Re: How to set a specific file as main file in VS Code ?

2020-01-03 Thread bevo009
Tested this working today in settings.json:

"code-runner.customCommand": "nim  c -r  --verbosity:0 --hints:off 


${workspaceFolder} throws an error in Nim for some reason, but you don't need 

Nim now has Godbolt Compiler Support!

2020-01-03 Thread rayman22201
At long last: [](

We can thank []( 
on github for this wonderful contribution :-D

The PR for syntax highlighting was just accepted as well. So hopefully the next 
time they update the live site it will look prettier :-)

Small note: There are a few small improvements that could be made around name 
mangling and source to asm mapping, if anyone has any thoughts:


Re: How to write enum values without numbering order ?

2020-01-03 Thread Araq
Write a macro or create a feature request so that Nim reorders the enum 
internally on its own.

Re: How to get left most 8 bit's value from a 32 bit integer ?

2020-01-03 Thread Stefan_Salewski
The optimizing C compiler generates generally very good code for all the cases, 
but when you really need utmost performance you may inspect the generated 
assembler code. The cast to array may be a good solution when you need indeed 
bytes as result, but when you need ints as result, only with the selected bits, 
then shift and mask may be the better option. Note that you can exchange the 
order of shift and mask operation, you can first shift and then mask the lower 
8 bits, or first mask and then shift. I think first shifting is simpler, 
because so you can always use the the same bitmask. In C for such operations 
Union types can be used, but Nim object variants does not allow such 
re-interpretion of content.

Re: nimble always install @#head for url

2020-01-03 Thread enthus1ast

Re: nimble always install @#head for url

2020-01-03 Thread dom96
hrm, that's weird. Can you report it on GitHub?

How to write enum values without numbering order ?

2020-01-03 Thread kcvinu
Hi all,
I want to write an enum like this.

KeyEnum* {. pure .} = enum
A = 44,
B = 45,
apps = 72,
add = 85,

back = 2,

C = 46,
cancel = 1,
capital = 8,
capsLock = 8,
clear = 5,

D = 47,
d0 = 34


But compiler says it is invalid order. I want to arrange my code alphabetical 
order for future maintenance. How to fix this error ?

Re: How to get left most 8 bit's value from a 32 bit integer ?

2020-01-03 Thread kcvinu
Thanks for the reply. Well, array of bytes is a good idea. Is there any speed 
penalty in that method ? 

Re: A path commonPrefix function

2020-01-03 Thread demotomohiro
When your commonPrefix takes 2 paths, length of both paths are n and both paths 
has no common prefix, it has O(n^2) time complexity. Because startsWith proc is 
O(n) and it is called n times.

relativePath proc in os module calculate common prefix in O(n) time complexity. 

Re: A path commonPrefix function

2020-01-03 Thread SolitudeSF
something like that 

proc commonPrefix*(paths: openArray[string], sep = "/"): string =
  if len(paths) > 0:
result = paths[0]
for i in 1 .. paths.high:
  let path = paths[i]
  while not path.startsWith(result) and len(result) > 0:
result.setLen(result.rfind(sep) + 1)


A path commonPrefix function

2020-01-03 Thread marks
I have the following `commonPrefix()` function (for whole paths) which works 
fine on Linux (and Windows), but wondering if it could be shorter and/or more 

proc commonPrefix*(paths: openArray[string], sep = "/"): string =
  if len(paths) == 0:
return ""
  result = paths[0]
  for path in paths[1 .. ^1]:
while not path.startsWith(result) and len(result) > 0:
  result = result[0 .. ^2]
  result = result[0 .. result.rfind(sep)]



test "commonPrefix":
  check(commonPrefix(["/tmp/test1", "/tmp/data.dat"]) == "/tmp/")
  check(commonPrefix(["/home/mark/test1", "/tmp/data.dat"]) == "/")
  check(commonPrefix(["/home/mark/test1", "local/data.dat"]) == "")
