Disable only Hostname verification of proxied HTTPS server certificate

2019-11-07 Thread shivramg94
Is there any way where we can configure nginx to only verify the root of the
proxied HTTPS server (upstream server) certificate and to skip the host name
(or domain name) verification?

As I understand, proxy_ssl_verify directive can be used to completely
enable/disable the verification of proxied HTTPS server certificate but not
selectively. Is there any directive to only disable the host name

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Verification of proxied HTTPS server certificate

2019-09-24 Thread shivramg94

According to the documentation
the directive "proxy_ssl_verify" is used to enable or disabled the
verification of the proxied HTTPS server certificate. But it doesn't talk
about what all different types of validations (like Host Name Verification,
Certificate Expiry etc) it does. 

Could someone list out the validations Nginx performs on the obtained server
certificate from the upstream server when the above said directive is set to

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Re: RE: Idle Timeout during the HTTP request response phase

2018-10-16 Thread shivramg94
Thanks for the pointers.

For backend/upstream servers does they translate to the below two

For read :

For send:

Please correct me if I am wrong

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Idle Timeout during the HTTP request response phase

2018-10-16 Thread shivramg94

Is there any directive available in Nginx to set a timeout between two
successive receive or two successive send network input/output operations
during the HTTP request response phase?

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SSL Handshake Failure with error:1407609B:SSL in error logs

2018-07-04 Thread shivramg94

We are trying to configure TCP load balancing with TLS termination. But when
we try to access the URL, we could see the below error in the nginx error
and access logs

Nginx Error Log:

2018/07/04 07:16:45 [crit] 7944#0: *61 SSL_do_handshake() failed (SSL:
error:1407609B:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:https proxy request)
while SSL handshaking, client: XX.XXX.XX.XX, server:

Nginx Access Log: - - [04/Jul/2018:07:24:55 +] TCP 500 0 0 0.000 "-"

The nginx.conf file looks like this

stream {
  log_format sample '$remote_addr - - [$time_local] $protocol $status
$bytes_sent $bytes_received $session_time "$upstream_addr"';
  upstream backends {
 server sample-domain-name.com:443;
  server {
listen 443 ssl;
access_log /etc/access_logs/tcp_access_log sample;
ssl_certificate  Certificate_PATH;
ssl_certificate_key Private_Key_Path;
proxy_ssl off;
proxy_pass backends;

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Make nginx ignore unresolvable upstream server host names during reload or boot up

2018-03-08 Thread shivramg94

I have multiple upstream servers configured in an upstream block in my nginx

upstream example2 { 
server example2.service.example.com:8001; 
server example1.service.example.com:8002; 

server { 
listen 80; 
server_name example2.com; 
location / { 
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; 
proxy_set_header Host $host; 
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; 
proxy_pass http://example2/; 

When i try to reload Nginx and at that time if one of my upstream servers
(say example2.service.example.com) is not DNS resolvable, then the reload
fails with an error "host not found in upstream". 

Is there any way we can ask nginx to ignore such unresolvable host names or
rather configure Nginx to resolve these upstream server host names at run
time instead of resolving it during the boot up or reload process?

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Make nginx ignore unresolvable upstream server host names during reload or boot up

2018-03-07 Thread shivramg94

I have multiple upstream servers configured in an upstream block in my nginx

upstream example2 {
server example2.service.example.com:8001;
server example1.service.example.com:8002;

server {
   listen 80;
   server_name example2.com;
   location / {
  proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
  proxy_set_header Host $host;
  proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
  proxy_pass http://example2/;

When i try to reload Nginx and at that time if one of my upstream servers
(say example2.service.example.com) is not DNS resolvable, then the reload
fails with an error "host not found in upstream".

Is there any way we can ask nginx to ignore such unresolvable host names or
rather configure Nginx to resolve these upstream server host names at run
time instead of resolving it during the boot up or reload process?

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Upgrading Nginx executable on the fly

2018-01-07 Thread shivramg94

We have been trying to upgrade the Nginx binary on the fly by invoking USR2
signal to spawn a new set of master and worker processes with the new
configuration. The question I have is when this new master process is
spawned, after issuing USR2 signal to the existing or the old master
process, what would be it's parent process? Will it be the root process (1)
or the old master process? 

We have been seeing different case of this. In some cases we have seen the
new master process' PPID is 1, whereas in other cases its PPID is that of
the old master process.

Could someone please explain this scenario in detail.

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Re: Nginx reload intermittenlty fails when protocol specified in proxy_pass directive is specified as HTTPS

2017-11-20 Thread shivramg94
Just one quick question. Does Nginx check if the upstream servers are
reachable via the specified protocol, during the reload process? If say, in
this case the upstreams are not accepting ssl connections, will the reload

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Nginx reload intermittenlty fails when protocol specified in proxy_pass directive is specified as HTTPS

2017-11-20 Thread shivramg94
I am trying to use nginx as a reverse proxy with upstream SSL. For this, I
am using the below directive in the nginx configuration file 

proxy_pass https://; 

where "" is another file which has the list of
upstream servers. 

upstream  { 
server : weight=1; 
keepalive 100; 

With this configuration if I try to reload the Nginx configuration, it fails
intermittently with the below error message 

nginx: [emerg] host not found in upstream \"\" 

However, if I changed the protocol mentioned in the proxy_pass directive
from https to http, then the reload goes through. 

Could anyone please explain what mistake I might be doing here? 

Thanks in advance.

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Nginx reload intermittenlty fails when protocol specified in proxy_pass directive is specified as HTTPS

2017-11-20 Thread shivramg94
I am trying to use nginx as a reverse proxy with upstream SSL. For this, I
am using the below directive in the nginx configuration file

 proxy_pass https://;

where "" is another file which has the list of
upstream servers. 

upstream  {
: weight=1;
keepalive 100;

With this configuration if I try to reload the Nginx configuration, it fails
intermittently with the below error message 

nginx: [emerg] host not found in upstream \"\"

However, if I changed the protocol mentioned in the proxy_pass directive
from https to http, then the reload goes through. 

Could anyone please explain what mistake I might be doing here?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Nginx PID file missing

2017-05-24 Thread shivramg94

In one of the environment, we never tried to stop nginx. We see that the
nginx master process and worker processes are running, but the pid file goes
missing all of a sudden. 

How can we explain that?

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Nginx PID file missing

2017-05-24 Thread shivramg94

In our environments we are intermittently facing an issue where the
nginx.pid file goes missing, due to which whenever we try to do a reload of
nginx, it fails saying "no pid file exists". Is there any known scenarios
due to which the nginx.pid file goes missing?

Does the nginx reload has any effect on the pid file? Ideally it should not,
isn't ?

Also, what we have noticed is, sometimes whenever we tried to do a restart
of nginx, i.e quit nginx and then start it again, at times, the nginx master
and worker processes start but there is no pidfile written by nginx at the
expected location?

Could anyone help on this issue?

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Re: Reload of NGinX doesnt kill some of the older worker processes

2017-05-15 Thread shivramg94
Earlier, it says the pid file doesn't exist even though the master and
worker processes were running.

2017/05/12 15:35:41 [notice] 19042#0: signal process started
2017/05/12 15:35:41 [error] 19042#0: open() "/u01/data/logs/nginx.pid"
failed (2: No such file or directory)

Can the above issue ( where the nginx.pid file went missing) and the
communication break up between the master and the worker processes be

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Re: Reload of NGinX doesnt kill some of the older worker processes

2017-05-15 Thread shivramg94
At times, the error logs say

2017/05/15 11:37:01 [notice] 9#0: signal process started
2017/05/15 11:37:02 [alert] 22030#0: sendmsg() failed (32: Broken pipe)
2017/05/15 11:37:02 [alert] 22030#0: sendmsg() failed (32: Broken pipe)
2017/05/15 11:37:04 [alert] 22030#0: sendmsg() failed (9: Bad file
2017/05/15 11:37:04 [alert] 22030#0: sendmsg() failed (32: Broken pipe)
2017/05/15 11:37:04 [alert] 22030#0: sendmsg() failed (9: Bad file
2017/05/15 11:37:04 [alert] 22030#0: sendmsg() failed (32: Broken pipe)

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Re: Reload of NGinX doesnt kill some of the older worker processes

2017-05-15 Thread shivramg94
Hi Maxim,

This is what I could find in the error logs

2017/05/15 11:32:18 [notice] 21499#0: signal process started
2017/05/15 11:32:19 [alert] 22030#0: sendmsg() failed (88: Socket operation
on non-socket)
2017/05/15 11:32:19 [alert] 22030#0: sendmsg() failed (32: Broken pipe)
2017/05/15 11:32:19 [alert] 22030#0: sendmsg() failed (88: Socket operation
on non-socket)
2017/05/15 11:32:19 [alert] 22030#0: sendmsg() failed (32: Broken pipe)
2017/05/15 11:32:20 [alert] 22030#0: sendmsg() failed (88: Socket operation
on non-socket)
2017/05/15 11:32:20 [alert] 22030#0: sendmsg() failed (32: Broken pipe)
2017/05/15 11:32:20 [alert] 22030#0: sendmsg() failed (88: Socket operation
on non-socket)
2017/05/15 11:32:20 [alert] 22030#0: sendmsg() failed (32: Broken pipe)

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Reload of NGinX doesnt kill some of the older worker processes

2017-05-15 Thread shivramg94
I am facing an issue where once I issued a reload to the NGinX binary, few
of the older worker processes are not dying. They still remain orphaned. 

This is the configuration before issuing a reload :

[poduser@ucfc2z3a-1582-lb8-nginx1 logs]$ ps -ef | grep nginx
poduser  12540 22030  0 06:39 ?00:00:00 nginx: worker process   
poduser  12541 22030  0 06:39 ?00:00:00 nginx: worker process   
poduser  12762 11601  0 06:41 pts/000:00:00 grep nginx
poduser  22030 1  1 May12 ?00:49:01 nginx: master process
poduser  23528 22030  0 May12 ?00:00:22 nginx: worker process   
poduser  24950 22030  0 May12 ?00:00:22 nginx: worker process 

Configuration after issuing a relaod

[poduser@ucfc2z3a-1582-lb8-nginx1 logs]$ ps -ef | grep nginx
poduser  13280 22030  2 06:45 ?00:00:00 nginx: worker process   
poduser  13281 22030  2 06:45 ?00:00:00 nginx: worker process   
poduser  13323 11601  0 06:45 pts/000:00:00 grep nginx
poduser  22030 1  1 May12 ?00:49:02 nginx: master process
poduser  23528 22030  0 May12 ?00:00:22 nginx: worker process   
poduser  24950 22030  0 May12 ?00:00:22 nginx: worker process 

If you notice, there are two worker processes orphaned with PID's 23528 and
24950. Could someone please explain the cause for this, as to why few of the
worker processes are orphaned?

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Return Specific Error Page in NGinX when all the upstream servers are marked down

2017-05-05 Thread shivramg94
I have an upstream block as follows

upstream sample{
server abc1.example.com down;
server abd2.example.com down;

Currently I get a 502 error. In this special case where I receive a 502 and
all upstream servers are down I would like a receive a specific error page
as temporarily unavailable.

How can i achieve that?

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Nginx reload process in detail

2017-04-27 Thread shivramg94
We have a persistent connection to Nginx on which we are issuing https
requests. Now when we do a reload, the persistent connections (the requests
which are already accepted) are failing as soon as the reload was issued.
Those connections are being dropped. Is this the expected behavior? 

In the Nginx documentation, it was mentioned that the older worker process
would continue to run untile they have served the accepted inflight requests
and then would go down. But the actual behavior seems to be different as the
persistent connections are being dropped as soon as a configuration reload
was issued.

To add to the above question, while reload was in progress, i am trying to
establish a new connection and its not being established. Can't the new
worker processes which were spawned as a result of configuration reload,
straight away serve the incoming new connections?

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Re: Nginx upstream server certificate verification

2017-04-06 Thread shivramg94
Thank Sergey, for you response. 

I have one more question. If I have multiple upstream server host names in
the upstream server block, then how can I specify the specific upstream
server host name to which the request is being proxied, in the
proxy_ssl_name directive?

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Re: Nginx upstream server certificate verification

2017-04-03 Thread shivramg94
Thank Sergey, for you response.

I have one more question. If I have multiple upstream server host names in
the upstream server block, then how can I specify the specific upstream
server host name to which the request is being proxied, in the
proxy_ssl_name directive?

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Nginx upstream server certificate verification

2017-03-30 Thread shivramg94
I am trying to implement HTTPS protocol communication at every layer of a
proxying path. My proxying path is from client to load balancer (nginx) and
then from nginx to the upstream server. 

I am facing a problem when the request is proxied from nginx to the upstream

I am getting the following error in the nginx logs 

2017/03/26 19:08:39 [error] 76753#0: *140 upstream SSL certificate does not
match "8ba0c0da44ee43ea894987ab01cf4fbc" while SSL handshaking to upstream,
client:, server:
abc.uscom-central-1.ssenv.opcdev2.oraclecorp.com, request: "GET /a/a.html
HTTP/1.1", upstream: ";, host:

This is my configuration for the upstream server block 

upstream 8ba0c0da44ee43ea894987ab01cf4fbc { 
server slc01etc.us.oracle.com:8001 weight=1; 
keepalive 100; 

proxy_pass https://8ba0c0da44ee43ea894987ab01cf4fbc; 
proxy_set_header Host $host:10003; 
proxy_set_header WL-Proxy-SSL true; 
proxy_set_header IS_SSL ssl; 
proxy_ssl_verify on;proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For

When the request goes from Nginx to the upstream server, nginx matches the
upstream ssl certificate against the pattern present in the proxy_pass
directive. But my upstream ssl certificate pattern is the upstream server
hostname (slc01etc.us.oracle.com) . 

Is there any way, where I can force Nginx to verify the upstream ssl
certificate against the server hostnames provided in the upstream server
block, instead of the pattern present in the proxy_pass directive?

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