Re: why var can not be declared this way?

2018-11-05 Thread demotomohiro
According to Nim manual:


_In if statements new scopes begin immediately after the if /elif/else keywords 
and ends after the corresponding then block._

For example:

if true:
  let foo = 1

# Error: undeclared identifier: 'foo'
echo foo


You can write shorter code by using if expression and tuple unpacking



proc f(size=1) =
  let (widFrame, hiFrame)  = if size == 1: (320, 200) else: (3200, 2000)
  echo (widFrame, hiFrame)



Re: why var can not be declared this way?

2018-11-05 Thread 2vg
read-only -> using let

proc f(size=1) =
let (widFrame, hiFrame) =
if size == 1: (320, 200) else: (3200, 2000)

echo (widFrame, hiFrame)



Re: why var can not be declared this way?

2018-11-05 Thread juancarlospaco
`var` is Not read-only. 

why var can not be declared this way?

2018-11-05 Thread oyster

proc f(size=1) =
if size == 1:
widFrame = 320
hiFrame = 200
widFrame = 3200
hiFrame = 2000

echo (widFrame, hiFrame)



I get 

t_bug.nim(11, 11) Error: undeclared identifier: 'widFrame'



I know there is a solution 

proc f(size=1) =
widFrame:int = 0
hiFrame:int = 0
if size == 1:
(widFrame, hiFrame) = (320, 200)
(widFrame, hiFrame) = (3200, 2000)

echo (widFrame, hiFrame)



but in fact widFrame and hiFrame should be read-only if the parameter size is 
given, what I expect is 

proc f(size=1) =
if size == 1:
widFrame = 320
hiFrame = 200
widFrame = 3200
hiFrame = 2000

echo (widFrame, hiFrame)



which of cause failed with message t_bug.nim(11, 11) Error: undeclared 
identifier: 'widFrame'. What is the solution for this case?


Re: async in a thread; crashes

2018-11-05 Thread enthus1ast
Thank you @mikra for takeing time to look at it! works!

Re: async in a thread; crashes

2018-11-05 Thread mikra
Hi, try this (works for me) and I put some comments in it:

import locks
import os
import asyncdispatch
import asynchttpserver, asyncdispatch

var L: Lock

type Context = ref object {.pure.}
  num: int
  str: string

proc th(ctxP: pointer) {.thread.} =
  var server = newAsyncHttpServer()
  proc cb(req: Request) {.async.} =
var idx: int = 0
if not tryAcquire(L): return
var ctx = cast[ptr Context](ctxP) # never cast ptr to ref
  # within different thread
   # GC_ref ctx #  not needed because ctx is not owned by this thread
idx = ctx[].num
sleep(200) # sleep while locking to get the: "could not acquire lock" 
   # GC_unref ctx # 
await req.respond(Http200, "Hello World " & $idx)
  proc aprint(): Future[void] {.async.} =
while true:
  echo "hello"
  await sleepAsync 1000
  asyncCheck aprint()
  asyncCheck server.serve(Port(8080), cb)

let ctx = Context(num: 0, str: "")
var ctxP = ctx.unsafeAddr
# GC_ref ctx # parentthread is owner of ctx (I think its not needed because 
of the
# endless loop)
var networkThread: Thread[pointer]
networkThread.createThread(th, ctxP)
while true:
  if not tryAcquire(L):
echo "could not aquire lock"


GC V2 features

2018-11-05 Thread juancarlospaco
I was reading about the 6 GC that Nim has to choose, I cant find any 
documentation and `V2` is not a concrete algorithm, can someone explain please 

TLDR description:

  * `markAndSweep`: Fastest, uses more RAM.
  * `Boehm`: Slowest, uses less RAM.
  * `Go`: Go lang like implementation.
  * `Regions`: Kinda slow-ish, works by regions of memory.
  * `RefC`: Reference counting, default.
  * `none`: No GC.
  * `V2`: **? ? ?**

Thanks.  

async in a thread; crashes

2018-11-05 Thread enthus1ast
i'm fighting with an async in a thread example, does one have a tip where my 
big mistake is? It works for a few http request then crashes, it crashes faster 
in release, but not crashes withouth gc (or not discovered yet...)

import locks
import os
import asyncdispatch
import asynchttpserver, asyncdispatch

var L: Lock

type Context = ref object {.pure.}
  num: int
  str: string

proc th(ctxP: pointer) {.thread.} =
  var server = newAsyncHttpServer()
  proc cb(req: Request) {.async.} =
var idx: int = 0
if not tryAcquire(L): return
var ctx = cast[ref Context](ctxP)
GC_ref ctx # 
idx = ctx[].num
GC_unref ctx # 
await req.respond(Http200, "Hello World " & $idx)
  proc aprint(): Future[void] {.async.} =
while true:
  echo "hello"
  await sleepAsync 5000
  asyncCheck aprint()
  asyncCheck server.serve(Port(8080), cb)

var ctx = Context(num: 0, str: "")
var ctxP = ctx.addr
GC_ref ctx # 
var networkThread: Thread[pointer]
networkThread.createThread(th, ctxP)
while true:
  if not tryAcquire(L):
echo "could not aquire lock"


it crashes with:

Traceback (most recent call last)
threadAsync.nim(30)  th
asyncdispatch.nim(1651)  runForever
asyncdispatch.nim(1516)  poll
asyncdispatch.nim(1282)  runOnce
asyncdispatch.nim(191)   processPendingCallbacks
asyncmacro.nim(36)   serve_continue
asynchttpserver.nim(309) serveIter
asyncmacro.nim(307)  processClient
asyncmacro.nim(36)   processClient_continue
asynchttpserver.nim(281) processClientIter
asyncfutures.nim(77) newFutureVar
asyncfutures.nim(59) newFuture
gc.nim(475)  newObj
SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)
Error: execution of an external program failed: 
'/home/david/nimPlayground/threadAsync '


I've stressed it with:

 true; do curl; done


Re: R-style logical vector operations in Nim?

2018-11-05 Thread Nimrookie
Thanks for the clarification. Regarding the ifelse task with 1000 elements: 
does anyone know how big the relative performance gain of array vs. sequence 
would be? Otherwise, I will benchmark this, but unfortunately this will take 
some time...

Re: Hitting a SIGSEGV in the garbage collector

2018-11-05 Thread mratsim
Are you using raw pointers or multithreading somewhere?

Are you calling a C library perhaps?

Re: Hitting a SIGSEGV in the garbage collector

2018-11-05 Thread vsajip
Well, it's probably something I'm doing. It fails on both Ubuntu Linux 16.04 
and Windows 10 (both amd-64). I'll do some more digging before expecting anyone 
else to spend time looking at it. Are there any settings one can use to e.g. 
find "shouldn't happen" memory overwrite problems, short of running with 
Valgrind or similar? Failure occurred with various of the GCs, so I have to 
take another look at my code.

Re: Hitting a SIGSEGV in the garbage collector

2018-11-05 Thread Araq
  * We need a real test case, reduced or not.
  * We also need to know your CPU/OS combination.
  * We need to know which of the `--gc:boehm|refc|markAndSweep` GCs produce the 

> Any ideas on how best to debug this type of situation?

Try Nim's different GC options.

> Are there known issues with GC on 0.19.0 which have been fixed since it was 
> released?

The GCs have no known issues that would produce the behaviour you're describing.

Hitting a SIGSEGV in the garbage collector

2018-11-05 Thread vsajip
I'm trying to port a library and hitting a problem in the GC. I'm not sure I 
can reduce it to a small program which exhibits the problem. The key bits are:

$ nim --version
Nim Compiler Version 0.19.0 [Linux: amd64]
Compiled at 2018-09-26
Copyright (c) 2006-2018 by Andreas Rumpf

git hash: f6c5c636bb1a1f4e1301ae0ba5a8afecef439132
active boot switches: -d:release

$ nimble test
Traceback (most recent call last)
config.nim(448)  failingProc
gc.nim(493)  newObjRC1
gc.nim(185)  decRef
SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)


The lines in config.nim in `failingProc` where it happens are 

447var s = $text
448result.text = s


and these lines have been executed many times through successive calls to 
`failingProc` from the test. The `text` variable is initialised at the top of 
`failingProc` using

  var text : seq[Rune] = @[]


and the intervening lines just add some runes to it before the failing line. If 
I add various `echo` lines, the location of the failure above the GC call moves 
around (e.g. to `system.nim(216)`). There's nothing special about N where it 
fails on the N th call to `failingProc` \- with extra `echo` lines, it fails at 
a different time during processing with those lines in gc.nim.

Any ideas on how best to debug this type of situation? Are there known issues 
with GC on 0.19.0 which have been fixed since it was released?

Re: R-style logical vector operations in Nim?

2018-11-05 Thread mratsim
R (and C++) vectors equivalent in Nim are sequences.

Tuples are fine if you work with a limited fixed size of elements but otherwise 
use sequences or dedicated data structure (either [Neo's 
vectors]( or [Arraymancer's 

Re: Got "Warning: < is deprecated [Deprecated]"

2018-11-05 Thread mratsim
and maybe a form so that people can submit such errors unless the github book 
repo is already used as such.

Re: Got "Warning: < is deprecated [Deprecated]"

2018-11-05 Thread kaushalmodi
@dom96 I think you should have an errata web page for rhe Nim in Action to 
cover such cases. 

Re: Got "Warning: < is deprecated [Deprecated]"

2018-11-05 Thread adrianv
use `..<` without space between `..` and `<`

Re: Nim T-shirts and mugs now available

2018-11-05 Thread carterza
I wish that tee spring wasn't so awful about shipping fees, but I picked up 

Re: should `computedGoto` be always implied ? (ie make computedGoto noop)

2018-11-05 Thread cumulonimbus
You are probably right, I've been away from this level of implementation for 
the last decade, but I was under the impression that if the branch target is 
fully known enough cycles in advance (as could be in this case if the jump 
table is in L1, if loading of ebp was pushed further back, and which IIRC 
LuaJIT2 does do) there is, in fact, no prediction involved. I'm likely wrong, 
though, and extrapolated the state of the art farther than where it actually is.

Re: R-style logical vector operations in Nim?

2018-11-05 Thread Nimrookie
Please see also this post from 
 \- suggesting tuple-skills for operands.