2002-06-02 Thread news

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[14] Quinton scores penalty against Paraguay
Posted Sunday, June 2, 2002 by tb:
Despite attemps to put him off:

 He (Francisco Arce) said to me that I would miss and in a game of football I don't 
think that's nice.

I wouldn't do that and I was nervous enough because I had missed my last penalty in 

I just hit it and it went in. I was so pleased and it is my first goal for South 
Africa, just in case you couldn't tell by the way I celebrated it!

I'm delighted that we got the draw and we only really started to play after they 
scored their second goal.

We're a bit like Manchester United and we only start to play when we go a goal down.

All credit to the lads, they kept going and we kept believing in ourselves.

[13] Will Danny Mills get strung up?
Posted Sunday, June 2, 2002 by tb:
Will the ingerlund numpties (can't believe I saw an inflatable banana!) do to Mills 
what they did to Becks in 98 and Phil Nev in 2000.

No, I don't think so either.

[12] Quinn says Roy still the boy
Posted Sunday, June 2, 2002 by tb:
 I personally hope Roy wears the green shirt again. If he does, then whatever part of 
the world I'm in, I'll fly to the game and take my kids with me to watch one of our 
greatest ever players.'' 

[11] Quinn: All set up for Roy's return
Posted Sunday, June 2, 2002 by tb:
I came close to tears and Mick's eyes glazed up as well. I spent 45 minutes urging 
him to give Roy one more chance.

He agreed and I told Michael that all Roy had to do was ring Mick and say he wanted 
to play for him in the World Cup and that last week's actions were wrong, which he'd 
already said in a newspaper interview. Michael was really confident he could get that. 
He had offers of three private jets and I really thought Roy was coming back. But at 
twenty-five to four Michael rang to say it was over. He was absolutely shattered and 

[10] Veron on the WC draw with England
Posted Sunday, June 2, 2002 by tb:
We were enemies before, now we are the best of friends.

We had some jokes in the United dressing-room when I first arrived and then when we 
were drawn against each other. But you have to understand that England v Argentina is 
always an enormous occasion because of the history between these two countries. The 
Falklands? It is a reminder. It's not like two nations who know nothing about each 
other. Everyone knows how important this is.

[9] Becks on Veron
Posted Sunday, June 2, 2002 by tb:
I think the criticism of Veron was unfair -- especially after the last Champions' 
League game. I think he came in for criticism that I felt personally – and a lot of 
people at the club felt – was unfair. To say it was a mistake buying a player like him 
is ridiculous. To me, he is one of the best midfielders in the world. Maybe now there 
is a danger he will feel he has something to prove.

He does make a lot more runs forward with the Argentinian side. And there were times 
last year where he played in positions that maybe he doesn't play for Argentina. A 
player of his ability could destroy any team – let alone us. How do you stop him? 
Well, not by kicking him, otherwise he won't be fit for next season!

Now there's a hint!

[8] Becks thanks the ingerlund muppets
Posted Sunday, June 2, 2002 by tb:
The most rewarding thing for me was winning them over with my football. I could have 
done interview after interview and explained myself. But I did it with the football... 
on the pitch.

Maybe if all that had not happened – and I'd rather it hadn't – I might not be in 
this situation now. It has made me the person and the player I am. It has made me grow 
up. When people are saying the things about you that they were, you can either go home 
and cry, which I felt like doing at times, or you come out fighting. And I had the 
people around me that made me come out and fight and prove to people that I deserved 
to be out there.

It was a horrible time. Not just for me, but my family, my mum and dad, my nan and 
grandad. They were reading and hearing things and that was more the upsetting part for 
me. They were going through more of it at the start than I was.

[7] Becks after 98
Posted Sunday, June 2, 2002 by 


2002-06-02 Thread news

RED NEWS - MUFC Daily News by Email.
For the very latest news, the fans forum, and more,
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Posted Sunday, June 2, 2002 by redend:

RED NEWS's 'Stalker' spoke to Eric today at the beach football tournament in Brighton. 
Stalker asked Eric what his thoughts were on the Roy Keane / Mick McCarthy bust up.

Eric's reply was customarily concise: 
Roy Keane was too professional for Ireland.

Well, you can't argue with that can you?

Look out for our exclusive quotes appearing in the press over the next day or two.

[18] Swindon want Davis
Posted Sunday, June 2, 2002 by tb:
Swindon boss Andy King on Jimmy:

 I have spoken to Sir Alex Ferguson about Jimmy Davis and he seems quite keen. I 
think the fact we are looking to sign a player of that calibre shows how high we are 

[17] Becks on fitness
Posted Sunday, June 2, 2002 by tb:
My foot was aching a little bit but it felt ok during the match.

I was pleased with the way I played, especially in the first half, but I felt a bit 
tired in the second half.

It would have been great for all the fans, he said. But we've got a point and 
hopefully we will play better against Argentina.

[16] Seba licks his lips
Posted Sunday, June 2, 2002 by tb:
Now we're ready for England. It'll surely be a tough game, a classic. 

[15] Sven on Becks substitution
Posted Sunday, June 2, 2002 by tb:
I thought he did well in the first half but in the second half he got very tired.

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