Re: nettime Phil Agre: Supporting the Intellectual Life of a Democratic Soc...

2013-09-23 Thread Rob Myers
On 20/09/13 10:20 AM, wrote:
 Television has *satellites* that BEAM the same propaganda to
 everyone. The Internet does not.

 As a result, MEMES don't work any more!  (Sorry, Kalle, you can't  
 advertise your way to a revolution anymore.)

If we accept meme theory then memes predate mass media. Neil
Stephenson had fun with this idea, Susan Blackmore made some more or
less testable predictions based on it.

Indeed mass media is a meme

The advertising imperative in monetizing social media does tend to the
condition of broadcast. Although as William Gibson says reliance on
broadcasting is now the very definition of a technologically backward

I do like (or possibly remember) the idea of a Madison
Avenue advertising company being tasked with fomenting a
revolution. They couldn't come up with anything worse than actual

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Re: nettime Phil Agre: Supporting the Intellectual Life of a Democratic Soc...

2013-09-21 Thread Newmedia

 Citizens would grow up accustomed to having a public voice, to
 receiving intellectual responses from others, and to articipating in
 a global intellectual culture. The cultural conditions of democratic
 intellectual life will have been achieved.
Sorry (to Phil Agre) but this is nonsense.

There is no public. There is no global intellectual culture. There
are no citizens (of the world). There is no democracy. There are
no morals.
All we have is a *technological* environment -- which is in MASSIVE  
transition from one based on television (i.e. the one that invented all these  
20th century *memes*) to one based on *digital* technology.
Television has *satellites* that BEAM the same propaganda to  everyone.  
The Internet does not.
As a result, MEMES don't work any more!  (Sorry, Kalle, you can't  
advertise your way to a revolution anymore.)
Yes, people were still talking that way back in 2001 when this essay was  
Now we (should) know better . . . !!
Mark Stahlman
Brooklyn NY

In a message dated 9/20/2013 11:17:47 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: 

Supporting the Intellectual Life of a Democratic Society


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Re: nettime Phil Agre: Supporting the Intellectual Life of a Democratic Soc...

2013-09-21 Thread mp
On 20/09/13 19:20, wrote:

 Citizens would grow up accustomed to having a public voice, to
 receiving intellectual responses from others, and to articipating in
 a global intellectual culture. The cultural conditions of democratic
 intellectual life will have been achieved.
 Sorry (to Phil Agre) but this is nonsense.
 There is no public. There is no global intellectual culture. There
 are no citizens (of the world). There is no democracy. There are
 no morals.
 All we have is a *technological* environment

What part of the technological environment prompted you to apologise
twice in this email?

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Re: nettime Phil Agre: Supporting the Intellectual Life of a Democratic Soc...

2013-09-21 Thread Newmedia
 What part of the technological environment 
 prompted you to apologise twice in this email?

The part that  replaced the mass with the *individual* . . . !!
While the MEMETIC notions of democracy and revolution were promoted by  
mass-media (therefore, to no body), digital technology has *flipped* 
memes  into something much more personal.
Phil Agre (who I knew) and Kalle Lasn (who I don't know) strike me as  
people who have tried to personalize these memes, so it occurred to me that  
they deserved an apology for their efforts.
It's not their fault that it didn't turn out as they had hoped . . . 
Mark Stahlman
Brooklyn NY

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