Re: Advent of Code 2018 megathread

2018-12-22 Thread epipho
Here are my solutions: 
 Just started learning Nim so they're not much to look at. Enjoying the process 
though! Of the recent ones day 22 was particularly fun, with Dijkstra's 
algorithm, priority queues and whatnot. Exciting after the CRUD tedium of one's 
day job...

Browsing other people's solutions was really helpful in picking up idiomatic 
Nim, so thanks for those!

Re: What pattern language does the OS module use ?

2018-12-22 Thread itm
This issue is resolved.

I realized that Nim uses platform-specific pattern matching for filenames. This 
depends on the OS in use.

In this case the Windows CLI has several quirks in the way it uses wildcards 
(*, ? etc.) for matching filenames. These quirks seem to have been inherited 
from the early DOS days. This would explain why I am not getting the expected 
results with my above code sample.

You may read more about Windows filename pattern matching at: 

Plus equals for setter does not work

2018-12-22 Thread flattened

# foo.nim

  Foo* = object
bar: int

proc `bar`*(f: var Foo): int {.inline.} =

proc `bar=`*(f: var Foo, val: int) {.inline.} = = val


# main.nim

import foo

var f: Foo += 1


Results in: 

Error: type mismatch: got 
but expected one of:
proc `+=`[T: SomeOrdinal | uint | uint64](x: var T; y: T)
  for a 'var' type a variable needs to be passed, but 'bar(f)' is immutable
proc `+=`[T: float | float32 | float64](x: var T; y: T)
  first type mismatch at position: 1
  required type: var T: float or float32 or float64
  but expression 'bar(f)' is of type: int
  for a 'var' type a variable needs to be passed, but 'bar(f)' is immutable

expression: bar(f) += 1


Re: Advent of Code 2018 megathread

2018-12-22 Thread nickmyers217
Yeah my bad on that. Trying to be too smart too quick doesn't usually end up 
paying off in the end :)

Thankfully, I actually got to use A* on a later problem, and I was able to copy 
most of the code from my first day 15 attempt, so that was a little redeeming...

I don't think you are alone in taking a break; I see others doing it and almost 
did so myself. I can feel my sanity slowly fading as we bounce between cellular 
automata problems one night and assembler reverse engineering problems the next.

Re: Advent of Code 2018 megathread

2018-12-22 Thread tradfursten
I had a breadth first solution that would have worked if I would have read the 
specification, hmpf reading order, then I looked at your A* and that threw me 
of track :)

Eventually I ended up width a breadth first.

Your repository was of good help @nickmyers217 both help in a good and in a bad 
way :D

Now I won't be able to solve any more before christmas, I have to revisit the 
remaining problems when I get home from the christmas vacation.

But I can say that I have found a lovely language that I can't wait to solve 
stuff in.

Re: Beginner help with http client

2018-12-22 Thread dom96
Here is what you need to do to replicate your spawn example:

# async version
import httpclient, asyncdispatch, json , times
let time = cpuTime()

proc callStrategy (i : int)  {.async.}  =
  echo("request " & $i)
  let client = newAsyncHttpClient()
  client.headers = newHttpHeaders({ "Content-Type": "application/json" })
  let body = %*{
  let response = await client.request(";,
  httpMethod = HttpPost,
  body = $body)
  echo response.status
  echo await response.body
  echo("done " & $i)

proc loop (num: int) {.async.} =
  echo "executing call number: " , num
  var futures: seq[Future[void]] = @[]
  for i in  1..num:
echo "executing call number: " , i
futures.add callStrategy(i)
  await all(futures)

waitFor loop(10)
echo "Time taken: ",cpuTime() - time


Re: Beginner help with http client

2018-12-22 Thread Kvothe
Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately removing the await after the echo it 
refuses to compile.

if i keep the await and put asyncCheck it complies but does not print any 
response. Finally, if instead of asyncCheck i use waitFor it prints everything 
as expected, but does it in a synchronous way.

Re: Nim development blog

2018-12-22 Thread matkuki
The bullet point system of talking points is excellent  Having timestamps of 
where a point begins would also be great.