Re: asyncnet and reading from multiple socks

2019-08-23 Thread blmvxer
Issue I'm seeming to have is timeout never occurs upon false connections. the 
main point is to grab the ssh version.

import asyncnet, asyncdispatch, strutils, random

  serVer: string
  port = "22"
  output = ""

proc genAddr(): string =
   ip0 = rand(1..255)
   ip1 = rand(255)
   ip2 = rand(255)
   ip3 = rand(255)
  return (join([$ip0, $ip1, $ip2, $ip3], "."))

proc main() {.async.} =
  sock0 = newAsyncSocket()
  sock1 = newAsyncSocket()
 sock2 = newAsyncSocket()
 res0: string
 res1: string
 res2: string
 host0 = genAddr()
 host1 = genAddr()
 host2 = genAddr()
   echo "Trying: " & host0
   await sock0.connect(host0, Port(22))
   echo "Trying: " & host1
   await sock1.connect(host1, Port(22))
   echo "Trying: " & host2
   await sock2.connect(host2, Port(22))
   res0 = await sock0.recvLine()
   res1 = await sock1.recvLine()
   res2 = await sock2.recvLine()
   echo res0
   echo res1
   echo res2

waitFor main()



Re: asyncnet and reading from multiple socks

2019-08-23 Thread blmvxer
Appreciate your response, I'll try to implement this and see if I can get a 
working sample to show.

Re: asyncnet and reading from multiple socks

2019-08-23 Thread treeform

import ws, asyncdispatch, asynchttpserver, httpclient

# Create three sockets and read from each of them asynchronously

var numOpenWs = 0

proc doStuff(ws: WebSocket, idx: int, msg: string) {.async.} =
  inc numOpenWs
  await ws.send(msg)
  echo idx, ": ", await ws.receiveStrPacket()
  dec numOpenWs

proc main() {.async.} =
ws1 = await newWebSocket("wss://")
ws2 = await newWebSocket("wss://")
ws3 = await newWebSocket("wss://")
  echo "all sockets opened"
  asyncCheck ws1.doStuff(1, "you are first")
  asyncCheck ws2.doStuff(2, "you are second")
  asyncCheck ws3.doStuff(3, "you are third")
  echo "now just waiting for all sockets to close"
  while numOpenWs > 0:
await sleepAsync(10)

waitFor main()


Re: Marvin Minsky frame model /extended with ordered storage/

2019-08-23 Thread mratsim
IMO, those links are too theoretical and you most probably need domain 
knowledge and actual use cases to know the best data structures to represent 

Looking around you can probably re-use OO techniques though: 

Couple of notes:

  * Your proposal will be bottlenecked by string processing, at least `typ` 
should be an enum
  * `ptr Frame` should be just Frame as Frame is a ref object.
  * I don't know the associated procs/use-cases but all those heap allocations 
will lead to memory fragmentation, bad memory locality and poor performance if 
you need to create/destroy Frames in tight loop.
  * That Frames theory seems to heavily suffer from the [curse of 

My advice to go forward:

  * define what a minimal proof-of-concept should be able to do
  * implement it
  * refine the base data structure so that building that use-case from that 
data structure is easy.
  * add new use-cases, rinse-and-repeat.

Check performance from time to time on non-toy inputs.

asyncnet and reading from multiple socks

2019-08-23 Thread blmvxer
I've attempted several approaches with this including trying to mix threads and 

what would be the best way to say send connect three sockets and read from each 
of the asynchronously?

Marvin Minsky frame model /extended with ordered storage/

2019-08-23 Thread dponyatov

What is the right code for implementing the class hierarchy of frames?

I look at the base Frame class as a universal data (and code) type, can hold 
both single scalar values, and nested elements, all of them can be attributed 
by arbitrary slots. Making oriented graphs of such nodes with types inherited 
from the base Frame, we can model any type of data. Some subset of frames can 
be treated as executable so we can implement a homoiconic computing system.

Frame = ref object of RootObj
typ: string
val: string
slot: Table[string,ptr Frame]
nest: seq[ptr Frame]

let nst = Frame(val:"nested")
let hello = Frame(typ:"hello",val:"world",nest:@[nst])

echo hello[]


Re: rumpkernel or baremetal runtime to run Nim program standalone

2019-08-23 Thread dponyatov
Disabling GC and threads looks like a crutch. It is very strange not to use any 
achievements of the last twenty years in OS construction, as most of them 
available for free in source code. Maybe will something like FreeRTOS be great 
as a base for OS written in Nim?

Re: rumpkernel or baremetal runtime to run Nim program standalone

2019-08-23 Thread PMunch
If you disable the garbage collector and does some tweaks Nim is able to run on 
microcontrollers such as an Arduino or Attiny85. So it's definitely possible to 
run bare metal. There has even been an OS demonstrator written in Nim: 

Re: Nim + Flutter == bright future?

2019-08-23 Thread flutt
Flutter + Dart = bright future 
 But Flutter + Nim ... I don't think so

Re: Is it possible to tune C output to be truly human readable?

2019-08-23 Thread mratsim
I think the main issue would be the use of gotos :P