Re: Comparing languages by their popularity with their Rosetta Code implementation terseness.

2019-12-11 Thread kcvinu
It seems your approach is more scientific. Yeah, i am also like to compare 
programming languages. Its fun. 

Re: Recommended GUI library?

2019-12-11 Thread Libman
Minimalists and license purists go 

Re: How to properly use Proxies in Nim

2019-12-11 Thread Libman
I get the same error message even from `nimble update` and `choosenim` when 
trying to run over an SSH proxy with `export http_proxy=socks5://0:8123`...

Re: Comparing languages by their popularity with their Rosetta Code implementation terseness.

2019-12-11 Thread Libman
I'm a big fan of programming language comparisons, and I'm happy to see one 
trying to measure terseness.

I personally would measure terseness by first stripping out comments and empty 
lines, normalizing all identifier names to same length, and then counting 
characters weighed by typing effort (ex. 1.0 for lowercase, 1.2 for numbers, 
1.4 for uppercase, 1.6 for punctuation, 3.5 for unicode, 5.0 for line break). 
This would adequately punish $perl, P_H_P, and especially languages that make 
you type "endnendnend". 😏

But it doesn't make sense to me to graph two totally disconnected things, 
popularity and terseness, as the X and Y axis of the same graph.

It would make more sense to graph two things where there's a trade-off between 
them, like:

  * Terseness vs CPU Time
  * Terseness vs Compile Time
  * Terseness vs Memory Usage

Then you could cluster languages into categories: highest-performance with 
high-effort, lowest-effort with low-performance, unrewarded verbosity, and the 
contest to find the language that provides highest maximization of both (which 
is where Nim would excel).

It would also be interesting to compare different popularity rankings against 
each-other, like [TIOBE]( (which 
approximates Web content quantity) vs [PyPL]( 
(Google Trends) vs [Module Count 
 vs specific community counts (GitHub [Pull 
Reqs]( / 
[Pushes]( / 
[Stars]( / 
[Issues](, Reddit headcount, 
[IRC](, StackOverflow, etc). If some 
of the latter measure early adopter enthusiasm, then that can be used to 
predict future mainstream popularity growth. 

Re: What do you do when the compiler crashes?

2019-12-11 Thread spip
For others encountering a similar situation, when commenting out portions of 
code does not help or running a nim compiler with debugging symbols does not 
help either, here is what I've done.

  1. Searching in [Nim 
 shows that the compiler has become more sensitive to syntax errors lastly.
  2. From that, I decided to run it with different versions of the compiler, 
and using the [Playground]( does not require 
you to install many old versions on your computer. I found that version 0.19.6 
reported exactly the symbol where the compiler was choking. Correcting it, I 
was able to switch back to version 1.0.4 and continue correcting the remaining 
syntax errors.

Re: euwren – a high-level wrapper for the Wren scripting language with a user-friendly DSL

2019-12-11 Thread lqdev
I've been working on this project a lot, and I'm finally able to say it's 
(almost) feature complete. Since the last release, I have added things like:

  * name aliasing
  * enum support
  * automatic Wren glue code generation
  * exception handling

and much more quality of life improvements. Feel free to check out the 

Re: What does "cannot be captured as it would violate memory safety" mean?

2019-12-11 Thread marks
The variable is sent as a var to a proc where it works fine. But I then in that 
proc I pass it to another proc and in that one I get the error. I've also tried 
passing it to the other proc without var (since in that data is only read) but 
get the same error. Is there an alternative to var that would work?

Re: What does "cannot be captured as it would violate memory safety" mean?

2019-12-11 Thread mratsim
You are probably trying to use a `var` parameter somewhere you shouldn't like a 

Re: How to properly use Proxies in Nim

2019-12-11 Thread mikra
use fiddler or wireshark to debug your setup

What does "cannot be captured as it would violate memory safety" mean?

2019-12-11 Thread marks
In some situations I get the error message _" cannot be captured as it would 
violate memory safety"_. I understand that this means nim is trying to stop me 
shooting myself in the foot, but is there anywhere I can read an explanation 
and if it is possible to do what I want without triggering this error?

Re: How to properly use Proxies in Nim

2019-12-11 Thread forcefaction
When trying different proxies i get different errors, sometimes it's unable to 
CONNECT or the connection is refused or i get a ProtocolError. I don't know if 
it's a configuration thing on the proxy side or if i have to use different 

If someone has an idea on how to investigate that further, please tell me :)

Re: How to properly use Proxies in Nim

2019-12-11 Thread enthus1ast
Just a guess but maybe you have to compile with -d:ssl

Best way to learn python?

2019-12-11 Thread wolfkinara
Hi there! I was directed here as I heard the python community is very helpful 
from some friends. I hope this is the right place to post, and not on the 
general python page.

Basically at uni, I study physics. My year was the first year to change from 
MatLab in over a decade. We were told to learn python. We were given very 
little instruction, told "just Google it", and when asking for help it took 
OVER AN HOUR with your hand in the air to get a demonstrator to help in the 
computer labs.

As a result, hardly anyone actually understands python or how to use it. I 
couldn't even do half of a python assignment, and had to settle for a grade D 
in that submission.

I've looked into joining a course over summer, but for 5 days it was £2500! 
What is a better alternative to learn python? I really need to know it as all 
my physics labs require graphing, calculations etc to be done in python.

Thank you for any advice!

Re: [C backend] On const qualifier again

2019-12-11 Thread Araq
The C++ spec has 848 occurances of the term "cv", an indicator for the 
feature's inherent complexity and its viral nature. Quite a price to pay so 
that your `*const_p = 4` bugs can be detected a little bit earlier in a system 
that otherwise is not memory safe anyway. So let's not copy bad design.

Re: [C backend] On const qualifier again

2019-12-11 Thread foldl
OK. To heal this (and other possible) bad design(s) of C/C++, let's use `-w`, 
and to heal some C++ compilers, let's `define NIM_CONST`.

Re: Recommended GUI library?

2019-12-11 Thread marks
OK, thanks. Docs ought to mention that.

Re: Recommended GUI library?

2019-12-11 Thread marks
QML depends on Qt which is big (like wx) compared to, say NiGui. Also Qt's 
mutli-license is a problem for some people.