Re: nettime No Soap! Radio?

2013-05-01 Thread Newmedia
 I'm wondering if you can elaborate on something 
 here, as I find what you're saying to be important, 
 of course. in applying language, like McLuhan's 
 environment to technologies or media, how do you
 disentangle  our understanding of them from the 
 environment itself?

Carefully?  Painfully?  By  somehow getting outside that environment . . 
. ??
Or, as McLuhan said, I don't know who discovered water but it wasn't a  
After spending his life working on this problem, McLuhan came to use the  
FIGURE and GROUND relationships explored by Gestalt Psychology to discuss 
this  difficulty.  In this approach, the ground-of-our-experience is  
psychologically hidden (as a defense mechanism?) and tends to be exposed when 
figures-that-attract-our-attention change but remains elusive even  then.
For McLuhan, whose day-job was English professor, the dramatic changes in  
20th century literature were a powerful touchstone for him to illustrate how 
 this works.  In particular, James Joyce was a prime example of someone  
trying to expose a changing ground (in his case, to an electric media  
environment) that required his poetic gymnastics to become  manifest. 
I've been asking people I run into two questions for a few years now -- 1)  
do you think that the Internet has already changed everything? and 2) what 
the  most important changes in your attitudes caused by the Internet?
The first is a *figure* question and 95%+ of those I ask say YES.   Figures 
are easy.
The second is a *ground* question and very few can say anything other than, 
 Now I have an iPhone, etc. -- which, of course, is a *figure* answer.   
Ground is difficult.
In Gestalt terms (as used by McLuhan), what we think we understand is  
typically figure, while the environment is ground and is rarely directly  
Even though it is clear to most people that the figures of our daily lives  
have changed, trying to understand *why* this has occurred (i.e. examining 
the  changing ground) is uncomfortable, if it's even tried at all.
My presumption is that McLuhan was pretty good at working on  this because 
he came from nowhere (e.g. Edmonton, Alberta) but still had  a strong 
sense of identity (i.e. he converted to Catholicism in his  mid-20's).
It also helped that he was an historian of RENAISSANCES (plural) -- so he  
wasn't limited by the need to force-fit everything into a single linear  
narrative, which requires you to deal mostly with figures and ignore  the 
counter-trends that dominate actual history -- and that he had quite a  lot of 
support (until he didn't and it all fell apart).
Clearly our need for IDENTITY is at work here, driving us to express what  
is easy for those around us to agree with -- which then tend to be 
figures,  even (or maybe especially) among those who consider themselves to be  
McLuhan managed to gather a group of people who *expected* him to say  
things that were puzzling, so he seems to have gotten away without too much  
psychic damage (although the fact that his brain exploded at one point 
might  indicate that the stress was a very real one.)
Mark Stahlman
Brooklyn NY

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Re: nettime No Soap! Radio?

2013-05-01 Thread John Young
Stahlman's is a pretty good critique of Eric Schmidt's and Jared Cohen's
The New Digital Age, which features exemplar Internet successes,
Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple. And blurbed enthusiastically in
advance by Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Henry Kissinger, General Michael Hayden,
Madeleine Albright, Walter Isaacson, Robert B. Zoellick, Michael Bloomberg,
Brent Scowcroft, Richard Branson, et al.

It envisions the entire earth hynptized by cellphones and personal
media, overturning tyrants, advancing democracy, swarming public
discourse, and caring not at all about tech-wealth accumulation and
bountiful cooperation with global spy agencies. If you have nothing
to hide, forget about privacy. Enjoy the toys. 

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Re: nettime No Soap! Radio?

2013-04-30 Thread Ryan Griffis

On Apr 30, 2013, at 5:00 AM, wrote:

 Not HOT (like radio,  although with many similar qualities) and not COOL 
 (like television, against  which it is most directly opposed), the INTERNET 
 brings with it a new set of  behaviors and attitudes.

Hi Mark,

I'm wondering if you can elaborate on something here, as I find what
Iyou're saying to be important, of course. n applying language,
Ilike McLuhan's environment to technologies or media, how do you
Idisentangle our understanding of them from the environment

Isn't the environment (composed OR created by?) the Internet
partially constitutive of our current understanding of it (or lack of
understanding, if you prefer)?

Of course, I'm not suggesting that we don't try to understand
a given technology, but why not apply some of the same thinking
that's challenging ecological frameworks to this conception of
technological environments? What are the boundaries of the Internet,
as an environment?

In the end, your calls for understanding seem to assume a universal
subject that I think is far from a given. I don't think it's
sufficient to assume that humans are composed of a unified mass,
excepting those exceptional individuals that can break from the
mold and understand things more precisely. There's also an odd
juxtaposition of a kind of simultaneous immanence and call for action
in your posts, that I have a hard time reconciling. Just to be sure,
none of these questions/statements are rhetorical. I am really
interested to hear your, and others', thoughts, if it's at all useful.

Best, ryan

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