charging against German tanks
in September 1939. Impeccable in style, even scoring a micro-victory,
but no match to the forces just unleashed.


On 2018-02-01 00:02, Morlock Elloi wrote:
>> From: Nancy specter
>> Sent: Friday, September 15, 2017 8:18 AM
>> To: Smithi Donna A.-- --
>> Subject: Request for a loan from the Guggenhelm
>> Dear Donna Hayashi Smith,
>> Many thanks for your request to the Guggenheim Museum to borrow Vincent
> The narrative boils down to: POTUS invited me for a breakfast, and I
> farted during the breakfast. Gimme high-fives! We are The Resistance!
> Which makes it the perfect illustration of the dismal state of what once
> was the progressive left (20 years ago?) These days they are proud of
> farting. A sublime symbolic act ... the Art of Fart!
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I farted

2018-01-31 Thread Morlock Elloi

From: Nancy specter
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2017 8:18 AM
To: Smithi Donna A.-- --
Subject: Request for a loan from the Guggenhelm

Dear Donna Hayashi Smith,

Many thanks for your request to the Guggenheim Museum to borrow Vincent

The narrative boils down to: POTUS invited me for a breakfast, and I 
farted during the breakfast. Gimme high-fives! We are The Resistance!

Which makes it the perfect illustration of the dismal state of what once 
was the progressive left (20 years ago?) These days they are proud of 
farting. A sublime symbolic act ... the Art of Fart!

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