Re: multiple profiles

2021-04-17 Thread Thomas Haller via networkmanager-list
On Fri, 2021-04-16 at 17:57 -0700, Abu Rasheda via networkmanager-list
> E.g. running the following command multiple times
> nmcli conn add type ethernet
> will create multiple files
> -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 270 Apr 16 20:53 ifcfg-ethernet
> -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 272 Apr 16 20:54 ifcfg-ethernet-1
> Is it possible for nmcli to see that ifcfg-ethernet already exist and
> not create ifcfg-ethernet-1
> How can I pass this message to nmcli
> Thanks


The NetworkManager client tool (like nmcli, or a GUI) in general does
not know which file name will be chosen. In the NetworkManager API you
can see the file name (like 

 - `nmcli -f all connection` 
 - `nmcli connection up filename "$FILENAME"` 
 - `nmcli connection load "$FILENAME"`

but the client tool cannot pre-determine which file name will be used
when adding a profile.

If you care about the filename, create the file instead of using `nmcli
connection add` (followed by `nmcli connection reload`)

But is your problem really the filename here? It seems, when you add a
new profile, it would be good to choose a name for it, and don't let
nmcli automatically choose "ethernet" and "ethernet-1". Just do:

  nmcli connection add type ethernet con-name xxx

"con-name" is an alias for "", and contrary to what one
might reasonably expect, the "id" is not enforced to be unique:

$ nmcli connection add type ethernet con-name xxx
Connection 'xxx' (7f23f5cd-90f3-4cd8-8612-cf5d0856b130) successfully added.
$ nmcli connection add type ethernet con-name xxx
Warning: There is another connection with the name 'xxx'. Reference the 
connection by its uuid '8811722f-d662-48c5-9271-c8aa764d8f4a'
Connection 'xxx' (8811722f-d662-48c5-9271-c8aa764d8f4a) successfully added.

It's a good idea to ensure yourself that the is unique.
That means, before you add a new profile, check the existing names in
`nmcli connection` output and choose a different name.


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networkmanager-list mailing list

Re: Output silence!

2021-04-17 Thread Thomas Haller via networkmanager-list

On Fri, 2021-04-16 at 17:52 -0700, Abu Rasheda via networkmanager-list
> When a command is executed using nmcli, on the success a line like the
> following is printed.
> Connection 'eth0-ethernet' (a24480cb-f5d6-40a6-a716-dba09ab53d07)
> successfully added.
> Is it possible to not have this line go to standard out? 

> without using ">" operator. May some switch can be passed to nmcli

No. Use shell and its redirection feature. There is nothing wrong with
using shell's features to redirect and process the output. What is the
problem with that?

In general, nmcli should be usable from scripts, while also pleasing ot
the interactive, human user. That is a conflict. If you write a script,
you would not want this extra text but only get the UUID (or a

I guess, nmcli should get better here, and providing alternative
outputs that are more consumable by scripts. But the result would be
only more command line options, that all become part of the stable
API... we are slow and reluctant to change (or even extend) the output
of nmcli.

For example, if you go full measure, you could be very strict about
parsing the output and do something like:

nmcli_my_add() {
local x

x=$(LANG=C nmcli connection add "$@") || return 1
x="$(printf "%s" "$x" | sed -n 's/^Connection '.*' (\(.\+\)) successfully 
test -n "$x" || return 1 # Something is wrong, we failed to parse the 
printf "%s\n" "$x"

UUID="$(nmcli_my_add type ethernet ...)"


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