Re: GDI-style lib for Nim.

2019-12-16 Thread Aiesha_Nazarothi
So, in order to measure multiline text I need to count lines, measure interline 
spaces height somehow and multiple it all together ?

...Why it's so much easier in .NET ?

Re: cairoimpl.nim error

2019-12-16 Thread Stefan_Salewski

have replied to your issue already at github: 

If you wrote something here as a new forum user it may take some time until 
text will become visible.

Re: Nim beginners tutorial

2019-12-16 Thread miran
> * Devote an introductory chapter to metaprogramming with a simple DSL 
> tutorial.
> * And a chapter to major databases connection. (especially SQLite).
> * I really wish you included a topic on concurrency and parallelism and how 
> you would normally use them in Nim.

All these topics go beyond _beginners_ tutorial.

I'll consider them for the "Intermediate Nim" tutorial if/when I begin to write 

Walking trees without recursive iterators

2019-12-16 Thread spip
In the [absence of support for recursive 
 how would you write an iterator returning all the nodes of a general tree?

**GordonBGood** gave an [example]( of 
such an iterator for a binary tree and **mratsim** wrote a similar one for 
[binary trees stored in 
 in Weave, but here I want to walk over all the nodes of the following tree 

  Node = ref object
value: string
children: seq[Node]


Whenever an iterator uses data structures with side effects or when not using 
tail call recursion, first flattening all the results in a queue/stack and then 
unqueing/unstacking them sequentially from the iterator is not possible. Also 
this flattening phase can be done only with bounded values iterators; you can't 
do it with an infinite data loop, or when the subsequent value of the iterator 
depends on the state of previous values... So what are the ways to write 
recursive iterators without using recursion?

Re: Nim beginners tutorial

2019-12-16 Thread adnan
Very nice but I really wish you included a topic on concurrency and parallelism 
and how you would normally use them in Nim. This is something the official 
tutorial pt 1 and 2 misses out on and would be a great addition to your 

assign an object variant kind for unsafe memory block

2019-12-16 Thread mrgaturus
Hi, i tried create an object that has object variants using `alloc(size: 
Natural)` but when assigning the variant kind it throws an exception, is there 
a way for assign it without creating an auxiliar object or without using 
`-d:nimOldCaseObjects`?, here is a example: 

  Kinds = enum
kA, kB, kC
  ExampleBlock = object
case kind: Kinds
of kA: a: int
of kB: b: string
of kC: c: uint16
otherFields: array[16, int]

when isMainModule:
  echo "Sizeof block, ", sizeof(ExampleBlock) # Is a union after all
  let kindcrash = cast[ptr ExampleBlock](
  kindcrash.kind = kB # Crash Here
  kindcrash.b = "String Test"
  echo kindcrash.b


Re: GDI-style lib for Nim.

2019-12-16 Thread Trustable
@Aiesha_Nazarothi: To get the height of a text line use 

Re: A pure nim GUI game for Linux & Windows

2019-12-16 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> it takes me 4 lines to choose 4 unique random colors from a sequence of 17;

shuffle() should do the trick, not only in Nim:

import sequtils, random, sugar

var a = toSeq(1 .. 17).outplace(shuffle())[0 .. 3]
echo a


The other points you miss in NiGui -- well we have at least one lib which would 
support that :-)

If you are really interested in someone improving or reading your game source 
code, then you may put the code on your github account. I think it is a great 
example for NiGUI.

Re: Nim beginners tutorial

2019-12-16 Thread pouya
Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I was busy with some exams. I checked 
the new EPUB on my Kindle and it looked awesome. Extra white space problem is 
solved and the TOC works as expected.

If its not too much to ask

  * Devote an introductory chapter to metaprogramming with a simple DSL 
  * And a chapter to major databases connection. (especially **SQLite** ).

A pure nim GUI game for Linux & Windows

2019-12-16 Thread marks
As part of the process of learning Nim, I've ported my game _Gravitate_ (a 
variation of TileFall or the SameGame), to Nim.

I used the [NiGui]( library, so no 
third party `.so`'s or `.dll`'s are needed.

Although I've tried to make the most of Nim and to be as idiomatic as possible, 
I'm sure there's room for improvement. So I hope that some Nim experts will 
review the source and give me feedback -- or just edited `.nim` files -- to 
help me improve my code. (For example, in the `game.nim` file's `start()` 
function it takes me 4 lines to choose 4 unique random colors from a sequence 
of 17; surely it can be done in less code?)

There are two archives available from the game's [home 
page]( The direct downloads (both including 
64-bit executables and full source code <1 KLOC) are 
[Windows]( and 

Things I couldn't do because either I can't figure out how or because NiGui 
doesn't support them:

  * Underline keyboard accelerator letters, e.g., the New game button shows 
"New", but I'd like the 'N' underlined.
  * Include icons in the buttons and to set the executable's icon all in code 
(e.g., by reading base64-encoded text from a file at compile time).
  * Show tool tips.
  * Do gradient fills.
  * Control focus, e.g., stop the buttons getting focus so you can "click" a 
tile with the Spacebar. (The current workaround is to press 'd' for delete 
  * Enable/disable buttons, e.g., disable the Options dialog's OK button if any 
option is invalid.

Despite the above, given how small and convenient NiGui is, and how it can be 
used to create stand-alone GUI executables, I think it is a superb library.

And I'm also enjoying learning Nim very much!

Re: Nim is the friendliest language to start

2019-12-16 Thread JPLRouge
@Stefan_Salewski his examples helped me to put the foot in the stirrup, for me 
I got tired of the basic docs, and I went on more concrete examples using an 
interactive project that led me to other horizon, type definition, create a 
module ... and SQL as all this to have a concrete interactive project and make 
the loop

Re: Editor with nimsuggest support for libs with generics?

2019-12-16 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Thanks for testing.

So I think I will consider using your neovim. I have used GVim some years ago, 
so I know at least the most basic vim commands. My gentoo box has to install a 
lot of additional packages for neovin, that is the reason why I have not tested 
neovim for Nim already. Other reason was, that I was satisfied with my NEd 

I think language server protocoll is not available for plain GtkSourceView, 
maybe it is available for Gnome-Builder-Editor. So maybe eventually I will 
modify NEd at some time in far future... 

Re: binarySearch (from algorithm) not always working

2019-12-16 Thread dawkot

Re: binarySearch (from algorithm) not always working

2019-12-16 Thread Stash
Daaw! My bad - apologies for not knowing this...

Re: binarySearch (from algorithm) not always working

2019-12-16 Thread c0ntribut0r
Well then there should be an assert inside binarySearch which should check 
that. It will be deleted in release build anyway

Re: binarySearch (from algorithm) not always working

2019-12-16 Thread Stash
What's the equivalent of python's index() on lists, for seqs/arrays in Nim?

Re: Translating C# code to Nim code. Help needed

2019-12-16 Thread dawkot
You can ctrl+F it in the manual, but the difference between inheritable and 
RootObj is not that important.

This is just a limitation of the parser, you must not use dot call syntax: 

var x: StorageBase

discard Storage[int] x


But if you just want cute syntax, you may as well use some metaprogramming not 
to deal with inheritance when it's not neccesary: 

template container(T: typedesc, size=100) =
  var `name` = newSeq[`T`] size
  template `@`(typ: typedesc[T]): untyped {.used.} = `name`

container int
container float

@int[0] = 123

echo @int[0]  # 123
echo @int[1]  # 0
echo @int.len == @float.len   # true


Re: Nim is the friendliest language to start

2019-12-16 Thread mech422
Ohhh - I think I missed that one... I looked at commander, docopts, and some 
others... ahh - this is the one from the crypto project. Awesome, I'll dig into 
it more!


Re: Nim is the friendliest language to start

2019-12-16 Thread mratsim
Confutils does CLI parsing generation and also conf files from JSON: 

Re: Editor with nimsuggest support for libs with generics?

2019-12-16 Thread mratsim
Seems like nimsuggest doesn't like generics instantiations.

Re: Preview of Weave/Picasso v0.1.0, a message-passing based multithreading runtime.

2019-12-16 Thread mratsim
> Does this aim to be part of Nim?


> Part of the standard library?

It's probably too big, though some of the underlying code like the memory 
subsystem could be in the standard library.

> Does it have an accessible api?

spawn/sync/Flowvar are directly taken from 
 The parallelFor is just a for-loop.

Re: GDI-style lib for Nim.

2019-12-16 Thread Aiesha_Nazarothi
Fixed my post, it was about **height**. Will report shadow soon.

Re: Editor with nimsuggest support for libs with generics?

2019-12-16 Thread leorize
Apparently your file managed to cause extreme slowdown for `nimsuggest`. While 
using editors with `nimlsp` or my `nim.nvim` plugin won't cause any lag due to 
asynchronous communications, the time it took for `nimsuggest` to return the 
results is extremely long.

It took about 8-9 seconds on my machine for `nim check` to finish, and 22-30 
seconds for `nim.nvim` to finish populating the highlighting in the file. Any 
queries to `nimsuggest` also took a decent amount of time before a reply could 
be seen. This renders `nimsuggest` useless against files like yours.

But thanks to your file, I now have living proof that `nim.nvim` functions well 
even if `nimsuggest` stalls \o/.

Re: GDI-style lib for Nim.

2019-12-16 Thread Trustable
NiGui provides getTextWidth (which regards line breaks) and getTextLineWidth 
(which is for one line of text). Can you please report the "text with black 
shadow" as GitHub issue? There shouln't be any shadow.

binarySearch (from algorithm) not always working

2019-12-16 Thread Stash
Trying to fix a bug and questioning my sanity, until I found this..

import algorithm

echo binarySearch([8, 2, 5, 4], 5) #  2
echo binarySearch([8, 2, 5, 4, 7], 5)  #  2
echo binarySearch([8, 2, 5, 4, 7, 0], 5)   # -1
echo binarySearch([8, 2, 5, 4, 7, 0, 1], 5)# -1
echo binarySearch([8, 2, 5, 4, 7, 0, 1, 6], 5) #  2
echo binarySearch([8, 2, 5, 4, 7, 0, 1, 6, 3], 5)  #  2


Re: GDI-style lib for Nim.

2019-12-16 Thread Aiesha_Nazarothi
So, some testing was done. First of all, disclaimer: I tried moving this 
micro-project from .NET due to excessive text measurement failures in 
_System.Drawing_ lib. ALSO, I wanted to add UI while finding myself to like 
wNim's layout engine much more than, say, WPF.

Now, []( . I 
quickly fixed their issues (wasn't that hard) just to discover that those lib 
just aren't able to request fonts from system - only load from binary files. 
Meh. Now, NiGui. Their drawing lib is 3/5 at best. Not only I found no 
getTextWidth (only getTextLineWidth) which was present even in VB6, it also 
renders text with black shadow by default.

So, OK now. Any more suggestions ?

Re: Translating C# code to Nim code. Help needed

2019-12-16 Thread dawkot

  Component {.inheritable.} = ref object
  A = ref object of Component
x: int
  B = ref object of Component
y: int

var components: seq[Component]
components.add A(x: 1)
components.add B(y: 2)

echo components[0] of A   # true
echo components[1] of B   # true
echo components[0].A.x# 1
echo components[1].B.y# 2



Re: Interfaces... why?

2019-12-16 Thread Nimster
With interfaces, 1 procedure can handle multiple (n) types input for a 
parameter, as long as they implement the applicable interface required. With 
interfaces 1 procedure can return multiple types (n). With generics, it takes n 
(generated) procedures to handle n different types input as a parameter. With 
generics it takes n (generated) procedures to return n different types.

I think interfaces are better the higher level you are in the program.

MyInterface product = GetNextProductToProcess()


Those two 

Translating C# code to Nim code. Help needed

2019-12-16 Thread Pixeye
Hello, people of Nim : ) I'm translating my C# framework to the Nim lang. I 
understand that these languages don't share much in common so I would like to 
know how to achieve the c# functionality provided in the code below in the Nim 

> namespace Pix
> {
>   // just some classes of types that represent components
>   public class ComponentObject
>   {
>   }
>   public class ComponentMotion
>   {
>   }
>   public class ComponentHealth
>   {
>   }
>   public class App
>   {
> public App()
> {
>// I can get the Instance of particular storage by Type
>   Debug.Log(Storage.Instance.componentId);
>   Debug.Log(Storage.Instance.componentId);
>   Debug.Log(Storage.Instance.componentId);
> }
>   }
>   public class StorageBase
>   {
> internal static int lastId;
>   }
>   public class Storage : StorageBase
>   {
> public static readonly Storage Instance = new Storage();
> public int componentId;
> public Storage()
> {
>   componentId= lastId++;
> }
>   }
> }
> Run

What I did in Nim 

  # I don't really need that StorageBase yet but experimented a bit with 
  StorageBase* = ref object of RootObj
componentId*: int
  Storage*[T] = ref object of StorageBase
components*: seq[T]
  lastIdComponents = 0;

# Storages
proc newStorage*[T](size: int): Storage[T] =
  result.components = newSeqOfCap[T](size)
  result.componentId =lastIdComponents

  ComponentMotion = object
x, y: float
  ComponentObject = object
name: string

var sComponentMotion = newStorage[ComponentMotion](100)
var sComponentObject = newStorage[ComponentObject](100)


But is there a way like in C# to "hide" storage vars so I could do something 



I'll use it in procs for getting components. 

proc componentMotion*(self: ent): ptr ComponentMotion =
  return addr sComponentMotion.components[]


Of course I can write manually everything but I'm curious how to go a little 
bit more abstract and want to learn more about more complex ways of working 
with Nim. Thanks in advance 

Re: Nim is the friendliest language to start

2019-12-16 Thread mech422
I'm sorry - you seem to feel I was complaining? I really wasn't - just pointing 
out an area I thought would be good for nim bloggers. I don't really expect 
hand holding or what-not, and in fact have been really impressed with the help 
I've gotten from the Nim community.

I've also gone thru some of the documents on the learning page, and continue to 
refer to them. I'm sure they're great if you're learning nim as a first 

What hasn't had time to develop yet, is the intermediate level docs. In my 
case, I do mostly utilty scripts around Terraform these days and system 
automation. So that's stuff like command line parsing, logging, config file 
parsing. All the boring stuff. So I'm mainly looking for Nim 'best practices', 
library recommendations, etc.

My original post was simply to point out that if people wanted to blog/write 
articles about Nim, I personally (and of course, I could be wrong..) would 
think this sort of content would be appreciated and valuable helping people 
coming from other languages to learn the 'Nim way'.
