For the corrupt elites that govern us, the candidate of the Citizens' Network 
Party X
Hervé Falciani poses a threat as big as Juncker, and the Troika and its 
policies, are to
us, the people, the citizens.

The European PP (the major group in the European Parliament), has proposed 
Juncker to be its candidate for president of the European Comission. He 
governed Luxemburg
for 18 years like a tax haven and had to resign for spying on the Luxemburg 
parliament. He
has also been Governor of the World Bank and was president of the Eurogroup. He 
was also
proposed as Governor of the International Monetary Fund and the Central 
European Bank.

Juncker IS the Troika. He is Merkel's candidate and he is being supported, of 
course, by
Rajoy. Juncker is "the market". He is austerity and impunity.

Falciani was an anonymous citizen until he abandoned his position as a systems 
engineer in
a Swiss bank, taking with him data about tax evasion of 130,000 large fortunes. 
Falcini lives under witness protection because his life is at risk. His 
information is
known as the Falciani list and it is much more than a list of names of great 
tax evaders.
It is a monumental set of data that Falcini collected thoroughly for years and 
that prove
to the citizens the scam that the political and the financial class have played 
systematically avoiding tax payment combined with total impunity. Tax fraud 
unveiled by
Falciani represents 2.5% of the Gross Domestic Product of the European area: 
300 000
million Euros.

Falciani´s work has allowed to recover many billions for the American and 
French tax
authorities, and several hundreds to the Spanish Hacienda and to proceed with 
causes such as the Gürtel case in Spain. But this is only the beginning. 
Falciani has
proved us that, besided a moral, social and political problem; corruption is a 
problem that can be solved. The corruption of those that govern us needs a 
constant flow
of briefcases filled with money, and that leaves a trace. You don't need much 
money to
follow the trail of a lot of money.

We can fight back. For the corrupt élites that govern us, the candidate of the 
Network Party X Hervé Falciani poses a threat as big as Juncker, and the Troika 
and its
policies, are to us, the people, the citizens. This battle goes beyond the 
framework. We call all the citizens to join in the fight for a Europe that is 
democratic and just against the impunity of the elites.
Printed, Falciani list could fill a freight train. We want the next stop of 
that train to
be the European Parliament.

More infos about the guerrilla comunication group called X Party:

This project start from an idea to adapt Network philosophy to action.
Here my staring text about it:

Then to hack institutions vía citizens' organization -> via methodology.

Then a party anti-party:

Then european election. Here me explaining it in OWS:

And working with Flaciani in other things about corruption and deciding that it 
would be
great if he and his knowledge could go to the EU parliament. It would be a 
great MindFuck
, if you don't mind the word .

Here the story 

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