Re: [newbie] I can't install anything !!!

2003-02-08 Thread Aurélio Diniz
Thanks guys.
The problem is that not a CL fan. I just want a good GUI to manage my rpm's.
I there an alternative out there that replaces mdk package tools?

TIA and TIO :-) LOL

Filipe Dinis

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Re: Re: Re: [newbie] modprob

2003-02-04 Thread Aurélio Diniz
I downloaded iscan from :

It seems that today everything went wrong, because now MDK don't even
recognize the scanner at:
ConfigurationKDEUSB devices. Some days ago i could see my product and
vendor ID here.
What now?

thanks for all the help

filipe dinis

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Re: Re: Re: [newbie] modprob

2003-02-04 Thread Aurélio Diniz
Before go for the plustek driver, I think i'll give vuescan a try.

filipe dinis

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Re: [newbie] best cd burning application

2003-02-03 Thread Aurélio Diniz
Ok, i'll give k3b a go. But if my fstab (or the hell that means) goes
postal, you'll know it! :)


filipe - a linux user from time to time

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Re: [newbie] OT?, help convince my b/f running as root is bad!

2003-02-03 Thread Aurélio Diniz
If teaching him all those technical stuff doesn't work, just show him KDE
with a nice acqua theme and saying: Look at all these free programs!!... (it
worked for me!)
If everything fails, consider changing boyfriend! :)


Filipe Dinis

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Re: [newbie] best cd burning application

2003-02-03 Thread Aurélio Diniz
 cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab-old
 then try it

you're maybe right


filipe dinis

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[newbie] gurpmi problem

2003-02-02 Thread Aurélio Diniz
As someone here suggested i've tried to use gurpmi instead of kpackage.
When i run gurpmi from the command line it gives me an error: Everything is
already installed!
I've seen that this problem has been already posted, but i don't understand
how can it be solved.


Filipe Dinis - Portugal

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Re: [newbie] gurpmi problem

2003-02-02 Thread Aurélio Diniz
 It was probably me who recommended it.
 From the command line you might as well use urpmi since all gurpmi is, is
 urpmi with a little GUI wrapped round it. I was suggesting associating
 with the mime type rpm so it would open when you clicked on an RPM in
 konqueror and such like.

 If you do want to use gurpmi from the command line you have to give a
 name as a parameter.
 For example   gurpmi mozilla



Derek, i've searched the mail-archive and now i know that i must put gurpmi
to use x-rpm in the kdefileassociations.
In the command line don't we must type the full name of the package? Say:
gurpmi k3b-0.7.5-1mdk.i586.rpm



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[newbie] best cd burning application

2003-02-02 Thread Aurélio Diniz
I've seen that are many applications to choose from: x-cd-roast, k3b,
For a windows person kind of guy like my, x-cd-roast seems to complicated
for me..
I downloaded k3b but some people said that it screwed their systems..
I guess it leaves me gnometoaster...but i don't know..
Any advice?

Another problem: How can i put my cd-rom to act like a read-device. Only my
cdrw is recognized. I can't do direct copies :(


Filipe Dinis - Portugal

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[newbie] konqueror menu disapear

2003-02-02 Thread Aurélio Diniz
Here's a total newbie question:
Today when i opened konqueror there was missing the file/view/... menu.
Where can i get it back?

Tks for all your help,

Filipe Dinis

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Re: [newbie] konqueror menu disapear

2003-02-02 Thread Aurélio Diniz
that simple hum?


Filipe Dinis - call now for our preview CD!!!

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Re: [newbie] VueScan

2003-01-20 Thread Aurélio Diniz
It seems that i can get better pictures scanning in windows than in linux
with iscan.
Maybe is because that iscan interface seems so clean.

BTW, what can i do to scan images frm gimp using iscan?


Filipe Dinis

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[newbie] VueScan

2003-01-19 Thread Aurélio Diniz
I've downloaded vuescan. Does anyone knows how it plays with mkd 9? 
I'm using iscan with my epson 1250 photo but i find it a little limited.



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Re: Re: [newbie] mdk 9 slow on 3d games

2003-01-10 Thread Aurélio Diniz
thanks everyone for your replies! You guys are incredible!

filipe dinis

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Re: [newbie] Registered Linux User ?

2003-01-09 Thread Aurélio Diniz
(this i know:))

I'm user #298018 :)



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[newbie] ximian red carpet

2003-01-09 Thread Aurélio Diniz
Have anyone use this? 
It is worth downloading?
Does it play well with mandrake9?



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Re: [newbie] Epson 1260 photo scanner

2003-01-06 Thread Aurélio Diniz
I have a 1250 photo that can your great with iscan.
About the film scanner: Good point Anne, i haven't tried yet with iscan.
I'll try it tomorrow.

I also have minor problem with iscan, maybe someone here in the list can
help me:
Everytime that i want to use iscan i must do the modprob. I guess i
must add a line somewhere so i don't need to do it anymore. (maybe this
problem have been already posted but i didn't found anything on the mail


Filipe - Portugal
(each day that goes by i feel more confortable with linux)

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Re: [newbie] installing mdk rpm's

2003-01-05 Thread Aurélio Diniz
tell us how you (Portuguese people) call the waiter in restaurants!
(survival language for non-portuguese people)

Just raise your finger and say:
Se faz favor, queria a conta.  which stands for  Excuse me, i'd like the
check please!

Um abraço,

Filipe Dinis

p.s. is with messages like these that when i press the send/receive it
shows me at the end of the day: receiving 120(!!!) messages. I think that my
isp will kill me someday..

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[newbie] connecting to a mac

2003-01-05 Thread Aurélio Diniz
Is there any chance to connect to a mac? Is this done via SAMBA?
I have a win2k machine and imac on my network but i only can connect to the
windows one.


(i hope that someday i can run linux as my only operating system)

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[newbie] installing mdk rpm's

2003-01-04 Thread Aurélio Diniz

I'm sorry if this question have been posted 
- Ithought that when i install mdk.rpm files 
it automatically puts an entry on the k-menu? Or am i wrong? (yes, i know that 
we can use menudrake to do the trick..)


Filipe - Portugal

Re: [newbie] Guest OS in vmware

2003-01-04 Thread Aurélio Diniz

Yes i want to use my existing win2k inside a 
virtual machine. In the vmware site they tells you that .vmdk all only done once 
in vmware first run. I think a cancelled this operation.Maybe i must 
reinstall vmware (NO!)... 

Any sugestion?


Filipe - Portugal

Re: [newbie] installing mdk rpm's

2003-01-04 Thread Aurélio Diniz
thanks everyone for your reply!
As we say here:
-Temos que nos desenrascar, então!


Filipe - Portugal

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Re: [newbie] installing mdk rpm's

2003-01-04 Thread Aurélio Diniz
Temos que nos desenrascar, então! - There's no direct translation for that
but want i wanted to say was: So if the rpm install does puts a menu entry
i'll just have to make one yourself!

Cumprimentos = cheers

Filipe - Portugal

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Re: [newbie] Linux W2000

2003-01-03 Thread Aurélio Diniz
In my case, has i said before, PM7 worked fine to make a new partition for
my linux.
But first you must do the following steps before using it:
- Scandisk and Defrag
- Backup all you important data (just in case)
Ando go for it!

The worst that can happen is that you'll have to reinstall your windows. :)
But look at the good side: You'll have then a fresh new system.

Um abraço,

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[newbie] Writing on NTFS partitions

2003-01-01 Thread Aurélio Diniz

I don't if anyone posted this question 
Is there anyway that i can put my linux box to 
write on my win2k (NTFS)partitions?
Till now, i'm using a small fat 
partitiontoput my linux files that i want to open in windows but the 
process is quite boring..


Filipe Dinis

Re: [newbie] Linux W2000

2003-01-01 Thread Aurélio Diniz
Don't even think about resizing your win2k partition with diskdrake. It can
mess up your win2k.
I used partition magic 7 and all worked fine.

good luck
filipe dinis

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, January 01, 2003 10:38 PM
Subject: [newbie] Linux  W2000

 Hi, I know this topic isn't exactly new :)
 but I need help in order to allow a friend of
 mine to get rid of W2000 :-D

 What I need is to know how he can resize
 (avoiding reinstallation) of W2000 without
 losing any datas...

 I know diskdrake can't do that...
 So, any suggestion about Partition Magic
 or everything else?


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Re: [newbie] Installing a Conceptronic 56K Modem on Linux Mandrake 9.0

2002-12-27 Thread Aurélio Diniz
Thanks Jason.
I was going to post that same question but you answered it before i ask :)
My modem is working fine now.

Does anyone knows a good fax program with a nice interface thats runs on
KDE? I installed Hylafax but it is only available at the command line. I
suppose that i need a frontend for it.



Linux user #298018

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[newbie] Truetype fonts

2002-12-26 Thread Aurélio Diniz

Good evening (at least here in 
First of all let me thank this great list! You guys 
should be awared for all your help you gave here! :)
I've learned a lot with this list. 

I'm looking to move all my Truetype fonts from my 
windows partition to my linux. 
I suppose that they are compatible. Or am i 
I've been searching the net for a replacement 
program for my Bitstream Font Navigator. 
Do you know about any? I just want to calalog all 
my 7500fonts.



p.s - I have other problems that are bugging me but 
i'll post them later.
For all the newbies like me that are giving their 
firsts steps in linux here's a URL that helped me and now maybe you:

Re: [newbie] Startup smb problem

2002-12-20 Thread Aurélio Diniz
First of all, sorry for the delay.
Here's a stupid question:
How can i send you guys my smb.conf?
I opened it on kwrite but the file is to damn long and there are some parts
that don't are important to send. Must i attach the file to the email? Or
there's something that i can do in the command line?
Thank you for your time.

Best regards,

p.s. I'll be unreachable this weekend so i'll only have time to send the
smb.conf monday.

- Original Message -
From: Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 8:29 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Startup smb problem

On Thu, 2002-12-19 at 00:59, Aurélio Diniz wrote:
 I supouse that samba can automout my windows network. Right?
 It seems that is something wrong with samba.
 When i pass the startup (hiting Enter twice when it hangs on that smb
 i can't see the files of
 these disks are from a win2000 machine which is connected to my network.
 I need to these disks to be automounted.
 In the MCC Samba mounting points when i click on mount the systems
 freezes. Letting me with no choice that is to kill the window. :(
 The only way that i found to mount correctly the disk is to login with my
 root account. But this login and logout process is quite boring..
 How can i automount the disks?

 Yes, the shutdown problem (not always happens) is when unmounting the
 network ntfs partition.

 Thanks stephens for your help,


 p.s. i'll try this afternoon to solve my other problem (VMWARE) like you

As was stated before, you should probably run smbpasswd for your root
account and double check all your Samba settings. If you're haning on
the smb service starting, there is either an issue with a password or an
issue with the networking engine. Maybe you can post your
/etc/samba/smb.conf for us to see? Maybe the problem lies therein?

For your shutdown, you can setup a script to unmount partitions/network
drives, etc - do you think that might help in your issues with your

Thu Dec 19 07:25:00 EST 2002
  7:25am  up 52 min,  3 users,  load average: 0.43, 0.46, 0.41

   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Lighten up, while you still can,
Don't even try to understand,
Just find a place to make your stand,
And take it easy.
-- The Eagles, Take It Easy

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Re: [newbie] Startup smb problem

2002-12-18 Thread Aurélio Diniz
I supouse that samba can automout my windows network. Right?
It seems that is something wrong with samba.
When i pass the startup (hiting Enter twice when it hangs on that smb line)
i can't see the files of
these disks are from a win2000 machine which is connected to my network.
I need to these disks to be automounted.
In the MCC Samba mounting points when i click on mount the systems just
freezes. Letting me with no choice that is to kill the window. :(
The only way that i found to mount correctly the disk is to login with my
root account. But this login and logout process is quite boring..
How can i automount the disks?

Yes, the shutdown problem (not always happens) is when unmounting the
network ntfs partition.

Thanks stephens for your help,


p.s. i'll try this afternoon to solve my other problem (VMWARE) like you

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Re: [newbie] alternatives

2002-12-18 Thread Aurélio Diniz
I also have dual boot with mdk9 and win2k.
Does win4lin work with win2k? I thought that it doesn't!
I want to run my two best win programs in linux:
Photoshop 7 and Freehand10.
I'm trying to put my vmware running to do what i want but win4lin does seems
to a nice alternative.



- Original Message -
From: Brandon Vanderberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 10:09 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] alternatives

 -Original Message-
 From: Aaron Mehl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 I have a dual boot mandrak 9.0 and w2k.
 Even with all the complexity of linux I much prefer it over w2k.
 Did you look a win4lin?? This is not a toy like wine is. The problem with
 vmware is the price and I tried the demo and was not so impressed with
 performance, although those who know how to tweak it say they can get it

 My understanding is that win4lin doesn't work with any Direct X apps.
 The second PC is only a Pentium 200 w/ 64MB. So I may go with bsd
 or a very light mdk install in the next go'round. Not sure yet.

 I am trying to blow away w2k as soon as I can. This is getting me crazy
 rebooting. and I am wasting disk space as well.
 my advice is don't jump for mandrake 9.0 so fast. I have used many
 distributions. Redhat, Suse, debian, and mandrak.

 I've only used BSD, RH5, RH8, mdk7, 8, 8.1, 8.2, and now 9.
 Of those, I'm most impressed with 9 as a user desktop. To me, it had
 the best chance of getting an old window user to make a full switch.

 The only one that has been problem free has been Redhat. Debian is cool
 not for the faint hearted. Suse is way to big.
 I use Mandrake cause someone hacked it for audio applications.
 otherwise I would be using Redhat.

 For networking applications, (nessus, bb, mrtg, fwlogwatch, and the like),
 I'd also pick 9.0, though I've run other versions in production with
 no problems major issues.

 I think that's something I failed to mention in my first post...
 I'm totally happy with the choice of mdk as a dedicated work box, so
 long as I can rdp to a MSTS that has Visio on it. (Also gets me Exchange
 calendar and resource scheduling.)

 (this is all just my opinion)
 Since I missed your thread on the Mandrake newbies, what do you use visio
 for, and what alternivies did you try on linux??

 I've used dia, kivio (what's with the $10 stencils???), and another I
 remember. Don't get me wrong, I can draw a decent network diagram in any
 these. I just can't pass these documents back and forth to customers,
 management, and co-workers with ease.



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