[MCM] "I watched the terrifying way in which we Judaize the land": Israel's best are saying NO to the atrocities that "our free press" ignores (2)

2019-08-04 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*This has to stop—along with the attacks on those who say so.*

*(Scroll down for Jonathan Cook's piece on the crushing of US dissent*
*against Israel's bloody and sadistic occupation.)*



‘I watched the terrifying way in which we Judaize the land’: an eyewitness
account of the Sur Baher home demolitionsNews 

Yuval Abraham  on August 2,


[image: Ismail sits with one of his sons after being thrown out of their
home. (Screenshot from Yuval Abraham's film "A Dark Night in Wadi
Ismail sits with one of his sons after being thrown out of their home.
(Screenshot from Yuval Abraham's film "A Dark Night in Wadi al-Hummus")

*Translator’s note: Below is the testimony of Yuval Abraham, a filmmaker
and journalist, who stayed with a family in Sur Baher the night their home
was demolished by Israeli forces. Abraham’s account
translated from Hebrew, was originally published on Facebook and addressed
to fellow Israeli Jews. The story of Ismail’s family, described here
through Abraham’s eyes, is one of many. That night, 72 other families had
their homes demolished by Israeli forces. **Abraham and filmmaker Rachel
Shor made a short film about these events, available at 972 Magazine: A
dark night in Wadi al-Hummus
. — **Yarden
Katz *

*Click on the link for the rest.*

With Criticism Crushed in the West, Israel Can Enjoy Its Impunity
By Jonathan Cook 
Global Research, July 29, 2019

*Recent events have shone a spotlight not only on how Israel is
intensifying its abuse of Palestinians under its rule, but the utterly
depraved complicity of western governments in its actions.*

The arrival of Donald Trump in the White House two-and-a-half years ago has
emboldened Israel as never before, leaving it free to unleash new waves of
brutality in the occupied territories.

Western states have not only turned a blind eye to these outrages, but are
actively assisting in silencing anyone who dares to speak out.

It is rapidly creating a vicious spiral: the more Israel violates
international law, the more the West represses criticism, the more Israel
luxuriates in its impunity.

This shameless descent was starkly illustrated last week when hundreds of
heavily armed Israeli soldiers, many of them masked, raided a neighbourhood
of Sur Baher, on the edges of Jerusalem. Explosives and bulldozers
destroyed dozens of homes
leaving many hundreds of Palestinians without a roof

their heads.

During the operation, extreme force was used against residents, as well as
international volunteers there in the forlorn hope that their presence
would deter violence. Videos showed the soldiers cheering and celebrating
as they razed the neighbourhood.

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] Can we bridge the ruinous divide over "conspiracy theory"? (MUST-READ)

2019-08-05 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
> https://off-guardian.org/2019/08/05/can-the-progressive-conspiracy-divide-be-bridged/

Aug 5, 2019

Can the Progressive-“Conspiracy” Divide be Bridged?
John Kirby

People from a variety of advocacy communities who tackle issues ranging
from the assassinations of the 1960’s to vaccine safety are rightly upset
by a recent NBC News.com op-ed

by Lynn Parramore, a progressive journalist known for her insightful pieces
for Alternet and other outlets.

In the article, Parramore argues that those who espouse “conspiracy
theories” might be displaying “narcissistic personality traits,” suffer
from “low self-esteem,” and share a “negative view of humanity.” Various
studies are cited in support of this claim.

As a filmmaker acquainted both with the author of the op-ed as well as a
number of people from the communities under fire, I hope it’s possible to
dispel some of the misconceptions on all sides and even find some common

At the outset, it should be acknowledged that Parramore’s piece is an
uncharacteristically harsh *ad hominem* smear, taking its place in a long
line of similar attacks on people who have dared question—sometimes at
great personal cost—a whole range of suspect official narratives over many

But Parramore and many journalists like her are neither assets of an
intelligence service

unthinking tools of big media; she is fully conscious of the ways in which
power and wealth can be used collusively (one might even say
conspiratorially) to deceive and abuse the public.

So what accounts

a piece like this one?  Why does it rankle a progressive like Parramore so
intensely when she hears someone mention that the U.S. military-industrial
complex had the most to gain

the September 11th attacks, or that Big Pharma may be applying the same
racketeering techniques to the ever-expanding vaccination schedule
discovered at play in the opioid crisis


Those of us who have labored long to publicize state crimes against
our own list of the psychological, political, and economic factors

may be preventing smart people from seeing evidence that we regard as

The primary difficulty may lie in just how smart and thoroughly educated
many of these writers are: no one who has spent a lifetime looking into the
way the world works wants to think they might have missed something big.

And as Noam Chomsky has pointed out
, the more educated we are,
the more we are a target for state-corporate propaganda. Even journalists
outside the mainstream may internalize establishment values and prejudices.

Which brings us to Parramore’s embrace of the term “conspiracy theory.”
Once a neutral

little-used phrase, “conspiracy theory” was infamously weaponized in 1967
by a memo

the CIA to its station chiefs worldwide.

Troubled by growing mass disbelief in the “lone nut” theory of President
Kennedy’s assassination, and concerned that *“[c]onspiracy theories have
frequently thrown suspicion on our organization,”* the agency directed its
officers to *“discuss the publicity problem with friendly and elite
contacts (especially politicians and editors)”* and to *“employ propaganda
assets to answer and refute the attacks of the critics. Book reviews and
feature articles are particularly appropriate for this purpose.”*

As Kevin Ryan writes
, and various
analyses have shown


In the 45 years before the CIA memo came out, the phrase ‘conspiracy
theory’ appeared in the *Washington Post* and *New York Times* only 50
times, or about once per year. In the 45 years after the CIA memo

[MCM] "Humanitarian" Irwin Kotler and the whitewashing of the (atrocious) White Helmets

2019-08-05 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*Shame also on George Clooney, who is (or was) reportedly developing a
movie further *
*glamorizing those fanatics:*

*On Israeli/US backing of Islamist terrorism, there's also this:*

Israeli Islamic State fighter captured in Syria asks Netanyahu to bring him


Faux Humanitarian Irwin Cotler, the White Helmets, and the Whitewashing of
an Appalling Agenda

Cotler’s campaigns for foreign regime change or intervention almost always
march in lock-step with neoconservative U.S. foreign policy. His
“humanitarian” branding is but a thin veneer of hypocrisy to conceal his
establishment policies — policies that almost always serve the interests of
by Vanessa Beeley 

August 01st, 2019

By Vanessa Beeley  


On July 22, 2018, Israel organized and facilitated an exceptional evacuation

White Helmet operatives from southern Syria, claiming the operatives were
at risk from an advancing Syrian Arab Army. A number of NATO member states
backed the move, calling on Israel to bring their intelligence assets to

The White Helmets have been discredited and exposed as a
British-government-incubated project by a number of independent
geopolitical analysts, including Scott Ritter

, Philip Giraldi

, John Pilger , Seymour Hersh
, Eva Bartlett
, Graham Porter

, Rick Sterling
, Cory

many more.

This journalist’s extensive work
 has shown that the U.K.
Intelligence-manufactured group of pseudo “humanitarians” — financed by the
majority of member states within the U.S.-led interventionist alliance
waging war against Syria — is nothing more than an auxiliary of the Al
Qaeda generic offshoots in Syria. The White Helmet image has been
professionally polished by a vast network of PR agencies, billionaire
*philanthropists,* and media outlets aligned with their respective
government objectives to overthrow the Syrian government and reduce Syria
to a “failed state,” as they succeeded in doing with Libya.

Israel has a history of supporting terrorism in Syria since the start

the U.S. coalition war against the nation officially began in 2011. Israel
has offered medical treatment
the various militant groups previously occupying areas of southern Syria.
Stories abound of Israeli troops providing covering fire for groups
dominated by Al Qaeda affiliates or rebrands as they came under attack from
the Syrian Arab Army legitimately reclaiming territory lost to
internationally-backed armed groups.

As journalist Sharmine Narwani pointed out in her article “Are Al Qaeda
affiliates fighting alongside U.S. rebels in Syria’s south?


If forced to choose, Israel prefers the presence of terrorist groups to
Iranian influence […] Israel is so heavily [in]vested in keeping Syria and
its allies away from its borders, it has actively bolstered

and other extremists in Syria’s southern theater.”

Israel’s evacuation of the White Helmets was an extension of its
terrorist-supporting operations in southern Syria — and a response to a cry
for help from a U.S. ally that has also supported proxy terrorism in Syria
for the last eight years. Certainly Israel would not lift a finger to help
any entity opposed to its existence in 

[MCM] "Russia-gate" would be funny if it weren't so dangerous

2019-08-05 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*Kinda like Gen. Jack D. Ripper's lunacy in Dr. Strangelove—a satire on the
*anticommunism of Gen. Curtis LeMay, and a bit anticipating the insane

*of liberals in the Age of Trump. *

*(For some reason I can't cut/paste any of this trenchant and hilarious



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[MCM] Slow death by 5G (2)

2019-08-05 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*Be sure to scroll down for Richard Gale and Gary Null's comprehensive
*of the hazards of 5G. Please share that, and the powerful video linked
just below.*

*Families injured by Verizon cell antenna testify before Sacramento City

*for the 8th time since early May:*


*Their story:*

In December Verizon installed a cell antenna approximately 45 feet from my
family's home as part of the 5G testing here in Sacramento. A month later
my nieces came down with cold/flu like symptoms. A month later they were
still sick. We began researching the safety of cell antennas and the
radiation they emit. Our lives have not been the same since. My nieces were
sick for another month. They went from being perfectly healthy, active, and
happy children to chronically ill and low energy. It was a devastating
transformation to watch. We hired a local Certified Electromagnetic
Radiation Specialist to come take measurements in our home. Measurements in
my niece's bedroom were the highest he had ever measured indoors. He
suggested we move them to a back room and install shielding on the walls
facing the antenna. We took his advice and a weak later their symptoms went
away. We still worry that they are continuing to be harmed and that the
symptoms might not manifest until sometime in the future. It is a horrible
way to live and it is a direct result of Verizon's antenna. We have been
fighting to have this antenna removed since March 2019. In June I organized
a group of family, friends, and neighbors to attend and speak at a city
council meeting on the topic of 5G (fifth generation wireless technology).
5G will require millions of small cell antennas to be installed closer than
ever to people's homes and schools exposing us to unprecedented levels of
RF radiation. 5G also uses a higher energy frequency of RF radiation than
all previous generations of wireless technology. As a result the long term
health effects are completely unknown. Experts around the globe are warning
against the deployment of 5G without any evidence that it will be safe. We
do not want to be guinea pigs in this experiment.

A Slow Death by 5G Wireless Technology

*A Slow Death by 5G Wireless TechnologyRichard Gale and Gary Null
PhDProgressive Radio Network, July 9, 2019*

*During the past year, Senate hearings leading up to the roll out of 5G
wireless technology have made it quite clear that the race to capture first
prize in the Internet of Things
 has little do to with
popular consumer demands for improved internet access. Being called the
fourth industrial revolution, the hype is that 5G will provide internet
speeds up to one hundred times faster than 4G. Yet aside from the idealized
and perhaps hyperbolic benefits of faster internet connections and
downloads, 5G is best understood within the context of the US’ competitive
race against China to establish global wireless dominance.  The Obama
administration’s FCC, under the influence of the telecommunication
industry’s insider Tom Wheeler, who served as the chair of the agency,
launched the Spectrum Frontiers rules to mandate the 5G rollout as a
“national priority.” Therefore, rather than the fundamental incentive to
improve the lives of citizens, more important is 5G’s role to reinforce
American global economic expansionism and military hegemony. For past
presidents, and Trump in particular, economic figures hold all-consuming
importance. One estimate claims 5G will bring over $12 trillion into the
global economy, about $3.5 trillion in the US while providing 22 million
new jobs. While 5G surely holds the promise of a huge windfall for the
economy, these benefits will be eventually be neutralized by medical and
environmental catastrophes.  For the Defense Department, 5G will further
harness global military dominance and strengthen the US’ lead as the
planet’s policeman. For the Department of Homeland Security, other federal
intelligence agencies, and local law enforcement 5G assures more
far-reaching surveillance and policing on the American public.
International spying and interference in other nations’ internal affairs
will also advance exponentially. All the while the telecommunications
industry wets its lips over the certain forecasts of rising stock prices
and enormous executive compensations. For the Trump administration, the 5G
roll out is imperative. Last December the White House released an
announcement that “[I]t is imperative that America be first in
fifth-generation (5G) wireless technologies — wireless technologies capable
of meeting the high-capacity, low-latency, and high-speed requirements that
can unleash innovation broadly across diverse sectors of the e

[MCM] How the First Amendment really works

2019-08-06 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*The more truthful your "free speech," the fewer people will be allowed to
hear it.*


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[MCM] Eugenics, NOT disease prevention, seems to be the purpose of mass vaccination drives in Kenya, Nicaragua and the Philippines

2019-08-06 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*Here's yet more forbidden news about vaccines. For a good example of the
propaganda *
*mounted to suppress it, check out "Tetanus vaccine controversy," the last
section of*
*the Wikipedia page on Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCg), the glycoprotein
that was*
*found in the vaccines used on millions of Kenyan girls and women, and
that's also been*
*deployed in Nicaragua and the Philippines. *

*Read both that last section and the piece below, **and make up your own
mind. *

*MCM *

Mass sterilization: What’s in your vaccine?


*When your government says it’s forcing you to do something for your
“health,” run for your lives.  Government health care is, like everything
else our corporate masters engage in, not for designed to benefit you
(commoners/goyim).  Like all corporations, profit is the #1 objective.
Governments devote huge financial resources to condition the slave
population into believing that health benefits aren’t just another
“chemical, biological or nuclear weapon” being used to cull the population
globally.  Vaccines are a primary delivery system for all kinds of nasty
stuff designed to keep you coming to the people in the white lab coats for
a very expensive, lifetime of “care.” *

*In Kenya recently, a nationwide tetanus vaccine being administered to
young women has been identified as the vehicle for a mass sterilization


*“Kenya’s Catholic bishops are charging two United Nations organizations
with sterilizing millions of girls and women under cover of an anti-tetanus
inoculation program sponsored by the Kenyan government.”*

*“LifeSiteNews has obtained a UN report on an August 1992 meeting at its
world headquarters in Geneva of 10 scientists from “Australia, Europe,
India and the U.S.A” and 10 “women’s health advocates” from around the
world, to discuss the use of “fertility regulating vaccines.” It describes
the “anti-Human Chorionic Gonadotropin vaccine” as the most advanced.”  *


*And look who’s pushing mass vaccination worldwide.*


*“Similar tetanus vaccines laced with hCG have been uncovered in the
Philippines and in Nicaragua. In addition to the World Health Organization
(WHO), other organizations involved in the development of an anti-fertility
vaccine using hCG include the UN Population Fund, the UN Development
Programme, the World Bank, the Population Council, the Rockefeller
Foundation, the US National Institute of Child Health and Human
Development, the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, and Uppsala,
Helsinki, and Ohio State universities.”*

*Of course, United Nations agencies involved in pushing mass vaccination
have issued their own statement relating to the Kenya program.   *


*“WHO and UNICEF confirm that the vaccines are safe and are procured from a
pre-qualified manufacturer. This safety is assured through a three-pronged
global testing system and the vaccine has reached more than 130 million
women with at least two doses of TT vaccines in 52 countries.”*


*“Then there’s the issue of permanent, lifelong immunity, something that
can’t be achieved with any vaccine. In fact, vaccines eliminate all
possibility of a person developing lifelong immunity to infectious diseases
like measles because they circumvent innate immunity, the body’s first line
of defense against disease, exposing the adaptive immune system to viral
components that it would never otherwise encounter.”*

*“This causes permanent damage to the immune system and helps explain why
many people today are stricken with autoimmune disorders that prior to
vaccines were virtually nonexistent. What the media isn’t telling you is
that natural exposure to measles, for instance, is generally mild and
imparts permanent immunity — it is nature’s vaccine, without all the
chemicals and heavy metals.”*

*Who do you trust? Who can you trust? Do your own research. Here’s a good
place to start

[MCM] A mass shooting that "our free press" IGNORED

2019-08-06 Thread Mark Crispin Miller



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When 12 People Are Shot in Your Neighborhood, and America ShrugsNational
newspapers and cable news channels had little interest in last weekend’s
mass shooting in Brownsville, Brooklyn, where residents didn't receive many
thoughts or prayers from the public.



·August 3, 2019

When Roland Rich arrived last Saturday at the 56th annual Old Timers Day in
Brownsville, Brooklyn, where he grew up, he bought an Old Timers Day
T-shirt. He buys one every year at the festival, a souvenir to commemorate
the reunion of a few thousand Brownsville residents, many of whom he’s
watched grow up.

His son in tow, Rich meandered through the crowd late into Saturday night,
reconnecting with old friends. “Some people you only see once a year and
this is that one time,” he said. He had just met up with a friend, who was
there with his daughter, when he heard the crack of gunfire.

When it stopped, one person lay dead, and 11 others wounded.

Subscribe to receive
Trace’s newsletters on important gun news and analysis.

Seventeen hours later, families at a popular garlic festival in Gilroy,
California, would face a similar scene
seeking refuge from bullets fired by a lone gunman with a semiautomatic
rifle. Initial reports

11 shot — mirrored those in Brooklyn.

As *The* *New York Times* has calculated
this kind of mass violence visits communities across America with
frightening regularity. Most often, the numbers show, it occurs in
neighborhoods like Brownsville — mostly poor, mostly black — and struggles
to attract attention outside of them.

An analysis from The Trace found the same dynamic playing out this week:
Despite the similarities between last weekend’s mass-casualty shootings,
only one drew major media coverage.
Related Story
[image: A Guide to Understanding Mass Shootings in America]

A Guide to Understanding Mass Shootings in America

A gun rampage in El Paso, Texas was followed hours later by another in
Dayton, Ohio. Here's the essential context for the latest examples of a
deadly phenomenon.

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] El Paso shooter's father is a very spooky guy

2019-08-06 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
 assuming that this Patrick Crusius *was *the shooter, or the *only *

Published: August 6, 2019


It takes about five minutes of research to connect Patrick Crusius to the
CIA and its notorious MKUltra mind control program.

John Bryan Crusius is Patrick’s father. He is a counselor involved in
“Infused Being Therapy” in Dallas, Texas. He specializes in trauma and
PTSD. Crusius’ web page notes he worked for the Timberlawn Mental Health
System  in

Timberlawn closed down in early 2018. The psychiatric hospital was
investigated for patient abuse, including rape. Timberlawn is owned by
Universal Health Services, a Fortune 500 corporation in the hospital
management business.

In 2016, Buzzfeed ran an expose showing the corporation is responsible for
a number of questionable practices at its nationwide facilities. In
addition to accusations UHS defrauded Medicare
, the report lists a number of other
serious violations, including holding patients solely for financial gain

The FBI and DoD teamed up to investigate billings to Tricare, the insurance
plan  for active military and their

“Concerned by the use of psychotropic drugs on military personnel and
veterans, [Citizens Commission on Human Rights International
complaints noted that UHS developed a Patriot Support Program, providing
treatment for active duty members in the Armed Forces. Veterans and their
families are also treated in UHS behavioral facilities.”

Researchers at Yale School of Medicine reported in the American Journal of
Geriatric Psychiatry that 30% of veterans prescribed psychotropic drugs had
not been diagnosed with a mental health problem.

The military psychiatrists and physicians continue to hand out psychotropic
medications like candy to active duty soldiers and veterans with or without
a diagnosis of a “mental health problem.” The drug companies continue to
ignore off-label use of their drugs and are glad the military co-operates
in promoting them. Neither group confronts the clear evidence linking
increased psychotropic drug use in the military with the increase in
suicide and violent murders committed by our soldiers.

On April 30, 2007, The Massachusetts Daily Collegian
 announced the
University of Massachusetts hosted a lecture by Colin A. Ross.

The founder and president of the Colin A. Ross Institute for Psychological
Trauma, Ross is well-known for treating patients for multiple personality
disorder and associated trauma disorders, including depression,
self-mutilation and suicide at Timberlawn Mental Health System of Dallas,

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] Stephen Harper, former Canadian PM, now heads a global outfit that helps rightist parties get "elected" (by SUPPRESSING votes)

2019-08-06 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Stephen Harper Heads a Global Org That Helps Get Right-Wing Parties
Elected. What Will It Do for Andrew Scheer?Voter suppression works
Ask the Kochs, Trump and our very own robocall fakers.
By Michael Harris  Today
 | TheTyee.ca

Michael Harris, a Tyee contributing editor, is a highly awarded journalist
and documentary maker. Author of *Party of One*, the bestselling exposé of
the Harper government, his investigations have sparked four commissions of

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[image: AndrewScheerStephenHarper.jpg]Andrew Scheer, now Conservative
leader, with then prime minister Stephen Harper, mentor and ally. Harper
now chairs a worldwide mutual aid network of conservative parties called
the International Democratic Union. Photo by Adrian Wyld, The Canadian

*“If an election is worth winning, then there is someone willing to steal
it.”— Mike Roman, Republican National Committee, and treasurer of the
International Democratic Union*

   - [image: Tyee Joins Global Network for Better Reporting on Climate
   Crisis]Tyee Joins Global Network For Better Reporting On Climate Crisis

   More than 60 other news orgs sign onto Covering Climate Now.

“Hi, it’s Sarah from the Conservative Party. Can the Conservative Party
count on your support in the next federal election?

This text, sent on July 9 at 4:29 p.m., landed on the cellphone of a person
not on social media, and who does not tweet.

Reply “yes,” and the conversation begins. Reply “no” and you go into the
Conservative database as a non-supporter — valuable information for the
party either way. The text identified the sender as the Conservative Party.
Perfectly legitimate. But how did the party get that cell number?

The same way they got mine I suppose. A few days later, the same message
appeared on my iPhone. It all felt a little like a variation of something
the country has seen before.
The Tyee is supported by readers like you Join us and grow
independent media in Canada 

It brought to mind the Robocalls scandal

tainted the 2011 federal election, which delivered Stephen Harper’s
Conservatives their only majority government. As someone who took a very close

those dirty tricks, I was reminded of two other facts we should pay
attention to as a new election looms.

One, most people know little or nothing about a global organization called
the International Democratic Union, which is dedicated to getting
right-wing parties elected around the world.
More about the International Democratic Union

The IDU was founded in London on June 24, 1983, by global conservative
heavyweights, including former U.S. president and ex-CIA director George
H.W. Bush, former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher, former German
chancellor Helmut Kohl and former French president Jacques Chirac. The
group shared a common ideology: free enterprise, a strong military and a
deep dislike of leftist political ideology.

Member parties of the IDU exchange policy ideas, assist each other in
framing the political conversation and, of course, help their allies to win
elections. There are regular meetings of the full IDU, and regional
organizations. Officers are elected at party leaders’ meetings held every
three or four years. A major event is held every four years to coincide
with the Republican Party

[MCM] Official stories of El Paso/Gilroy/Dayton triad are full of gaping holes

2019-08-07 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*which anyone who really cares about them can't ignore. *

*To the many stark anomalies and contradictions noted in the piece that's*
*linked below, I'd add the strange exclusion of the 7/27 Brownsville
shooting *
*from the narrative now flooding "our free press" (with eleven pieces in
today's *
*NYTimes—not including two op-eds and six letters to the editor). *



*Or maybe this exclusion isn't strange at all, inasmuch as Brownsville was*
*"off-script"—i.e., not (seemingly) explicable as an explosion of "white*
*nationalist hate," the shrieking theme of what may (or may not) **one day
be *
*acknowledged as a classic propaganda drive. *

*Of course, this sort of dispassionate analysis is likely to enrage those *
*who've *
*been swept away by the emotional effect of all that wrenching **coverage
(the *
*usual effect of all atrocity propaganda). In their eyes, **anyone who's
not on *
*board with this whole push against "white **nationalist terror"
*—hate speech, along with stricter **gun control, is morally obtuse, or an
apologist *
*for "terror," if not a **terrorist himself. *

*Meanwhile, those official stories are so clumsy and, in many ways, **absurd
that *
*it's not hard to see why Beto burst out laughing while **attempting to
deplore the *
*carnage in El Paso.*


*p.s. As I've urged before, please read Paul L. Williams' Operation Gladio.*


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[MCM] California scrubs arrest reports for Kamala Harris years

2019-08-07 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
California Scrubs Arrest Reports from Kamala Harris Years


Kamala Harris (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Now you see 'em, now you don't!

The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation is redesigning
its website and has conscientiously removed some of former state Attorney

Kamala Harris's more controversial arrest records

her term in office.

You've heard of "favorite son"? How about "favorite daughter"?

Washington Free Beacon:

The department removed public access to a number of reports on
incarceration in the state, including when presidential candidate Kamala
Harris (D.) was California's attorney general. Twice a year, the CDCR
releases information about the number of new individuals incarcerated in
the California prison system as part of its "Offender Data Points
series. These reports provide important information on demographics,
sentence length, offense type, and other figures relevant to criminal
justice and incarceration.

Until recently, these reports were publicly available at the CDCR's website
. A search

archive.org's Wayback Machine reveals that as of April 25, 2019—the most
recent indexed date—ODP reports were available dating back to the spring of
2009. As of August 2019, the same web page
 now serves only a
single ODP report, the one for Spring 2019. The pre-2019 reports have been

The changes matter in part because the reports contain information about
Harris's entire time as state A.G., 2011 to 2017. Harris has taken fire
from multiple opponents for her "tough on crime" record

California's top cop, an image that she has tried to shed as a far-left
senator and presidential candidate.

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] Chelsea Manning, still in jail, denied a hearing, while her crushing fines keep adding up

2019-08-07 Thread Mark Crispin Miller

07AUG2019 [image: Kevin Gosztola]

 Chelsea Manning (Photo from Media Convention Berlin)

A federal judge denied Chelsea Manning’s motion to reconsider fines imposed
against her for refusing to testify before the grand jury investigating
WikiLeaks. He also undermined due process and refused to hold a hearing.

“Manning has the ability to comply with the court’s financial sanctions or
will have the ability after her release from confinement,” Judge Anthony
Trenga ruled. “Therefore, the imposed fines of $500 per day after 30 days
and $1,000 per day after 60 days is not so excessive as to relieve her of
those sanctions or to constitute punishment rather than a coercive measure.”

Trenga additionally insisted that he had the authority to confine her and
impose fines as well.

“I am disappointed but not at all surprised. The government and the judge
must know by now that this doesn’t change my position one bit,” Manning
declared in response to the decision.

Manning has been in jail for 147 days. She already owes $38,000 in fines,
as of August 7, and she could owe up to $441,000—nearly a half million
dollars—if the sanctions continue.

Her legal team said Manning will “remain confined for another year and will
face ongoing financial hardship,” unless Judge Trenga or a higher court is
convinced that the fines imposed will “never coerce her compliance” and
amount to punishment.

“She has no personal savings, an uncertain speaking career that has been
abruptly halted by her incarceration, and is moving her few belongings into
storage, as she can no longer afford to pay her rent,” Manning’s legal team
made clear in their motion.

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] Considering who they are, and how they got so rich, these billionaires' big plan "to shrink world's population" CAN'T be altruistic

2019-08-07 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*This is from ten years ago. How many millions have been killed off, and/or
covertly sterilized, since then?*


Billionaires Try to Shrink World’s Population, Report Says
Robert Frank
May 26, 2009 11:57 am ET

Last week’s meeting

the Great and the Good (or the Richest and Richer) was bound to draw
[image: buffettgates0526_E_20090526111421.jpg]Associated Press

The New York meeting of billionaires Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, David
Rockefeller, Eli

George Soros, Ted Turner, Oprah, Michael Bloomberg and others was described
by the Chronicle of Philanthropy
as an informal
gathering aimed at encouraging philanthropy. Just a few billionaires
getting together for drinks and dinner and a friendly chat about how to
promote charitable giving.

There was no agenda, we were told. And no plan for a follow-up meeting.

But in an age of fallen wealth idols, it was inevitable that a meeting of
billionaire minds would draw scrutiny. Surely all that money

power in one room had to spell trouble for the rest of us.

An article in the Times of London, headlined "Billionaire Club in Bid to
Curb World Population
said the issues discussed in the top-secret meeting included health care
education and--by far the most controversial--slowing the global population

"Taking their cue from Gates they agreed that overpopulation was a
priority," the article said, adding that “this could result in a challenge
to some Third World politicians who believe contraception and female
education weaken traditional values."

Such a stand wouldn't be surprising. Mssrs. Gates, Buffett and Turner
 have been quietly worrying
about Malthusian population problems for years. Mr. Gates in February
outlined a plan to try to cap the world's population at 8.3 billion people,
rather than the projected 9.3 billion at which the population is expected
to peak.

But some right-leaning blogs have started attacking the billionaires as
forming a kind of secret sterilization society or giant ATM to fund
It fed into time-honored fears of the rich using their wealth to reshape
mankind in its preferred image. Some are raising the specter of eugenics


I am not taking a stand on population control. But from what I was
personally told about the meeting--and what the Times spells out further
down in its story--population control was just one of many items raised
during the meeting, as each philanthropist talked about what they were
working on. It wasn't the reason for meeting and there are no real plans
for a follow-up confab.

The notion that this secret gathering was aimed mostly at shrinking the
world's population just doesn't ring true.

That said, almost all of the attendees are politically liberal. Do you
think this Star Chamber of Philanthropists is something to worry about or
something to be grateful for?

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[MCM] Pete "I'm Gay!" Buttigieg is the billionaires' top choice, by far

2019-08-07 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
81,885 viewsAug 5, 2019, 02:55pm
Here Are The Democratic Presidential Candidates With The Most Donations
>From Billionaires

[image: Giacomo Tognini] 
Giacomo Tognini Contributor
I write about wealth for Forbes.


[image: Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate In Detroit Over Two
Nights. Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images.]

Democratic presidential candidates debate last week in Detroit. Photo by
Scott Olson/Getty Images.

A key part of the race to the White House is fundraising, and the
candidates are trying to bring in donations from wherever possible. Dozens
of American billionaires have pulled out their checkbooks to support
candidates engaged in a wide-open battle for the Democratic presidential

As of the last filing deadline

the Federal Election Commission on July 15th, 67 billionaires — including
spouses and members of billionaire families — had donated to the 20
Democratic candidates that debated in Detroit last week. Some, like
Lowercase Capital founder Chris Sacca and his wife Crystal, have donated to
as many as seven candidates. Others, like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett,
have instead chosen to donate to only one of the contenders, according to
data from the U.S. Federal Election Commission.

To be sure, donating directly to the campaigns is not the primary way for
people to support their preferred candidates. Unlike donations to
campaigns, which are capped

$2,800 per individual, Super PACs aligned with a candidate have no limit on
contributions they collect. Direct donations to presidential campaigns
account for just a small fraction of the total amount of money spent by
outside groups.
Pete Buttigieg Leads the Rankings With 23 Billionaire Donors

Here are the Democratic candidates ranked by number of billionaire donors:

#1 Pete Buttigieg: 23 billionaire donors
[image: Pete Buttigieg Attends a Public Service Union Forum In Las Vegas.
Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images.]

Pete Buttigieg speaks at a public service union forum In Las Vegas. Photo
by Ethan Miller/Getty Images.

The 37-year-old

of South Bend, Indiana has racked up donations from 23 billionaires across
the country, leading his more experienced rivals in this race. Donors
include record label executive David Geffen, IAC chairman Barry Diller, and
oil baron Len Blavatnik’s wife, Emily.

Buttigieg has also been active on the fundraising circuit, attending events
hosted for him by two billionaires: Blackstone Group executive vice
chairman Hamilton James in Manhattan

Netflix CEO Reed Hastings in Menlo Park
, California.

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] Endangered orca whales are dying off in waters likely touched by Fukushima

2019-08-08 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*The first piece below, from late March last year, reminds us—or those few
who may have happened on it—*
*that the Fukushima plant was—is—still spewing radioactive water into the
Pacific by the tons of gallons.*

*The second piece, from yesterday, reports what would appear to be one
aspect of the toll of that *
*vast, ongoing disaster on the marine life along Canada's Pacific coast—and
that, of course, means*
*our West Coast.*

*Meanwhile, Americans keep eating seafood from those waters, the
state—i.e., "our" government-and-*
*press—having blacked out the catastrophe completely, while shrieking
endlessly about the threat*
*of "climate change" to the exclusion of all other grave environmental
threats, especially Fukushima.*


*From Douglas Yates:*

*It is recognized by experts that Fukushima is the world’s largest nuclear
catastrophe. At the request of TPTB, *
*leakage to the Pacific Ocean is suppressed by mainstream media. However,
searches still locate stories that *
*affirm the ongoing pollution.*

Seven years on, radioactive water at Fukushima plant still flowing into
ocean, study finds



March 29, 2018

Endangered Killer Whale Pods Lose Three More Members
August 7, 2019


photo progression shows the deterioration of Southern Resident killer whale
J17. Holly Fearnbach and John Durban with NOAA Fisheries’ Southwest
Fisheries Science Center used a remotely piloted drone under NMFS Research
Permit #19091 to capture the images.

(CN) – An endangered population of orca whales continued to decline this
summer, with three presumed dead while the remaining 73 search the ocean
for their main food source: dwindling numbers of Chinook salmon.

The Center for Whale Research, which has catalogued the family tree of
Southern Resident killer whales since 1976 for the National Marine
Fisheries Service, announced late Tuesday that three are missing and likely

Southern Residents normally spend the summer in the salty inland waters
near Seattle. They’re so ubiquitous in the Salish Sea that a whale watching
industry was built on their daily appearances in the area
But this year, they’ve barely been seen in the core waters of their
designated critical habitat. Instead, the collapse of mainstay populations
of Chinook salmon has sent them chasing fish along the Pacific Coast from
Canada to California.

*Click on the link for the rest.*


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[MCM] How JFK's murder turned the USA into "a doll's house" (MUST-READ interview with Jim Garrison, for a European readership)

2019-08-08 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*If you read anything today, read this—a shattering analysis that should be
*in every high school and college in the country.*


Tuesday, 06 August 2019Garrison Interview, "Some Unauthorized Comments on
the State of the Union" (May 27, 1969)

   *- - Print

*We publish here a noteworthy interview Jim Garrison gave to a European
publication on May 27, 1969, in which he draws attention to, among other
things, the connection between the assassinations of JFK, MLK and RFK.*


*This remarkable interview with Jim Garrison was done about two months
after Clay Shaw was acquitted.*

*It is an interview with a European publication since, for reasons he
notes, Garrison had given up doing such things with the American press.*

*Note that some of the things he brings up differ from his previous
interview in 1967 in Playboy. For instance, quite early, he brings up the
importance of Vietnam to the assassination, and he then returns to this at
the end. He is now open about the role of the FBI in cooperation with the
Warren Commission in the cover up. (p. 3). Right after this, he singles out
Allen Dulles for his role on the Commission. He then becomes one of the
first commentators to say there was a link

the murders of JFK, King, and Bobby Kennedy. He understands just how
important Pierre Finck's bombshell testimony was at the Clay Shaw trial

18). He then describes the after-effects of a coup d'état and how the new
government ratifies itself (p. 20). He is very pessimistic on the truth
about Kennedy's murder ever coming to light. In retrospect, what makes all
this so impressive is how correct he was in the light of history on all
these points. It is also enlightening to compare his ideas about the case
to what others were writing and saying at the time. Most of the other
critics were still concentrating on what happened in Dealey Plaza. They
were not even aware of the bombshells in Finck's testimony. But we now know
the Justice Department certainly was, to the point they sent Thornton
Boswell, another JFK pathologist, to New Orleans to discredit Finck,
although they did not follow through on the plan.*

*Our thanks to Bart Kamp and the invaluable Malcolm Blunt for this
engrossing interview.*

*Jim DiEugenio*

*Interview is at the link above.*

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[MCM] A sort-of-useful survey on the voting systems in (just) 14 states

2019-08-08 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*This fragmentary survey of the US voting system should be used with care,
since the*
*information it contains, though valid in itself (which is why I'm sharing
it), is offset by*
*two whopping lies:*

*1) The piece notes "Russia's election interference in 2016," and warns
*"Russia will be back," as if those "facts" weren't fantasy—a propaganda
*highly dangerous to (what's left of) US democracy. *

*The danger lies not only in the possibility of war with Russia, whose
"election *
*interference" has been deemed a casus belli by the US war machine, and
grounds *
*for a first-strike nuclear attack. Beyond that catastrophic possibility,
there also is*
*a certain mortal danger to US democracy (such as it is)—and by "certain,"
I mean *
*happening right **now—in the use of that explosive myth of "Russian
meddling" to *
*obscure the **epic record of election interference by the GOP. (While
election theft *
*in the US **has also been committed by the Democrats, they tend to
specialize in *
*vote **suppression, while computerized election fraud is a Republican
*since they dominate the electronic voting infrastructure coast to cast.)*

*That parenthetical aside relates to the second Big Lie tacitly propagated*
*by this piece:*

*2) While paperless voting (or "voting") is indeed horrendous, and should*
*be banned from coast to coast on civic grounds, as this piece suggests, *
*to replace (or "replace") that insecure machinery with paper ballots to be*
*counted (or "counted") electronically is, to put it mildly, no
*since the op-scans used to count those ballots can be hacked with ease,*
*in minutes, without leaving any fingerprints—and have been, time and*
*time again. One could even argue that an electronic counting of the **vote*
*—the paper vote—in every state would actually be worse than what's **in *
*place right now, since it would create a false sense of security (the*
*"Russian threat" aside).*

*But we have to start somewhere; and since those paperless machines*
*are egregious, and we should know which states still use them, this*
*piece is useful, despite those two huge flaws.*

*MCM *

The scramble to secure America’s voting machines

*Paperless voting devices are a gaping weakness in the patchwork U.S.
election system, security experts say. But among these 14 states and their
counties, efforts to replace these machines are slow and uneven, a


 | 08/02/2019
5:10 PM EST*


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[MCM] "The executioner's face is always well-hidden"—now by a post-modern mask of "diversity"

2019-08-08 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
The ideology of postmodernism is to present all existing injustice as an
effect of discrimination, Robert Pfaller tells ILNA

[image: The ideology of postmodernism is to present all existing injustice
as an effect of discrimination; Robert Pfaller tells ILNA]

The ruling ideology

the fall of the Berlin Wall, or even earlier, is postmodernism. This is the
ideological embellishment that the brutal neoliberal attack on Western
societies' welfare (that was launched in the late 1970s) required in order

attain a "human", "liberal" and "progressive" face.


Robert Pfaller is one of the most distinguished figures in today's radical
Left. He teaches at the University of Art and Industrial Design in Linz,
Austria. He is a founding member of the Viennese psychoanalytic research

 ‘stuzzicadenti’. Pfaller is the author of books such as "On the Pleasure
Principle in Culture: Illusions Without Owners", "Interpassivity: The
Aesthetics of Delegated Enjoyment", among others. Below is the ILNA's
interview with this authoritative philosopher on the Fall of Berlin Wall
and "Idea of Communism".

ILNA: What is the role of “pleasure principle” in a world after the Berlin
Wall? What role does the lack of ideological dichotomy, which unveils
itself as absent of a powerful left state, play in dismantling democracy?

Until the late 1970s, all "Western" (capitalist) governments, right or
left, pursued a Keynesian economic policy of state investment and deficit
spending. (Even Richard Nixon is said to have once, in the early 1970ies,
stated, "We are all Keynesians"). This lead to a considerable decrease of
inequality in Western societies in the first three decades after WWII, as
the numbers presented by Thomas Piketty and Branko Milanovic in their books
prove. Apparently, it was seen as necessary to appease Western workers with
high wages and high employment rates in order to prevent them from becoming
communists. Ironically one could say that it was precisely Western workers
who profited considerably of "real existing socialism" in the Eastern
European countries.

At the very moment when the "threat" of real existing socialism was not
felt anymore, due to the Western economic and military superiority in the
1980ies (that led to the fall of the Berlin Wall), the economic paradigm in
the Western countries shifted. All of a sudden, all governments, left or
right, pursued a neoliberal economic policy (of privatization, austerity
politics, the subjection of education and health sectors under the rule of
profitability, liberalization of regulations for the migration of capital
and cheap labor, limitation of democratic sovereignty, etc.).

Whenever the social democratic left came into power, for example with Tony
Blair, or Gerhard Schroeder, they proved to be the even more radical
neoliberal reformers. As a consequence, leftist parties did not have an
economic alternative to what their conservative and liberal opponents
offered. Thus they had to find another point of distinction. This is how
the left became "cultural" (while, of course, ceasing to be a "left"): from
now on the marks of distinction were produced by all kinds of concerns for
minorities or subaltern groups. And instead of promoting economic equality
and equal rights for all groups, the left now focused on symbolic
"recognition" and "visibility" for these groups. Thus not only all economic
and social concerns were sacrificed for the sake of sexual and ethnic
minorities, but even the sake of these minorities itself. Since a good part
of the problem of these groups was precisely economic, social and
juridical, and not cultural or symbolic. And whenever you really solve a
problem of

[MCM] William Barr's clairvoyance should give all of us the creeps

2019-08-08 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*Kinda like the USA PATRIOT Act—a thick-phonebook-sized chunk of
legislation—having been*
*written, and printed, prior to 9/11.*


Did Bill Barr Call His Shot? Unanswered Questions about FBI’s Foreknowledge
of the El Paso Shooting

William Barr’s warning that a “major incident” could occur “at any time”
and “galvanize public opinion” around the unpopular encryption back-door
policy he has been seeking seems to have come true in the weeks since the

made those statements.
by Whitney Webb 

August 07th, 2019

By Whitney Webb  Whitney


As a series of recent mass shootings have brought renewed demands for the
U.S. government to do something to address the spike in “lone wolf”
violence, the Trump administration’s decision to blame internet privacy,
controversial websites like 8chan, and social media for the shootings has
raised eyebrows from across the political spectrum, particularly in light
of claims that Trump’s recent rhetoric about immigrants may have incited
some of the shooters.

During a press conference  on
Monday, Trump blamed the internet for the three most recent mass shooting

We must recognize that the internet has provided a dangerous avenue to
radicalize disturbed minds and perform demented acts. We must shine light
on the dark recesses of the internet and stop mass murders before they
start…. The perils of the internet and social media cannot be ignored, and
they will not be ignored… We cannot allow ourselves to feel powerless. We
can and will stop this evil contagion.”

Yet, not long before the recent spate of mass shootings began, U.S.
Attorney General William Barr gave a speech

July 23 in which he spoke of the need for all consumer electronic devices
and encrypted software to have a backdoor for the government to bypass
encryption, essentially calling for many of the same measures that Trump
has proposed *following *the recent shootings.

Notably, Barr concluded his speech by stating that he anticipated “a major
incident may well occur at any time that will galvanize public opinion on
these issues.” In other words, just a few days prior to the recent spate of
mass shootings, William Barr stated that he anticipated a public safety
crisis that “may well occur at any time” and would reduce public resistance
to the further erosion of civil liberties that he was advocating for in his

Furthermore, the FBI, which operates under the jurisdiction of the
Department of Justice and reports directly to William Barr, has now stated
that it was aware of the El Paso shooter’s plan to murder civilians via a
post made on 8chan at least two hours before the shooting took place. 8chan
— a controversial website

the FBI is known to have used to incite violence as part of its
controversial terrorist entrapment strategy — has since been banned in the
shooting’s aftermath. In addition, less than two months ago, the FBI
obtained a warrant for 8chan’s host — Ch.net — in which the Bureau demanded
access to the entire contents of the accounts that were of interest in that
specific investigation, suggesting that the FBI had increased access to
information of hundreds of 8chan accounts in the lead-up to the recent

The overlap between Barr’s recent speech and Trump’s proposed solution to
the massacres, as well as the FBI’s unusual recent relationship with 8chan,
has led some to suggest that the Trump administration is taking advantage
of the tragedy at El Paso and of other recent mass shootings to impose
unpopular restrictions on civil liberties and increase the mass
surveillance of innocent Americans.

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[MCM] Is it okay to "fix" the gender of young children? You better believe it, if you know what's good for you (however bad it is for them)

2019-08-08 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
> *What Lopez said was not inaccurate or hateful. The use of gender-fixing
> interventions—drugs and*
> *other therapies—**on pre-pubescent children is grotesque; and, when this
> madness is behind us, it *
> *will be universally **recognized as an exquisitely horrendous form of
> child abuse, however many *
> *"experts" **are now pushing **it on parents in the US and beyond. *
> *He shouldn't have apologized; but he was facing unemployment over his
> "transphobic comments,"*
> *although they weren't transphobic in the least:*
> https://radaronline.com/exclusives/2019/08/mario-lopez-fired-access-hollywood-extra-transphobic-comments/
> *MCM*
> Mario Lopez Backtracks on ‘Ignorant’ Comments About Raising Transgender
> Children
> Anna Tingley 
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> [image: Mario Lopez]
> https://variety.com/2019/tv/news/mario-lopez-transgender-children-controversy-1203286756/
> Entertainment host Mario Lopez  has
> walked back his recent controversial comments in which he implied that it’s
> dangerous for parents to definitively label their young children as
> transgender.
> “The comments I made were ignorant and insensitive, and I now have a
> deeper understanding of how hurtf

[MCM] On Lyme disease and US biowarfare: MCM and Kris Newby (author of "Bitten") interviewed by Peter B. Collins

2019-08-09 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*Only subscribers can listen to it, until 8/20, when it'll be accessible
for free. (Peter's show is great, *
*so I  **recommend **that you subscribe, if possible.)*



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[MCM] Fascism is at the door, disguised as a righteous enemy of "white supremacy" (2)

2019-08-09 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*According to the FBI's loose new definition of "domestic terrorism," I am
a "domestic *
*terrorist"—**and so are all of you. (If you're afraid of that broad brush,
tough luck, since *
*Google won't **allow us to make any changes in our list of members, which
means that*
*we can't take you off it.)*

*MCM *

An Open Invitation to Tyranny
August 7, 2019 

Paul Craig Roberts


The FBI has published a document that concludes that “conspiracy theories”
can motivate believers to commit crimes.

Considering the growing acceptance of pre-emptive arrest, that is,
arresting someone before they can commit a crime that they are suspected of
planning to commit, challenging official explanations, such as those
offered for the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and
Martin Luther King or the official explanation for 9/11, can now result in
monitoring by authorities with a view

finding a reason for pre-emptive arrest.  Presidents George W. Bush and
Obama created the police state precedents of suspension of habeas corpus
and assassination of citizens on suspicion alone without due process

.  If Americans can be preemptively detained indefinitely and preemptively
assassinated,  Americans can expect to be preemptively imprisoned for
crimes that they did not commit.

*Click on the link for the rest.*
August 8, 2019

 Kurt Nimmo 
Warning: This Blog Provides Material Support for Extremist Conspiracy

The left, rallying behind a seething hatred of Trump, is tossing around
ideas on how best to criminalize their political opponents.

Mike Giglio

for The Atlantic:

At the moment, there is a significant disparity in the amount of funds,
personnel, and law-enforcement tools that America devotes to combatting
Islamist versus white-nationalist terrorism. Finding a way to add white
nationalists to the list of U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organizations
could help address that, Seamus Hughes, the deputy director of the Program
on Extremism at George Washington University, told me. It would lower the
bar for law enforcement to be able to charge a person for providing
material support to white-nationalist terrorists.

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] A brief history of the CIA's dirty war in South Sudan

2019-08-09 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*Thank you, Pres. Obama, for this (blacked-out) slaughter of a dark-skinned


A Brief History of the CIA’s Dirty War in South Sudan


*With the CIA’s Dirty War in South Sudan winding down its time to takea
brief but comprehensive look at the origins and history of this mostsecret
of Pax Americana crimes in Africa.*

*It is in the national interests of the USA to deprive China of accessto
African energy resources, with the Sudanese oil fields being theonly
Chinese owned and operated in Africa. It was no coincidence thatone of the
first targets of the “rebellion” in South Sudan was theChinese oil fields.
It has been US vs China in South Sudan from thestart

*To begin this history we must go back to the origins of the SouthSudan
peace process that developed in 2004. This new breakthrough cameabout
following the East Sudan uprising and subsequent intervention inSudan by
the Eritrean military in support of the Beja and Rashidapeoples movement in
2003. Eritrean commandos cut the PortSudan-Khartoum highway, the lifeline
for 25 million residents ofSudans capital. For two weeks the Sudanese army
counterattacked andended up utterly defeated by the Eritrean special

*Facing critical food and fuel shortages the Sudanese officer core thatwas
then the base of support for the recently deposed Omar Al Bashircapitulated
and as part of the peace deal agreed to begin good faithnegotiations with
the various Sudanese resistance groups, both east,south and even,
supposedly, in the west.*

*This resulted in John Garang, head of the Sudanese Peoples
LiberationMovement and the President of Sudan Omar Al Bashir sitting
downtogether to sign

comprehensive peace deal in Asmara, Eritrea late in2004.*

*In December of 2004 we flew into Asmara, Eritrea and checked into theold
Imperial Hotel, the Emboisoira, and found ourselves sharingbreakfast with
senior leaders of the SPLM. We had a satellite dishback in the US with
EritreanTV so we had seen our breakfast mates onthe news covering the
recently signed peace deal in Asmara. They wereall in high spirits, still
excited about the prospect for peace inSudan.*

*Later, after returning home to the USA in 2015 we heard of a new
peacedeal, this time being signed in Navaisha in Kenya. And this time
thedeal was brokered by the USA. The only real difference between the2004
Asmara agreement and the 2005 Kenya deal was the inclusion of aclause
calling for a referendum on independence for South Sudan.*

*The USA forced Bashir and Garang to accept this independencereferendum
after forcing a new peace “negotiation” and eventual, deal,in Kenya, away
from Eritrean mediation efforts. Carrot and the stick,inducements and
threats by the worlds superpower forced Garang andBashir to accept the
dismemberment of Sudan and created the conditionsfor one of the most brutal
civil wars in African history. This was thedoings of the USA from the get

*After signing the peace deal John Garang, as head of the SudanesePeoples
Liberation Movement (SPLM), held his first public rally inKhartoum and drew
a million people or more, three times the largestcrowd Bashir had ever had.
There he made a fateful speech.*

*John Garang made it clear that he was strongly AGAINST independencefor
South Sudan, instead calling on his fellow Sudanese in the Northto help
elect him president to build a new Sudan based on equal rightsand justice
for all Sudanese.*

*Garang stated his intent to be politically independent from thewestern
powers instead looking to China, already in the oil businessin Sudan, to
develop Sudans economy. Sudan, as a whole, is the largestand potentially
richest country in Africa and for the USA to loseSudan to China wasn’t
acceptable to Pax Americana.*

*John Garang was dead two weeks later in a mysterious helicopter crashand
with him died a unified Sudan.*

*With in a few years a referendum was held for “independence” for
SouthSudan and voila it was a done deal. The irony is that John Garang,
whowas vehemently against independence for South Sudan, is now
proclaimed“The Father” of the South Sudanese independent state.*

*In 2009 my old friend Alexander Cockburn contacted me asking for astory
about what was going on vis a vis Sudan/South Sudan. I had beenliving next
door in Eritrea for the past few years and I respondedwith “Storm Clouds
Over South Sudan” which Alex and Jeffrey St.Claire published on their
website “Counterpunch” where I predicted theupcoming holocau

[MCM] Are vaccines causing mass psychosis? The aluminum can do it....

2019-08-09 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Autoimmune Psychosis: Fingerprints of Aluminum-Induced Autoimmunity?
jameslyonsweiler  in
Cures  August 9, 2019

Autoimmune Psychosis: Fingerprints of Aluminum-Induced Autoimmunity?
jameslyonsweiler  in
Cures  August 9, 2019 817


Autoimmune encephalitis is a condition in which the immune system attacks
brain proteins.  It was first described by Dalmau in a patients with
teratoma who exhibited high levels of autoantibodies that were reactive to
neuronal tissue.  These patients also experienced severe psychotic and
neurological manifestations, including anxiety, delusions, mania,
short-term memory loss

seizures [1
and tumor resection reversed the symptoms


It is well established that aluminum hydroxide can induce autoimmunity of
many forms in animal models.  We recently had a paper on the issue of dose
relevance to humans accepted and then not published by the journal
Autoimmunological Reviews (first because it was too controversial, and then
because we dared to have published a draft

of the manuscript in the name of Open Science).  Our analysis showed that
the per body weight aluminum hydroxide dosing in animal models overlapped
the exposure experienced by humans when the animal model incorporated a
genetic predisposition; a child at the age of two receiving 5
aluminum-containing vaccines would be receiving doses that overlap those
with animals that reliably and consistently develop autoimmunity at those
doses due to the combined genetic and environmental effects.

We also know that there is a genetic risk to many forms of
psychosis.  Genetic variation at genes the encode for ion channel protein
may increase individual risk for psychotic disorders. Specific variants at
the L-type calcium channel locus are known to confer individual (specific)
risk of psychosis within at least five neuropsychiatric disorders,
including but not limited to schizophrenia and bipolar disorder [1].

A growing scientific and popular literature is pointing to autoimmune
psychosis a real phenomenon, and to many people, it seems as if the whole
world is going mad.  Social tensions on the rise in the US fomented by
divisive political rhetoric has some pointing to a “Political Cold War” [2


Earlier [3, 4]

later [1] reviews list specific genes for which autoimmunological evidence
is high.  However, these reviews call the condition “autoimmune
encephalitis” or “synaptic autoimmune encephalitides”.  It is no longer
useful to euphemize the condition, which should be re-labeled “autoimmune
psychosis”.Psychologists have also noted increase risk of psychosis in
non-neuronal autoimmune conditions (such as Type 1 diabetes
[5 ],
and some genetic variation at HLA-region genes are known to also be
associated with psychiatric disorders.

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] Court upholds North Dakota law that cuts the Native American vote by 10%

2019-08-09 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*Damn that Putin!*


Court Upholds North Dakota Law Stripping Voting Rights From Native Americans
[image: rows of people vote at blue electronic voting booths]North Dakota
is one step closer to ensuring thousands of Native American residents will
never be able to vote.SCOTT OLSON / GETTY IMAGES
BYImani Gandy , Rewire.News

PUBLISHEDAugust 9, 2019

The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals last week upheld a law that strips
nearly 10 percent of all voting-age Native Americans living in North Dakota
of their right to vote.

The case is as much about local infrastructure and lack of regard for North
Dakota’s indigenous population as it is about voter suppression and a state
forcing voters to comply with a requirement that the state itself has made
impossible to follow.

Thousands of Native Americans who do not have residential addresses through
no fault of their own have been affected by the law, HB 1369
What’s worse is that these Native voters may be disenfranchised permanently
should HB 1369 remain in place—something the three-judge panel that ruled
on the lawsuit challenging the law seems OK with. That should trouble us

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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2019-08-09 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
   - Top 10

08.08.2019 Author: Ulson Gunnar

US Leaves INF Because “Russia,” But Points Missiles at China
[image: 740] 

We’re told that the US withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear
Forces (INF) Treaty singed in 1987 between the US and Soviet Union was
based on claims that Russia had violated it.

While we continue waiting for Washington to provide evidence to prove these
claims, the US itself admitted it had already long begun developing
missiles that violated the treaty.

A February 2018 Defense One article titled, “Pentagon Confirms It’s
Developing Nuclear Cruise Missile to Counter a Similar Russian One
admitted that:

*The U.S. military is developing a ground-launched, intermediate-range
cruise missile to counter a similar Russian weapon whose deployment
violates an arms-control treaty between Moscow and Washington, U.S.
officials said Friday. *

*The officials acknowledged that the still-under-development American
missile would, if deployed, also violate the Intermediate-Range Nuclear
Forces Treaty.*

Just as the US did when it unilaterally walked away from the
1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty in 2002, the goal is to blame Russia for
otherwise indefensible and incremental provocations aimed at Moscow. For
example, after the US walked away from the ABM Treaty in 2002, the US began
deploying anti-missile systems across Europe.

But if Russia is the problem, why did the US also begin deploying similar
missiles in Asia?

It is Washington’s goal of hemming in its competitors anywhere and
everywhere that is at the heart of these serial treaty terminations, not
any particular “violation” on Moscow’s part.

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] Five men sentenced to life for Operation Condor killings learned their craft at School of the Americas

2019-08-09 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*From some three weeks ago, some news that didn't make the New York Times, *
*or any other US corporate outlet (that I know of).*


Published on
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Common Dreams 
Five Men Sentenced to Life for Operation Condor Killings Trained at School
of the Americas

Revelation comes after Italian court sentences 24 men to life behind bars
for roles in U.S.-backed state terror campaign

Brett Wilkins 



[image: A folder reading "Terrorists" on its cover, that forms part of the
"Archives of Terror" is pictured at the Documentation and Archive Center
for Human Rights Defense, at the Justice Palace in Asuncion, on January 16,
2019. - The archives that were found in 1992 at a police station in
Asuncion, contain the most important documentation of the exchange of
intelligence information and prisoners among the military regimes of the
region known as "Operation Condor". The files served to order the arrest of
former Pa]

A folder reading "Terrorists" on its cover, that forms part of the
"Archives of Terror" is pictured at the Documentation and Archive Center
for Human Rights Defense, at the Justice Palace in Asuncion, on January 16,
2019. - The archives that were found in 1992 at a police station in
Asuncion, contain the most important documentation of the exchange of
intelligence information and prisoners among the military regimes of the
region known as "Operation Condor". The files served to order the arrest of
former Paraguayan dictator (1954-89) Alfredo Stroessner and provided tools
for numerous trials against Argentine, Chilean and Uruguayan repressors.
(Photo: Norberto Duarte/AFP/Getty Images)

Five of the 24 men sentenced last week
 by an Italian
court to life in prison for their roles in a brutal and bloody U.S.-backed
Cold War campaign against South American dissidents graduated from a
notorious US Army school once known for teaching torture, assassination,
and democracy suppression.

On July 8 judges in Rome’s Court of Appeals sentenced the former Bolivian,
Chilean, Peruvian and Uruguayan government and military officials after
they were found guilty of kidnapping and murdering 23 Italian nationals in
the 1970s and 1980s during Operation Condor
, a
coordinated effort by right-wing military dictatorships in Chile,
Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil—and, later, Peru and
Ecuador—against perceived leftist threats. The campaign, which was
characterized by kidnappings, torture, disappearances and murder, claimed
an estimated 60,000 lives
according to human rights groups. Victims included leftists and other
dissidents, clergy, intellectuals, academics, students, peasant and trade
union leaders, and indigenous peoples.

The United States government—including military and intelligence
agencies—supported Operation Condor with military aid, planning, and
technical support as well as surveillance and torture training during the
Johnson, Nixon, Ford
Carter and Reagan administrations. Much of this support, which the U.S.
attempted to justify within the context of the global Cold War struggle
against communism, was based at U.S. military installations in Panama. It
was there that the US Army opened the School of the Americas in 1946, which
would graduate 11 Latin American heads of state over the following decades.
None of them became their country’s leader by democratic means, leading
critics to dub the SOA “School of Assassins” and “School of Coups” because
it produced so many of both.

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] Israeli spies are waging "a new kind of war" on Facebook, Twitter

2019-08-09 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
How Israeli spies are flooding Facebook and Twitter

Asa Winstanley  The
Electronic Intifada
 25 June 2019


Act.IL’s chief executive Yarden Ben Yosef is an eight-year veteran of
Israel’s military intelligence agency. (YouTube

Israel secretly operates

troll army of thousands, partly funded by a government department.

The Ministry of Strategic Affairs is dedicated to a global “war” against BDS
the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement for Palestinian rights.

To conceal its involvement, the ministry has admitted
working through front groups that “do not want to expose their connection
with the state.”

The troll army Act.IL  is one of
many such groups. It focuses on spreading Israeli propaganda online.

What does it do with its million dollar budget?

Act.IL is run by a former Israeli spy who has argued

his outfit is involved in “a new kind of war.”

While Act.IL publicly denies

supported by the Israeli government, the group’s chief executive has
admitted in Hebrew to working closely with Israeli ministries, and in
English that his staff are mostly former Israeli spies.

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] Greenpeace warns Korea of Japan's discharge of 1 billion liters of radioactive water

2019-08-09 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*Labor & Environment* 
*Greenpeace warns Korea of Japan's radioactive water discharge*
*Posted : 2019-08-08 17:19*
Updated : 2019-08-08 17:50

Storage tanks

radioactive water are seen at Tokyo Electric Power Co's (TEPCO)
tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Okuma town,
Fukushima prefecture, Japan, in this picture taken on Feb. 18. Reuters
By Kim Jae-heun

An international environment organization has said that Japan plans to
discharge radioactive waste into the Pacific Ocean in the near future and
Korea will fall particularly vulnerable.

Greenpeace Korea, the global NGO's branch in Seoul, reposted on Facebook,
Wednesday, a column by its nuclear specialist Shaun Burnie published in The
Economist, saying Japan is planning to discharge more than 1 billion liters
of contaminated water stored at the Fukushima nuclear plant since the
massive earthquake and nuclear disaster of 2011.

Burnie wrote in his article that the Japanese government has decided
recently to take the "cheapest and fastest" way to dispose wastewater,
which is to discharge it into the Pacific Ocean.

The scientist added neighboring countries will be exposed to radiation as a
result and Korea, in particular, will suffer the most from it.

He claimed that if 1 million tons of radioactive water is discharged into
the ocean, it will take 17 years and 770 million tons of water to dilute
it, adding it is impossible not to discharge it without contaminating the
ocean, and countries in the Pacific region

be exposed to radiation.

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] Pentagon testing mass surveillance balloons across the US

2019-08-09 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*You are the enemy.*


Pentagon testing mass surveillance balloons across the US

Exclusive: the high-altitude balloons promise a cheap monitoring platform
that could follow multiple cars and boats for extended periods

Mark Harris 

Fri 2 Aug 2019 06.00 EDTLast modified on Fri 2 Aug 2019 13.05 EDT




[image: The new balloons could follow multiple cars and boats for extended

 The new balloons could follow multiple cars and boats for extended
periods. Photograph: Ron Chapple/Alamy

The US military is conducting wide-area surveillance tests across six
midwest states using experimental high-altitude balloons, documents
 filed with the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) reveal.

Up to 25 unmanned solar-powered balloons are being launched from rural
South Dakota and drifting 250 miles through an area spanning portions of
Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin and Missouri, before concluding in central

Travelling in the stratosphere at altitudes of up to 65,000ft, the balloons
are intended to “provide a persistent surveillance system to locate and
deter narcotic trafficking and homeland security threats”, according to a
filing made on behalf of the Sierra Nevada Corporation, an aerospace and
defence company.

*The balloons are carrying hi-tech radars designed to simultaneously track
many individual vehicles day or night, through any kind of weather. *The
tests, which have not previously been reported, received an FCC license to
operate from mid-July until September, following similar flights licensed
last year.
Google’s Earth: how the tech giant is helping the state spy on us

Read more

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[MCM] Remember the "DC Madam"—and how SHE (also) died?

2019-08-12 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*A timely nugget from the memory hole.*


‘D.C. Madam’ Is Found Dead, Apparently in a Suicide


TARPON SPRINGS, Fla. (AP) — A woman convicted two weeks ago of running a
Washington call-girl ring that catered to the capital’s power elite was
found dead here Thursday, and the authorities said she had apparently
hanged herself.

The body of the woman, Deborah Jeane Palfrey
52, was found in a shed at her mother’s home here about 20 miles northwest
of Tampa. The police said Ms. Palfrey had left a notebook containing at
least two suicide notes and other messages to her family, but they did not
give additional details.

Ms. Palfrey, who had quickly become known as the D.C. Madam when the case
against her began unfolding, apparently hanged herself from the shed’s
ceiling with nylon rope, the police said. Her mother, Blanche Palfrey,
discovered the body.

Blanche Palfrey had no sign that her daughter was suicidal, and there was
no immediate indication that alcohol or drugs were involved, Capt. Jeffrey
Young of the Tarpon Springs Police Department said.

A man who answered a phone listed for the elder Ms. Palfrey declined to

Preston Burton, a lawyer who represented Deborah Jeane Palfrey at her
trial, said, “This is tragic news, and my heart goes out to her mother.”
*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] Who wanted Jeffrey Epstein dead? (And who believes he wasn't murdered?)

2019-08-12 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*Assuming that he's really dead, and wasn't spirited away somewhere (a
narrative that*
*I, for one, don't buy—at least not yet), how could he have hanged himself,
as the New*
*York Times **insists he did? **What did he use for a rope? His prison garb
was made of *
*paper, like his bedding. **Assuming someone slipped him a lasso, what did
he tie it to? *
*T**here was no beam or **hook or chandelier up on the ceiling—and no way
to reach the *
*ceiling, which was **some 9 feet above him, and he didn't have a ladder,
or a chair, and *
*his cot was **bolted to the wall. (And the security cameras weren't
working!) *

*Don't take my word for any of this, since I've never been in that
"facility." Check*
*out this highly credible account by one who did do time there:*

*In short, this latest, most preposterous of official stories is so
patently absurd that*
*it's made everyone (who isn't on the payroll) a "conspiracy theorist"—and
*unapologetic one at that, which has the Times and other conduits of **state
propaganda *
*huffing laughably against the wholly rational assumption that **the guy
got whacked. *
*(Now, if this had happened in Russia)*

*So let's work back from this ridiculous state cover story to the many
others that*
*defy all logic, scientific evidence and common sense, from JFK/Dallas, and
the murders*
*of Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy, up through **9/11 to the proven
dangers of *
*particular vaccines, and on and on. And let's work forward **vis-a-vis all
evidence of elite *
*pedophilia, looking deeply into it with eyes wide open at long last.*


Who wanted Jeffrey Epstein dead?By Patrick Martin
12 August 2019


Let’s begin by stating the obvious: Jeffrey Epstein’s violent death in a
Manhattan jail cell prevents a trial or a plea deal that threatened to
expose business associates and political enablers who made use of the
services provided by his alleged sex-trafficking activities, or who
profited from this and other sordid operations of the multimillionaire
money manager.

Given the extraordinary circumstances surrounding his death, the efforts of
the media—and the* New York Times* in particular—to dismiss out of hand any
suggestion that Epstein’s death was the result of anything but a suicide
reek of a high-level cover-up. Whether he was strangled in a jail cell by a
hired killer or allowed to hang himself is almost beside the point.

Epstein’s life came to a violent end while in the custody of the US
government. This is an undeniable fact. Even if he committed suicide, the
act could not have succeeded without the direct complicity of those who
were responsible for his safety.

And while Epstein was accused of deplorable crimes, it should hardly be
necessary to point out that he—yes, even Epstein—had the right to a
vigorous defense in a trial. That his untimely death preempts and prevents
the trial from taking place is a matter of staggering seriousness.

The suspicion of homicide is clearly justified. That Epstein was
murdered—whether by an assailant or by the calculated enabling of his jail
cell suicide—is far more plausible than the official account of what took
place at the Metropolitan Correctional Center over the past three weeks.
According to prison officials, Epstein was found hanged in his cell
Saturday morning. His guards had neglected to perform their every-half-hour
inspection during the night and only belatedly took a look at their
prisoner at 6:30 a.m.

This occurred even though Epstein was arguably the most notorious prisoner
currently in federal custody, with his arrest on sex-trafficking charges
given saturation coverage in the New York and national media. Moreover, he
had been placed on suicide watch from July 23, when he was reportedly found
unconscious in his cell with marks on his neck, until July 31, when the
special provisions, including 24/7 surveillance, were lifted without

Epstein’s attorneys and other visitors said they saw no signs that the
multimillionaire was in low spirits or likely to take his own life, and he
had been participating in preparations for his legal defense in an upcoming
trial for as much as 12 hours a day.

Investigations have now begun by the Federal Bureau of Prisons, Attorney
General William Barr and the Justice Department inspector general, all of
whom have ample reason to rig the result and cover up what really happened.
So far, the most elementary facts have been withheld from the public. It
has not been reported how and with what material Epstein was hanged, or
whether there is a video recording of his cell that would show the alleged
“suicide” or otherwise shed light on the physical circumstances of his

The legal and political circumstances of Epstein’s death are a different
matter; they strongly suggest that Epstein had become a danger to an enti

[MCM] Transgender weightlifter's gold medal is a big win for misogyny

2019-08-12 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*I call it "misogyny" because it means the end of girls' and women's
sports, *
*which **have to be protected from competitors like Laurel Hubbard, with
their *
*overwhelming male **advantages.*


Transgender weightlifter Laurel Hubbard’s gold medal sparks fierce debate

By Reuters

July 30, 2019 | 11:35am

Enlarge Image

[image: Laurel Hubbard]
Laurel HubbardReuters
Suspected Dayton shooter's slain sister was a transgender man: report

The online sewer where hate festers and other commentary

Victoria's Secret hires first openly transgender 'Angel'

Savage X Fenty model lies about being transgender after transphobic comments


Transgender weightlifter Laurel Hubbard’s gold medal-winning performance at
the Pacific Games continues to reverberate long after the event, with a New
Zealand women’s group demanding sports authorities put a stop to “unfair”

Hubbard, who competed for New Zealand in men’s weightlifting before her
transition in her thirties, won two golds and a silver in three of the
women’s heavyweight categories at the Games in Samoa earlier this month.

She topped the podium ahead of Samoan runner up and Commonwealth Games
champion Feagaiga Stowers in both categories, triggering outrage in the
Pacific island nation.

With Hubbard free to compete at next year’s Tokyo Olympics, the 41-year-old
has become a lightning rod for criticism of the International Olympic
Committee (IOC)’s guidelines for the inclusion of transgender athletes.

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] US journalism is even deader than Jeffrey Epstein

2019-08-14 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*Jeffrey Epstein’s Death, Critical Thinking, and the Decline of Reporting*

*Posted on August 14, 2019

by Yves
Smith *

*It’s ironic to hear the FBI whinge about conspiracy theories as a danger
to public safety, yet see the officialdom, and even the press, handle the
untimely death of Jeffrey Epstein in a manner almost guaranteed to maximize
salacious interest and speculation.*

*The reason we are straying from our normal topics of interest to discuss
Epstein is that the overarching mission of this website is to promote
critical thinking. If you’ve been paying attention to news, it too often
feels as if you’ve entered an informational hall of mirrors. Not only is
the spin so heavy that it takes careful reading to separate information
from innuendo, but with the rise in social media, the reaction to a news
story often overwhelm the underlying event. For instance, witness the
consternation about Bernie Sanders making a reasonable observation about
the Washington Post’s coverage of his campaign, that it’s biased against
him and Jeff Bezos’ ownership of the Post might have something to do with
that. The indignant howls were a reminder of where the class interests of
the press now lie.*

*With Epstein’s apparent suicide, it’s striking how none of the responsible
adults have attempted to manage the press. Normally, in no less than 36
hours after an event like this, Someone Official holds a press conference.
Even if they wind up saying almost nothing substantive, they make solemn
reassurances about They Will Get to the Bottom of Things, and better yet,
with some detail about the process (“The autopsy will be conducted by the
office of X. We expect to receive a report by Y date, and to make key
details public by Z date.”) Why hasn’t a such a basic move happened? It
certainly suggests that the DoJ was caught with its pants down, and perhaps
also that there has been serious turf war among the parties responsible for
Epstein’s custody. (Attorney General William Barr did make some brief
comments on the Epstein matter at a previously scheduled “law enforcement
conference” in New Orleans

*There are more anomalies that reflect poorly on the caliber of reporting
on this case, and we’ll highlight a few in the hopes that readers will
discuss others. The coverage has had an epic level of opinion and fluff at
the expense o gumshoe work to get at facts. Here it is, four days after
Epstein’s demise, and there’s no timeline, no schematic of the prison, no
details about what his cell was like. The closest we have is a
single-source story from the New York Post, from a former inmate in the
very same “9 South” cellblock for high-profile cases. This account
curiously did not appear to lead to further investigation of these claims
by Post or other venues. They should be verifiable or debunkable with
interviews of other former inmates or guards, or alternatively, the slower
route of FOIAs on the prison’s design and policies.
parts of the August 10 article
which ran less than 12 hours after the time Epstein was found unresponsive
in his cell:*

*There’s no way that man could have killed himself. I’ve done too much time
in those units. It’s an impossibility.*

*Between the floor and the ceiling is like 8 or 9 feet. There’s no way for
you to connect to anything.*

*You have sheets, but they’re paper level, not strong enough. He was 200
pounds — it would never happen….*

*Could he have done it from the bed? No sir. There’s a steel frame, but you
can’t move it. There’s no light fixture. There’s no bars.*

*They don’t give you enough in there that could successfully create an
instrument of death. You want to write a letter, they give you rubber pens
and maybe once a week a piece of paper.*

*Nothing hard or made of metal.*

*This source also said those cells had one or two occupants, and he was
skeptical of the idea that a guy like Epstein would have been housed with
anyone else. So if this account is accurate, it makes the idea of taking
Epstein off suicide watch seem like less of a stretch because there weren’t
suicide makings in a regular cell or with regular prison garb. But the lack
of camera monitoring of the cell proper (reported by the Post

[MCM] Jeffrey Epstein is the least of it: Child trafficking-and-RAPE is "a pandemic nobody talks about"

2019-08-16 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*Lori Handrahan is a hero; and so is Celia Farber.*

*To clean this horror up will take a revolution, which can't start until we
face the need for it.*


*While The Whole World Seeks “Truth” About Jeffrey Epstein, Children Are
Being Harmed Every Minute, Enabled by Society: Demystifying Pedophilia and
Child Trafficking **by Celia Farber*

You don’t need to go down “rabbit holes” on the internet to learn about
child rape in America. You only need to go to the nearest courthouse.

When a high-profile pedophile like Jeffrey Epstein gets arrested, we are
culturally conditioned to believe he is a rare breed: A kind of exotic
monster whose wealth and power rendered him immune to capture and
punishment for decades. And if he “goes down,” surely it will be the
beginning of the end of the plague.

But the truth is far more crushing, less politically charged, and less
conspiratorial; Pedophilia and child trafficking are embedded into every
level of American society. You can find it in the military,
law-enforcement, with judges, doctors, humanitarian leaders—the list goes
on and on. We are in fact living amidst a pandemic nobody talks about, all
the while *children* are brandished across the political spectrum for all
kinds of virtue signaling. At the border, in the battle against Global
Warming, and in just about every significant argument. The one topic we
avoid is child *rape. *It occurs on an industrial scale all around us.

What most people don’t realize is that you don’t need a tin-foil hat or
access to a “chan” to get ample, forensic evidence of the truth: An
epidemic of brutal child rape, trafficking, production, possession, and
sale of child porn running all through our institutions and our culture.
Anybody can pull down the criminal case files, but for some reason, people
don’t. Those who bother with the subject at all would rather go down
“rabbit holes” on the internet peering at paintings on the walls of Tony
Podesta, James Alefantis’ Instagram page, or pedophilia symbolism on
everything from plush toys to donuts.  Those people are safely cordoned off
behind a haze of decadent mystery, or mockery, depending on your political
positions post 2016. Mainstream media took out its discrediting hoses and
blasted those early fires, reducing the whole discussion to “dangerous fake
news” spread by “the likes of” Alex Jones. (“Dangerous” because, as they
said, a man entered Comet Ping Pong and fired bullets into a computer. Not
“dangerous” because of what happens to children.)

Pedophilia and child rape remains a third rail subject, tinged with
“conspiracy” disrepute.  Basic research into it gets almost no funding, at
the government or the academic level.  In the wake of the 2016 Wikileaks
release of The Podesta Files, with its disturbing and cryptic emails
apparently containing pedophilia code, pedophilia went both mainstream and
underground.  With the alternative media’s focus on what came to be known
as “Pizzagate,” and later “Pedo-gate,” followed by an opposition culture
that ridiculed and dismissed this sub-culture, the real story was hiding in
plain sight. The real story required no “anons” on chat boards to de-code
images from Pizza-gate suspects Instagram pages. It was always right there
to find, on government websites. Must our pedophiles be so “elite,” exotic,
and famous?

One woman—a true heroine—has been studying the reality of child rape in
America for over 20 years, and despite having a PhD, and being a
humanitarian and academic for over 20 years, she is unable to get funding
for a data base that would collect all the data and statistics revealing
America’s grisly pedophilia underworld.

Lori Handrahan, author of: *Epidemic: America**’s Trade in Child Rape,* learned
the hard way how real this evil is: Her ex-husband raped her daughter when
the child was two—then got sole custody of the girl, then set about
wrecking his wife’s life, reputation and career.  In an emailed Q&A
describing how she got involved with this issue, Handrahan told* Uncover DC*

“Maine’s sexual assault forensic medical examiner confirmed my two-year-old
daughter for rape by her father. Maine’s prosecutors refuse to prosecute
and child protection refused to obtain a protection order. My daughter was
then given to the sole custody of her abuser at four-years-old. I have not
seen her since. That was nine years ago.”

“My former husband and his lawyer went on a stalking campaign against me,
taking my homes, threatening my friends and family and going after my job
as a professor, stalking my colleagues, students and supervisors until I
lost my employment.”

“No one has been held accountable for any of these crimes.”

Handrahan got her PhD at the London School of Economics and has worked as a
humanitarian and academic for over 20 years.

In an intervi

[MCM] Senate "bombshell" report on Russian vote-hacking "in all 50 states" actually reveals THERE WASN'T ANY

2019-08-17 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*And so it goes, the Senate Democrats and "our free press" continuing to
flog the fantasy of *
*"Russian meddling," which distracts from the high likelihood that the
Republicans will go on*
*rigging our "elections" electronically, while the Democrats do nothing to
prevent it (and do *
*their own, **more blatant "meddling" via vote suppression in their

*What to do when the corruption—of the voting system, and the press, and
*complete? That's not a rhetorical question.*


U.S. States: We Weren’t Hacked by Russians in 2016Shocker: the media
ignores the fact there is no real evidence of election systems tampering.


 • August 16,



Alexandru Nika/Shutterstock

A “bombshell” Senate Intelligence Committee report

in July repeated the familiar claim that Russia targeted the electoral
websites of at least 21 states—but statements from the states themselves
effectively undermine that narrative.

It turns out the reality is dramatically different from the headlines.

The states’ own summary responses contained in the report show that, with
one exception, they found either no effort to penetrate any of their
election-related sites or merely found scanning and probing associated with
an IP address that the FBI had warned about ahead of the 2016 election.
Hardly a slam dunk.

Federal authorities, including Independent Counsel Robert Mueller, later
claimed that the Russians used that IP address to hack into the Illinois
state election systems and access some 200,000 voter records, though
Mueller provided no additional evidence for that in his report. Nor was
there any evidence that any data was tampered with, or a single vote

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] L.A. Times' billionaire owner sued for killing a cheap cancer drug

2019-08-17 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Not a word about this in the *New York Times* (or in Wikipedia's entry for
*Thus "our free press" is killing us.*


LA Times’ Pharma Titan Owner Is Being Sued for Selfishly Killing a Cheap
Cancer Drug
By Sissi Cao  • 04/04/19 12:38pm



[image: Patrick Soon-Shiong became a billionaire in 2010 after selling his
blockbuster anti-cancer drug, Abraxane, to Celgene.]

Patrick Soon-Shiong became a billionaire in 2010 after selling his
blockbuster anti-cancer drug, Abraxane, to Celgene. Kevork Djansezian/Getty

Patrick Soon-Shiong, the California pharmaceutical billionaire who bought
*The**Los Angeles Times* and its sister newspaper, *San Diego
Union-Tribune, *from Tronc last year, has been sued by a San Diego
biopharma company for orchestrating a “catch and kill” scheme to kill a
promising cancer drug in order to protect the market dominance of a very
expensive competing drug invented by himself.

The plaintiff, Sorrento Therapeutics, filed two lawsuits—an arbitration
compliant and a civil suit—on Wednesday against Soon-Shiong and his
pharmaceutical company, NantPharma, for acquiring the rights to one of its
cancer drugs, called Cynviloq, in 2015 but later intentionally blocking it
from reaching the market. *Forbes*

reported the court filings.

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] Voting system used in Georgia BANNED by federal court!

2019-08-17 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*This is the system whereby Max Cleland and Cynthia McKinney—among
others—"lost" their*
*seats in Congress.*



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[MCM] Burlington declares "climate emergency"—then orders resident to destroy her naturalized garden

2019-08-19 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*Scroll down for the email addresses of Burlington's City Council members.*



By Doreen Nicoll, Rabble.CA

August 18, 2019

On April 23, Burlington City Council unanimously passed Ward 3 Councillor
Rory Nisan’s motion to declare a climate emergency.

“By declaring a climate emergency, Burlington City Council is recognizing
the magnitude of the challenge we face in combatting climate change,” Nisan
said in a press release. “But it is only one step. Through the declaration,
we have requested a comprehensive climate action plan by the end of the
year and that plan is where we will begin to make real, practical change
for Burlington.”

According to local environmentalist Vince Fiorito, “Given the context of
the city declaring a climate change emergency, noisy, smelly, green house
gas emitting lawn mowers and leaf blowers should be discouraged.”

But a Burlington resident and her family are finding that the city is not
living up to its promises. The resident in question has cultivated a
naturalized garden area in their front yard to encourage genetic diversity,
support native species, and create a supportive habitat for a variety of
insects and local wildlife.

Fearing retribution from neighbours, I was asked to not use this resident’s
real name so we’ll call her Antheia, after the goddess of flowers.

Antheia says, “I have been maintaining a naturalized area since 2015 and
the City of Burlington has repeatedly told me I am in violation of the
by-laws despite the by-laws allowing for naturalized areas. Every year they
mischaracterize my naturalized area as a lawn and demand that I cut
everything down to less than 8 inches or they will come and do it
themselves and charge me.”

When the city inspected Antheia’s property in 2015, it took no action. In
2016, the city inspected the property again and issued a non-compliance
notice. Antheia informed the city that she was maintaining a naturalized
area as defined by bylaw No. 12-2011 as, “a yard or a portion of a yard
containing vegetative growth that does not form part of a natural garden
that has been deliberately implemented to produce ground cover, including
one or more species of wildflowers, shrubs, perennials, grasses or
combinations of them, whether native or non-native, consistent with a
managed and natural landscape other than regularly mown grass.”

Antheia was informed by email and phone that the city could not qualify her
property as a naturalized area, and that municipal employees would cut her
plants to the required height for lawns of less than eight inches.

When city workers arrived to cut Antheia’s naturalized area, she called the
police. The attending officers asked the workers to leave Antheia’s
property. The officers left without incident and no further action was
taken that year.

Then in 2017, without any notice, the city trespassed on Antheia’s property
while she was not home and decimated the entire naturalized area. Milkweed,
wild flowers, native species — many of which were perennials — and a bush
were all cut to the required height for a lawn of less than eight inches.
This effectively destroyed the portions of the garden needed by monarch
butterflies, pollinators, birds, and small animals.

In 2018, the city made significant changes to the lot maintenance bylaw and
replaced the law under which Antheia’s garden had been decimated, No.
12-2011, with new bylaw  No. 59-2018. Antheia retained a lawyer to tell
city workers understand that she was maintaining a naturalized area. That
summer the city took no action.

Things were looking good for Antheia’s case in 2019 after a bylaw
enforcement officer deemed her property a naturalized area. But just a
couple of weeks later, a second bylaw enforcement officer issued a
non-compliance notice that mischaracterized the naturalized area as a lawn.
Antheia was once again threatened with the destruction of her entire
naturalized area.

Through discussions with a supervisor, Antheia was assured her property
could be maintained as a naturalized area and was in fact in compliance.
Yet, one month later, after allegedly receiving many complaints from
neighbors, the city sent Antheia a letter demanding she cut everything —
all the same plants that were in her yard when the city had deemed it in
compliance — to less than eight inches.

Supported by countless research studies

 and anecdotal observations

 from native species gar

[MCM] "Our free press" is a rich man's trick, as Bernie has observed

2019-08-19 Thread Mark Crispin Miller

AUGUST 16, 2019 9:40AM ET
The Campaign Press: Members of the 10 Percent, Reporting for the One Percent

Media companies run by the country’s richest people can’t help but project
the mindset of their owners.



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[image: Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) talks
to journalists as he walks along Grand Avenue at the Iowa State Fair.]

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) talks to
journalists as he walks along Grand Avenue at the Iowa State Fair.

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Bernie Sanders  Monday gave
a speech in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire
. He took shots at the press,
mentioning coverage of his campaign against Amazon


*I talk about (Amazon’s taxes) all of the time… And then I wonder why The
Washington Post, which is owned by Jeff Bezos, who owns Amazon, doesn’t
write particularly good articles about me. I don’t know why*.

Employees of the *Post *were put out by Sanders’s comments. They insisted
they hold no ill will against him for regularly bashing the man who writes
their checks as one of earth’s most obnoxious plutocrats, and moreover that
Sanders is wrong to make the media  a
“boogeyman” the way he’s turned “billionaires and corporations” into
boogeymen. This “doesn’t add up
noted the *Post, *going so far as to put the term “corporate media” in
quotation marks, as if it were a mythical creature.
[image: Cardi B interviews Bernie Sanders about healthcare, immigration and
minimum wage.]
Watch Cardi B Interview Bernie Sanders About Health Care, Minimum Wage and
Cardi B and Bernie Sanders Discuss Jobs, Minimum Wage, Unions

Perhaps the negativity toward Sanders isn’t over Amazon. After all, Sanders
gets similar treatment from the *New York Times*
*, *CNN

, the *Atlantic*

other outlets. Still, the *Post’s *Bernie fixation stands out. The paper
humorously once wrote 16 negative pieces

Sanders in the space of 16 hours (e.g. “Clinton Is Running for President.
Sanders Is Doing Something Else
“Bernie Sanders Pledges the US Won’t Be No. 1 in Incarceration. He’ll Need
to Release Lots of Criminals


The *Post *in 2017 asked readers how Democrats would “cope

[MCM] What Bill Clinton wrought with his "humanitarian" bombing of Serbia, which started 20 years ago.

2019-08-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*"I urged him to bomb," recalled Hillary, proudly, "to defend our way of


America’s Benevolent Bombing of Serbia
*By James Bovard *
*Global Research, August 19, 2019*
*The Future of Freedom Foundation

August 2019*
*Region: Europe , USA
*Theme: History
Agenda *
*In-depth Report: THE BALKANS

* 51   12  169*

*Twenty years ago, President Bill Clinton commenced bombing Serbia in the
name of human rights, justice, and ethnic tolerance. Approximately 1,500
Serb civilians were killed by NATO bombing in one of the biggest sham
morality plays of the modern era. As British professor Philip
Hammond recently noted, the 78-day bombing campaign “was not a purely
military operation: NATO also destroyed what it called ‘dual-use’ targets,
such as factories, city bridges, and even the main television building in
downtown Belgrade, in an attempt to terrorise the country into surrender.”*

*Clinton’s unprovoked attack on Serbia, intended to help ethnic Albanians
seize control of Kosovo, set a precedent for “humanitarian” warring that
was invoked by supporters of George W. Bush’s unprovoked attack on Iraq,
Barack Oba-ma’s bombing of Libya, and Donald Trump’s bombing of Syria.*

*Clinton remains a hero in Kosovo, and there is an 11-foot statue of him
standing in the capitol, Pristina, on Bill Clinton Boulevard. A commentator
in the United Kingdom’s Guardian newspaper noted that the statue showed
Clinton “with a left hand raised, a typical gesture of a leader greeting
the masses. In his right hand he is holding documents engraved with the
date when NATO started the bombardment of Serbia, 24 March 1999.” It would
have been a more accurate representation if Clinton was shown standing on
the corpses of the women, children, and others killed in the U.S. bombing

*Bombing Serbia was a family affair in the Clinton White House. Hillary
Clinton revealed to an interviewer in the summer of 1999,*

*“I urged him to bomb. You cannot let this go on at the end of a century
that has seen the major holocaust of our time. What do we have NATO for if
not to defend our way of life?”*

*A biography of Hillary Clinton, written by Gail Sheehy and published in
late 1999, stated that Mrs. Clinton had refused to talk to the president
for eight months after the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke. She resumed
talking to her husband only when she phoned him and urged him in the
strongest terms to begin bombing Serbia; the president began bombing within
24 hours. Alexander Cockburn observed in the Los Angeles Times,*

*It’s scarcely surprising that Hillary would have urged President Clinton
to drop cluster bombs on the Serbs to defend “our way of life.” The first
lady is a social engineer. She believes in therapeutic policing and the
duty of the state to impose such policing. War is more social engineering,
“fixitry” via high explosive, social therapy via cruise missile…. As a
tough therapeutic cop, she does not shy away from the most abrupt
expression of the therapy: the death penalty.*

*I followed the war closely from the start, but selling articles to editors
bashing the bombing was as easy as pitching paeans to Scientology. Instead
of breaking into newsprint, my venting occurred instead in my journal:*

*April 7, 1999: Much of the media and most of the American public are
evaluating Clinton’s Serbian policy based on the pictures of the bomb
damage — rather than by asking whether there is any coherent purpose or
justification for bombing. The ultimate triumph of photo opportunities….
What a travesty and national disgrace for this country.*

*April 17: My bottom line on the Kosovo conflict: I hate holy wars. And
this is a holy war for American good deeds — or for America’s saintly
self-image? Sen. John McCain said the war is necessary to “uphold American
values.” Make me barf! Just another … Hitler-of-the-month attack.*

*May 13: This damn Serbian war … is a symbol of all that is wrong with the
righteous approach to the world … and to problems within this nation.*

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] Julian Assange's health "declining rapidly" in Belmarsh Prison, his father warns

2019-08-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Julian Assange’s father warns WikiLeaks’ publisher’s health is “declining
rapidly” in Belmarsh PrisonBy Oscar Grenfell
20 August 2019


In an interview on August 16 with 3CR, a Melbourne community radio station,
Julian Assange’s father John Shipton stated that the WikiLeaks founder’s
health is continuing to deteriorate in Britain’s maximum-security Belmarsh

Shipton revealed that Assange had received a visit from his brother Gabriel
several days earlier. “Julian is emaciated and not in tip-top order or
health,” Shipton said. “He is suffering anxiety. He is still in fighting
spirits, but his well-being is declining rapidly.”
Julian Assange

Shipton said there was a danger that “we will lose Julian” if action is not
taken to end his incarceration. His warning followed a statement by
world-renowned investigative journalist John Pilger on Twitter earlier this
month, who wrote: “Do not forget Julian Assange. Or you will lose him. I
saw him in Belmarsh prison and his health has deteriorated…”

Assange’s father outlined the draconian conditions in Belmarsh Prison,
where Assange has been held since he was dragged from Ecuador’s London
embassy by British police on April 11.

“Can you believe that Julian, who is a gentle, intellectual sort of fellow
gets locked up in a maximum security prison?” he asked the interviewer,
WikiLeaks supporter Jacob Grech.

Assange was dispatched to the facility despite being convicted only of a
minor British bail offense, which stemmed from his successful claim for
political asylum at the Ecuadorian embassy in 2012.

Shipton explained that Assange was “in a cell 20 hours a day and has two
social visits a month. Lawyers are allowed there other times. These social
visits can be arbitrarily cancelled or reduced in time.”

He related that when he travelled from Australia to London two-and-a-half
months ago, “we waited and were told that we couldn’t come” into the prison
for a pre-arranged visit with Assange.

“No reason was given,” Shipton said, except that “there were conflicting
appointments made with prison doctors to come and see him. So, they use the
visiting times to have his medical examiners examine him, which means that
a social visit needs to be cancelled.”

Shipton, along with a WikiLeaks staff member and Chinese artist Ai Weiwei,
returned the following week for another arranged visit. “We waited 46
minutes for Julian to arrive,” he said. The prison authorities claimed that
they had “forgotten” to notify Assange of the visit, “so they had to go and
find him and bring him down.”

This resulted in the two-hour visit, which Assange is entitled to, being
reduced to just one hour. “To travel all the way from Australia to see
Julian and to get only an hour, it seems cruel to me,” Shipton said.

Asked by Grech whether he thought this was the result of incompetence, or a
deliberate attack on Assange’s rights, Shipton answered: “I’m told that
often that is done with a well-known prisoner to assert authority over him
and over his visitors.”

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] Netanyahu's worst nightmare: American Jews are turning anti-Zionist

2019-08-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*Sending this again, as it bounced back yesterday, "blocked" by scores of 
NFU members,*
*according to Googlegroups; and I know of no one who received it (including 
my assistant,*
*Lacy Hannah).*

*So, if this is the second time you've got it from me, let me know, and 
please accept my*



*Christians need to know Jewish opposition to Zionism is on the rise*
*Steve France  on July 25, 
[image: Part of the Jewish Voice for Peace delegation at the 221st 
Presbyterian General Assembly in Detroit who worked in solidarity with 
Presbyterian groups on divestment from companies profiting off the Israeli 
Part of the Jewish Voice for Peace delegation at the 221st Presbyterian 
General Assembly in Detroit who worked in solidarity with Presbyterian 
groups on divestment from companies profiting off the Israeli occupation.

Dear Christians:

Suppose that you were a guest at a Passover Seder and you dared to bring up 
Israeli treatment of the Palestinians . . . and your host turned to you and 
said, “Thanks, for raising that. We really have trouble reclaiming our 
Judaism from the old Zionist narrative.” Unthinkable? Not as much as it 
used to be.

 It might seem easier than ever to say the wrong thing about 
Israel-Palestine, at least as measured by, say, the U.S. Congress. A new 
definition of anti-Semitism popular in Congress says that criticism of the 
“Jewish State” is anti-Semitic. But 40 highly qualified American Jews 
recently provided passionate, personal testimony against that view. Their 
written statements are collected in a new book titled *Reclaiming Judaism 
>From Zionism: Stories of Personal Transformation* 
edited by Carolyn L. Karcher, that documents radical changes in American 
Jewish attitudes toward Israel and its foundational Zionist ideology.

These are far from the first Jewish voices to fault Israel and Zionism, of 
course. Indeed, several of the authors make the point that for decades 
Zionism was a marginal movement denounced by Jews from every land and every 
religious persuasion from orthodoxy to atheism. They admit that the reality 
today remains that almost all Jews support Israel — or are very reluctant 
to openly oppose it. They tell of the deep emotional and religious hold 
that Israel and the idea of a Jewish State had on them from their earliest 
years. Zionism was at the very heart of their Jewish identity. But each one 
has a tale to tell of becoming disenchanted as they confronted the reality 
of systematic Israeli dispossession of the Palestinians. Each offers 
searing personal examples of the “wild world of [Zionist] silencing and 
bullying,” as physician Alice Rothchild puts it.

What’s new is that these are not isolated or lonely voices. Nor can the 
authors be dismissed as “self-hating Jews.” They are proud, self-loving 
Jews. Their anti-Zionism doesn’t exist despite their Judaism but because of 
it, they say. They tell why Zionism for Jews is a “mental prison,” a mortal 
threat to their deepest Jewish identities, and inimical to Jewish values 
and Jewish creativity. 

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] Whistleblower exposes Google's blacklist, and other mammoth "meddling" in our minds, and with our politics

2019-08-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller

*Slavoj Zizek on Google's brave new world—"a new, controlled society worse 
than the old totalitarianism":*

*MCM *

Google “Machine Learning Fairness” Whistleblower Goes Public, says: “burden 
lifted off of my soul”

   -  by Staff Report 
   - August 14, 2019 
   - in News Posts 
/ Press Releases 
    / Top 
   Stories  / 
   Tech  / Google 


“the police began looking for me…”** Google Sent Threatening Letter 
to Google Insider Zachary Vorhies: “they knew what I had done and that 
letter contained several demands”** HUNDREDS of Internal Google Documents 
Leaked to Project Veritas… news blacklist, “human raters,” YouTube CEO 
video…** Google Insider Wants More Insiders to Blow Whistle: “people have 
been waiting for this Google Snowden moment where somebody comes out and 
explains what everybody already knows to be true”* *“I felt that our entire 
election system was going to be compromised forever, by this company that 
told the American public that it was not going to do any evil”*
The internal Google documents are available here. 

*(San Francisco)* A Google insider who anonymously leaked internal 
documents to Project Veritas made the decision to go public in an 
on-the-record video interview. The insider, Zachary Vorhies, decided to go 
public after receiving a letter from Google, and after he says Googleallegedly 
called the police to perform a “wellness check” on him.

Along with the interview, Vorhies asked Project Veritas to publish more of 
the internal Google documents he had previously leaked. Said Vorhies:

*“I gave the documents to Project Veritas, I had been collecting the 
documents for over a year. And the reason why I collected these documents 
was because I saw something dark and nefarious going on with the company 
and I realized that there were going to not only tamper with the elections, 
but use that tampering with the elections to essentially overthrow the 
United States.”*

*(Do you work in Big Tech? Project Veritas would love to hear from you. 
) *

In June of 2019, Project Veritas published internal Google documents 
revealing “algorithmic unfairness.” 

told Project Veritas these were documents that were widely available to 
full-time Google employees:

*“These documents were available to every single employee within the 
company that was full-time. And so as a fulltime employee at the company, I 
just searched for some keywords and these documents started to pop up. And 
so once I started finding one document and started finding keywords for 
other documents and I would enter that in and continue this cycle until I 
had a treasure trove and archive of documents that clearly spelled out the 
system, what they’re attempting to do in very clear language.” *

Vorhies walks towards police with phone in hand.

*Intimidation *

Shortly after the report including the “algorithmic unfairness” documents 
was published, Vorhies received a letter from Google 

several “demands.” Vorhies told ProjectVeritas that he complied with Google’s 
demands, which included a request for any internal Google documents he may 
have personally retained. Vorhies also said he sent those documents to the 
Department of Justice Antitrust Division.
*(Project Veritas is hiring. If you want to become an undercover 
journalist, apply here! )*

After having been identified by an anonymous account (which Vorhies 
believes belongs to a Google employee,) on social media as a “leaker,” 
Vorhies was app

[MCM] "Conspiracy theorist" means "a rational citizen"

2019-08-21 Thread Mark Crispin Miller

Dave Collum

I am a "conspiracy theorist". I believe men and women of wealth and power 
conspire. If you don't think so, then you are what is called "an idiot". If 
you believe stuff but fear the label, you are what is called "a coward".
8:14 PM · Jul 18, 2019·Twitter Web App 

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[MCM] "And what rough best, its hour come round at last, / Slouches toward Bethlehem to be born?"

2019-08-21 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Trump touts quote calling him 'second coming of God' to Jews in Israel

Dylan Stableford 
Senior Editor
Yahoo News •August 21, 2019

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[MCM] "And what rough BEAST, its hour come round at last,/ Slouches toward Bethlehem to be born?"

2019-08-21 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Apologies to William Butler Yeats, and all of you, for that typo


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[MCM] Israel NEEDS anti-semites, and vice-versa

2019-08-21 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*Israel needs anti-semites—or "anti-semites"—to get Jews everywhere, and 
especially the USA, to*
*rally round its flag (a strategy that's failing); and (real) anti-semites 
need the Jewish State, to cast *
*their Jew-hatred **as anti-Zionism (a strategy that's working all too 

*In any case, it's notable indeed, as Mairav Zonszein tweets, that Israel 
lets in Gavin McInnes, despite*
*that goon's virulent, outspoken anti-semitism. (Check out** his video, "10 
things I hate about Jews," at *

*And it's also notable that Israel, despite its endless bellowing against 
the "anti-semitism" of BDS et al.,*
*supported the US-installed junta in Ukraine—a regime full of outright 
neo-Nazis—and even armed its*
*SS-bedazzled forces fighting in the East:*

*Such Nazi-friendliness should come as no surprise, since Zionism's 
fiercest champions have always*
*been racial supremacists, just like the Nazis—with whom they actually saw 
eye to eye, back in*
*the Thirties (as Lenni Brenner makes quite clear in his two must-read 
books, Zionism in the Age of *
*the Dictators and 51 Documents: **Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis.) *

*MCM *

[image: Image may contain: 1 person, text]

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[MCM] Barack Obama is our costliest ex-president

2019-08-21 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*It's not worth it.*



Obama’s the most expensive ex-president for taxpayers

By Bob Fredericks 

September 1, 2017 | 12:46pm | Updated 

Enlarge Image 

[image: Obama’s the most expensive ex-president for taxpayers]
Why Obama tried to talk Biden out of his White House bid 

Online petition seeks to rename Trump Tower street after Barack Obama 

Biden polls backers for praise in wake of Democrats' criticism of Obama 

Cuomo calls out 'pathetic' 2020 Dems for trashing Obama 

Ex-President Barack Obama will be the costliest former commander-in-chief, 
with taxpayers shelling out $1,153,000 for his expenses in 2018, according 
to the Congressional Research Service.

His budget request is more than $100,000 higher than George W. Bush’s for 
next year and nearly $200,000 more than Bill Clinton’s expected budget.

George H.W. Bush is slated to get $942,000, while Jimmy Carter will get 
less than half that, at just $456,000, according to a memo prepared by the 
service, which was first reported by the Washington Times 


All living former presidents get an office, expenses and, in some cases, an 
annual pension payment, because of a 1950s-era law enacted after President 
Harry Truman turned out to be broke after leaving the White House.

The biggest expense for ex-presidents is renting office space.

Obama’s office — 8,198 square feet in Washington — will cost taxpayers 
$536,000 next year, the most of any ex-president, the paper reported.

Clinton’s Harlem office cost $518,000 and is bigger, at 8,300 square feet. 
W’s office in Dallas cost $497,000, while his dad’s place in Houston is 
$286,000. Carter’s Atlanta office costs just $115,000.

*Click the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] Infant dies 14 hours after EIGHT vaccinations

2019-08-21 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*Infant Dies 14 Hours After Receiving 8 Vaccines*
 Melissa Curtin 
9, 2019 

   - * 

*Infant Dies 14 Hours After Receiving 8 Vaccines*

Laura Stanard  experienced the 
shock, horror, and heartbreak of finding her healthy infant daughter limp 
and unresponsive the evening of her 2 month old vaccines. This devastating 
situation of losing her baby catapulted Laura to promptly research and 
question vaccines. She is among countless families,  


fathers whose healthy children have tragically died after a vaccination 

baby visit” – the purpose of “well baby visits” is to ensure parents fully 
vaccinate their children according to the CDC schedule. If a parent 
questions this directive, the parent will be bullied and harassed by the 

vaccinate, even if it means lying to the parent and telling the parent 
their child will die without vaccines.

Most of these affected parents were not given true informed consent or 
provided sufficient information of the risks to make an informed decision – 
including that their child could DIE following vaccination. Laura shares an 
overview of what happened to her daughter Sophia, followed by a question 
and answer exchange.

*Click on the link for the interview with Laura Stanard.*

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[MCM] There's "insufficient evidence" to charge Ghislaine Maxwell as Epstein's accomplice?

2019-08-21 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
[image: Ghislaine Maxwell]

Laura Cavanaugh/Getty Images

Why Charging Jeffrey Epstein’s Alleged Accomplice Is Going to Be Difficult

Ghislaine Maxwell has been accused of helping procure underage girls for 
the late financier. But public outrage is not evidence.


August 20, 2019
Continue to article content

Continue to article content
[image: The Friday Cover] 

Read more 


*Renato Mariotti is the Legal Affairs Columnist for POLITICO Magazine. He 
is a former federal prosecutor and host of the “On Topic 

In the days since convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein killed himself in a 
Manhattan jail cell, there has been a growing public outcry asking why his 
longtime confidante and alleged accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell has not yet 
been charged. Former FBI Assistant Director Frank Figliuzzi asked, “Why is 
she still walking around? 
” And after 
a photo (since discredited) emerged purporting to show Maxwell eating 
outside an In-N-Out Burger restaurant, one prominent legal analyst asked, “Why 
is the most wanted woman in America just walking around L.A.? 

Unfortunately, the answer is likely that law enforcement simply does not 
yet have sufficient evidence to ensure a conviction of Maxwell. If they had 
enough evidence, they would have charged her already. Getting that evidence 
will not be anywhere near as easy as some pundits might suggest.

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] Chicago Trib tests cell phones, finds far more radiation than the government allows

2019-08-21 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
We tested popular cellphones for radiofrequency radiation. Now the FCC is

The Apple iPhone 7 was set to operate at full power and secured below a tub
of clear liquid, specially formulated to simulate human tissue.

With the push of a button, a robotic arm swung into action, sending a
pencil-thin probe dipping into the tub. For 18 minutes, it repeatedly
measured the amount of radiofrequency radiation the liquid was absorbing
from the cellphone.


inRead invented by Teads

This test, which was paid for by the Tribune and conducted according to
federal guidelines at an accredited lab, produced a surprising result:
Radiofrequency radiation exposure from the iPhone 7 — one of the most
popular smartphones ever sold — measured over the legal safety limit and
more than double what Apple reported to federal regulators from its own

The Federal Communications Commission, which is responsible for regulating
phones, states on its website that if a cellphone has been approved for
sale, the device “will never exceed” the maximum allowable exposure limit.
But this phone, in an independent lab inspection, had done exactly that.

Click the link for the rest

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[MCM] Jeff Bezos is an excellent argument for getting rid of his whole class

2019-08-26 Thread Mark Crispin Miller

Jeff Bezos’s Politics

Jeff Bezos is the owner of the daily newspaper in Washington DC, the
Post*, which leads America’s news-media and their almost 100% support of
(and promotions for) neoconservatism
American imperialism, or wars. This includes sanctions, coups, and military
invasions, against countries that America’s billionaires want to control
but don’t *yet *control — such as Venezuela, Syria, Iran, Russia, Libya,
and China. These are aggressive wars, against countries which had never
aggressed against the United States. It’s not, at all, defensive, but the
exact opposite. It’s not necessarily endless war (even Hitler hadn’t been
intending that), but it is war until the entire planet has become
controlled by the US Government, which Government is *itself* controlled by
America’s billionaires
the funders of neoconservatism — US imperialism
 — in both of
America’s political Parties, via think tanks, newspapers, TV networks,
etcetera. Bezos is a crucial part of that, neoconservatism, ever since, at
the 6-9 June 2013 Bilderberg meeting
he arranged with Donald Graham the *Washington Post’*s owner, to buy that
for $250 million, after he had already negotiated, in March of that same
year, with the neoconservative CIA Director, John Brennan
. This $600
million ten-year cloud computing contract

Amazon corporation, from being a reliable money-loser, into a reliably
profitable firm, and therefore caused Bezos’s net worth to soar even more
(and at a sharper rate of rising
than it had been doing while it had been losing money. He was now the most
influential salesman not only for books, etc., but for the CIA, and for
such mega-corporations as Lockheed Martin. US imperialism has supercharged
his wealth, but didn’t alone cause his wealth. Jeff Bezos might be the most
ferociously gifted business-person on the planet.

Some of America’s billionaires don’t care about international conquest as
much as he does, but all of them at least accept neoconservatism; none of
them, for example, establishes and donates large sums to, *anti*-imperialistic
organizations; none of America’s billionaires is determined to *end* the
reign of neoconservatism, nor even to help the fight to end it, or at least
to end its grip over the US Government. None. Not even a single one of them
does. But many of them establish, and donate large sums to, neoconservative
organizations, or run neoconservative organs such as Bezos’s *Washington
Post*, which is simultaneously a neoconservative and a neoliberal organ;
i.e., it’s a *Democratic Party* type of neoconservative organ. That’s the
way billionaires are, at least in the United States. All of them are
imperialists. They sponsor it; they promote it and hire people who do, and
demote or get rid of people who don’t. Expanding an empire is extremely
profitable for its aristocrats, and always has been, even before the Roman

Bezos also wants to privatize everything around the world that can become
privatized, such as education, highways, health care, and pensions. The
more that billionaires control those, the less that everyone else does; and
preventing control by the public helps to protect billionaires against
democracy that would increase their taxes, and against governmental
regulations that would reduce their profits by increasing their
corporations’ expenses. So, billionaires control the government
 in order to increase their
takings from the public.

He, through his *Washington Post*, is one of the world’s top personal
sellers to the US military-industrial complex, because he controls and is
the biggest investor in Amazon corporation, whose Web Services division
supplies all cloud-computing services to the Pentagon, CIA and NSA. And in
April there was a headline “CIA Considering Cloud Contract Worth ‘Tens of

contract could soar Bezos’s personal wealth even higher into the
stratosphere, especially if he wins *all*of it (as he previously did).

He also globally dominates, and is constantly increasing hi

[MCM] #MeToo blowhards—especially the New York Times—could not care less about child sex trafficking

2019-08-26 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
* except to cover up for its elite practitioners. (This is why the Time
et al.*

*have largely stopped reporting on the Epstein scandal.)*


, U.S.

The Missing Howls of Denunciation Over Major Sex Trafficking
August 22, 2019 • 88 Comments


*Michael Brenner considers the dearth of #MeToo outrage at the foul
activities of the 25-year-long Epstein-Maxwell operation.*

(Alec Perkins, CC BY 2.0/Wikimedia Commons)

*By Michael Brenner *

*W*hy have the howls of outrage not echoed through the media? Why has the
trumpet’s call to action been silent?  Why haven’t the halls of Congress
resounded with denunciation and the demands for justice.

Sexual trafficking of women and children is probably the century’s greatest
assault on girls and young women outside of Boko Haram’s rampages and the
crimes of the Islamic State against the Yazidis.  In terms of sheer
numbers, it exceeds those atrocities. High among the malefactors is the
Epstein-Maxwell operation. Its foul activities went on for 25 years. It was
known to law enforcement authorities for most of that time. The sole legal
action taken was the one count lodged against Jeffrey Epstein in 2006 for
“soliciting a minor.” With the connivance of the highest authorities in
Washington, it was a genteel house arrest that was a mockery of supposed

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] Did North Dakota hide an oil/gas spill even bigger than Exxon Valdez?

2019-08-26 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
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Did North Dakota Regulators Hide an Oil and Gas Industry Spill Larger Than
Exxon Valdez?*Read time: 15 mins*

*By Justin Nobel  • Monday,
August 19, 2019 - 12:56*


*[image: Exxon Valdez]*
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*In July 2015 workers at the Garden Creek I Gas Processing Plant, in
Watford City, North Dakota, noticed a leak in a pipeline and reported a
spill to the North Dakota Department of Health that remains officially

10 gallons, the size of two bottled water delivery jugs.*

*But a whistle-blower has revealed to DeSmog the incident is actually on
par with the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska, which released roughly
11 million gallons of thick crude.*

*The Garden Creek spill “is in fact over 11 million gallons of condensate
that leaked through a crack in a pipeline for over 3 years,” says the
whistle-blower, who has expertise in environmental science but refused to
be named or give other background information for fear of losing their job.
They provided to DeSmog a document

details remediation efforts and verifies the spill’s monstrous size.*

*“Up to 5,500,000 gallons” of hydrocarbons have been removed from the site,
the 2018 document states, “based upon an…estimate of approximately 11
million gallons released.”*

*Garden Creek is operated by the Oklahoma-based oil and gas service
company, ONEOK Partners, and processes natural gas and natural gas liquids,
also called natural gas condensate, brought to the facility via pipeline
from Bakken wells.*

*Neither the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which
monitors coastal spills, nor the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
could provide records to put the spill’s size in context, but according to
available reports, if the 11-million-gallon figure is accurate, the Garden
Creek spill appears to be among the largest recorded oil and gas industry
spills in the history of the United States.*

*However, the American public is unaware, because the spill remains
officially listed as just 10 gallons. That is despite the fact that a North
Dakota regulator has acknowledged the spill was much larger, and even the
official record, right after stating the spill was 10 gallons, notes that
the area was “saturated with natural gas condensate of an unknown volume,”
and thus may have been larger.*

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[MCM] New School prof exonerated for quoting James Baldwin in her class

2019-08-26 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*A (white) student filed a complaint against me for referring to Dick
Gregory's autobiography, Nigger, *
*in a class of mine at NYU. Luckily for me, it was so stupid that the dean
of my school took no action.*


VICTORY: Professor exonerated for quoting iconic black writer at The New

*by FIRE *
*August 16, 2019*

*NEW YORK, Aug. 16, 2019 — The New School has cleared a professor of
charges of racial discrimination for quoting literary icon James Baldwin
during a classroom discussion. The university reversed course

late Wednesday after
the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education intervened
behalf of professor Laurie Sheck’s  academic
freedom rights. *

*“If I have a hope for what can come out of this, it is for a university
community that seeks to open itself in the deepest and most informed of
ways to the exchange and contemplation of ideas about which there is
genuine urgency and concern but not consensus,” said Sheck. “It is crucial
that the right to do this be protected.”*

*Sheck, a poet and novelist who is white, teaches a graduate course on
“radical questioning” in writing. The course includes works by prominent
African-American writers that examine racial discrimination. Sheck prefaces
her course with a warning that active engagement with literature involves a
sense of unease and unsettlement. *

*Early in the spring semester, Sheck assigned “The Creative Process
a 1962 essay in which Baldwin argues that Americans have “modified or
suppressed and lied about all the darker forces in our history” and must
commit to “a long look backward whence we came and an unflinching
assessment of the record.” In her graduate seminar, classroom discussion
involved the Baldwin statement, “I am not your nigger,” which was made
during an appearance as a guest on The Dick Cavett Show. Sheck noted how
the title of an Oscar-nominated 2016 documentary based on Baldwin’s
writings, “I Am Not Your Negro
,” intentionally altered
Baldwin’s words. She asked her students what this change may reveal about
Americans’ ability to reckon with what Baldwin identified as “the darker
forces of history.”*

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] Inventing "gunfire" from a wholly peaceful protest, PBS lies about its own report on Israeli attacks in Gaza

2019-08-27 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
‘Protests turn violent’ with ‘gunfire’ — PBS lies about its own report on
Israeli attacks in Gaza
*Philip Weiss  on August 26,
2019 *


*Last week PBS ran a brilliant piece
from Gaza by Jane

highlighted Israel’s maiming of hundreds or thousands of young protesters
with leg-shattering rifle-shots.The focus of the piece was Dr. Adnan al
Borsh, a surgeon, who described in precise English the explosive nature of
the wounds and his efforts to save young Palestinians, captured by a
photograph of him falling asleep in an operating room chair at 1 a.m.
on May 14, 2018
the day that Israel killed over 60 protesters.Dr. Adnan al Borsh on May 14,
2018.The sympathy of the piece was entirely with young men who had once
loved to play soccer in their open-air prison. Ferguson:Most of these kids
have never seen the outside world, trapped in a tiny strip of land under
blockade by the Israeli government and ruled over by the militant group
Hamas.I watched this report last week as a rapt amateur, with my heart in
my throat. Another excerpt:Ferguson: Waleed and his friends say they were
unarmed, protesting near the border fence, when he was shot by a
sniper.Waleed Al Ramlawi (through translator): The Israelis were dealing
with us as though we were an army. They were not dealing with us as
peaceful protesters. We had no weapons, just our bodies.John YangI was
planning to celebrate the PBS New Hour, then I saw the packaging of the
report.  The title
on the PBS site is: “Gazans suffer life-shattering injuries when border
protests turn violent.” And host John Yang — I missed this when I was
sitting at dinner — put the blame on the Palestinians in his intro:For many
months now, Palestinians in Gaza have regularly protested their conditions
along the border fence with Israel. Those protests have often turned
violent, resulting in deaths and permanent injuries.Militant Palestinians
have lobbed rockets and gunfire at Israel, especially targeting the
soldiers at the border. But some international observers say the response
of late has taken a disturbing turn.These are… lies. There was nothing in
the report to justify such a misrepresentation. Ferguson never mentioned
gunfire. She did say that Palestinians sometimes send flaming kites over
the border that can burn farmland, and that “the most cynical here
encourage the smallest to approach the fence, goading Israeli guards.”
There has been no “disturbing turn” lately.Ferguson never mentioned
rockets, never mentioned gunfire– except from Israel.Click on the link for
the rest.*

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[MCM] How Sanders/Warren (sort of) call for peace—except with Russia (and, in her case, China)

2019-08-27 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Published on
Monday, August 26, 2019
Common Dreams 
Are Sanders and Warren Throwing a Lifeline to the Military-Industrial

Their pro-diplomacy worldview has blind spots. This creates a pretext for
continuing U.S. militarism and risks undermining their commitment to peace.
Medea Benjamin , Nicolas
J S Davies 



[image: Progressive candidates should instead be sending the entire world
an unequivocal message that the United States is finally ready to turn the
page to a new era of peaceful, cooperative and lawful diplomacy. (Photo:

Progressive candidates should instead be sending the entire world an
unequivocal message that the United States is finally ready to turn the
page to a new era of peaceful, cooperative and lawful diplomacy. (Photo:

Among the frontrunners in the Democratic Party presidential primary,
Senators Warren and Sanders not only have the most progressive domestic
agenda, but also the most anti-war, pro-diplomacy foreign policy agenda.
The sharpest distinction

them is that Sanders has voted against over 80% of recent record military
spending bills in the Senate, while Warren has voted for two thirds of them.

But their pro-diplomacy worldview has blind spots. They have both tempered
their calls for peace and diplomacy with attacks on Russia and China,
framed as warnings against “authoritarianism.” These attacks—in the
present-day context of bipartisan Russia- and China-bashing—carve out an
ominous exception to their foreign policy agenda big enough to fly a
squadron of F-35s through. This creates a pretext for continuing U.S.
militarism and risks undermining their commitment to peace.

Warren's and Sanders' Visions

Warren defined her vision
U.S. foreign policy with an article in the January/February 2019 edition
of Foreign Affairs.  She began, “Around the world, democracy is under
assault. Authoritarian governments are gaining power, and right-wing
demagogues are gaining strength.”  She asked, “How did we get here?”, and
answered her question with an accurate and intelligent account of the
failures of neoliberalism.

Warren explained that, after the Cold War, U.S. policymakers “began to
export a particular brand of capitalism, one that involved weak
regulations, low taxes on the wealthy, and policies favoring multinational
corporations. And the United States took on a series of seemingly endless
wars, engaging in conflicts with mistaken or uncertain objectives and no
obvious path to completion. The impact of these policy changes has been

Warren made a coherent critique of the U.S.’s militarized approach to
terrorism, and promised to cut military spending and bring troops home from
Afghanistan and Iraq. She champions a No First Use nuclear weapons policy,
which would be a long overdue step toward ending the threat of nuclear
annihilation that still hangs over us all.

But Warren also launched a fierce attack on Russia and China, lumping them
together with Hungary, Turkey, the Philippines and Brazil under the
umbrella of “authoritarianism.”

“This marriage of authoritarianism and corrupt capitalism,” Warren
declared, “…allows authoritarian leaders to foment a global crisis of
confidence in democracy.”  And yet, by her own analysis, it is neoliberal
“center-left” and “center-right” governments that have sold out their
voters to plutocratic corporate interests and caused this public loss of
faith in mainstream politicians and parties. The rise of extreme right-wing
leaders like Trump, Bolsonaro and Duterte is the result of this “global
crisis of confidence in democracy,” not the cause of it.

Senator Sanders

a major foreign policy speech in 2017 at Westminster College in Missouri,
from the same stage where Churchill made his “iron curtain” speech in 1946.
Sanders’ speech laid out a bold, progressive foreign policy agenda, filling
in what many people felt was a missing piece in his 2016 campaign.

Sanders quoted President Eisenhower’s farewell speech on the
Military-Industrial Complex and his 1953 speech after Stalin’s death, in
which Eisenhower called militar

[MCM] Preparing for ANOTHER stolen presidential race in 2020: What's happening in Iowa, L.A. County

2019-08-27 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*(1) Iowa*

*From Lynn Bernstein:*


*Please watch this short 4 min. video of the Iowa training video for
poll-workers. At about the 2:00 min mark, you will see *
*that the morning of the election, **the precinct official will need to use
a key to open a panel (no tamper evident seals) to *
*turn on the ExpressVote. Within that same panel, there is a removable
USB** (which
holds the ballot definition files)! *

*This is obviously a huge problem and one that cannot be remedied by any
process. The design of the ExpressVote is *
*such that in order for the poll worker **to power on the system, they need
access to that panel. With no tamper evident *
*seals, a poll-workers and other elections officials would not be able to
tell **if a "bad actor" swapped out or altered the *
*USB in some way. An executable containing malicious software could be
loaded onto the USB stick and rewrite **all or *
*part of the source code within the ExpressVote. *

*I am still trying to track down the poll worker setup of the ExpressVote
and DS200. I confirmed through an ES&S vendor *
*demo video that all the keys for **the DS200 are identical. Not sure about
the ExpressVote keys, but would not be surprised *
*if these are all the same, too.*

*If anyone finds other videos showing setup for either ExpressVote or
DS200, please forward them along. It may be wise *
*to download them so that if they **are removed from youtube we would still
have a copy. Generally, once the vendor sees *
*that people are starting to question a design/process, they remove **the

*Let me know your thoughts.*

*[If you have any thoughts for Lynn, I'll pass them on to her—MCM]*

*(2) Los Angeles County*

*L.A. Registrar Won't Answer Qs About County's New Unverifiable Touchscreen
Vote Systems: 'BradCast' 8/24/2019



*County election chief Dean Logan 'declines' to appear or answer public
queries as nation's largest jurisdiction plunges headlong *

*into major voting overhaul for 2020 Presidential elections.*

*Well, as detailed on today's BradCast
we've been trying, for a long time to get answers about the new,
unverifiable touchscreen *

*voting systems set to replace Los Angeles County's verifiable hand-marked
paper ballot system for the first time in the 2020 *

*Presidential elections. Disappointingly, however, the L.A. County
Clerk/Registrar-Recorder Dean Logan, who had been very *

*responsive and helpful in previous years, no longer answers simple
questions about the new voting system called "Voter Solutions *

*for All People" (VSAP), which he has been developing for more than a
decade. That is very troubling, as we explain in detail today. *

*[Audio link to full show is posted below.]*

*The new VSAP system is a touchscreen Ballot Marking Device or BMD, which
prints out a computer-marked paper ballot summary *

*of votes selected via the touchscreen, before using another computer, an
optical-scanner, to read the non-human readable QR Code *

*that is also printed on the ballot summary. The QR Codes are used to tally
votes. While the QR Code (a type of barcode) cannot be *

*verified for accuracy by voters, it is also impossible with such systems
to know if any voter has even verified the human-readable *

*portion of the ballot summary at all, much less correctly, after an
election. Studies reveal

most do not verify computer-marked *

*ballots at all, and that of the minority who do, most don't recall the
details or selections on the ballot they voted just moments earlier. *

*That's just one of the manyreasons why most cybersecurity and voting
systems experts warn against the use of such systems

[MCM] Trump's State Department wipes Palestinian Territories off the map

2019-08-27 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
U.S. State Department Removes ‘Palestinian Territories’ From List of

The Trump administration has defunded virtually all of the spending — about
$400 million annually — that the United States had relayed to the
JTA  and Ron Kampeas Aug
27, 2019 1:30 PM


[image: Abbas during a meeting with the Arab media in Ramallah, July 3,
2019.]Abbas during a meeting with the Arab media in Ramallah, July 3, 2019.\

   - Iran's Rohani says U.S. must lift sanctions as precondition for talks

   - Pentagon 'against external actors' in Iraq after alleged Israeli

The State Department has removed the term “Palestinian Territories” from a
web page listing countries and areas covered by one of its bureaus.

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] We're eating the Amazon (and so ourselves) to death—and have been for some time. (2)

2019-08-27 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*Note that the first piece below, on how we're literally gobbling up the
Amazon, came out on Oct. 25, 2017—*
*some **two years **prior to this moment's sudden universal screaming by
"our free press" vis-a-vis the conflagration *
*in **Brazil. *

*Without in any way defending the disastrous slash-and-burn policy of Jair
"Firebug" Bolsonaro, we can—and*
*should—ask just how bad this conflagration really is, historically: a
question raised judiciously in the second*
*piece below, by the OffGuardian's Catte Black.*


Amazon Deforestation Linked to McDonald's, Other Retail Food Giants

*October 25, 2017*


 by Anna Sophie Gross and Daniel Gross
Genetic Engineering

deforestation logging wood cut cc 1000x523.jpg

[image: trees and logs cut down from a forest]

*Large-scale agribusiness operations clear large swathes of native forest
to make way for soy plantations.*

*A Mongabay investigation, prompted by a report done earlier this year by
the NGO Mighty Earth, suggests that customers buying chicken from some of
Britain’s largest supermarkets and fast-food chains may be unwittingly
fueling rampant deforestation in the Bolivian Amazon and Brazilian savanna.*

*Tesco, Morrisons and McDonald’s buy their chicken from Cargill, the
biggest private company in the world, which feeds its poultry with imported
soy. The U.S. food distributor purchases its soy from large-scale
agribusiness operations that often burn and clear large swathes of native
forest to make way for their plantations.*

*Ten years ago, soy traders agreed to stop buying soy from the Brazilian
Amazon following severe pressure from activists, consumers and retailers
such as Tesco and McDonald’s.*

*However, in the wake of this agreement known as the “soy moratorium,”
global soy traders simply shifted their sights to nearby areas where
deforestation is now rife in the Bolivian Amazon and Brazilian savanna — a
region known as the Cerrado, part of which lies inside Legal Amazonia as
designated by the Brazilian government.*

Aug 23, 2019

Amazon Burning? – well maybe not so muchStatistics indicate this is an
average year for wildfires, so why the above-average hysteria?
Catte Black

One of many misattributed photos doing the rounds. This is from another
fire entirely.


Today on Twitter OffG stepped into the current panic-inferno and thick
forest of screaming hashtags that is the “Amazon Forest Fire Crisis.” The
results were thought-provoking.

The mainstream media message is very simple. There are “record” numbers of
forest fires currently in the Amazon basin. It’s mostly Bolsonaro’s fault.
The G7 – soon to be assembling – needs to act. (Business Insider

 and The Guardian

also both very keen we send money to some rainforest charities)

Now, I’m not a fan of Bolsonaro personally, and that goes for all of us at
OffG. I’m equally very supportive of preserving the rain forests and wild
spaces of the earth. So, the broad sweep of the message is something I’m
inclined to be sympathetic toward.

But something isn’t sitting right. This is the mainstream media in full and
united chorus, flooding the news space with this one single message. This
means there’s a fairly major agenda, and it’s unlikely to be saving the
Amazon for all the little future babies.

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] Should we keep singing "This Land Is Your Land"?

2019-08-27 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*Yes—since (a) it's a great song, and (b) Woody Guthrie was himself a
champion of the*

*peoples from whom "this land" had been stolen.*


, U.S.

The Misguided Attacks on ‘This Land Is Your Land’
August 27, 2019


*Woody Guthrie might not have been perfect, but we don’t need to “cancel”
him, writes Will Kaufman*.
Woody Guthrie. (Al Aumuller/Library of Congress)

*By Will Kaufman*
*The Conversation *

*I*n recent years, Woody Guthrie’s “This Land Is Your Land
” has become a rallying
cry for immigrants

.And in July, after President Donald Trump tweeted that four Democratic
congresswomen of color needed to “go back where they came from,”
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, one of the four targeted, responded
with a tweet quoting Guthrie’s lyrics

But not everyone sees the song as an anthem for inclusion.

In June, the Smithsonian’s online magazine, Folklife, published a piece

lambasted the song for its omissions.

The article, titled “This Land Is Whose Land?

,” was written by folk musician Mali Obomsawin, a member of the Native
American Abenaki tribe. She wrote of being shaken up “like a soda can”
every time she heard the song’s lyrics:

“In the context of America, a nation-state built by settler colonialism,
Woody Guthrie’s protest anthem exemplifies the particular blind spot that
Americans have in regard to Natives: American patriotism erases us, even if
it comes in the form of a leftist protest song. Why? Because this land
‘was’ our land. Through genocide, broken treaties and a legal system
created by and for the colonial interest, this land ‘became’ American land.”

Obomsawin’s article immediately generated a flurry of responses from
conservative media outlets.

“Commie Folksinger Woody Guthrie Not Woke Enough for Mob

,” jeered Breitbart’s John Nolte, delighted with this evidence of
internecine strife among what he dubbed the “fascist woketards” of the
American left. The Daily Wire’s Emily Zanotti soon joined the fray, penning
a piece under the headline“This Land Is NOT Your Land: Woke Culture Now
Demanding Woody Guthrie Be Canceled Over Folk Music Faux Pas


But Obomsawin and her conservative critics might be surprised to learn that
some of Guthrie’s greatest champions have also had difficulties with the

As the author of three books on Guthrie , I
sometimes wonder how the folksinger would respond to the criticism of “This
Land Is Your Land” for its omissions.

While we can’t know for sure, a glance at some of his unpublished writings
and recently discovered recordings can offer some clues.

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] Incoming Harvard freshman denied visa over friends' social media posts

2019-08-27 Thread Mark Crispin Miller

*Palestinian student reportedly turned away at Boston’s Logan airport


August 27, 2019

(New York, NY)–Immigration officers canceled an incoming Harvard
freshman’s U.S. visa and forced him to leave the country Friday evening.
The Harvard Crimson reports

B. Ajjawi, a 17-year-old Palestinian student from Lebanon, was turned
away at the Boston airport because of posts on his friend’s social media

Summer Lopez , senior director of Free
Expression Programs at PEN America, issued the following response:

“This is a move so perverse, so grotesque as to defy explanation.
Preventing people from entering the country because their friends critiqued
the U.S. on social media shows an astounding disregard for the principle of
free speech. The idea that Ajjawi should be prevented from taking his place
at Harvard because of his own political speech would be alarming; that he
should be denied this opportunity based on the speech of *others* is
downright lawless.

“In June, when the state department announced its new ‘extreme vetting’
policy requiring visa applicants to share their social media and email
account information, we warned that it would have severe consequences. This
case demonstrates all too well the damage these ill-conceived policies can
do. Ajjawi defended himself to immigration officials by insisting he had
never made a political comment on social media. That should not be the
price of entrance to the U.S., let alone that one’s friends should have to
censor themselves as well.

“This despicable action also flies in the face of the purpose of
international educational exchange, which is to open the mind and expand
one’s understanding of the world. Instead, Ajjawi has been shown only the
U.S.’s failure to uphold the very values it purports to stand for.”

PEN America has decried
by the U.S. government to review social media and email accounts of visa
applicants as failing to have any clear security benefit and instead
curtailing free expression.

*PEN America stands at the intersection of literature and human rights to
protect open expression in the United States and worldwide. We champion the
freedom to write, recognizing the power of the word to transform the world.
Our mission is to unite writers and their allies to celebrate creative
expression and defend the liberties that make it possible.*

CONTACT: Stephen Fee, Director of Communications, s...@pen.org, +1 202 309

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[MCM] Obama buying a $15-million "Bar-a-Lago" in Martha's Vineyard

2019-08-28 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*... where he can rub shoulders with the rest of us.*

*(That "hope-and-change" thing was an excellent gig!)*


Barack and Michelle Obama are buying a $15M estate in Martha’s Vineyard

By Hana R. Alberts 

August 22, 2019 | 11:49am | Updated

Enlarge Image

[image: Barack and Michelle Obama are buying a $15M estate in Martha’s
Getty, Realtor.com

*Barack and Michelle Obama are close to buying a massive Martha’s Vineyard

*TMZ reports

the former president and first lady are in escrow — aka in contract to
purchase — a 29-acre beachfront plot with a 6,892-square-foot main house.
The Obamas were initially just renting the seven-bedroom, 8½-bathroom
spread for summer 2019, but apparently loved it so much that they made an

*It was most recently on the market asking $14.85 million, but the Obamas
are apparently paying less.*

*The property at 79 Turkeyland Cove Road in Edgartown, Mass. — owned by
Boston Celtics chief Wyc Grousbeck — has a living room with vaulted
ceilings and a stone fireplace, a chef’s kitchen and a formal dining room
with giant windows, according to the property’s Realtor.com listing

*The Obamas will bunk in the master suite, which has a fireplace and
private sun deck.*

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] How many of those killer cops are high on steroids? (And does "our free press" care to let us know?)

2019-08-29 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*How many of those bulked-up, trigger-happy cops are high on anabolic
steroids? *
*The vast majority, according to this MUST-READ book by John Hoberman—a
*I'd never heard of when my brother (a book rep) handed me a copy, since it
made *
*no splash **when it was published. *

*That silence says a lot about how little "our free press" really cares
about the *
*scandalous—and, in fact, unconstitutional—lethality of American police.
*always quick to play up, and ostentatiously bemoan, police shootings of
unarmed *
*civilians **(or quick to play them up when the victims are black), the New
York Times *
*et al.  **have **shown no interest whatsoever in what we might do to make
American *
*police **less dangerous.*

*For example, "our free press" was largely silent when, nine years ago,
there came*
*to light an FBI report, from 2006, on the steady infiltration of US police
departments *
*by **white supremacists. That should have been big news, which might then
*prompted calls for a thorough purge of those departments, to push out the
*rabid racist officers. *

*And so it is with the cops' abuse of steroids—a huge yet unacknowledged *
*"**drug problem" that's having a disastrous daily impact on the public
(and, less*
*visibly, on policemen's families, since the rampant steroid use among
those *
*officers has led directly to a level of domestic violence far higher than
*the general public). For reasons Hoberman explains, ending this great evil*
*will be very, very difficult; but if "our free press" continues to ignore
it, ending*
*it will be impossible.*

*But maybe that's the way our masters want it, since those hulking figures,*
*brutalized by drugs, are all the more effective guardians of our masters'*
*privilege. (It's therefore no coincidence that US troops, and prison
*are also often murderously high on steroids.) Thus the silence of "our
*press" on the vast corruption of American policing might be due to the
elites'   *
*disinclination for reform. *

*Let's hope that's not true, and that "our free press" can be pushed to
focus on*
*those evils, and on ending them—unless that's just not possible in a
*in which case dealing with those evils (and a press that won't discuss
them) will *
*require a far more radical solution.*


Dopers in Uniform

*An excerpt from John Hoberman’s investigation into the hidden world of
police on steroids*
By Charlotte Salley
 | January 5, 2018

[image: (J.Knecht/Flickr)]

So far, the national debate over excessive police violence has omitted one
unforeseen element: officers on steroids. But *Dopers in Uniform*, the
first book of its kind, begins to infiltrate the testosterone-fueled
underworld of urban police departments, shielded for so long behind a “blue
wall of silence.” In this excerpt, John Hoberman considers the costs and
benefits of cops on steroids—protecting citizens to the best of their
ability versus their own accountability to the law.

How severely should the steroid-using officer be judged and punished? The
special stigma of illicit drug use can put police executives who judge and
impose penalties on these officers in a difficult position. Those at the
top are torn between their appreciation of the services rendered by the
officer and their responsibility to crack down on drug users in the ranks.
This predicament is created by the police hero who compromises his position
by using illicit drugs. An English judge stated in 2011: “When a police
sergeant purchases class C drugs from one officer and [intends to] supply
them to another, right minded members of society will be truly shocked.”
Sentenced to three years and nine months in prison, the officer in question
said he found his life “in ruins.” During his 25 years of police service,
“he had saved a boy’s life, been attacked by a criminal wielding a samurai
sword, served on United Nations peacekeeping missions in Bosnia and
Sarajevo, and [been] ranked as the highest performing sergeant in the war
against crime in St Helens.” … [T]his fallen exemplar has a number of
American counterparts. One of them is Tramell Taylor, who resigned from the
Spokane Police Department in 2014 after the DEA reported that a shipment of
steroids had arrived at his home. In 27 years on the force, Taylor had been
awarded the Washington State Medal of Honor, the Spokane Police Department
Silver Star, the Distinguished Service Medal, and a Life-Saving Award.

Police heroes who lose their careers as a result of anabolic steroid use
confront us with fundamental questions about professional standards,
institutional policies, and the meaning of “illicit” drug use in today’s
heavily medicated society. The massive New Jersey steroid scandal of
2010–2011, involving 248 police officers and firefighters, demonstrated
that illegal hormone use does not 

[MCM] Israel could not have bombed Iraq without US complicity

2019-08-29 Thread Mark Crispin Miller

Behind Israel’s Bombing in Iraq’s Heartland
*August 28, 2019 • 48 Comments

*It is difficult to imagine how the Trump administration could have not
given Israel the green light to carry out these attacks as part of the U.S.
maximum pressure campaign against Iran, writes Giorgio Cafiero.*

*By Giorgio Cafiero **Special
to Consortium News*
has felt the heat from escalating tensions between the U.S. and Iran this
summer as the White House moves ahead with its “maximum pressure” campaign
against the Islamic Republic. Also clear is that Israel and Iran’s proxy
wars in the region have spilled into Iraq too. Last month, Israel carried
out its first attacks on targets in Iraq since Operation Opera

 on June 7, 1981.

On July 19, Israel struck

 a target in the Salahuddin governorate, three days before another attack

 against Camp Ashraf, located within close proximity to Iran. According

 to al-Ain, the UAE media network, the attack against Camp Ashraf killed 40
members of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and
Iranian-sponsored Iraqi Shi’a militiamen. On Aug. 12, a blast occurred at a
Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) arms depot in the Iraqi capital, allegedly
carried out by an Israeli aircraft and resulting

 in one death and 29 injuries. Other Israeli attacks followed on the 19

 and 25

 of August. Several days ago, U.S. officials confirmed

 that Israelis were indeed behind the July 19 attack in Salahuddin
governorate, which was suspected from the beginning.

Such actions highlight how Israel seeks to expand to Iraq its theater of
confrontation with Iran. Put simply, the Israelis are reacting with
increasing aggression against the extent of Iranian-sponsored militias in
Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East that provide Tehran greater leverage
vis-à-vis Israel.

Pompeo: Not against further Israeli strikes. (YouTube)

Important questions surround the U.S. role in these Israeli attacks against
PMU targets in Iraq. It is difficult to imagine how the Trump
administration could have not given Israel the green light to carry out
these attacks. As Karim al-Alwei, an Iraqi parliamentarian, explained
“the U.S. controls Iraqi air space” thus “no planes, including Iraqi jets
or helicopters, can overly the area without U.S. knowledge or permission.”
Only seven months ago, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reportedly raised
 the topic of
Iranian missiles in the hands of PMU forces in Iraq while meeting with
Iraq’s Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi, stating that Washington would not
be against any future Israeli military operations targeting such facilities.

Unclear is whether the Israelis used Syrian, Turkish, or Saudi airspace to
reach their targets in Iraq. Regardless, it is a safe bet that the Saudi
leadership, which maintains a tacit partnership with Israel largely based
on a common  perception of Tehran as a threat to its interests, welcomes
such Israeli action in Iraq. As Saudi and Israeli officials see
 Iranian-sponsored Shi’a militia in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon as a major
threat, the Israeli strikes in Iraq will likely push the Israelis and
Saudis even closer to

[MCM] "It would be a criminal act to destroy these murals in San Francisco" (MUST-SEE video with Mike Alewitz)

2019-08-29 Thread Mark Crispin Miller

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[MCM] The FBI's (criminal) entrapment of Maria Butina

2019-08-29 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*This story—like the FBI—is terrifying. *



JOHN KIRIAKOU: In Search of a Russiagate Scalp: The Entrapment of Maria
August 28, 2019 •

*In need of a “collusion” connection, top FBI officials have now been shown
to be behind the false portrayal of an unregistered lobbyist as a spy.*

*By **John Kiriakou* 
*Special to Consortium News*

* M*uch
has been written about Maria Butina, the Russian “spy” who was accused of
seeking to infiltrate the National Rifle Association and other
organizations to try to gain a foothold in the Trump campaign and, later,
in the White House. Much of it turned out to be nonsense. Butina wasn’t a
spy. She wasn’t charged with spying. She wasn’t accused of being a spy. But
that’s how the media branded her. The important thing is that there
actually were spies around her. And they weren’t who you might have thought.

In the Butina case, the FBI and the Justice Department needed a scalp in
the midst of the frenzy about the ultimaely unproven collusion theory of
“Russiagate,” and so Butina was charged and convicted of “conspiracy to
fail to register as an agent of a foreign government.” Seriously. Let me
explain what that means. The Foreign Agents Registration Act *(FARA)
 *was passed into law in 1938. It
“requires persons acting as agents of foreign principals in a political or
quasi-political capacity to make periodic public disclosure of their
relationship with the foreign principal, as well as activities, receipts,
and disbursements in support of those activities.” The law, the
registration, and the database are meant to keep track of foreign
lobbyists. Nothing more.

Butina: Unregistered agent falsely portrayed as a spy.

In realistic terms it means this: In 2008, I was hired by the Abu Dhabi
Chamber of Commerce to write a series of op-eds in support of doing
business in the city. I wrote four op-eds and they paid me a fee. But I had
to go to the Justice Department’s FARA website and register as a “foreign
agent,” meaning that I was being paid by a foreign government. No problem.
It didn’t mean that I was a “secret agent” for Abu Dhabi. It just meant
that I was temporarily in the employ of a foreign government.

Washington attorneys and lobbyists do this kind of thing every day. And
more often than not, they don’t register, either because they are too busy,
they don’t realize that they have to, or they don’t believe, as in the
current case of*Washington super lawyer Greg Craig
,that they have to. They are very rarely prosecuted.

Anybody can go to the FARA website and do a records search. I did one for
the purpose of this article to search for people I know—attorneys, friends,
acquaintances—and found many of them taking money from the governments of
Libya, Chad, Jordan, Saudi Arabia (lots of them), Greece and other
countries. It’s no big deal. It’s just a paperwork exercise.

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] That "nuclear cruise missile explosion" in Russia? The one that has Trump AND "our free press" freaking out? It never happened, as Scott Ritter explains.

2019-08-29 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*The Media’s Russian Radiation Story Implodes Upon Scrutiny*
What really happened at Nenoska was less explosive than everyone, including
Trump, wanted you to believe.
 • August
26, 2019




By Pindyurin Vasily /creativecommons

*How the mainstream media reported an August 8 accident at a top-secret
missile test facility in northern Russia should serve as a cautionary tale
regarding the dangers of rushed judgments via institutional bias.*

*In the days following the initial report of the accident
the media exploded with speculation over both the nature of the device
being tested at the Nenoksa State Central Marine Test Site
 and the
Russian government’s muted response. Typical of the hysteria was the
analysis of Jeffrey Lewis, director of the East Asia Nonproliferation
Program for the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies and editor
of the blog “Arms Control Wonk .”*

*Lewis and his collaborators penned a breathless article for Foreign Policy

asked, “What Really Happened?” According to Lewis, the answer was clear:
“The reference to radiation was striking—tests of missile engines don’t
involve radiation. Well, with one exception: Last year, Russia announced it
had tested a cruise missile powered by a nuclear reactor. It calls this
missile the 9M730 Burevestnik. NATO calls it the SSC-X-9 Skyfall.” *

*Lewis’s assessment was joined by President Trump’s, who tweeted
United States is learning much from the failed missile explosion in
Russia…. The Russian ‘Skyfall’ explosion has people worried about the air
around the facility, and far beyond. Not good!” Trump’s tweet appeared to
conform with the assessments of the intelligence community, which,
according to The New York Times
also attributed the accident to a failed test of the Skyfall missile.*
*Tim Carney on How Cronyism Fuels the Opioid Crisis Part 1*
*Next VideoTim Carney on How Cronyism Fuels the Opioid Crisis Part 101:00×*

*Former Obama administration national security analyst Samantha
Vinograd tweeted
: “Possibly
the worst nuclear accident in the region since Chernobyl + possibly a new
kind of Russian missile = this is a big deal.”*

*The Washington Post editorial board

Vinograd in invoking the imagery of Chernobyl: “If this slow dribble of
facts sounds familiar, it is — the same parade of misdirection happened
during the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986.”*

*They’re all wrong. Here’s the real story of what actually happened at

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] If MLK came back today, how could he get through to all those liberals "drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred"?

2019-08-29 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
MLK's iconic speech has been balled up and thrown away by Woke America
by John Reiniers 
 | August 27, 2019 12:00 AM

*If Martin Luther King, Jr. were still alive, we wouldn’t have to speculate
on how that great man, who rejected violence, would react to the palpable
loathing coming from the mouths of today’s progressive Democrats. Even so,
his own words offer clear evidence that he would reject their mindset

*King’s 1963 “I Have a Dream” speech” was a message of aspiration — a
“sunlit path of racial justice.”*

*The overarching theme to King’s Speech was that subliminal stimulus to
look ahead, to be forward looking. “Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst
for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred," he said. He
looked forward to the full grant to blacks of their God-given rights, and
predicted that "men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be
able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, 'Free
at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!'"*

*King's powerful words almost seem quaint and irrelevant to today’s
hysterical Democrat culture warriors, who thirst for bitterness and hatred
above all else.*

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] The pillaging of Yemen (or what's left of it)

2019-08-29 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*Thank you, Pres. Obama!*

[image: Yemen historic sites feature photo]

US and Israeli Collectors Buy Up What Remains of Yemen’s Ancient Heritage

Saada’s old city, which is among the world’s oldest human-carved
landscapes, once consisted entirely of historic, centuries-old multi-story
homes. Now, it has been wiped out, after Saudi Arabia declared it a
military zone — even the city’s hand-carved wooden doors have been reduced
to ashes.
by Ahmed Abdulkareem

August 26th, 2019

By Ahmed Abdulkareem


SANA’A, YEMEN — Yemen was once described as a living museum, but U.S. made
bombs dropped by the Saudi-led Coalition’s jets have not only killed
thousands of civilians and led to famine and the spread of disease but also
pulverized the country’s rich architectural history and left its inimitable
heritage at the mercy of the highest bidder.

“I remember how light filtered through the stained glass of the patterned
crescent window (*qamarias*) onto the white gypsum plaster in the resting
room (*Deirmanah*) on the top floor. At night, lights tossed dapples of
color into the sky,” Saleh Ali al-Aeini recounted to *MintPress *from his
partially destroyed high-rise apartment, continuing, “Now, only scattered
glass remains amid a mound of dust and mud, thanks to American bombs.”
[image: Old Sana'a destroyed]

Four historic buildings in Sana’a’s old quarter, including the home of
Saleh Ali al-Aeini, were destroyed when U.S. made bombs were dropped by
Saudi warplanes in June, 2015. Photo |  MintPress News

Saleh’s ancient tower-house was one of four historic buildings

the old quarter of Sana’a that were destroyed by U.S. bombs dropped from
Saudi warplanes in June, 2015. The buildings’ many-storied tower-houses,
three of them rising to 110 feet, were more than 2,500 years old. The
newest of them was more than 1,000 years old, built long before the United
States even existed as a nation.

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] More on the absurdity of Epstein's "suicide"

2019-08-31 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*Four days ago, the Independent (UK) reported that the CCTV footage from*
*one camera outside Jeffrey Epstein's jail cell is "unusable."*

*Three days, ago Yahoo! News reported that two cameras outside Epstein's
*were "broken," and that the FBI is "studying" them.*

*These bits of news went unreported by the New York Times, which continues*
*to refer to Epstein's "suicide," although nobody with half a brain
believes it—*
*just as the Times continues to refer to Russia's "meddling" in the last
*(and, whenever they come up, JFK's assassination by Lee Harvey **Oswald,  *
*MLK's by James Earl Ray, and RFK's by Sirhan Sirhan). *

*Thus the Times, as usual, defies the evidence (which it blacks out) **and
common *
*sense—as do the Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, NPR, the Wall Street*
*Journal and most of the rest of "our free press"; and even those outlets
*have hedged somewhat (CBS News noting Epstein's "apparent suicide," and *
*FOX News **referring to his "jailhouse death") have dropped the story,
and, with *
*it, all **further inquiry into Epstein's many high-and-mighty friends
(other than*
*Prince Andrew). *

*Thus "our free press" has always kept its eyes wide shut to the depravity
*the elites, **because the Times et al. are at the service of the state
that doesn't *
*want us **knowing anything about it. *


Jeffrey Epstein: CCTV footage from outside jail cell ‘unusable’ as FBI
hunts for clearer recording

Another missing piece emerges in search for answers over death of
billionaire peadophile

   - Matt Zapotosky ,
   - Carol Leonnig 
   - 3 days ago

Click to follow
The Independent US


At least one camera in the hallway outside the cell where authorities say
registered sex offender Jeffrey Epstein
 hanged himself
earlier this month had footage that is unusable, although other, clearer
footage was captured in the area, according to three people briefed on the
evidence gathered earlier this month.

It was not immediately clear why some video footage outside Epstein's cell
is too flawed for investigators to use or what is visible in the other,
usable footage. The incident is being investigated by the FBI
 and the Justice Department's
inspector general's office, which are attempting to determine what happened
and how to assess whether any policies were violated or crimes committed.

*Click on the link for the rest.*
FBI studies two broken cameras outside cell where Epstein died: source

By Mark Hosenball
Reuters •August 28, 2019
[image: FBI studies two broken cameras outside cell where Epstein died:
FILE PHOTO: Jeffrey Epstein appears in a photo taken for the NY Division of
Criminal Justice Services' sex offender registry

*Click on the link for the article*.

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[MCM] Lawyers suing Apple, Samsung after Chicago Tribune finds dangerously high rates of cellphone radiation

2019-08-31 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Lawsuit filed against Apple, Samsung after Chicago Tribune tests cellphones
for radiofrequency radiation


[image: Joe Mahr]


AUG 29, 2019 | 12:23 PM

A group of lawyers has filed a federal class-action lawsuit against Apple
and Samsung, citing a Tribune investigation

tested popular cellphones for radiofrequency radiation and found some
results over the federal exposure limit.

The lawsuit
filed Friday in California, Illinois and Iowa
alleges that the phone makers “intentionally misrepresented" the safety of
their devices, assuring users that the phones had been adequately tested
and “were safe to use on and in close proximity to their bodies.”

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] On "transgender women" acting like misogynistic pigs

2019-08-31 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*Trans activism’s latest trick: vandalizing women’s shelters*
A Vancouver rape crisis center had rats nailed to the door and posted
through the mailbox
Meghan Murphy 

[image: vancouver trans vandalizing]

Meghan Murphy 

August 29, 2019

1:27 PM





What kind of person would threaten and harass a rape crisis center? Here in
Vancouver, we have the answer: trans activists. While it might sound odd to
the uninitiated that those who claim to value ‘inclusivity’ and
‘acceptance’ would also be the same people who nail a dead rat to the door
of a transition house for battered women, those of us following the gender
identity debate closely are all too familiar with this type of occurrence.


A follow up to the dead rat that was nailed to our door recently... this
morning we found this writing scrawled across the windows of our storefront
space that we use for support and training groups #Misogyny

[image: View image on Twitter]
View image on Twitter]
View image on Twitter]

3:05 PM - Aug 27, 2019

Twitter Ads info and privacy 

1,644 people are talking about this

On Tuesday, Vancouver Rape Relief & Woman’s Shelter (VRRWS) tweeted

of vandalism left on their storefront — a space used for meetings, events,
and support groups. ‘Kill TERFs,’ ‘Fuck TERFs,’ ‘TERFs go home, you are not
welcome,’ ‘Transwomen are women,’ and ‘Trans Power’ had been scrawled
across the windows and door in black marker. ‘TERF
for the blissfully ignorant, is an acronym that stands for
‘trans-exclusionary radical feminist.’ This is, of course, a misnomer.
Radical feminists are not interested in ‘excluding’ trans-identified people
from anything. What they *are*interested in is protecting certain spaces
designated for women and girls. If anything, they are ‘male-exclusionary,’
though it seems a little silly to frame the women’s changing room as
‘non-inclusive’ just because men aren’t allowed to prance around in there
with their dicks out. It would be akin to calling the vet
‘human-exclusionary’ or a baseball game ‘soccer-exclusionary.’ The women’s
changing room is for women, the men’s is for men, and a baseball game is
for hitting balls with bats and/or drinking beer and feeling confused
because you don’t really understand this sport and are only there for the
drunken yelling and hot dogs.

The issue at hand and the cause of disagreement between feminists and trans
activists is ideological: those who advocate gender identity ideology
(trans activists) subscribe to a fringe religion that believes some people
are born in the wrong body and that it is possible for males to become
female by declaring it so, and feminists believe in material reality. Tough

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] "Our free press" has blacked out the torturous imprisonment of Julian Assange

2019-08-31 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Breaking The Media Blackout on the Imprisonment of Julian Assange

The same media that has spent years dragging Assange’s name through the mud
is now engaging in a blackout on his treatment. If you are waiting for
corporate media pundits to defend freedom of the press, you’re going to be
by Mnar Muhawesh 

August 26th, 2019

By Mnar Muhawesh  



The role of journalism in a democracy is publishing information that holds
the powerful to account — the kind of information that empowers the public
to become more engaged citizens in their communities so that we can vote in
representatives that work in the interest of “we the people.”

There is perhaps no better example of watchdog journalism that holds the
powerful to account and exposes their corruption than that of WikiLeaks,
which exposed

the world evidence of widespread war crimes the U.S. military was
committing in Iraq, including the killing of two *Reuters *journalists;
showed that the U.S. government and large corporations were using private
intelligence agencies to spy on activists and protesters; and revealed how
the military hid tortured Guantanamo Bay prisoners from Red Cross

It’s this kind of real journalism that our First Amendment was meant to
protect but engaging in it has instead made WikiLeaks publisher Julian
Assange the target of a massive smear campaign for the last several years —
including false claims that Assange is working with Vladimir Putin and the
Russians and hackers, as well as open calls by corporate media pundits for
him to be assassinated.

The allegations that Assange conspired with Putin to undermine the 2016
election and American democracy as a whole fell completely flat earlier
this month when a U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York
dismissed this case as “factually implausible,” with the judge noting that
at no point does the prosecution’s “threadbare” argument show “any facts”
at all, and concluding that the idea that Assange conspired with Russia
against the Democratic Party or America is “entirely divorced from the

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] Only one-third of Americans believe that Epstein hanged himself

2019-08-31 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*Only one-third of Americans believe Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide—so
why does the New York Times?*
By David Walsh
31 August 2019


According to Emerson College Polling, only one-third of Americans believe
that financier and alleged sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide
August 10 at the Metropolitan Correction Center (MCC) in New York City. The
survey, conducted August 24-26, found that 34 percent of those contacted
believed Epstein was murdered, 33 percent believed he committed suicide and
32 percent were unsure.

The new poll essentially jibes with the results of a Rasmussen Reports poll
carried out in the immediate aftermath of Epstein’s unexplained death. On
August 14, Rasmussen indicated that 42 percent of Americans thought Epstein
“was murdered to prevent him from testifying against powerful people with
whom he associated,” while 29 percent thought he had killed himself and 29
percent were undecided.

Three weeks of US media propaganda to the effect that anyone who has doubts
about the death is under the influence of “conspiracy theories” has only
had a limited effect. A stubborn percentage of the population continues to
be skeptical about the “official story.” As the German writer Bertolt
Brecht wrote under very different circumstances, “Would it not be easier /
In that case for the government / To dissolve the people / And elect

In any event, even as portions of the media, out of one side of their
mouths, so to speak, have worked assiduously to convince everyone that
Epstein’s death was “indisputably” a suicide, out of the other, they have
acknowledged important details that only serve to undermine the preferred
version of events.

The latter include the fact that Epstein suffered multiple broken bones in
his neck more frequently associated with strangulation than hanging, that
strict instructions stipulating the financier should not be left in his
cell alone were ignored by numerous prison staffers immediately prior to
his death, that guards assigned to check in on him every half-hour were
allegedly asleep at the time of his death, that he was taken off suicide
watch and his mental condition treated with suspiciously cavalier
indifference, that at least one camera outside Epstein’s cell had footage
deemed unusable, etc.

Moreover, we learned this week from Epstein’s lawyers that their client,
deludedly or not, was in a relatively upbeat mood. His legal team was about
“to pursue an appeal regarding some of the preliminary decisions made
before trial. They thought they had a high chance of success because …
lawyers involved in the original 2008 non-prosecution agreement that
largely let Epstein off the hook for the full measure of the allegations
levied against him said it was ‘global,’ meaning that New York prosecutors
would not be allowed to pursue this case. … Given their faith in the
strength of this argument, they allege, Epstein’s decision to take his own
life was somewhat inexplicable.”

“Portions of the media” continue to report on inconvenient and troubling
aspects of the Epstein case. The *New York Times* for the most part is not
among them. The newspaper has “crime beat” and other investigative
reporters on its payroll, and the death of Epstein occurred under their
jurisdiction, New York City. Evidently, the word has come down from on
high—this is not a story to be covered.

There must be some reporters in the *Times* newsroom angered that it has
been left to the *Washington Post* to get the scoop on a number of
startling developments, including the abovementioned fact that at least
“eight Bureau of Prisons staffers knew that strict instructions had been
given not to leave multimillionaire sex offender Jeffrey Epstein alone in
his cell, yet the order was apparently ignored in the 24 hours leading up
to his death, according to people familiar with the matter.” The *Times* has
not commented on this.

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] "Albatross"

2019-09-01 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*The trailer for a shattering documentary about what's killing those great
*on a tiny atoll in the North Pacific. (Hint: It isn't climate change.)*


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[MCM] Help this brave woman fight the CIA's huge "5 Eyes" spying apparatus

2019-09-01 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*Please do what you can to help my good friend Suzie Dawson, a brilliant
journalist and intrepid activist, who*
*took on the "5 Eyes" intelligence colossus by investigating its extension
in her own country, New Zealand—*
*an apparat that then went after her, and drove her into exile in Russia,
where she's petitioned for asylum *
*for herself and her two children.*

*Here is the essential background, from her website, below which there are
all the links you need to help*
*her out, by donating and/or helping spread the word on her behalf; and
below those you'll find Suzie's *
*update, from today, **on her current situation.*


One Woman Is Taking On Corrupt Power And Needs Your Help To Continue

Kiwi journalist Suzie Dawson is a prominent defender of famous
whistleblowers and parties targeted by the US, such as Julian Assange,
Edward Snowden, Kim Dotcom and WikiLeaks. For nearly a decade her
journalism and activism has taken on some of the worlds most powerful
actors. She has fought against unlawful spying by intelligence agencies on
citizens. She combatted unfair power-grabs like the Trans-Pacific
Partnership. She has consistently sided with the people, speaking truth to
power, and had the courage to speak up where citizens rights and freedoms
have been eroded.

Since 2012, Suzie's journalism warned that global intelligence agencies
were targeting every day citizens, including New Zealanders. As a result,
she became a target of intelligence agencies - the very people she had
warned about - and in 2015 was forced into exile by their orchestrated
campaign of harassment, intimidation and sabotage.

In December 2018, a State Services Commission Report in New Zealand
provided conclusive evidence that security services were, at times, out of
control - confirming what Suzie had been saying all along. The report found
that up to a dozen government agencies hired private intelligence companies
to target journalists, activists, political parties and insurance claimants
in retaliation for their dissent.

Suzie has secured experienced human rights lawyers to continue her fight
against the "Five Eyes” and to secure her refugee status and asylum claim
in Russia. A series of actions are planned to make the relevant Western
government agencies accountable for their illegal and unreasonable
targeting of her. The focus of this campaign is to achieve transparency and
accountability from the security services (who were funded and tasked to
protect Suzie and her children's rights as citizens yet did the opposite).

*Website: https://1vs5i.com *

*Very powerful short campaign video: *


*Donation page: *


*Campaign announcement tweets: *


*Suzie's update:*
*Hi, all. *

*You've been asking for updates on my situation, the good news is I am at
liberty until at least September the 5th, when I will find out whether my
new asylum application has been accepted for review. For more
details, there are 3 easy ways to get up to date with my situation and the
campaign progress:*

*Campaign Updates are regularly posted on the Fundraising
*I am filming short 5-min videos regularly and uploading them to my You
*You can watch or join in our campaign planning in real time on our Discord
   server: https://1vs5i.com/discord   *

*This week, my lawyer Craig Tuck will begin doing interviews on a variety
of platforms. Craig is an international human rights lawyer and death
penalty specialist, he is also one of Julian's lawyers and met with Julian
at the Embassy repeatedly prior to his arrest, so can be asked about a
range of relevant issues. If you would like to interview him on your
platform please drop us a line at me...@1vs5i.com *

*Unsurprisingly, when you launch a campaign to take on intelligence
agencies, a coordinated smear campaign is launched almost immediately in
response. So far the crux of that campaign has been explicitly trying to
deter people from donating to or resourcing the legal campaign, and
attempting to undermine the truth of my experiences. The main thrust of the
absurdist arguments is that I didn't "decide" that I was a target until
long after I left New Ze

[MCM] Our "liberal media" outdoing the John Birch Society

2019-09-01 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*... and Dana Milbank is a running dog of US neoliberalism.*


Mitch McConnell is a Russian asset

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) speaks to reporters on
Capitol Hill in Washington on Tuesday. (Susan Walsh/AP)

By Dana Milbank 
July 26

*Mitch McConnell is a Russian asset.*

*This doesn’t mean he’s a spy, but neither is it a flip accusation. Russia
attacked our country in 2016. It is attacking us today. Its attacks will
intensify in 2020. Yet each time we try to raise our defenses to repel the
attack, McConnell, the Senate majority leader, blocks us from defending

*Let’s call this what it is: unpatriotic. The Kentucky Republican is,
arguably more than any other American, doing Russian President Vladimir
Putin’s bidding.*

*Robert Mueller sat before Congress this week warning that the Russia
threat “deserves the attention of every American
He said “the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in our election is
among the most serious” challenges to American democracy he has ever seen.
“They are doing it as we sit here, and they expect to do it during the next
campaign,” he warned

“much more needs to be done in order to protect against these intrusions,
not just by the Russians but others as well.”*

*Click on the link for the rest (if you have the stomach for it):*

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[MCM] What the US military is doing all over Africa, while the US "left" obsesses over statues, pronouns and bathrooms

2019-09-01 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*From a year ago. What are the numbers now?*



The US Military Is All Over Africa Despite Not Being at War in Africa

There are currently roughly 7,500 US military personnel, including 1,000
contractors, deployed in Africa. For comparison, that figure was only 6,000
just a year ago.
by Strategic Culture Foundation

August 31st, 2018

By Strategic Culture Foundation


Around 200,000 US troops are stationed

177 countries throughout the world. Those forces utilize several hundred
military installations. Africa is no exemption. On August 2, Maj. Gen.
Roger L. Cloutier took command of US Army Africa, promising

“hit the ground running.”

The US is not waging any wars in Africa but it has a significant presence
on the continent. Navy SEALs, Green Berets, and other special ops are
currently conducting nearly 100 missions across 20 African countries

any given time, waging secret, limited-scale

According to the magazine Vice, US troops are now conducting 3,500
exercises and military engagements

Africa per year, an average of 10 per day — an astounding 1,900% increase
since the command rolled out 10 years ago. Many activities described as
“advise and assist” are actually indistinguishable from combat

any basic definition.

There are currently roughly 7,500 US military personnel, including 1,000
contractors, deployed in Africa. For comparison, that

was only 6,000 just a year ago. The troops are strung throughout the
across 53 countries. There are 54 countries
the “Dark Continent.” More than 4,000 service members have converged on
East Africa. The US troop count

last year.

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] Boys raped by priests at "Satanic parties," BBC reported in mid-June (and the New York Times did not)

2019-09-02 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry: Boys raped by priests at 'satanic parties'

   - 7 June 2019

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[image: Falkland House]Image copyrightBILL KASMAN/GEOGRAPHImage captionMr
Sharp said he was abused during his four years at St Ninian's


A child abuse inquiry witness has told how he was raped by priests during
"satanic" drink-fuelled sex parties.

Dave Sharp also described a catalogue of sexual, physical and emotional
violence at St Ninian's in Falkland, Fife, between 1971 and 1975.

Mr Sharp, from Glasgow, said the abuse had left him with "lifelong trauma".

The independent Scottish Child Abuse inquiry
 is looking in detail at historical
abuse of children in residential care.

Mr Sharp urged inquiry chairwoman Lady Smith, to piece together the
"jigsaw" of victims' accounts and called for a "national discussion" on the

The 60-year-old, who has waived his right to anonymity, was put into care
after his mother died when he was aged one.

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] "Battle Hymn of the Republic," updated

2019-09-02 Thread Mark Crispin Miller

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[MCM] University study finds (confirms) that fire did not bring down Building 7

2019-09-04 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
University Study Finds Fire Did Not Bring Down World Trade Center Building
7 on 9/11
AE911Truth Staff September 3, 2019

On September 11, 2001, at 5:20 PM, the 47-story World Trade Center Building
7 collapsed into its footprint, falling more than 100 feet at the rate of
gravity for 2.5 seconds of its seven-second destruction.

Today, we at Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth are pleased to partner
with the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) in releasing the draft report
of a four-year computer modeling study  of
WTC 7’s collapse conducted by researchers in the university's Department of
Civil and Environmental Engineering.

The release of the draft report begins a two-month period during which the
public is invited to submit comments. The final report will be published
later this year.

We invite you to read the report  and to
tune in at 10:00 PM Eastern tonight for Dr. Leroy Hulsey’s presentation at
the UAF campus , where he will
outline his team’s findings.

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[MCM] Fracking brings on global spike in atmospheric methane

2019-09-04 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*Fracking prompts global spike in atmospheric methane, study suggests*
*Date:**August 14, 2019**Source:**European Geosciences Union**Summary:**As
methane concentrations increase in the Earth's atmosphere, chemical
fingerprints point to a probable source: shale oil and gas, according to
new research.*

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[MCM] Freewheelin' J. Edgar Hoover: FBI tracked Bob Dylan and Suze Rotolo

2019-09-04 Thread Mark Crispin Miller

FBI Tracking of Bob Dylan and Suze Rotolo Foreshadowed Future Abuses
[image: Bob Dylan walking with his then-girlfriend Suze Rotolo in
September, 1961, in New York City, New York.]Bob Dylan walking with his
then-girlfriend Suze Rotolo in September of 1961 in New York City, New
BYAaron J. Leonard , Truthout
PUBLISHEDSeptember 1, 2019
[image: A white lower-case t on a black background]

When neo-fascist “Proud Boys
rallied in Portland, Oregon, on August 17 and were confronted

an array of leftist protesters, Donald Trump weighed in
the tweet, “Major consideration is being given to naming ANTIFA an
“ORGANIZATION OF TERROR.” The tweet came little more than a month after
Sen. Ted Cruz called  for
a RICO (Racketeer Influenced
and Corrupt Organizations Act) investigation to be opened into antifa
which would greenlight

full extent of the FBI and other federal agencies’ investigatory powers.
Such repressive calls against antifa — along with the FBI attention to
so-called Black Identity Extremists, and others
 — is
setting down a dire path. The recently released FBI file of Suze Rotolo, a
cultural figure from an earlier period, offers insights and underscores the
danger of this surveillance overreach.
The FBI and “The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan”

In 1963, Bob Dylan released his breakthrough album, *The Freewheelin’ Bob
Dylan,* an artistic broadside against the Cold War status quo, with Dylan
parodying World War III (“Talkin’ World War III Blues”), railing against
inequality and Jim Crow (“Blowin’ in the Wind”; “Oxford Town”), and
offering a haunting vision of a world in which the Cuban Missile Crisis
transpired differently (“A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall”). These were songs
challenging the standing social order and, in many ways, served as an
opening bell of the Black freedom, antiwar and other radical upsurges of
the decade that followed.

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[MCM] DNC used "reliable" polls to make sure that Tulsi Gabbard won't be on that stage

2019-09-04 Thread Mark Crispin Miller

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[MCM] Who stabbed Sirhan Sirhan—and, by the way, who shot Bobby Kennedy?

2019-09-04 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Who stabbed Sirhan Sirhan, and by the way who killed Bobby Kennedy?

By Jay Jackson, Big News Network
1st September 2019, 21:16 GMT+10


SAN DIEGO, California - Sirhan Sirhan, the man alleged to have assassinated
Robert Kennedy at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles on June 5, 1968
continues to recover in hospital after being stabbed by a fellow inmate on

Sirhan, a Christian, was convicted of slaying Kennedy, however there is
considerable evidence that he was not responsible for the late attorney
general's death.

The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation issued a
statement late Friday indicating a prisoner at the Richard J Donovan
Correctional Facility in San Diego, had been stabbed and said "officers
responded quickly" to the attack.

The statement said the victim of the stabbing was in stable condition.

Sirhan was originally sentenced to death but that sentence was later
commuted to life in prison after Sirhan agreed, on his lawyer Grant
Cooper's advice, to admit to the shooting, even though he did not remember
it. Cooper, who was widely criticised for this tactic, and for not
investigating the crime, had offered the jury the concession to sway the
jury from recommending the death sentence for his client.

Sirhan, an exercise boy at racetracks and a stock clerk and delivery boy at
a health food store, at the time, and to this day, says he has no
recollection of shooting Kennedy, and was badly advised by his legal

There is plenty of evidence to suggest Sirhan did not fire the fatal shot.

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] US billionaires congealing around Warren and Buttigieg

2019-09-04 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
America’s Billionaires Congealing Around Warren and Buttigieg
By Eric Zuesse 
Global Research, September 02, 2019
Strategic Culture Foundation

August 2019
Region: USA 

  26  17


*The Democratic Presidential candidates who have been the most backed by
billionaires have not been doing well in the polling thus far, and this
fact greatly disturbs the billionaires. They know that the Democratic
nominee will be chosen in the final round of primaries, and they have
always wanted Pete Buttigieg to be in that final round. Therefore, they
have backed him more than any of the other candidates. But what worries
them now is that his opponent in that round might turn out to be Bernie
Sanders, whom they all consider to be their nemesis. They want to avoid
this outcome, at all costs. And they might have found a way to do
it: Elizabeth Warren. Here is how, and why:*

Among the top three in the polling — Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, and
Elizabeth Warren — only Biden is among the top five in the number of
billionaires who have backed him, and each of the other four candidates
scores higher than Biden does in the number of billionaire backers.
Furthermore, Biden is sinking in the polls. Consequently, Democratic Party
billionaires are increasingly worrying that their Party might end up
nominating for the Presidency someone whom they *won’t* support. That
person would be Sanders. And the Democratic National Committee — which
relies heavily upon its billionaire backers in order to be able to win
elections (just as the Republican National Committee relies upon Republican
billionaire backers in order to win) — is terrified by this possibility
(alienating its Party’s crucial moneybags).

The saving grace for these billionaires (and for the DNC) increasingly
seems likely to be Senator Warren’s candidacy, which draws support away
from Sanders, and therefore gives Buttigieg a chance ultimately to *win* the

On August 27th, the top website for Democratic Party activists, Political
Wire, headlined “Warren Overtakes Biden as Most Favorable Candidate”
and reported that not only does Warren now edge out both Biden and Sanders
in net favorability rating, and top the entire field of candidates in that
extremely important measure, but Warren is overwhelmingly the most
frequently mentioned second choice of Democratic Party primary voters
, which means
that not only would the voters who intend to vote for her in the primary be
delighted if she were to become the Democratic nominee — this outcome would
also likeliest produce the most-unified Party going into the general

This, in turn, would mean that Democratic Party billionaires, instead of
Republican Party billionaires, would almost certainly control the country
after 2020 — the country would be controlled by people such as Thomas
Steyer and Donald Sussman, instead of by people such as Sheldon Adelson and
Paul Singer
It would be a different ‘democracy’
, but not really much different;
it would be like the difference between George W. Bush and Barack Obama —
it would be different in rhetoric and bumper-stickers, but very similar in
actual policies. (For examples: whereas Bush invaded and destroyed
Afghanistan and Iraq, Obama invaded and destroyed Libya and Syria; and, all
the while, both of them supported the Sauds and Israel; and, moreover, both
of them supported Wall Street, though Obama tongue-lashed them, which Bush
didn’t.) So: though the rhetoric is sometimes different, the basic policies
aren’t. The policies of Republican billionaires and of Democratic
billionaires are basically similar.

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[MCM] The Pentagon is—literally—now planning to define "the truth" for us

2019-09-04 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*The Future of the Spectacle … or How the West Learned to Stop Worrying and
Love the Reality Police*


If you want a vision of the future, don’t imagine “a boot stamping on a
human face — for ever,” as Orwell suggested in *1984*. Instead, imagine
that human face staring mesmerized into the screen of some kind of nifty
futuristic device on which every word, sound, and image has been
algorithmically approved for consumption by the Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency  (“DARPA”) and its “innovation
ecosystem” of “academic, corporate, and governmental partners.”

The screen of this futuristic device will offer a virtually unlimited range
of “non-divisive” and “hate-free” content, none of which will falsify or
distort the “truth,” or in any way deviate from “reality.” Western
consumers will finally be free to enjoy an assortment of news, opinion,
entertainment, and educational content (like this *Guardian* podcast about a
man who gave birth
or MSNBC’s latest bombshell about Donald Trump’s secret Russian oligarch
without having their enjoyment totally ruined by discord-sowing alternative
journalists like Aaron Maté or satirists like myself.

“Fake news” will not appear on this screen. All the news will be
“authentic.” DARPA and its partners will see to that. You won’t have to
worry about being “influenced” by Russians, Nazis, conspiracy theorists,
socialists, populists, extremists, or whomever. Such Persons of Malicious
Intent will still be able to post their content (because of “freedom of
speech” and all that stuff), but they will do so down in the sewers of the
Internet where normal consumers won’t have to see it. Anyone who ventures
down there looking for it (i.e., such “divisive” and “polarizing” content)
will be immediately placed on an official DARPA watchlist for “potential
extremists,” or “potential white supremacists,” or “potential Russians.”

Once that happens, their lives will be over (i.e., the lives of the
potentially extremist fools who have logged onto whatever dark web platform
will still be posting essays like this, not the lives of the Persons of
Malicious Intent, who never had any lives to begin with, and who by that
time will probably be operating out of some heavily armed, off-the-grid
compound in Idaho). Their schools, employers, and landlords will be
notified. Their photos and addresses will be published online. Anyone who
ever said two words to them (or, God help them, appears in a photograph
with them) will have 24 hours to publicly denounce them, or be placed on
DARPA’s watchlist themselves.

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] SB 276 will turn California into Paradise for Merck et al., and Hell for everybody living there (2)

2019-09-04 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
SB 276 Will Violate the Doctor-Patient Relationship by Eliminating Medical

If the government wants to mandate vaccinations, it must ensure that they
are safe for all children

By Mary Holland for the California Globe
, August 26, 2019
2:06 am

*Mary Holland's article is here:  *

California Assembly advances crackdown on vaccine exemptions, but governor
wants to change the bill
[image: Richard Pan]
State Sen. Dr. Richard Pan, D-Sacramento, urges lawmakers to approve his
proposal to give state public health officials instead of local doctors the
power to decide which children can skip their shots before attending
school, at the Capitol Wednesday, April 24, 2019, in Sacramento, Calif.
Pan, a pediatrician, said his legislation would give state health officials
the tools they need to prevent outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases
like measles. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli)
(Rich Pedroncelli / AP)
SEP. 3, 2019

9:03 PM

The California Assembly passed contentious vaccine legislation on Tuesday,
a vote immediately met with an announcement from the office of Gov. Gavin
Newsom that changes to the legislation would be required before it reaches
his desk.

Newsom’s office said in a message posted on Twitter that the governor wants
a few “technical — but important” revisions to state Senate Bill 276, which
would tighten the state’s school immunization law. However, a brief
description of the requested changes — which would be added to a separate
bill — provided by the governor’s office indicates they would be fairly

Tuesday marked the second time Newsom has asked for the legislation to be
watered down after he raised concerns in June that SB 276 would create an
immunization bureaucracy that could interfere with doctor-patient
relationships . Those concerns led the bill’s author, Sen. Richard Pan
(D-Sacramento), to focus oversight efforts on doctors who write five or
more exemptions and schools with lower immunization rates, instead of a
statewide review. After those changes, Newsom pledged to sign the bill .

But last week, Capitol watchers discussed the possibility that Newsom would
push for additional amendments to the legislation .

*Click on the link for the rest: *

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[MCM] Pushing for indictments of the Epstein trafficking machine

2019-09-04 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*Some friends want to mount a protest of the DoJ's unwillingness to indict
Jeffrey Epstein's accomplices,*
*from Ghislaine Maxwell on down.*

*If you have any contacts in the #MeToo movement, and/or the Women's March,
please let me know.*


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[MCM] Who really pulled off 9/11? Seven questions help us toward some answers....

2019-09-09 Thread Mark Crispin Miller

Seven Questions to Evaluate Nineteen 9/11 Suspects

by Kevin Ryan

Posted on September 8, 2019
by Kevin Ryan

Who could have committed the crimes of September 11, 2001? Answering that
question requires understanding the details of 1) what happened that should
not have happened and 2) what did not happen that should have happened.
Additionally, it requires asking specific, well-formulated questions and
seeking answers that are evidence-based to assess potential suspects
 in terms of means,
motive, and opportunity.

In my book *Another
Nineteen* *:
Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects*, a case is made for the
investigation of nineteen people who were in position to do everything that
was needed to affect the crimes. These legitimate suspects can be compared
to the nineteen young Arabs who were accused of the crimes yet who did not
have the means or opportunity to accomplish most of what happened that day.

The following seven questions should be asked when considering suspects.
For each question, my nominees are described.

   1. Who could have prevented U.S. intelligence agencies from tracking
   down and stopping the alleged hijackers before 9/11?
  - Louis Freeh  was
  Director of the FBI for the nine years leading up to 9/11. Under Freeh’s
  leadership, the FBI failed miserably at preventing terrorism when
  preventing terrorism was the FBI’s primary goal. During this time the
  actions of FBI management suggest that it was facilitating and
  acts of terrorism. After 9/11, Freeh went on to become the personal
  attorney for Saudi Arabian ambassador Prince Bandar and a director for a
  company linked to 9/11 insider trading.
  - As Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (DCI) from 1997 to
  2004, George Tenet  led
  an agency that botched and bungled its duties related to
  The evidence suggests that, as with Louis Freeh and the FBI, at
least some
  of those failures were intentional. Tenet had developed secret paths of
  communication with Saudi authorities and he appears to have
disrupted plans
  to capture or investigate al Qaeda suspects.
  - Richard Clarke  was
  appointed U.S. “Counterterrorism Czar” by President George H.W.
Bush in1992
  and he held that position until after the 9/11 attacks. Clarke was also a
  member of the highly secret Continuity of Government planning group along
  with Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld and he implemented that secret plan
  for the first time on 9/11. He was a personal representative of the
  government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a country that financed
  terrorism and had many ties to 9/11. Clarke predicted terrorist
attacks on
  Washington and New York and, through tipping off his friends in the UAE,
  was behind the failure of two CIA attempts to kill or capture Osama Bin
  Laden. On 9/11, he led the secure White House videoconference that failed
  to respond to the attacks.
  - Richard Armitage
  a special operations soldier, long-time covert operative, and a member of
  the Project for a New American Century (PNAC). On 9/11, Armitage
was Deputy
  Secretary of State and, in this role, he implemented an express approval
  program that provided visas to the alleged 9/11 hijackers. On
9/11, he was
  involved in the secure videoconference run by Richard Clarke
that failed to
  respond to the hijacked airliners.
  - *Click on the link for the rest.*

   1. Who could have disabled the systems in place to prevent hijackings
   that should have been effective?

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[MCM] 9/11 footage that you MAY have seen that day, but never after that (and you'll see why)

2019-09-09 Thread Mark Crispin Miller

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[MCM] Death squads in Colombia have now murdered over 700 social leaders

2019-09-09 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*This is what They want to see in Venezuela (which is why "our free press"
hasn't mentioned it).*



Death Toll of Murdered Colombian Social Leaders Surpasses 700
[image: H13 colombia social leaders killed activist deaths danilo olaya
perdomo ivan mejia]

In Colombia, another social leader was shot dead by armed men on Sunday,
according to local reports. The victim was identified as Danilo Olaya
Perdomo, a well-known social leader who served as president of the Communal
Action Board of a rural area of the department of Huila. Also in Colombia,
indigenous organizations denounced Monday the murder of 24-year-old social
leader Iván Mejía in southern Colombia. According to the Institute for
Development and Peace Studies, at least 702 social leaders and human rights
defenders have been killed since 2016 in Colombia.

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[MCM] New study finds that glyphosate causes disease across several generations

2019-09-09 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
New study finds glyphosate causes disease across several generations
By vast
Published: May 2, 2019
Issue: May/June 
Category: Glyphosate and Pesticide Hazards


Washington State University researchers have found a variety of diseases
and other health problems in the second- and third-generation offspring of
rats exposed to glyphosate, the world’s most popular weed killer and main
ingredient in Roundup herbicide. In the first study of its kind, the
researchers saw descendants of exposed rats developing prostate, kidney and
ovarian diseases, obesity and birth abnormalities.

Michael Skinner, a Washington State University professor of biological
sciences, and his colleagues exposed pregnant rats to the herbicide between
their 8th and 14th days of gestation. The dose—half the amount expected to
show no adverse effect—produced no apparent ill effects on either the
parents or the first generation of offspring.

But writing in the journal *Scientific Reports*, the researchers say they
saw “dramatic increases” in several pathologies affecting the second and
third generations. The second generation had “significant increases” in
testis, ovary, and mammary gland diseases, as well as obesity. In
third-generation males, the researchers saw a 30 percent increase in
prostate disease—three times that of a control population. The third
generation of females had a 40 percent increase in kidney disease, or four
times that of the controls.

More than one-third of the second-generation mothers had unsuccessful
pregnancies, with most of those affected dying. Two out of five males and
females in the third generation were obese.

“The ability of glyphosate and other environmental toxicants to impact our
future generations needs to be considered,” the researchers wrote, “and is
potentially as important as the direct exposure toxicology done today for
risk assessment.”

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] EU will not recognize results of Russian elections in Crimea

2019-09-09 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*Airstrip One (now all of Europe) thus maintains its fealty to Washington.*


EU will not recognise results of Russian elections in Crimea



BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union will not recognise the results of
Sunday’s Russian local and regional elections in Crimea because the region
belongs to Ukraine and not Russia, a spokeswoman for the EU foreign affairs
chief Federica Mogherini said on Monday.

“Anybody elected in the Crimean peninsula claiming to ‘represent’ the
populations of Crimea and Sevastopol will not be recognised as
representatives of those territories, which are Ukrainian,” the spokeswoman
said in a statement.

The EU has imposed sanctions on Russia and people in Crimea after Moscow’s
annexation of the peninsula in 2014.

Reporting by Francesco Guarascio @fraguarascio; editing by Philip Blenkinsop
Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.


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[MCM] Female students barred from UK school for wearing dresses

2019-09-09 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*I wish I were making this up. *


Students Prevented From Attending UK School Because They Refuse to Wear
“Gender Neutral” Uniforms

School told girls they could no longer wear skirts.


 3 days ago

 6 September, 2019

Paul Joseph Watson 





*Female students at a school in the UK were prevented by officials and
police from attending class because they refused to comply with a new
“gender neutral” uniform policy.*

Around 100 students protested outside the gates of Priory School in Lewes
in response to a letter sent at the end of the summer advising they would
be mandated to wear trousers at all times.

The school claimed that the policy change was put in place to “address
inequality,” and be “inclusive,” but students and parents were outraged.

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] FBI goes COINTELPRO on "extremist" groups protesting Trump's immigrant-detention camps

2019-09-09 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*FBI targets groups opposing Trump’s concentration camps as “Extremists”*
By Eric London
9 September 2019


A leaked Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) intelligence report reveals
that the US government is using informants and trawling social media to spy
on domestic left-wing protest groups opposed to fascist border militias and
the Trump administration’s attack on immigrants.

The document, titled “Anarchist Extremists Very Likely Increasing Targeting
of US Government Entities in Arizona, Increasing Risk of Armed Conflict,”
produced by the FBI’s Phoenix office, was published on September 4 by *Yahoo

The report exposes unconstitutional activity that parallels the crimes of
the FBI under former Director J. Edgar Hoover. It is a serious warning
sign: the military-intelligence apparatus is covertly creating the legal
and physical framework for the criminalization of free speech and the
suppression of left-wing political activity. As the fascist in the White
House establishes concentration camps for immigrants and political
opponents, a bipartisan group of politicians and intelligence agents are
working to crush dissent.

The report explains that the FBI is targeting “anarchist extremists” (which
it refers to as “AEs”) because they “view US immigration policies and
procedures for handling illegal immigrants—including arrests, removal, and
border barriers—as violations of human rights and supporting government
facilities and personnel as symbols of US tyranny.”
US immigration detention facility in Texas

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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[MCM] The sort of "play" that could get everybody killed: US Space Command has launched its first big war game (over Alabama)

2019-09-10 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*This news—real news—from Alabama (and nowhere else?) came out while*
*the Times et al. continued hammering on the "story" of Trump's mistaken*
*claim that Dorion was going to hit that state.*

US Space Command's first big war game is already under way
  Tom Roeder, The
September 09, 2019 at 04:00 AM
A threat-representative ICBM target launches from the Ronald Reagan
Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site on Kwajalein Atoll in the Republic
ofthe Marshall Islands March 25, 2019. (DoD photo)

*A secretive war game that examines combat in space kicked off this week in


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