mac nano editor syntax highlight

2020-03-07 Thread pielago
hello I am new to the language found out about it like 6 hour ago and i loved 
it. I looked at them tutorials from the website and I cant wait to start coding 
but, I am not sure if someone already asked this question(does anyone knows how 
to add syntax highlight in nim using terminal mac nano editor) cant wait to use 
NIM in nano terminal !


Re: Why does `setCommand` exist?

2020-03-07 Thread Hlaaftana
Are you sure it's not specific to nimble build?

Re: Code review request

2020-03-07 Thread kungtotte_
I don't have a stackoverflow account so I'll have to answer here. What do you 
think the output of the following code should be? 

  Person = object
id: int
name: string

proc newPerson(name: string): Person =
  var next_id = 1 = next_id
  inc next_id = name

for p in ["Adam", "Billy", "Charlie", "David", "Eric"]:
  echo newPerson(p).id


If you thought it would print 1-5 then you need to brush up on your variable 
scoping (newPerson resets the starting IDs to 1 and -1 each time it's called).

If you change your print function to print out the IDs of everyone you'll see 
that all men share the same ID and all women share the same ID. If I were you I 
would drop the ID bit altogether and simply compare objects directly, e.g. 
personRef == other. If you fix your same-ID bug you'll run into other issues 

Re: Another state of generating Android APK thread...

2020-03-07 Thread GordonBGood

> I'm not into writing tutorials right now, but I can answer any concrete 
> questions.

I can appreciate that not everyone is into writing tutorials; thus I am 
proposing that I will write the tutorial so that others can refer to it from 
their documentation, including yourself, but I need some help getting it 
working so that I can document it...

Perhaps I need to start with a repo showing my problems so far in which I can 
produce an APK file, but can't install the file and you can quickly spot my 
problems and make suggestions on how I can improve the process.

> Jnim at this point allows "implementing" java classes in nim (still 
> experimental feature though).

It seem that many things in Nim are still "experimental" including the memory 
management model, but unless we provide some reasonably easy-to-use methods to 
use these features, they will never get beyond being "experimental".

> One important point to consider is how pure-nim you wanna go with the 
> toolchain. Surely we want to build apks without java, android sdk, gradle, 
> etc

The above would seem to be the @akavel/Dali approach, but other than problem 
with the restrictive license he chose, I see the same problems as you do with 
the required reverse engineering, etc. I also look at why we must insist on a 
pure Nim toolchain as to advantages, as we already have a usable 
NDK/JDK/Android Studio/Gradle toolchain and the main problem is that I don't 
want to be forced to write C/C++ code but just have a way to cause the output 
of the Nim compiler to be used instead. This is what I would like to document 
as to how to go about it.

> Then comes the runtime question, in particular: on which android thread is 
> your nim "main" thread. Your mentioned use-case suggests nim main thread is 
> equal to activity UI thread, but any high-fps opengl/vk app would likely 
> prefer a secondary thread ... controlling this threading aspect from nim 
> still remains unsolved afaik, partly because of nim threading nuances.

Am I right that if Nim procedures are just called from Java/Kotlin through JNI 
that they will then just run on the activity thread from which they are called? 
If this is true, the threading control would be from the JDK end and would only 
be a problem if inter thread communication were needed at the Nim end, which 
isn't always required.

Also, I seem to see that Nim multi-threading on Android probably already works 
but the main problems are due to Nim's legacy GC'ed memory management. For 
simple app's, manual C-style memory management is likely enought, and for the 
future, \--gc:arc or \--newruntime will likely work (as per @araq's aims) and 
provide what is needed.

My main drive for trying to do this at this time is to be able to demonstrate 
the speed of a multi-threading algorithm on Android, which algorithm can 
actually be written to use manual memory management (although working 
\--gc:arc, channels, and spawn'ing that worked with \--gc:arc would make it 
more beautiful in terms of code and minimize extra "glue" code); however, in 
order to easily change test parameters, it would be good to have a user 
interface and an easy way to do it would seem to be as proposed.

I guess if the above is too difficult to get working, I could take the 
alternate approach of using a working example of SDL2 with a working interface 
and just patch in the algorithm I am trying to show working, but it would seem 
that SDL2 would be more complex am more something to be used for writing native 
games that what I am trying to do here.

Re: Nim for Beginners Video Series

2020-03-07 Thread jiro4989
Your work is awesome!

Re: Nim for Beginners Video Series

2020-03-07 Thread wintonmc
Your videos are very excellent, I hope to continue watching new content on your 
channel to continue learning since I am new

Re: Performance test agains Python

2020-03-07 Thread cumulonimbus
You are also testing cache effect times at least as much as you are testing the 
code you are running; Either take minimum-of-5 sequential runs, or an average 
of 10 loops or so (or both); Not sure about Win10, but for sure Windows used to 
report times in multiples of ~16ms at least as late as Win7, unless you took 
special care -- so as long as you are measuring times so small, that may also 
be a confounding factor.

Code review request

2020-03-07 Thread adnan
I think stackoverflow is a better platform for asking such question but I'm 
only opening this thread to increase visibility.

Here is the original: 

The code is about stable matching. 

Re: FFI: from seq[int] to C array

2020-03-07 Thread mantielero
Solved with unsafeAddr(arr[0]) instead of unsafeAddr(arr)

Re: Nested list comprehension

2020-03-07 Thread dawkot
I generally only put brackets where neccessary.

You can write this using devel version of nim (you can use choosenim) 

import tables, sugar, sets, sequtils

proc cross(xs, ys: string): seq[string] =
  for x in xs: (for y in ys: result.add x & y)

  rows = "ABCDEFGHI"
  cols = "123456789"
  squares = cross(rows, cols)

let unitSeq =
  collect(newSeq, for c in cols: cross(rows, $c)) &
  collect(newSeq, for r in rows: cross($r, cols)) &
for rs in ["ABC", "DEF", "GHI"]:
  for cs in ["123", "456", "789"]:
cross(rs, cs))

let units = collect newOrderedTable:
  for s in squares:
{s: collect(newSeq, for u in unitSeq: (if s in u: u))}

let peers = collect newOrderedTable:
  for s in squares:
var v = units[s].foldl(a & b)
v.delete v.find s
{s: v}

echo "unitSeq:"; for u in unitSeq: echo u
echo "\nunits"; for k, v in units: echo k, ": ", v
echo "\npeers"; for k, v in peers: echo k, ": ", v


For some reason peers isn't what it should, but the rest is ok.

FFI: from seq[int] to C array

2020-03-07 Thread mantielero
I have wrapped a C function with the following signature:

  VSAPI*  {.bycopy.} = object
propSetIntArray*: proc(map:ptr VSMap, key:cstring, i:ptr int64, 


I want to make easier to deal with it with something like the following:

proc propSetIntArray(vsmap:ptr VSMap, key:string, arr:seq[int]) =
  let p = cast[ptr int64](unsafeAddr(arr))
  let ret = API.propSetIntArray(vsmap, key.cstring, p, arr.len.cint)
  if ret == 1:
raise newException(ValueError, "Size is negative")


This is not working. I am getting (probably the addresses):

integers: @[94379288560544, 94379288560512, 94379297070336]

instead of:

integers: @[1, 3, 5]

Re: Creating functions at runtime

2020-03-07 Thread mantielero
Thanks for the clarifications. I'll try to improve it if I manage to get 
everything working beforehand.

Re: Nim for Beginners Video Series

2020-03-07 Thread Kiloneie
#19 is live at: []( 
Scopes and When Statements.

Re: How does one get a mutable iterator?

2020-03-07 Thread lscrd
To make datum a variable you need to use mitems:

import options

type T = ref object
  data: seq[Option[T]]

proc p(t: var T) =
  for datum in
datum = none(T)


Re: How does one get a mutable iterator?

2020-03-07 Thread adnan
ok I worked around it like I would in C#... using indices.

Re: Creating functions at runtime

2020-03-07 Thread shashlick
I've created a plugin system that's ready for use. It was part of the feud text 
editor I was working on and was recently extracted into a standalone repo and 
package. It has diverged since extraction and feud is yet to be ported to use 
it but that will happen eventually.

Appreciate all reviews and feedback.



How does one get a mutable iterator?

2020-03-07 Thread adnan

import options

type T = ref object
  data: seq[Option[T]]

proc p(t: var T) =
  for datum in
datum = none(T)


/usercode/in.nim(8, 5) Error: 'datum' cannot be assigned to|   

Re: Another state of generating Android APK thread...

2020-03-07 Thread yglukhov
I'm not into writing tutorials right now, but I can answer any concrete 
questions. Jnim at this point allows "implementing" java classes in nim (still 
experimental feature though). So as long as you know how to write your app in 
java, it's just a matter of 1-to-1 porting.

One important point to consider is how pure-nim you wanna go with the 
toolchain. Surely we want to build apks without java, android sdk, gradle, etc. 
But then comes reality and you want to add e.g. firebase push notifications to 
your project, and it's straightforward for gradle, but for a hypothetical 
custom toolchain... realistically impossible, imo.

Then comes the runtime question, in particular: on which android thread is your 
nim "main" thread. Your mentioned use-case suggests nim main thread is equal to 
activity UI thread, but any high-fps opengl/vk app would likely prefer a 
secondary thread, as it is less runloop overhead, larger stack size, and 
allowed to "hang" without activity being killed (that might be a useful or 
harmful feature, depending on the usecase). And if pretty much all of your 
logic lives in secondary thread, it would be handy/logical to run nim "main" 
thread on it as well, like it is done with e.g. SDL2, ndk_native_glue (and thus 
glfm). And controlling this threading aspect from nim still remains unsolved 
afaik, partly because of nim threading nuances.

Re: Like C extern pragma?

2020-03-07 Thread Lachu
Ok. I found the problem. It was I use c2nim and it puts asterisk after 
procedure name. That was obvious. Procedure must been defined in the same file, 
because it was marked as to be exported. Because It was C header file (and 
after use of c2nim it was nim file contains only signature/prototypes/etc.), I 
revert state of file and removes asterisk.

Re: Creating functions at runtime

2020-03-07 Thread jyapayne
@mantielero Nim does not support creating functions at runtime. Generally, 
compiled languages such as Nim get around this by compiling a source file into 
a DLL and then loading that. It's unfortunately not as simple as you want it to 

The library @Hlaaftana linked to is being created by @shashlick (which is 
probably not ready yet) and it will likely allow an easy interface for creating 
plugins in Nim.

In the meantime, this is how you would do it. Put the following 3 files in the 
same directory.

# english.nim
proc greet*(): string {.exportc, dynlib, cdecl.} =
  result = "Hello!"


Compile the above with `nim c --app:lib english.nim`. This will result in 
`libenglish.dylib` on Mac, `` on other Unix, and `english.dll` on 

# french.nim
proc greet*(): string {.exportc, dynlib, cdecl.} =
  result = "Hello!"


Compile the above with `nim c --app:lib french.nim`. This will result in 
`libfrench.dylib` on Mac, `` on other Unix, and `french.dll` on 

# testplugin.nim
import dynlib

  greetFunction = proc(): string {.nimcall.}

proc main() =
  echo "Enter a language: "
  let lang = stdin.readLine()
  let lib = case lang
  of "french":
loadLib("./libfrench.dylib") # Rename for your OS
loadLib("./libenglish.dylib") # Rename for your OS
  if lib == nil:
echo "Error loading library"
  let greet = cast[greetFunction](lib.symAddr("greet"))
  if greet == nil:
echo "Error loading 'greet' function from library"
  let greeting = greet()
  echo greeting



Then compile and run the above with `nim c -r testplugin.nim`. You should get a 
prompt to enter your language. Enter "french" for "Bonjour!" or anything else 
for "Hello!".

You could easily extend the above to get a function name from a list of plugin 
paths. Hope this is helpful to you.

Like C extern pragma?

2020-03-07 Thread Lachu
I found information about extern pragma, but It don't describe what it does. I 
need C-like extern pragma or way to use only function prototype (and include 
file with these prototypes). That's because I have problem with circual import 
of modules. Nim compiler complain about missing function implementation, when I 
tries to do that (only declaration of function in file, implementation in 

Re: Creating functions at runtime

2020-03-07 Thread mantielero
I see that this [nimeval - execute]( 
could be useful for my problem. But it looks like it is no longer available. 
What is the alternative?

Re: Creating functions at runtime

2020-03-07 Thread mantielero
I am trying to make something like the following:

macro gen_function(plugin:string, functionName:string) =
  var source = fmt"""
proc {functionName}():ptr VSMap =
  let plug = getPluginById("{plugin}")
  let args = createMap()
  return API.invoke(plug, "{functionName}".cstring, args)
result = parseStmt(source)

when isMainModule:
  let plugins = getPlugins()
  for plugin in plugins:
if plugin[0] == "ffms2":
for f in plugin[3]:
  gen_function( plugin[1], f[0])


Re: Creating functions at runtime

2020-03-07 Thread Hlaaftana
I don't get exactly what you're trying to do except that you can use dynamic 
libraries to load plugins at runtime. Here is a related Nimble package: 

Creating functions at runtime

2020-03-07 Thread mantielero
I am wrapping VapourSynth and I facing a problem that I don't how to best face 

I want to make available a number of functions that are available from plugins. 
The plugins available are known at runtime. For example the following works:

macro gen_functions():typed =
  var source = """
proc Version():ptr VSMap =
  let plugins = getPlugins()
  for plugin in plugins:

if plugin[0] == "ffms2":
  let plug = getPluginById(plugin[1])
  let args = createMap()
  return API.invoke(plug, "Version".cstring, args)
  result = parseStmt(source)


It works, because I know there is function call "Version" provided by the 
plugin "ffms2", so I provide the information to the compiler.

What I would like to do is moving:

let plugins = getPlugins()
for plugin in plugins:


outside of the "source" variable. But if I do that, obviously nim complains 
becuase getPlugins requires information only available at runtime.

Can I create functions at runtime? How?

Can you think in a better strategy to create all those functions?

Re: How does one get a `var` from a `ref` object?

2020-03-07 Thread mratsim
In your case you probably want reference semantics all the way, unless you 
duplicate "Person" instances so

  Person = ref object
prefers: Person

proc engage(p1, p2: Person) =
  p1.prefers = p2
  p2.prefers = p1


Re: How does one get a `var` from a `ref` object?

2020-03-07 Thread adnan
ok I simplified the code so I hope people understand my problem better. I don't 
quite think dereferencing will help in such a case?

Re: Nested list comprehension

2020-03-07 Thread didlybom
It would be nice if when something is deprecated in the standard library there 
was a link to the associated discussion/decision summary (if any). I found the 
deprecated list comprehension type a while ago and was curious about why it was 

Re: Karax: Adding elements

2020-03-07 Thread herdingSheep
Thank you @jyapayne. It seems very simple now that I see code that works.

Re: How can I simulate "name[id]" behaviour?

2020-03-07 Thread mantielero
It works. Thanks a lot.