Re: nettime Post-digital - Mindful Disconnection: Counterpowering the Panopticon from the Inside (with Howard Rheingold)

2014-03-11 Thread Frederic Janssens

I mainly agree.

The realistic take has always been and should always be: Whatever

 technology and/or social process that can be used to strengthen
 the interests of strategic power, will be used to strengthen the
 interests of strategic power.

 Is a very apt description of what is the main challenge for me.

Concerning the Panopticon problem, I have seen no mention here of a
position that is the best bet I know of :

that of Sousveillance advocated by David Brin :

Has it been discussed and rejected, or never been considered ?



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Re: nettime Post-digital

2014-03-11 Thread d.garcia

Felix Wrote

 Where the terms makes no sense, in my view (and also in Florian's),
 is sociologically. The most powerful forces that transform globalized
 societies, are all dependent on, and amplified by, digital
 technologies. If anything, we are in the middle of the historical
 run of this development rather than at the end. The idea that the
 digital is just one dimension of society and that we can abandon it,
 is ludicrous.

Along with Sociology might it also be a worth including psychology
in the mix. Particularly in those spaces where digital management
tools such as gantt charts and other popular workflow apps along with
their digital jargon have shaped influential forms of pop psychology,
such as the Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) (whose very name is
self incriminating) In turn these 'instruments' insinuate themselves
in to the working day of most organisations becoming the default argot
of neo-manegerial audit culture with its positivistic lexicon of
'solutions' .

This landscape is described in rich and entertaining detail in Evil
Media by Mathew Fuller and Andrew Jofey who have done us a great
service of mapping and describing this domain of what they have dubbed
'grey media'. A range of connections linking computing, and digital
management and business applications with NLP type psychology and
management self help books. Collectively this digitally inspired
constellation has metastasised into a weirdly seductive language
(seductive because it suggests the possibility of controling our
events) that is all the more powerful BECAUSE it is unspectacular. As
the term 'grey media' suggests it fades into background becoming the
social and psychological infrastructure of the grey media age.

In a weird inversion of the Debord, Grey Media deploys digital culture
to bring us the 'society of the unspectacular'


d a v i d  g a r c i a

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Re: nettime Post-digital

2014-03-11 Thread John Hopkins

Rousseau comes fleetingly to mind:

The problem is to find a form of association which will defend and
protect with the whole common force the person and goods of each
associate, and in which each, while uniting himself with all, may
still obey himself alone, and remain as free as before.

And a short extract from my dissertation that resonates with that
question of how to proceed while propping up the wider techno-social
system *less*:

We most impact the power concentrations of the Regime by cultivating
an understanding of where our energy comes from, at all scales,
where it goes, and most importantly, where our attention is engaged:
on which signals, on which flows. In the process of paying close
attention to the highly mediated, amplified, signals of the Regime,
directed by its protocols, we confirm our reciprocal role as its
optimized energy source. By (re)turning our creative attentions to
the granular sources of the Regime's energy -- to the individual
Others around us -- and spending our life-energy, our life-time in
less mediated Dialogue with them via our own protocols, we immediately
begin draining the Regime of its primary power source. We preserve
those limited life-energies for more local and immediate encounters.
It is within these energized encounters, these Dialogues between the
Self and the Other, where transformation, (r)evolution, and change
are ultimately sited. As a media artist, it is this generation of
localized protocols that is perhaps the most effective strategy to
mitigate or even reverse the slide toward hierarchic centralization
[and consequent surveillance!!]. It should be some solace that though
we cannot escape the ultimate destiny of Life on the planet: in the
mean while we may choose to go with the flow of dialogue, embracing
change in the Self and in the Other, here, now.

and this aside, crucially:


Dr. John Hopkins, BSc, MFA, PhD
photographer, media artist, archivist

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Re: nettime Post-digital

2014-03-11 Thread Griffis, Ryan

This discussion, especially related to questions of mindful
disconnection, recalls Sigfried Giedion's 1948 anonymous history,
Mechanization Takes Command.;idno=heb01139

As he put it:

Never has mankind possessed so many instruments for abolishing
slavery. But the promises of a better life have not been kept. All we
have to show so far is a rather disquieting inability to organize the
world, or even to organize ourselves.

Of course, the idea that any instruments have the potential to abolish
slavery has to be read against Eric's statement: Whatever technology
and/or social process that can be used to strengthen the interests of
strategic power, will be used to strengthen the interests of strategic

Nonetheless, I found it a very useful historical analysis to consider
alongside these discussions.


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Re: nettime Post-digital- Cyberclasm of the 1960s

2014-03-11 Thread d.garcia
Browsing through the files of Amsterdam?s Institute for Social History (as 
you do) I found Tjebbe van Tijan?s excellent essay written in 1998.  Below 
is a short taster. Full essay to be found:

Digital ways of Forgetting: Smashing Computers and new forms of cybeclasm

The recent phenomena of cyberclasm started with radical student actions in 
North America against university and military administration facilities. One 
of the earliest examples was in 1969 at Sir George William University in 
Montreal where, during a conflict about racism on the campus, students 
stormed the computer center of the university, threw out thousands of punch 
cards from the windows and smashed the computer equipment. At that time 
computers were mostly stand alone machines with limited storage capacity and 
data was either stored in punch cards, that needed to be processed 
mechanically, or on reels of magnetic tape. A year before a little book with 
the title The Beast of Business: A Record of Computer Atrocities was 
published in London, containing a guerrilla warfare manual for striking 
back at computers that, according to its author Harvey Matusow, were on 
their way to grab power: from now on it is them or us Read on

d a v i d  g a r c i a

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Re: nettime Post-digital

2014-03-10 Thread Sandra Braman

2% of people -- across socio-economic class, meaning it isn't about
cost -- do not want a telephone in the home

having lived that way for many years, i can report that the pleasures
of it are quite real

sandra braman

- Original Message -
From: Nick
Sent: Sunday, March 9, 2014 8:58:27 PM
Subject: Re: nettime Post-digital

Quoth Felix Stalder:

 Enzensberger's text was just a joke, and the FAZ printed
 it because it would stir controversy, not because it had much to offer

Was it really just a joke? I'm not so sure dismissing it as that is 
appropriate. Sure it necessarily isn't a deep critique of the power 
dynamics at play with some of the newer technologies people are 
using now, but it wasn't designed as that, and I for one find the 
provocations basically reasonable.

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Re: nettime Post-digital

2014-03-10 Thread kontakt | florian kuhlmann
Am 10.03.2014 um 09:51 schrieb mp:

 and this is not a joke either: communal/collective spaces for
 communication can be really good. A place to meet. A digital square.

i have to admit i less and less believe in this.
the only thing i am strongly recognizing is, that friends, people and socitey 
are getting more and more unreal, the more they are integrated in this digital 
communication sphere.

the same thing applys to you.
i can insult you, laugh about you, ignore you, or praise you.
nothing happens.

fact is, all of you are not real. so i am i to you.
i am just an e-mail with some texts, letters, etc for you.
believe it or not. this is the new antisocial reality.

an e-mail

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mobil 0175 / 4 17 26 05
twitter @fkuhlmann
skype florian_kuhlmann

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