The secret of Nim

2023-09-25 Thread foldl
How is `editing` defined?

If it is allowed to pick a specific pixel and place it elsewhere, then, two 
pixels are enough to _recover_ the crown.

Show Nim: Forematics is a Metamath verifier written in Nim.

2021-12-08 Thread foldl

I know nothing about how a verifier can be implemented. Could you provide more 

Advent of Nim 2021

2021-11-29 Thread foldl
Oh, Jesus. Another year is ending.

More Nim on more Microcontrollers!? (Arm CMSIS / Zephyr RTOS)

2021-10-26 Thread foldl
Personally, I don't like this approach.

My preferred way is:

1\. Write part of the software in Nim;

2\. Link the generated files with existing C code. 

Concatenation of seq and array?

2021-04-21 Thread foldl
Haha. As far as I know, we can't do such poor things in C.

Zig-style async/await

2021-01-25 Thread foldl
I have just crafted a 
[blog]( on this. Sorry 
it's in Chinese.

I don't know if it is possible to do something similar (on bare-metal, embedded 
systems, with just a few KB of RAM) with above CPS, async-await proposal. 

Zig-style async/await

2021-01-07 Thread foldl
I am using an ARM M3, `standalone`.

If importing `async`: Error: OS module not ported to your operation system.

Zig-style async/await

2021-01-06 Thread foldl
As far as I know, `async/await` depends on `epoll`, `select`, etc.

Is it possible to have Zig-style `async/await`?

I have tried Zig on embedded systems, `async/await` works just out of the box.

signal processing in Nim?

2020-10-28 Thread foldl
I just found out that there are matrix decomposition in Arraymancer 

I should give it a try.

signal processing in Nim?

2020-10-28 Thread foldl
I am seeking to do array signal processing in Nim. Something like `mathjs` will 
be enough for me.

I know mratsim's `Arraymancer`. But, it lacks some matrix operations, such as 
inversion, eigenvalue decomposition.

Experimenting with a FreeRTOS OS Port

2020-07-19 Thread foldl
Personally, I don't like this approach. If we have `--os:esp-idf`, then will we 
have `--os:companly_a`, `--os:company_b`, etc, later?

Fully support (100%) of FreeRTOS is welcome, but a 50%, or even 90% support of 
it will make only users unhappy. Does Nim Team/Community have sufficient 
resources on this?

So, at least for me, for today, since Nim inter-operates with existing C code 
easily and nicely, when working on embedded systems, bare metal mode is 

Where is the release note for v1.2.4?

2020-07-19 Thread foldl
New versions used to be announced in blogs.