Re: nettime History of Computer Art, chap. V

2013-12-13 Thread Thomas Dreher
Dear John Hopkins,

Concerning Armin?s remark on Darko Fritz?s research on the New 
Tendencies: Darko Fritz was a (Co-)Curator of the exhibitions in Graz 
(2007) and Karlsruhe (2011):

/Weibel, Peter (ed.): bit international. [Nove] tendencije. Computer und 
visuelle Forschung. Zagreb 1961-1973. Neue Galerie Graz am Landesmuseum 
Joanneum. Graz 2007.
Rosen, Margit/ (ed.): A Little-Known Story about a Movement, a Magazine, 
and the Computer?s Arrival in Art. New Tendencies and Bit International, 
1961-1973. Cat. of exhib. Zentrum f?r Kunst und Medientechnologie 
Karlsruhe (ZKM)/Center for Arts and Media. Karlsruhe 2008 and 
Cambridge/Massachusetts 2011.

Darko Fritz ( wrote:
On Valdimir Bonacic:
The Work of Vladimir Bonacic. A Temporary Realization of the New 
Tendencies Program. In: Rosen, Margit (ed.): A Little-Known Story about 
a Movement, a Magazine, and the Computer?s Arrival in Art. New 
Tendencies and Bit International, 1961-1973. Cat. of exhib. ZKM/Center 
for Arts and Media. Karlsruhe 2008 and Cambridge/Massachusetts 2011, 
On Media Art in Croatia:
A Brief Overview of Media Art in Croatia (since 1960s).
In: web protal to croatian culture. panorama: media art 2003.
On computer-generated Art in the Netherlands:
Mapping the Beginnings of Computer-generated Art in the Netherlands First 
Findings. Fonds BKVB. Amsterdam 2011.

I hope The History of Computer Art will be useful introduction for 
students and scholars.


Dr. phil. Thomas Dreher
Schwanthalerstrasse 158
D-80339 Muenchen
Mobil: 01522/8775256

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Re: nettime History of Computer Art, chap. V

2013-12-12 Thread John Hopkins

On 12/Dec/13 00:05, Armin Medosch wrote:

Hallo Armin!

my reply was in no way meant to be a critique of the whole project as John
Hopkins wrongly insinuated. It is just a critique of the title which projects

Nah, it was a more general reaction on my part, there were a bunch of folks who 
started to drill down looking for weaknesses in it... This should be a part of 
the discourse, but seems lop-sided, without much positive spin.

I totally hear your original suggestions -- accuracy in linguistically framing a 
reductive re-framing of 'reality' is a good thing. And there are more obvious 
'mistakes' and less obvious ones. And accuracy, surely is subjective.

I was just remarking on a general nettime response which seems to be (imho) more 
times skewed to critique or to yawning silence than to praise or support. Seldom 
praise for folk's efforts. Maybe that occurs back-channel, I don't know. I 
haven't done a statistical analysis of this situation, so, yes, it's a feeling, 
I admit.

As a learning facilitator, I recall when I first moved to Reykjavik where I 
established a photo/electronic media program at the Icelandic Academy (B.W. 
'Before the Web'). I was quite troubled that there were no written or visual 
resources for teaching History of Photography, for example, aside from what I 
bought with me. (Yes, perhaps books in private hands, but only a couple 
Icelanders had gone abroad to study contemporary 'art' photography at that 
point). Even my teaching technically was illegal as I was not a member of the 
Icelandic Photographers Union -- a trade union!

This dearth of material in many ways was liberating -- no need to 'fight' the 
canon of history when no one knew anything about it!

But, of course, going back to basics of evolutionary development (paraphrasing 
Santayana): Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it. 
Having some texts (almost regardless of their content, in my case in Iceland) 
was better than none. They became the starting point in a discussion, *not* the 
ending point as a definitive statement of the nature of a former reality. I 
guess I've always been happy to see texts such as Dr. Dreher's being generated 
as they (possibly) enrich a learning situation. Happy to the point of being 
blinded to the negative potential of having reality mis-characterized. But wait 
that always happens with any reductive re-presentation!

I am hyper-conscious of making that point a constant learning moment, as I find 
it seems largely forgotten in the education system here in the US. The Bush 
Regime did a good job of removing 'critical thinking' from K-12 curricula, and 
thus, half-a-generation later, that lack is seeping, flooding into the 

It's true, the discussion occurring in nettime signifies what is always 
necessary, maybe it was the overall tone that I was objecting to.

BTW, what is that ZKM document sourcebook you spoke of (did Darko author it?) -- 
do you have a bibliographic entry for that?


Dr. John Hopkins, BSc, MFA, PhD

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Re: nettime History of Computer Art, chap. V

2013-12-11 Thread Rob Myers
On 10/12/13 02:39 PM, Ian Milliss wrote:
 Have to agree completely, it gets very boring seeing histories that are
 only about the US and Europe or so called global histories/exhibitions
 that cover only the US, Europe and a few token Chinese artists.

It amuses me to see people complain that his history is “too German.”
That’s exactly what’s great about it. I’m staggered by the meticulous
attention to detail in Dreher’s compendium. I’m quite the fan of media
history, but really, ten of me couldn’t write a book like this.


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Re: nettime History of Computer Art, chap. V

2013-12-10 Thread Ian Milliss
Have to agree completely, it gets very boring seeing histories that are 
only about the US and Europe or so called global histories/exhibitions 
that cover only the US, Europe and a few token Chinese artists.

In 2011 an excellent book Synthetics was released written by Stephen 
Jones and published by MIT Press on the history of computer and 
electronic art in Australia from 1956-1975. THis is yet more proof of the 
falsity, or at least inadequacy, of the current approach.

Ian Milliss

On 09/12/13 20:39, wrote:

While on one hand this is a laudable effort to write such a history
and put everything online, on the other hand this should really be
called A Western European and US history of Computer Art


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nettime History of Computer Art, chap. V

2013-12-09 Thread Thomas Dreher

The fifth chapter of The History of Computer Art is now online in the 
English translation. The missing chapters VI to VIII will follow.
Chapter V.1 and V.2 on reactive installations (responsive environments, 
virtual reality, CAVE):


Dr. phil. Thomas Dreher
Schwanthalerstrasse 158
D-80339 Muenchen

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Re: nettime History of Computer Art, chap. V

2013-12-09 Thread armin

While on one hand this is a laudable effort to write such a history and put
everything online, on the other hand this should really be called A Western
European and US history of Computer Art

The first international group show of computer art was held in Brno at the House
of Art in 1968. At the same time as Cybernetic Serendipity was opened in London,
a computer art information exhibition and symposium was held in Zagreb as part
of the New Tendencies in August 1968, followed by a really big show and
symposium on The Computer as a medium of visual research in May 1969, also in

A very original contribution to computer art and telecommunications art has been
made in Brazil by Valdenmar Cordeiro in the early 1970s, not to forget, of
course, Hiroshi Kawano in Japan who started to work in the early 1960s

And these are just some landmark moments which quickly come to mind.

While 10 years ago it may have been easy to overlook those developments, those
things have become quite well documented through the work of Darko Fritz, two
large exhibitions in Graz and Karlsruhe curated by him, and a document
sourcebook published by ZKM/MITP, as well as through my PhD dissertation
Automation, Cybernation and the Art of New Tendencies


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