Re: What are you writing using nim? :)

2017-08-31 Thread Udiknedormin
> Last time I checked Python's implementation, Python's slices also do copy, 
> but it's not a problem because people believe they don't copy and beliefs 
> tend to win over facts.

They do copy, as far as I know, but I'd not be so sure about make-it-true 
power.  For some time I was sure slicing makes a view in Python that I used: 


I was pretty sure it actually will sort a slice until tests failed. 

> I think submodules are a strange idea and most languages (Python included) do 
> fine without.

Please take a look at the thread about submodules I created. I wrote it after 
rewritting a project of mine to use import and export rather that include 
(which took me some time as it has many files) and saw the docs look nowhere 
like what I would like them to look like.

> Moving is actually easy enough in Nim but zero-copy slices cannot be moved in 
> any language since it's pretty much a logical impossibility.

If you mean shallowCopy, it'd love it to actually behave like moving. I was 
sure it does but recently I got a runtime error because of this assumption. 
Maybe a compiler bug though.

About not being able to move zero-copy slices: logical error here, actually. 
Zero-copy slices are views, either mutable or immutable. The view itself can be 
moved, it just doesn't move the data it points at. Alternatively, there can be 
three kinds of slices defined: immutable view, mutable view, slice-entry. The 
last one can do all the mutable view can do and also extend the slice or shrink 
it (even to zero length). Of course these operations actually affect original 
container, e.x. an seq has to move the data after the slice's end in memory.

Also, Python is not a good example here, I'd say. As you know, it's not really 
an efficiency-focused language. 

> More importantly, which libraries would you need?

As for now, not so many, actually.

Firstly, hdf5 (and h5part). I know it can be ported but as far as I know, Nim's 
VM can't handle non-pure code (or did it change?) and I tend to use 
metaprogramming a lot. Today I was frustrated that I couldn't find any way to 
access a const passed to a macro (so I could, e.x. access elements of a const 
array), so I guess it shows just how weird things I tend to use (maybe you know 
the solution?). Here, I'd like to be able to recursively build a type-safe data 
structure with fields named and typed after hdf5 files' groups.

Secondly, lots of optimization goodies, like advanced autovectorization. I had 
a look at qex ("A talk on HPC" thread) and hope jxy will publish some of his 
stuff as it seems a good base.

Re: Nim newbie request/challenge

2017-08-31 Thread jzakiya
The problem with installing seems to have to do with executables not in correct 

I can go through the install process off the website, and compile the 
executables in the **nim-0.17.0** directory, created by untarring the tarball.

Notes about installation from source

After downloading the compressed archive, extract its contents into the 
desired installation directory.

Open a new terminal window, cd into the extracted directory, and execute 
the following commands:

bin/nim c koch
./koch tools

Configuring the PATH environment variable

The compiler and tool binaries live inside the bin directory. It is common 
for Nim developers to include two directories in their PATH environment 

the aforementioned bin directory
~/.nimble/bin (where ~ is the home directory)

I've had no luck setting the **PATH** that works, because it gives error 
messages saying it can't see certain files(?).

When I set **PATH** like this:

$ export PATH=$PATH:~/nim-0.17.0/bin

when I try to compile a source file I get this:

~/nim> $ nim c --cc:clang --d:release x.nim
Hint: System[Processing]
Error: cannot open 'usr/local/lib/nim/system.nim'

I can run the nim executable like so, from **nim-0.17.0/bin/**:

~/nim-0.17.0/bin $ ./nim c --cc:clang --d:release ~/nim/

where the **nim** directory holds my nim sources, but this is so inelegant!

Luckily, Manjaro and Antergos (both Arch Linux derivatives) have the latest 
0.17.0 version in their repos, so I've just been using them (this is using 
Virtual Box VMs). I even tried moving the executables around in the other 
distros to match what I see in Manjaro, with no luck.

I am willing to help debug this if you give me detailed instructions to follow. 

Re: A talk on HPC

2017-08-31 Thread Udiknedormin
Well, all of the ones mentioned in the pdf, that's for sure. I also noticed you 
use some nice metaprogramming utilities, e.x. the ones from metaUtils.nim file. 
I didn't read all of your code so I can't really know what functionalities are 

Re: Been away for 9 months. What changed? Need some help to get back on track.

2017-08-31 Thread cumulonimbus
Most programming today is incredibly bureaucratic.

Nim makes programming fun again and does away with a lot of the beaurucracy, 
the way Python and Lua do; But unlike Python, you don't have to give up static 
typing, fast runtime, ease of distribution. For now, compared to Python, you 
give up some aspects of the REPL, and the ecosystem (many packages, a lot of 
documentation) but I think both of these have improved tremendously. 

Re: Nim newbie request/challenge

2017-08-31 Thread Araq
Can we get a bug report for (6)?

Re: Nim newbie request/challenge

2017-08-31 Thread jzakiya
I've been translating various versions of the SSoZ I did in C++ in 2014 to Nim. 
Here are a few of my observations as a newbie.

1) Nim is much less noisy to write code in, with much less syntactical 
requirements to worry about (curly braces for if|for statements, etc).

2) Once I figured it out, it's a (just) little bit easier to satisfy integer 
type unification for doing math. But why can't you just add an **int** to an 
**uint** without having to manually explicitly cast the numbers. Can't the 
compiler figure this out?

3) Nim executables are either approxiamently 4|5x (with clang) or 6|7x (with 
gcc) larger than for C++ for some programs, though I can make them smaller 
using **strip** on them.

4) However, the Nim executables produce faster runtimes, and run to completion 
in some cases (for Nth Primes for example) where the comparable C++ throws a 
runtime Segfault error for the same inputs.

5) Nim is definitely easier to learn than C++ (because of the lower syntatic 
noise and more robust language paradigms, such as with **for** loops, etc), if 
you already know how to program (it's easier to figure out). Being young and 
growing (not 1.0 yet) it doesn't have the level of documentation you can find 
for C++, nor example code, etc, but the new book will help with that. I would 
highly recommend, and urge, a significant effort be put into creating as much 
(good, helpful, relevant) documentation as possible, especially to answer all 
the low level newbie questions, to attract people who want to try using Nim for 
really serious stuff.

6) The Nim installation procedure on the website failed to intall Nim on a 
number of distros (KDE Neon, LinuxMint, Kubuntu, PCLinuxOS) I tried. Even 
though the Ubuntu derivatives have Nim in their repos it's version 0.12 (not 
latest 0.17). Please provide instructions that will work, and/or create an 
AppImage, Snap, etc package to make installation universally simple.

Below are the gists source code for my Nim translations of the original C++ 
implementations of the Segmented Sieve of Zakiya (SSoZ) using the P5 prime 
generator in each instance (I've done version with P7 too). These are 
sequential implementation. The main reason I'm interested in Nim is the 
potential to (easierly) implement these in parallel (than with C++, Rust, 
Julia, Python, etc). I've rearchitectured the memory model to make it parallel 
friendly, and now just need to figure out how to play with Nim pointers (and 
whatever else) to accomplish this.

All in all, I see alot of potential for Nim as it matures.

Gist files of Nim code of SSoZ versions, transated from C++.


Find the primes <= N, using sequential implementation of SSoZ with P5 prime 



Find nth primes, using sequential implementation of SSoZ with P5 prime 




Find twin primes <= N, using sequential implementation of SSoZ with P5 prime 

Re: Bug with generic methods?

2017-08-31 Thread Lando
> These are two models, inheritance and type classes, which are different 
> answers to the same problem. I can see no good reason to provide both in the 
> same language..

I see one difference: with concepts the type match is an implicit one, the 
person creating the matching concrete type doesn't even have to now that the 
concept exists. With inheritance, it is explicit: the creator of a derived type 
explicitly mentions the base type in the type definition. This implies that he 
is aware of the semantics that cannot be checked by a compiler. A concept match 
checks that, e.g., a certain proc is defined for the matched type. The creator 
of that proc never promised that this proc will actually do what we think it 

Re: meta programming a nice SIMD library

2017-08-31 Thread ephja
Here's a SIMD library 

Re: Been away for 9 months. What changed? Need some help to get back on track.

2017-08-31 Thread mashingan
Leaving aside the discussion about fav lang,

One of great additions is this PR, [Fixed “RFC: improving JavaScript FFI” 

Not to underestimate other stdlibs, improving JavaScript FFI should yield 
practical purpose, unrelated to whether people like JavaScript or not. `jsffi` 
module is very nice lib 

There's also 
[bitops]( module.

Re: Editor profiles fo Nim

2017-08-31 Thread zolern
Notepad++ from version 7.5 has embedded support for .nim files (syntax 
highlighting and code folding). NB: in release notes for 7.5 Nim still is 
called Nimrod 

Re: Compile Nim on centos 5

2017-08-31 Thread cdunn2001

I tried hard to get my company to upgrade the GLIBC that we use when we build 
for customers, but they want to wait a few months. So we really need this 
change, or some alternative.