Re: Object Variants and redefinition of labels or reusbility of field names

2019-12-22 Thread mashingan
Another workaround

  # The 3 notations refer to the same 3-D entity, and some coordinates are 
  CoordinateSystem = enum
csCar, # Cartesian(x,y,z)
csCyl, # Cylindrical  (r,φ,z)
csSph  # Spherical(ρ,θ,φ)
  Coordinates = object
cs: CoordinateSystem # cs is the coordinate discriminator
coor1, coor2, coor3: float # keep this part private
  CoorException* = ref object of Exception

proc x(p: Coordinates): float =
if p.cs != csCar:
  raise newException(Defect, "Only available for Cartesian.")

proc `x=`(p: var Coordinates, xval: float) =
if p.cs != csCar:
  raise newException(Defect, "Only available for Cartesian.")
p.coor1 = xval
# do the same with y, and z, should be succint with templates

proc φ*(p: Coordinates): float =
if p.cs == csCar:
  raise newException(Defect, "Cartesian doesn't support φ field.")
elif p.cs == csCyl:
  result = p.coor2
elif p.cs == csSph:
  result = p.coor3
# do the same with other field

var car1 = Coordinates(cs: csCar,
   coor1: 1.0,
   coor2: 2.0,
   coor3: 3.0)

echo car1.x
car1.x = 1.5
echo car1.x

var car2 = Coordinates(cs: csCyl,
   coor1: 1.0,
   coor2: 2.0,
   coor3: 3.0)

echo car2.φ


Read more about it in [manual page 

Re: Object Variants and redefinition of labels or reusbility of field names

2019-12-22 Thread mashingan

import strformat

  # The 3 notations refer to the same 3-D entity, and some coordinates are 
  CoordinateSystem = enum
csCar, # Cartesian(x,y,z)
csCyl, # Cylindrical  (r,φ,z)
csSph  # Spherical(ρ,θ,φ)
  Cartesian = object
x, y, z: float
  Cylindrical = object
r, phi, z: float
  Spherical = object
rho, theta, phi: float
  Coordinates = object
case cs: CoordinateSystem: # cs is the coordinate discriminator
  of csCar:
car: Cartesian
  of csCyl:
cy: Cylindrical
  of csSph:
sph: Spherical

proc `$`(point: Coordinates): string =
  case point.cs
  of csCar: result = &"(x: {}, y: {}, z: 
  of csCyl: result = &"(r: {}, φ: {}, z: 
  of csSph: result = &"(ρ: {point.sph.rho:5.2f}, θ: {point.sph.theta:5.2f}, 
φ: {point.sph.phi:5.2f})"


Re: Why is -1 mod 5 not equal to 4? (it is -1)

2019-12-22 Thread FernandoTorres
It starts to make sense when you think about it.

1) The operator div and mod have to be consistent with each other in such a way 
that: if d = a div b, and m = a mod b, then a = d*b + m.

2) By the other hand, div needs to be consistent with the sign in a division, 
so if d = a div b and only one of the operands a or b is negative, then the 
result d needs to be negative, otherwise is positive.

>From 1 and 2, there's only one possible result for div, and so, mod is left 
>with one choice too.

The following table (if you run it) will start to make more sense. See also 
some sort of consistency around zero.

var a, b, c, d, m: int

proc i2s(i: int): string =
  if i >= 0: result &= " "
  result &= $i

proc test(b: int) =
  var line: string
  echo "for b = ", i2s(b)
  for a in -9 .. 9:
line = ""
d = a div b
m = a mod b
c = b*d + m
line &= "   a = " & i2s(a)
line &= "   d = (" & i2s(a) & " div " & i2s(b) & ") = " & i2s(d)
line &= "   m = (" & i2s(a) & " mod " & i2s(b) & ") = " & i2s(m)
line &= "   (" & i2s(b) & " * (" & i2s(d) & ") + (" & i2s(m) & ")) = " 
& i2s(c)
line &= " == a ? --> " & $(c==a)
echo line
echo ""


the output is:

for b =  5
   a = -9   d = (-9 div  5) = -1   m = (-9 mod  5) = -4   ( 5 * (-1) + 
(-4)) = -9 == a ? --> true
   a = -8   d = (-8 div  5) = -1   m = (-8 mod  5) = -3   ( 5 * (-1) + 
(-3)) = -8 == a ? --> true
   a = -7   d = (-7 div  5) = -1   m = (-7 mod  5) = -2   ( 5 * (-1) + 
(-2)) = -7 == a ? --> true
   a = -6   d = (-6 div  5) = -1   m = (-6 mod  5) = -1   ( 5 * (-1) + 
(-1)) = -6 == a ? --> true
   a = -5   d = (-5 div  5) = -1   m = (-5 mod  5) =  0   ( 5 * (-1) + ( 
0)) = -5 == a ? --> true
   a = -4   d = (-4 div  5) =  0   m = (-4 mod  5) = -4   ( 5 * ( 0) + 
(-4)) = -4 == a ? --> true
   a = -3   d = (-3 div  5) =  0   m = (-3 mod  5) = -3   ( 5 * ( 0) + 
(-3)) = -3 == a ? --> true
   a = -2   d = (-2 div  5) =  0   m = (-2 mod  5) = -2   ( 5 * ( 0) + 
(-2)) = -2 == a ? --> true
   a = -1   d = (-1 div  5) =  0   m = (-1 mod  5) = -1   ( 5 * ( 0) + 
(-1)) = -1 == a ? --> true
   a =  0   d = ( 0 div  5) =  0   m = ( 0 mod  5) =  0   ( 5 * ( 0) + ( 
0)) =  0 == a ? --> true
   a =  1   d = ( 1 div  5) =  0   m = ( 1 mod  5) =  1   ( 5 * ( 0) + ( 
1)) =  1 == a ? --> true
   a =  2   d = ( 2 div  5) =  0   m = ( 2 mod  5) =  2   ( 5 * ( 0) + ( 
2)) =  2 == a ? --> true
   a =  3   d = ( 3 div  5) =  0   m = ( 3 mod  5) =  3   ( 5 * ( 0) + ( 
3)) =  3 == a ? --> true
   a =  4   d = ( 4 div  5) =  0   m = ( 4 mod  5) =  4   ( 5 * ( 0) + ( 
4)) =  4 == a ? --> true
   a =  5   d = ( 5 div  5) =  1   m = ( 5 mod  5) =  0   ( 5 * ( 1) + ( 
0)) =  5 == a ? --> true
   a =  6   d = ( 6 div  5) =  1   m = ( 6 mod  5) =  1   ( 5 * ( 1) + ( 
1)) =  6 == a ? --> true
   a =  7   d = ( 7 div  5) =  1   m = ( 7 mod  5) =  2   ( 5 * ( 1) + ( 
2)) =  7 == a ? --> true
   a =  8   d = ( 8 div  5) =  1   m = ( 8 mod  5) =  3   ( 5 * ( 1) + ( 
3)) =  8 == a ? --> true
   a =  9   d = ( 9 div  5) =  1   m = ( 9 mod  5) =  4   ( 5 * ( 1) + ( 
4)) =  9 == a ? --> true

for b = -5
   a = -9   d = (-9 div -5) =  1   m = (-9 mod -5) = -4   (-5 * ( 1) + 
(-4)) = -9 == a ? --> true
   a = -8   d = (-8 div -5) =  1   m = (-8 mod -5) = -3   (-5 * ( 1) + 
(-3)) = -8 == a ? --> true
   a = -7   d = (-7 div -5) =  1   m = (-7 mod -5) = -2   (-5 * ( 1) + 
(-2)) = -7 == a ? --> true
   a = -6   d = (-6 div -5) =  1   m = (-6 mod -5) = -1   (-5 * ( 1) + 
(-1)) = -6 == a ? --> true
   a = -5   d = (-5 div -5) =  1   m = (-5 mod -5) =  0   (-5 * ( 1) + ( 
0)) = -5 == a ? --> true
   a = -4   d = (-4 div -5) =  0   m = (-4 mod -5) = -4   (-5 * ( 0) + 
(-4)) = -4 == a ? --> true
   a = -3   d = (-3 div -5) =  0   m = (-3 mod -5) = -3   (-5 * ( 0) + 
(-3)) = -3 == a ? --> true
   a = -2   d = (-2 div -5) =  0   m = (-2 mod -5) = -2   (-5 * ( 0) + 
(-2)) = -2 == a ? --> true
   a = -1   d = (-1 div -5) =  0   m = (-1 mod -5) = -1   (-5 * ( 0) + 
(-1)) = -1 == a ? --> true
   a =  0   d = ( 0 div -5) =  0   m = ( 0 mod -5) =  0   (-5 * ( 0) + ( 
0)) =  0 == a ? --> true
   a =  1   d = ( 1 div -5) =  0   m = ( 1 mod -5) =  1   (-5 * ( 0) + ( 
1)) =  1 == a ? --> true
   a =  2   d = ( 2 div -5) =  0   m = ( 2 mod -5) =  2   (-5 * ( 0) + ( 
2)) =  2 == a ? --> true
   a =  3   d = ( 3 div -5) =  0   m = ( 3 mod -5) =  3   (-5 * ( 0) + ( 
3)) =  3 == a ? --> true
   a =  4   d = ( 4 div -5) =  0   m = ( 4 mod -5) =  4   (-5 * ( 0) + ( 
4)) =  4 == a ? --> true
   a =  5   d = ( 5 div -5) = -1   m = ( 5 mod -5) =  0   (-5 * (-1) + ( 
0)) =  5 == a ? --> true
   a =  6   d = ( 6 div -5) = -1   m = ( 6 mod -5) =  1   (-5 * (-1) + ( 
1)) =  6 == a ? --> true
   a =  7   d = ( 7 

Re: Why is -1 mod 5 not equal to 4? (it is -1)

2019-12-22 Thread cantanima
Actually, you ask 2 questions, the title is only the 1st. ;-)

The answer to the first question is that `mod` translates to C's `%`, and the 
specification for `%` in C is that negative numbers gives negative results; 
that is, `-5 % 4 == 1` in C.

I can think of more than one answer to the second question. The simplest (?) is 
probably to take the absolute value before computing the modulus: 

var a = -5
var b = 4
echo a mod b # gives -1
echo abs(a) mod b # gives 1


Object Variants and redefinition of labels or reusbility of field names

2019-12-22 Thread FernandoTorres
This is a case in which it would be desirable that some fields in object 
variants could share the name and hence, its value. In the following example, 
my first two attempts: Coordinates_1 and Coordinates_2, were typed intuitively, 
but failed to compile one after another due to the restrictions imposed to 
object variants.

The third attempt is the Coordinates object variant, and it works as designed, 
but lacks the flexibility for a more readable and intuitive definition, which 
ends up with additional names and cryptic implementation of the corresponding 
operators and procedures.

Please give me hope that there are plans or works to allow this possibility. In 
fact, the nicer and more readable one would be that of Coordinates_1.

  # The 3 notations refer to the same 3-D entity, and some coordinates are 
  CoordinateSystem = enum
csCar, # Cartesian(x,y,z)
csCyl, # Cylindrical  (r,φ,z)
csSph  # Spherical(ρ,θ,φ)
  #[ Attempt 1: fails to compile due to redefinition of z and phi
  Coordinates_1 = object
case cs: CoordinateSystem: # cs is the coordinate discriminator
  of csCar:
x: float
y: float
z: float
  of csCyl:
r: float
phi: float
z: float   # cy_z is the same as Cartesian z, but cannot duplicate 
  of csSph:
rho: float
theta: float
phi: float # sp_phi is the same as Cylindrical phi, but cannot 
duplicate labels
  #[ Attempt 2: fails to compile due to duplication of labels
  Coordinates_2 = object
case cs: CoordinateSystem: # cs is the coordinate discriminator
  of csCar:
x: float
y: float
  of csCar, csCyl:
z: float  # both csCat and csCyl share z
  of csCyl:
r: float
  of csCyl, csSph:
phi: float # both csCyl and csSph share phi
  of csSph:
rho: float
theta: float
  # this definition works but does not allow to share fields that represent 
the same entity
  Coordinates = object
case cs: CoordinateSystem: # cs is the coordinate discriminator
  of csCar:
x: float
y: float
z: float
  of csCyl:
r: float
phi: float
cy_z: float   # the same as Cartesian z, but cannot share its name
  of csSph:
rho: float
theta: float
sp_phi: float # the same as Cylindrical phi, but cannot share its 

proc coordinates(coordSys: CoordinateSystem; arg0, arg1, arg2: float): 
Coordinates =
  case coordSys:
of csCar: return Coordinates(cs: csCar, x:   arg0, y: arg1, z:  
of csCyl: return Coordinates(cs: csCyl, r:   arg0, phi:   arg1, cy_z:   
of csSph: return Coordinates(cs: csSph, rho: arg0, theta: arg1, sp_phi: 

proc `$`(point: Coordinates): string =
  result = "("
  case point.cs:
of csCar: result &= "x:" & $point.x   & ", y:" & $point.y & ", z:" 
& $point.z
of csCyl: result &= "r:" & $point.r   & ", φ:" & $point.phi   & ", z:" 
& $point.cy_z
of csSph: result &= "ρ:" & $point.rho & ", θ:" & $point.theta & ", φ:" 
& $point.sp_phi
  result &= ")"

echo coordinates(csCar, 1, 2, 3) #output: (x:1.0, y:2.0, z:3.0)
echo coordinates(csCyl, 4, 5, 6) #output: (r:4.0, φ:5.0, z:6.0)
echo coordinates(csSph, 7, 8, 9) #output: (ρ:7.0, θ:8.0, φ:9.0)


Object Variants and some issues

2019-12-22 Thread FernandoTorres
It sounds reasonable that the discriminator of an object variant should be kept 
invariable to keep the object's data structure safe; I found, however, some 
scenarios in which it can be done. One way was to use the compiler directive 
--fieldChecks:off. I also attempted the same, but using the pragma 
{.fieldChecks: off.} and it worked. In fact I just found about that pragma by 
intuition, as it's not documented anywhere as far as I could research. I learnt 
also that you can use the pragma {.fieldChecks: on.} to bring back checking 
after the "unsafe" procedures are declared. I assume that "unsafe" procedures 
are all those that may use the discriminator once it has been changed.

For example, in the code below,

  MyKind = enum mk1, mk2
  MyObj = object
case mk: MyKind:
  of mk1: x, y, z: float
  of mk2: u, v, w: float

proc myProc(mk: MyKind; i, j, k: float): MyObj =
  case mk:
of mk1: return MyObj(mk: mk1, x: i, y: j, z: k)
of mk2: return MyObj(mk: mk2, u: i, v: j, w: k)

{.fieldChecks: off.} # disable field checks for object variants
proc change(mo: var MyObj; mkTo: MyKind) =
  # this is an unsafe proc that changes the discriminator
  # so the fieldChecks must me turned off to avoid runtime errors = mkTo
{.fieldChecks: on.} # turn field checks back on

{.fieldChecks: off.} # disable field checks again, this proc `$` seems to 
fail at runtime otherwise
proc `$`(mo: MyObj): string =
  # seemingly because of the previous proc, `$` also needs fieldChecks off
  # this can be made public* as it is safe to use
  result = "[mk: " & $ & "]:("
of mk1: result &= "x:" & $mo.x & ", y:" & $mo.y & ", z:" & $mo.z
of mk2: result &= "u:" & $mo.x & ", v:" & $mo.y & ", w:" & $mo.z
  result &= ")"
{.fieldChecks: on.} # turn field checks back on

proc rotate(mo: var MyObj) =
  # rotates the contents of mo regardless of what kind it is
  # this proc seems not to require fieldChecks turned off
temp: float
orik: MyKind = # this is the original kind
  change(mo, mk1) # temporary kind change
  # all kinds are treated as mk1, so less code is required
  temp = mo.x
  mo.x = mo.y
  mo.y = mo.z
  mo.z = temp
  change(mo, orik) # kind back to the original kind

  p, q: MyObj

p = myProc(mk1, 1, 2, 3)  # p starts as kind "mk1"
echo "p = ", p# output: p = [mk: mk1](x:1.0, y:2.0, z:3.0)
change(p, mk2)# p is changed to kind "mk2"
echo "p = ", p# output: p = [mk: mk2](u:1.0, v:2.0, w:3.0)
rotate(p) # parameters of P are rotated
echo "p = ", p# output: p = [mk: mk2](u:1.0, v:2.0, w:3.0)
q = myProc(mk2, 4, 5, 6)  # q starts as kind "mk2"
echo "q = ", q# output: q = [mk: mk2](u:4.0, v:5.0, w:6.0)
rotate(q) # parameters of q are rotated
echo "q = ", q# output: q = [mk: mk2](u:5.0, v:6.0, w:4.0)


Nimph is a Nim package handler for the rest of us

2019-12-22 Thread disruptek
I'm about to go out of town and offline for the holiday, so I thought this 
would be a great time to drop a URL and then be unavailable to answer questions 
or fix bugs!


But seriously, it's getting to that point where it needs wider testing to find 
bugs and stupid design decisions.

If you use Git and GitHub heavily, then I think you'll really like this. If you 
also wished for local dependencies or lockfiles, then you'll be very happy 
indeed. Finally, if you're lazy, I think you'll find that I have your number. 

Why is -1 mod 5 not equal to 4? (it is -1)

2019-12-22 Thread forcefaction
The Title is the Question :D.

I know that there is mod and %%. %% is only for unsigned integers, so i thought 
mod would also work with signed ones. What is the operator or function i need 
to get the correct modulus?

Re: How to set a specific file as main file in VS Code ?

2019-12-22 Thread JPLRouge
I use for the project a .sh file or a makefile or .bat

Re: What’s your favorite programming language and why?

2019-12-22 Thread JPLRouge
for me quite the opposite once the modules are well understood  the same 
module for all managed like set theory

How to parse RSS feeds with Nim

2019-12-22 Thread sergio
I'm learning Nim and as I learned things, I'm writing blog posts about common 
stuff you would do with Nim.

This is an effort to get Nim more mainstream attention by other engineers 
looking for something powerful to add to their toolbelt.

In this first blogpost, I show you how to parse a typical RSS feed using Nim. 


Re: Walking trees without recursive iterators

2019-12-22 Thread sschwarzer
Ok, I understand what's the problem with the condition and can reproduce the 
bug in a unit test.

These are my thoughts about possible fixes:

  * As far as I can tell, the only way to recognize that the client of the 
iterator has deleted a child, is checking the number of children in the parent 
between iterations. I think this would require another stack with the number of 
children of each parent node and adjusting this for each iteration.

I don't think I can pull this off. I was already struggling with the current 
implementation. Even if all unit tests passed, I don't think I would trust the 

  * I thought of instead of putting regular `XMLNode` s in the yielded object, 
put some wrapper object there that would track `delete` calls. The iterator 
could then ask the previously yielded object whether `delete` was called on it 
and adjust the iterator. I haven't yet thought about in detail how this would 
work. Actually I won't, because this approach would probably cause a lot of 
problems, the most obvious if client code checks a yielded "XMLNode" for its 
  * Implementing a variant of the first approach with the "traditional" 
[iterator pattern]( That is, 
instead of maintaining stacks "manually", I'd define iterator objects with some 
state and a `next` proc. Since this iterator wouldn't use Nim's `iterator` but 
procs, I could nest these iterators. With this approach, I have more hope that 
this would give a reliable implementation.

Now, in my code I use this iterator only in one proc and I assume it will be 
_much_ simpler to merge the iterator into the proc and be confident in the 

Someone more experienced with Nim than I :-) suggested to me that such an 
iterator would still be nice to have for others.

What do you think?

Besides, when I was debugging the iterator to get to the point even _with_ the 
bug, I ran into the following problems:

  * The obvious one is that the implementation would probably have been much 
easier if I could nest iterators.
  * I found [using 
 (even with Nim's ``) on the nested data structures on the C level so 
awkward that in the end I relied more on `debugEcho` statements than on the 
debugger. It's not that I have a problem with command-line debuggers. I've used 
Python's `pydb` many times which has a similar interface as gdb and I actually 
like it. I'd appreciate it a lot if there was a debugger that worked more on 
the "Nim level".

Re: understanding risk of shadowing

2019-12-22 Thread koin
yes It should be identical, thank you! was a c leftover, where I used 
trunc(log10(i) + 1) :D

Re: Problem with C interop/X11 bindings

2019-12-22 Thread SolitudeSF
there is no nil, it reports wrong size. 

Re: Problem with C interop/X11 bindings

2019-12-22 Thread SolitudeSF
thats how bindings define that proc. and it doesn't matter in that case, its 
just an array index.

Re: Problem with C interop/X11 bindings

2019-12-22 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Why that keycode.int16 in Nim code? Seems that C-code passes cint. 

Re: Problem with C interop/X11 bindings

2019-12-22 Thread mashingan
Idk too, but try to wrap the functionality in some proc like main or anything 
and just call that proc.

Another thing, you can always use gdb to check each variable which one has nil.

Problem with C interop/X11 bindings

2019-12-22 Thread SolitudeSF
I have two snippets, in C and Nim which _supposed_ to be exact copies of 


typedef struct keymap {
  int keycode_high;
  int keycode_low;
} keymap_t;

keymap_t keymap_new(Display *dpy) {
  keymap_t result;
  XDisplayKeycodes(dpy, &(result.keycode_low), &(result.keycode_high));
  XkbDescPtr desc = XkbGetMap(dpy, XkbAllClientInfoMask, XkbUseCoreKbd);
  for (int keycode = result.keycode_low; keycode <= result.keycode_high; 
keycode++) {
int groups = XkbKeyNumGroups(desc, keycode);
printf("%d\n", groups);
  XkbFreeClientMap(desc, 0, 1);
  return result;

int main(){
Display *dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
keymap_t x = keymap_new(dpy);


import x11/[xlib, xkblib]
import x11/xkb except X_kbGetMap

type Keymap = object
  keycodeHigh, keycodeLow: cint

proc newKeymap(display: PDisplay): Keymap =
  discard XDisplayKeycodes(display, addr result.keycodeLow, addr 
  let desc = XkbGetMap(display, XkbAllClientInfoMask, XkbUseCoreKbd)
  for keycode in result.keycodeLow..result.keycodeHigh:
let groups = XkbKeyNumGroups(desc, keycode.int16)
echo groups
  XkbFreeClientMap(desc, 0, true)

  display = XOpenDisplay(nil)
  keymap = newKeymap(display)

discard XCloseDisplay display


They are supposed to have same output, but it differs, which in nim version can 
lead to segfaults in further usage of returned data. I looked at structure 
definitions in bindings and they seem correct, so im out of ideas now.

Re: understanding risk of shadowing

2019-12-22 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Is trunc(float(n mod 10)).int not identical to plain n mod 10? And you may use 
for i in countdown(5, 0) if you like.

Re: understanding risk of shadowing

2019-12-22 Thread koin
thanks @juancarlospaco and @doofenstein! I've red the manual but totally forgot 
about the implicit result variable.

How to set a specific file as main file in VS Code ?

2019-12-22 Thread kcvinu
Hi all, This is a vs code special question rather than a nim question. I have 
10 nim files in a folder and i want one file ( say test.nim) to run always. But 
when i edit any of the 9 files, i need to activate the main file in order to 
run. Is there any way to set the test.nim as main file so that i can press the 
run button no matter which file is active ? I am using coderunner extension. I 
know that i can set the test.nim in coderunner's setting, but then i won't be 
able to run other project files in vs code. 

Re: understanding risk of shadowing

2019-12-22 Thread doofenstein
As @juancarlospaco said, Nim has an implicitly declared result variable. It is 
zero like all variables zero initialised and returned by default which is great 
to remove some boilerplate code:

import math

proc toNumArray(n: int): array[6, int] =
  var n = n
  for i in 0..<6:
result[5-i] = trunc(float(n mod 10)).int
n = n div 10

echo toNumArray(123456)


See also: 

Re: understanding risk of shadowing

2019-12-22 Thread juancarlospaco
Nothing wrong with `n`.

All `proc` and `func` have an automatic `result` variable created from the type 
on the signature of the function.

Change `var result =` to `result =`

understanding risk of shadowing

2019-12-22 Thread koin
I try to understand

**Warning: Special variable 'result' is shadowed. [ResultShadowed]**

in following code:

import math

proc toNumArray(n: int): array[6, int] =
  var n = n
  var result = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
  for i in 0..<6:
result[5-i] = trunc(float(n mod 10)).int
n = n div 10

echo toNumArray(123456)


I know shadowing is used, because parameter are immutable. So I got some 
questions about shadowing

  1. I shadow **n** are there some drawbacks of doing so?
  2. Why is **result** shadowed? And also, what are the drawbacks?
  3. Is there a better way to accomplish this is Nim?

Re: Looking for help with IntelliJ Plugin

2019-12-22 Thread rapidtransit440
Just a little update, I'm not a huge fan of IntelliJ's GrammerKit, I probably 
should have used Antlr and used the Antlr Adapter but the performance would 
most likely suffer quite a bit. I haven't really worked on the error recovery 

Still looking for volunteers of all types including constructive criticism.

Re: Proc and Iterators with Result Variable

2019-12-22 Thread solo989
I also noticed that the return statement in typed procs turns 

return 5



return result = 5


which is invalid code if you turn the result variable into an ident.

This should probably be documented better as well.

Proc and Iterators with Result Variable

2019-12-22 Thread solo989
I noticed when I took getImpl of a typed closure or proc there was an extra 
node dedicated to the result variable.

Not noticing it led to some truly confusing error messages when I was trying to 
take an existing proc and make a new proc derived from it.

I would suggest adding an extra slot into untyped procDefs that will be 
newEmptyNode() when the proc hasn't been typed yet.

Or at the very least this feature should be better documented in macros.nim.