Re: nettime living systems theory [2x]

2013-01-23 Thread John Hopkins

- Forwarded message from John Hopkins -

From: John Hopkins
Subject: Re: nettime living systems theory
Organization: neoscenes
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2013 09:20:03 -0700
To: list nettime

On 1/22/13 07:18, chris mann wrote:
please, once again, computers process data. not information. they have no
idea about what theyre doing or why, so it can only be data. computers have
no motivation, no conspiracy, no horizon. therefore no possibility of
dealing with information.

As an organized and indivisible expression of a wholistic and continuous 
living system (ours!), through their operation, or even merely their 
maintained presence, they are increasing local entropy, and in that sense 
they are carrying information into the future as long as they are more 
organized than their surroundings. We are not separate from the wider system 
that we are immersed within. If we were, why worry about systemic 
degradations of the ecosystem...? Why worry about consuming energy?



Dr. John Hopkins, BSc, MFA, PhD
Watching the Tao rather than watching the Dow!

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- Forwarded message from John Hopkins -

From: John Hopkins
Subject: Re: nettime living systems theory
Organization: neoscenes
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2013 09:30:46 -0700
To: list nettime

On 1/22/13 07:38, chris mann wrote:
if you make no distinction between information and data, no further
distinctions are possible

Hi Chris ~

Given that I actually did not conflate the two, can you expand on this?

A machine (digital or otherwise) is not a closed system, it is an open 
system, and so that its very structure, provenance, existence, persistence 
carries information (as order). Maybe you are confusing the abstracted 
protocols that form the energy that pass through the machine for the 
materialized *thing* itself (which recursively is 'merely' an expression of 
other protocols and their actualized potential for directing energies in a 
specific way).



Dr. John Hopkins, BSc, MFA, PhD
Watching the Tao rather than watching the Dow!

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Re: nettime living systems theory [2x]

2013-01-23 Thread chris mann
my response was to your
.. In general, living systems
process more information than non-living systems, with the possible
exception of computers which have greater information processing

and your
A machine .. carries information (as order).
seems to echo the confusion. the information is only information to other
than the machine. otherwise we would be limited to saying yes. i'm
disappointed enough by the californian flu of agreement not to need it
amplified by my tools.

On 23 January 2013 04:42, John Hopkins wrote:

 - Forwarded message from John Hopkins -

 From: John Hopkins
 Subject: Re: nettime living systems theory
 Organization: neoscenes
 Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2013 09:20:03 -0700
 To: list nettime

 On 1/22/13 07:18, chris mann wrote:
 please, once again, computers process data. not information. they have no
 idea about what theyre doing or why, so it can only be data. computers
 no motivation, no conspiracy, no horizon. therefore no possibility of
 dealing with information.

 As an organized and indivisible expression of a wholistic and continuous
 living system (ours!), through their operation, or even merely their
 maintained presence, they are increasing local entropy, and in that sense
 they are carrying information into the future as long as they are more
 organized than their surroundings. We are not separate from the wider
 system that we are immersed within. If we were, why worry about systemic
 degradations of the ecosystem...? Why worry about consuming energy?

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