Re: Fastest Prime Sieve, in Nim

2019-08-03 Thread GordonBGood
@BLM2, I'm still working on this, but since comparing single threaded 
performance is like racing cars where each is limited to firing on only one 
cylinder when they have at least four and maybe six, eight, twelve, thirty-two 
or sixty-four: one can compare performance per cylinder but some cars and 
driving techniques may not scale across the different cars for this limitation. 
Anyway, even if one is going to compare this way, it should be on the basis of 
performance in CPU clock cycles per core-pair since HyperThreading 
(HT)/Simultaneous Multi Threading (SMT) thread pairs usually share L1 and L2 
cache resources for modern CPU's.

That is the problem with Dana Jacobsens's single threaded sieve comparison 
 although it is somewhat useful for comparison by scaling clock speeds as 
described below.

The top contenders in her Chart are likely no longer the fastest, as Huang 
YuanBing's "ktprime" (K Tuple Prime) written in C 
([]( is 
actually up to about 10% faster than Kim Walish's "primesieve" when run single 
threaded producing 'k'=1 (the non-k) as one can determine by scaling his 
(single-threaded) 1e10 and 1e12 results on his i7-6700 CPU running at 3.9 
Gigahertz with Dana Jacobsen's single threaded tests run on a i7-6700K CPU 
running at 4.2 Gigahertz. Unfortunately, Dana doesn't seem to see comparing 
single threaded results the way I do (or more likely she is comparing many 
algorithms that haven't been written to be multi-threaded) and "ktprime" hasn't 
yet had multi-threading added anyway, but I see no reason it wouldn't hold its 
lead over "primesieve" when multi-threading is added.

The code for "ktprime" is much more complex than yours as it is more general in 
being able to be used to count/find "K-Tuple Primes" in the general case and 
not just Twin Primes as your code does and also part of the extra lines of code 
are due to it being written in C and not Nim and as well having a full command 
line interface rather than just the basics, but the general principles of using 
"PGX" wheel factorization generators are the same. Your trick of boiling down 
the performance by eliminating some sieving of residual bit planes that aren't 
required for Twin Primes will still beat it for that special case if the same 
optimizations were applied to your code as he uses, but that is very much a 
special case.

Note that most newer algorithms don't even bother with sieving to a billion as 
that is now such a trivial case (about 40 milliseconds multi-threaded on a 
modern desktop) for modern algorithms and simple tricks that only work for 
these "smaller" sieving ranges can change the outcome but aren't generally 
applicable to larger ranges: thus, the comparisons should really start at ten 
billion or (even better) a hundred billion. For instance, "primesieve" runs 
about 20% faster sieving to a billion on a CPU with a 32 Kilobyte sieve buffer 
size than with a 16 Kilobyte sieve buffer size when run single threaded, but 
these gains don't translate to multi-threaded use as two threads share this 
same cache meaning that it effectively becomes about the same performance as if 
it were only 16 Kilobytes per thread. Also, the problem is that these better 
algorithms are too "grainy" at small ranges with possibly a single thread task 
sieving up to about a four billion number range at a time and a processor with 
eight threads thus processing a range of about 32 billion per step! What really 
counts in speed is the ability to sieve these larger ranges efficiently and in 
a way that scales well with multiple threads. Kim Walich's "primesieve" only 
scales moderately well with increasing range due to conflicting memory access 
HT/SMT threads sharing the same CPU L1 cache as described with "ktprimes" 
possibly scaling better and my own work where I always use just only half the 
L1 cache definitely scaling for multi-threads in a direct way.

> ...and may finally try to do a C++, since people want to see a C++ version.

I don't know that you need to go that far if you don't want to - I personally 
dislike C/C++ intensely and never write anything in them more than a couple of 
hundred lines of code, which is why I am with Nim: most people capable of 
reading and understanding C++ code should be able to easily translate your few 
hundred lines of Nim code and if it is just for the purposes of comparative 
benchmarks, it is a trivial task to install the Nim compiler that basically 
just generates C or C++ code from your code anyway. But "have at it" if you 
must and it will be an interesting exercise anyway in comparing the code.

In my experience, Nim can run just as fast for the same algorithm as C/C++ as 
long as one pays attention to memory allocation as in not using the Garbage 
Collector (GC) and is aware of when deepCopy operations will be 

Re: Procs that work only inplace like strutils.removeSuffix()

2019-08-03 Thread juancarlospaco
I kind of agree, have you seen `os.splitPath().tail` ?, but I dont really 
understand whats the question/problem if any... 樂

Re: What text editor are you using for Nim?

2019-08-03 Thread Neil_H
Unfortunately Kakoune is not available for Windows so that's not an option for 
many users.

As for modal editors like vi being faster than Emacs...maybe, once you are in 
the right mode... but having to check what mode you are in all the time (even 
if you put mode changes on keys) will definitely slow you down.. initially ;-)

Re: What text editor are you using for Nim?

2019-08-03 Thread amalek
> In Vim I have to press Esc to come out of Insert mode then Shift-; to get : 
> then I have to enter w and finally press Enter then to carry on editing 
> text I have to press I again is that right Vim users? WTF!

Ehm, no. You could just use the default shortcut: `ZQ`

Or, if you want to save and exit: `ZZ`

I personally used to use Vim, then Neovim and now I've been using kakoune for a 
few months because Neovim is getting bloated. [This is a very good explanation 
of why vi-like modal editors are superiors to "normal" editors like 

Re: What text editor are you using for Nim?

2019-08-03 Thread Neil_H
Yep, but I can also map Ctrl-x Ctrl-s to just Ctrl-s in Emacs if I wanted... 
but the default is fast enough... and Ctrl-s is mapped to search (another 
common editing task) anyway.

And Emacs has macros that can be mapped to key strokes as well, so I cant see 
any Vim advantage there. Emacs Lisp is fairly easy to use to write custom tasks 
that can be added to a menu or key stroke as well, which is what I have done a 
few times.

For example here is some Emacs that I have on my own menu that opens the 
Windows folder where the current file is:

;; Open the command window at current files directory ;;

(defun neils-start-cmd ()
"Open the command window at current files directory" (interactive)
(let ((proc (start-process "cmd" nil "cmd.exe" "/C" "start" "cmd.exe")))
(set-process-query-on-exit-flag proc nil)))


Re: What text editor are you using for Nim?

2019-08-03 Thread bevo009
You could map Ctrl-S to :w easily in your .vimrc But Space-W is faster, no 
holding any keys down Space rules as leader

Re: What text editor are you using for Nim?

2019-08-03 Thread leorize
yea, but you can just map Ctrl-S to save if you save so much.

Typically vim keeps swap files and save the file state there periodically, so 
you don't have to keep saving the file as you type. If the editor crashes, you 
can re-open the file and the editor will ask to restore it.

The power of the vim layout is editing speed versus emacs, in which commands 
and macros can be used in rapid succession to perform complex text 
manipulations in a couple of key strokes.

If you really wanna try vim, you'd need to put in some effort (`vimtutor` can 
be useful to learn some tricks), but it'll be worth it :) (even emacs users 
know this, see `evil-mode`)

Re: What text editor are you using for Nim?

2019-08-03 Thread Neil_H
Here is an example of Vim v Emacs.

Using default keys for both editors...

Saving the current file. something we do quite often

In Emacs I simply keep one finger on the Ctrl key and then press x followed by 
s... file saved continue editing text

In Vim I have to press Esc to come out of Insert mode then Shift-; to get : 
then I have to enter w and finally press Enter then to carry on editing 
text I have to press I again is that right Vim users? WTF!

No wonder I prefer Emacs :-)

Re: What text editor are you using for Nim?

2019-08-03 Thread Neil_H
As I said at start of this thread ive been using Emacs for the past few months 
and starting to get use to it... and ive just re-installed Vim to have another 
look... and No, I still don't like this... press Esc then press I for 
insert press Esc again blah blahcrazy... sometimes you start typing 
only to realise your not in Insert mode!! Mad... think ill stick with Emacs :-)

Anyway... keep the editors coming :-)

Re: What text editor are you using for Nim?

2019-08-03 Thread Neil_H
> I tried textadept but the autocompletion feature seems a litte bit buggy; 
> notepad++ works fine but minimalistic; the intellij plugin seems not to be 
> maintained so I still stick with vscode…

I tried Textadept myself a while back and didn't like it because as far as I 
know it was only 32 bit plus its Regular Expressions capabilities were severely 

Procs that work only inplace like strutils.removeSuffix()

2019-08-03 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Often that may be OK, but not always. For removeSuffix() I have used 
strutils.replace() sometimes as a substitute, but that is not always the best 

So I was just thinking about other solutions. An apply template seems to work:

import strutils

template apply(x: typed; f: typed; par: typed): untyped =
  var h = x
  f(h, par)

  Name = "manual.txt"
  Doc = Name.replace(".txt") & ".html"
  #Doc2 = Name.removeSuffix(".txt")
  Doc3 = apply(Name, removeSuffix, ".txt")
  Doc4 = Name.apply(removeSuffix, ".txt")

echo Doc
echo Doc3
echo Doc4




Maybe there are even better solutions?

(Of course I understand why removeSuffix() works in place, while replace not: 
The code of replace needs a temporary string as buffer, as the replacement can 
be larger, so it makes sense to return that buffer. removeSuffix() can work in 
place, so it does this. But sometimes a proc with result like suffixRemoved() 
is what one wants.)

Re: What text editor are you using for Nim?

2019-08-03 Thread mratsim
I use VSCode but as luck would have it this week I tried Howl, Micro and Neovim 
as well to find an alternative that exhaust less heat in my home? Unfortunately 
they don't come close to VSCode when working on 2/3 codebases at the same time 
(one with specs/tests, one with reference implementation, one you actually 
developing for example).

I hope the VSCode plugin will get fixed and not spawn 1000s of nimsuggests 
(well know it kills them with a timer).

Also I'm happy to see krux02 commit fixing nimsuggest / nim check hanging in 

As I spend so much time in macro land, that drains better/heats the home real 

Re: What text editor are you using for Nim?

2019-08-03 Thread mikra
I tried textadept but the autocompletion feature seems a litte bit buggy; 
notepad++ works fine but minimalistic; the intellij plugin seems not to be 
maintained so I still stick with vscode...

Re: db_mysql: how to get column name?

2019-08-03 Thread napalu
There is an overload to instantRows which takes a var seq[DbColumn] as in 

iterator instantRows*(db: DbConn; columns: var DbColumns; query: SqlQuery;
  args: varargs[string, `$`]): InstantRow =


So you should be able to do something like: 

var cols : DbColumns = @[]
for x in db.instantRows(cols, query):
  for idx, col in cols:
