Re: Why is my HTTP handler not gcsafe?

2020-06-15 Thread jackhftang
btw, if you need to pass some state to callback in server(), wrap it will 
closure. Nim current approach force threads to talk explicitly.

I recall my memory that I have written a database connection pool and logger 
for a web server, which they are supposed to be globally accessible. And then I 
have to fight with the unexpected gcsafe for a long time... dealing with 
threads in nim is another story, I encountered unexpected exits without any 
messages if I did something wrong in ITC...

Re: Why is my HTTP handler not gcsafe?

2020-06-15 Thread jackhftang
In short, no declaration of non-primitives global variable. There seems 
something declared at module level in blip that you didn't show.

When a proc is annotated with gcsafe, any proc called inside the proc has to be 
gcsafe also, regardless of whether you are compiling with --threads. And if any 
proc marked as gcsafe ever touched a module level non-primitive variable. An 
error will throw. The first proc annotated with gcsafe here is the callback 
function in serve().

Other people on this forum will probably explain better me. But here my 3-yo 
attempt, if a proc is annotated with {.gcsafe.}, the proc is supposed to be run 
in multi-threaded environment. And in current nim memory management model, each 
thread has its own gc and they work on their own, no knowledge of each other. 
This raises a problem: which gc should deal with the shared memory allocation 
and freeing? Nim current answer is to avoid the problem at its first place: not 
allow existence of non-primitives global variable touched at compile time.

gcsafe was one of the most annoying in my nim-experience... I had a long time 
didn't know why my single threaded web server has to be complained with 
non-gcsafe. Generally speaking, avoid global variable at all, this make testing 
easier and common practice also.

Re: Transform procs at compile time?

2020-06-15 Thread jackhftang
Another part of answer:

  * static
  * repr
  * writeFile

Re: Why is my HTTP handler not gcsafe?

2020-06-15 Thread snej
I've added some more code, and now I'm getting actual errors that seem to 
explain the cause of the GC-safe violation ... if I could understand them.

/Users/snej/Code/nim/blip/src/server.nim(14, 25) template/generic 
instantiation of `async` from here
/usr/local/Cellar/nim/1.2.0/nim/lib/pure/asyncmacro.nim(318, 24) Warning: 
'receiveLoopNimAsyncContinue' is not GC-safe as it accesses 
'nameIterVar`gensym21340263' which is a global using GC'ed memory [GcUnsafe2]
/Users/snej/Code/nim/blip/src/server.nim(14, 25) template/generic 
instantiation of `async` from here
/Users/snej/Code/nim/blip/src/blip.nim(126, 6) Warning: 'receiveLoop' is 
not GC-safe as it calls 'receiveLoopNimAsyncContinue' [GcUnsafe2]
/Users/snej/Code/nim/blip/src/server.nim(14, 25) template/generic 
instantiation of `async` from here
/Users/snej/Code/nim/blip/src/blip.nim(136, 6) Warning: 'run' is not 
GC-safe as it calls 'receiveLoop' [GcUnsafe2]
/Users/snej/Code/nim/blip/src/server.nim(14, 25) template/generic 
instantiation of `async` from here
/usr/local/Cellar/nim/1.2.0/nim/lib/pure/asyncmacro.nim(278, 31) Warning: 
'cbIter' is not GC-safe as it calls 'run' [GcUnsafe2]


`receiveLoop` is pretty simple (see below), but `receiveLoopNimAsyncContinue` 
and `nameIterVar`gensym21340263` must be internal functions created by the 
macros behind the `{.async.}` pragma, so I don't really have a clue what's 
going on...

proc receiveLoop(blip: Blip) {.async.} =
while blip.socket.readyState == Open:
let packet = await blip.socket.receivePacket()
case packet.kind
of Binary:  blip.handleFrame(cast[seq[byte]](
of Close:   return
else:   continue


Re: Why is my HTTP handler not gcsafe?

2020-06-15 Thread snej
...also, at a higher level, why is gcsafe even an issue at all, when all this 
async stuff is supposed to be running on the same thread?!

Re: Trivial AsyncHttpServer example crashes on every request

2020-06-15 Thread Willyboar
This is a known problem that was fixed and backported to 1.2.0. If you are 
using choosenim delete and re-install 1.2.0 problem will be solved. 

Why is my HTTP handler not gcsafe?

2020-06-15 Thread snej
I've now got some slightly less trivial async code I'm trying to get to run, 
using the 'news' WebSockets module. The compiler complains that my HTTP handler 
isn't gcsafe, and suggests "Annotate the proc with {.gcsafe.} to get extended 
error information."


  1. I can't see how my code isn't GC-safe, since it has no global variables 
  2. If I add the `gcsafe` pragma to my callback proc, it now compiles without 
errors! Where's my "extended error information"?

import blip
import news, asyncdispatch, asynchttpserver

when isMainModule:
echo("Starting Blip server on port 9001...")

var server = newAsyncHttpServer()
proc cb(req: Request) {.async.} =
if req.url.path == "/blipsync":
var ws = await newWebsocket(req)
echo "Creating new Blip"
var blip = newBlip(ws)
await   # <-- this line triggers the gcsafe error
echo "...Closed Blip"
await req.respond(Http404, "Nope", newHttpHeaders())

waitFor server.serve(Port(9001), cb)


If I take out the line `await`, the error goes away. But neither 
that function nor anything it calls appears to involve any global state. (It's 
too much code to post here in the forum, unless someone really wants me to!)

Did adding the `{.gcsafe.}` pragma silence a false alarm? Or is it suppressing 
a genuine problem that will cause thread-safety issues?



Re: Trivial AsyncHttpServer example crashes on every request

2020-06-15 Thread snej
I confirmed that if I change line 5 to

await req.respond(Http200, "Hello World", newHttpHeaders())


(passing in a non-nil headers object), the program works fine.

I guess this has turned into a bug report, although when I started this post I 
didn't know what the problem was. Thanks for the rubber-duckie debugging, 
forum! What Github repo should I file this under? Nim itself?

An opportunity to give Nim some exposure - Gamesfromscratch starts covering programming languages

2020-06-15 Thread IridiumPoint
Over on Youtube, there's a relatively big channel called Gamesfromscratch. So 
far, the guy behind it mostly covered game engines, but he has recently made 
several videos about gamedev-relevant programming languages. Today, he posted a 
poll asking if he should continue covering languages and if so, which ones.

The poll is here: 

This could be an opportunity to give Nim some time in the spotlight, so smash 
that "yes" button and demand Nim coverage in the comments :)

Trivial AsyncHttpServer example crashes on every request

2020-06-15 Thread snej
I'm exploring WebSockets and async/await. But I'm finding that the most trivial 
example of an async HTTP server crashes on every request. If I run an exact 
copy of the example from the asynchttpserver documentation:

import asynchttpserver, asyncdispatch

var server = newAsyncHttpServer()
proc cb(req: Request) {.async.} =
  await req.respond(Http200, "Hello World")

waitFor server.serve(Port(8080), cb)


... it will crash hard when I send an HTTP GET to it, from any client I've 
tried (Safari, curl, httpie):

/Users/snej/Code/nim/blip/src/server.nim(7) server
/usr/local/Cellar/nim/1.2.0/nim/lib/pure/asyncdispatch.nim(1886) waitFor
/usr/local/Cellar/nim/1.2.0/nim/lib/pure/asyncdispatch.nim(1576) poll
/usr/local/Cellar/nim/1.2.0/nim/lib/pure/asyncdispatch.nim(1340) runOnce
/usr/local/Cellar/nim/1.2.0/nim/lib/pure/asyncmacro.nim(319) cb
/Users/snej/Code/nim/blip/src/server.nim(5) cbIter
/usr/local/Cellar/nim/1.2.0/nim/lib/pure/asynchttpserver.nim(103) respond
/usr/local/Cellar/nim/1.2.0/nim/lib/pure/httpcore.nim(180) hasKey
SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)


I don't know this code at all, but from quick inspection I can see that the 
`respond` function in asynchttpserver.nim has a `headers` parameter that 
defaults to `nil`, but it calls `headers.hasKey("Content-Length")` without 
checking for `nil` first. Oops.

Is this module generally considered solid, and this is just an unusual bug 
where no one ever tested the examples in the docs? Or is there another module I 
should use instead?


Re: How does one use locks (need a brief example)

2020-06-15 Thread akavel
Kinda pseudocode, fragments scavenged from one of my projects:

import locks

  lock: Lock
  myflag: bool


proc foobar() =
  echo "before lock"
if myflag:
  echo " something with myflag..."
# ... work on myflag more ...
  echo "after lock"


Re: Unicode support for Windows 10 console

2020-06-15 Thread ktamp
Codes have been updated again.

  * In **console.nim** initial buffer length was set to **2048** Utf16Chars in 
order to avoid unnecessary relocations.
  * In **console2.nim** , **consoleReadLine** was trimmed down to what 
**readConsoleW** actually supports.

@Araq Do you prefer the **fgetws** way or the **readConsoleW** way?

  * The first one fits in with standard C library, but is a little messy.
  * The second one is cleaner, but adds an extra variable to mark **EOF** and 
does not fit in well with the **feof** way, so it may not be a good candidate 
if the relevant functionality is to be merged with that of **readLine**.

Re: Transform procs at compile time?

2020-06-15 Thread LeFF
I think that it should be more easily done from NimScript, it seems that macros 
module is supported in NimScript. I think I can write a script that processes 
modules to a temp folder and then compile them from NimScript. What do you 

Re: Nim's popularity

2020-06-15 Thread deech
This may seem pretty boring but I think Nim's killer use-case is interfacing 
with C++, to my knowledge no other language outside of D comes close. A macro 
driven glue that uses compile time introspection to generate bindings to C++ 
from Nim in addition to bindings to Nim from Language X will open up a ton of 
possibilities for people who want to use X but need things from C++. Nim can be 
that glue, especially with arc/orc users of X don't even have to spin up a 
runtime and take it down. Having written C++ bindings the hard way this is a 
huge albeit unglamorous opportunity to get into a lot of shops. Instead of 
"rewrite it Rust" you "reuse it with Nim". 

Re: Transform procs at compile time?

2020-06-15 Thread LeFF
I don't quite get it. For example I have a few modules that I want to process. 
I will need to use staticRead for each file, use parseStmt to get the AST, 
transform it and what do I do next? Do I need to save this modules to a temp 
folder using astGenRepr and add them to the compilation pipeline?

Can I write a macro that is when called from whithin a module, reads code of 
that module, rewrites AST and replaces original AST with rewritten one or 
something of that kind?

Re: Transform procs at compile time?

2020-06-15 Thread timothee
partial answers:

  * parseStmt + staticRead

Re: Nim's popularity

2020-06-15 Thread mantielero
Gracias @juancarlospaco. This is exactly what I was looking for.

@treeform, nice overview. Given Nim's potential, I am surprised about point 1. 
I think/hope this is a matter of time. 

Transform procs at compile time?

2020-06-15 Thread LeFF
Is there a way to get the AST for all procs of a module and apply some 
transformation on it at compile time. I've been looking at this 
 \- here the code uses term rewriting macros to apply transformations to all 
string literal in the module. But I can't figure out if or how it can be 
applied to procs. Any ideas? Or maybe there's a better way to solve this? 

Re: Awk-Style text processing with Nim

2020-06-15 Thread timothee
same remarks as 
 the standard nim version is:

  * more readable
  * syntax highlights correctly
  * interacts correctly with the rest of the language
  * leads to code that's more reusable
  * is correctly indented instead of relying on features only invented to 
support SCF (end if|case|for|etc)
  * supports block comments


If you have boilerplate, just use templates+macros, no need to bake in a 
sublanguage into nim. SCF is a misfeature that needs to be deprecated.

import strformat, streams, parsecsv
var x: CsvParser
open(x, newFileStream(stdin), "-", '\t')
template p(a: string) = echo &(a)
p """

My Report

{"":-<20} {"":-<20}"""
while x.readRow():
  p """{x.row[0]:<20} {x.row[1]:>20}"""
p """{"":-<20} {"":-<20}"""


Re: Nim's popularity

2020-06-15 Thread kcvinu
@BugFix, I am also an AutoIt lover and user. And i have the same feeling about 
data types. AutoIt needs at least an easy way to declare a struct and a 
container data type to hold that struct. OOP is not in their list. I wish i 
could override the autoit message loop in order to handle more window messages.

Re: Nim's popularity

2020-06-15 Thread juancarlospaco

Re: Comparisons of Nim to the Chapel computer programming language...

2020-06-15 Thread Brad
Replying to @GordonBGood and @mratsim:

> > There is no reason to have such a high overhead especially in high 
> > performance computing. OpenMP is way way way lower.
> I agree, and I'm still not 100% sure where all the time is going

Are you able to share the benchmark you were using with us (as well as 
information like back-end compiler and version, processor, etc)? In our 
experiments, Chapel has generally shown to be competitive with OpenMP, so it 
would be interesting for us to understand better what you were doing (prior to 
resorting to a homegrown thread pool) in order to make sure nothing's going 
horribly awry. I'd also be curious whether you were using CHPL_TASKS=qthreads 
or CHPL_TASKS=fifo. Thanks.

> I expect [Chapel's data pallelism] is similar to CoArray Fortran

Chapel's data parallelism is significantly different than Co-Array Fortran, 
where an array-of-arrays approach is taken for distributed arrays. In contrast, 
Chapel's data parallelism is based on global-view domains (index sets) and 
arrays, which are an evolution of concepts that were pioneered by ZPL in the 

By default, most data parallelism in Chapel is implemented using #cores tasks 
where cores is the number of processor cores to which the index set or array 
are distributed. This ensures that the computational granularity is based on 
the hardware parallelism rather than the data collection (though programmers 
can override these defaults if they want something finer/coarser).

> I can see that it could be of interest if one had access to such a machine or 
> group of machines, which most of us probably never will.

For those not in the market for a Cray or commodity cluster, I suspect AWS, 
Azure, and Google Cloud would be happy to offer you such access for a 
reasonable fee. :)

Re: Nim's popularity

2020-06-15 Thread treeform
This talk has a pretty good part about how most popular languages got popular: 

To summarize, according to the talk, there are 5 major ways to popularly (top 

  1. Killer App: C, Ruby, PHP
  2. Platform Exclusivity: JS, Obj-C, Swift, C#
  3. Quick Upgrade: C++, Kotlin, TypeScript
  4. Epic Marketing: Java
  5. Slow & Steady: Python

I think Nim right now is doing a little bit in 3 out of 5 directions.

1\. Killer App: Nim has the ability compile to both JS and Native allowing same 
code. If only Nim could do this it would be really cool, but Node/JavaScript 
can do this as well. Nim needs to find some thing else. Nim can interface 
between c/c++ and other languages. The FFI is really good. Is this enough for a 
killer app?

2\. Platform Exclusivity: Nim is not doing anything here. There is no only Nim 
platforms and probably never will be.

3\. Quick Upgrade: Nim is kind of a quick upgrade from Python and maybe C++. 
But it does not feel quick "enough", but it's there. Languages like Kotlin and 
TypeScript are much quicker.

4\. Epic Marketing: Nim is doing nothing here. No one is spending a million 
dollars on Nim ads or Nim conferences.

5\. Slow & Steady. The slow community path. This is probably where Nim is 
growing the most right now. But not sure its fast enough. I also think that 
most languages have this path as well. This path is way too crowded.

Re: Nim's popularity

2020-06-15 Thread BugFix
I would like to tell my way to Nim. I have been writing smaller programs every 
now and then for more than 30 years. Usually these are automations or add-ons. 
In the past few years I have written a lot with the AutoIt scripting language, 
which in development now goes far beyond the stage of pure automation. But with 
increasing experience and knowledge, some things are no longer an advantage 
(e.g. data type: Variant). I also lacked object-oriented programming. Since I 
also have experience with Phyton and Lua, I looked for a language with a 
similar syntax. OOP and creating executables were other criteria. During my 
internet research I came across Nim and after reading the basics I fell in love 
with the language. Of course, this is different from a scripting language and 
for me it is about learning and learning again. Now when I see my first steps 
and, in contrast, look at the material that is being discussed here in the 
forum, I feel like a school boy again. Even though I am almost 60 years old, I 
still enjoy programming - and learning.

Nim's popularity

2020-06-15 Thread mantielero
I was wondering (just out of curiosity) about current Nim's popularity.

I know every metric is somehow biased, but I would like to get a feeling about 
how is evolving. I was looking as well, for the biggest projects developped in 
Nim (apart from Nim itself). I bet there is a way to get that information from 
Github, but I don't know how.

It looks this is quite a recurring topic. I have searched about it and I found 
(far from complete):

  * 2017: [Nim 129th in the Tiobe 
  * [Nim hitting 800 
  * 2018: [Nim 43th most starred 
language]( (It keeps on being 
at that level: [44th in 2020Q1 

Re: Comparisons of Nim to the Chapel computer programming language...

2020-06-15 Thread bpr
Don't transport data, transport programs.

This is the [motto of 
 slightly rephrased. What does it mean practically for programmers?

I think @mratsim has a point (from experience at a bio startup) that we'll see 
increased need for NUMA aware APIs. I could be wrong as well, but it seems that 
it's one natural avenue for getting better performance post Moore's law.

Great stuff, thanks for the writeup on Chapel @GordonBGood! It's a fascinating 

Re: Can't access fields of object returned by a procedure

2020-06-15 Thread treeform
For oldcommers too! Error should say x is not public, not that x is missing.

Re: Comparisons of Nim to the Chapel computer programming language...

2020-06-15 Thread Araq
> In all languages (Go, Nim, ...) channels are built either on top of 
> Lock+Condition variables or Atomics (reusing queue designs) but I expect we 
> will reach the limits of memory coherency at the CPU level and that in the 
> future NUMA will become increasingly important and we might see hardware 
> channels being more popular (rather than restricted to stuff like Infiniband)

Well this has been claimed for over ten years now, it's one reason why Nim did 
bet on thread local heaps + message passing and I don't see it becoming the 
reality anytime soon. I can be wrong of course. However, it is insightful to 
look at what GPUs do. The classical view is that they are based on shared 
memory. But when you look at it from a different angle what happens is that 
inside a GPU a program fragment is passed over to the data. Maybe I'm nuts and 
is has nothing to do with GPUs, but the idea is a good one. Don't transport 
data, transport programs. 

Re: Comparisons of Nim to the Chapel computer programming language...

2020-06-15 Thread mratsim
> Difference of opinion, Golang seems to do as is your opinion, Haskel builds 
> everything on MVar's, and F# has both async and task parallelism with the 
> Task type it gets from DotNet including the FlowVar concept, but with those 
> Task's able to work together with Async. F# doesn't have built-in channels, 
> so if required on would have to build them from primitives.
> My opinion could be changed if the version of FlowVar's I propose truly can't 
> work with a version of async, but I'd like to see the implementation as by F# 
> researched first.

The main reason why I think channels should be a primitive building block is 
that it can be implemented in hardware on message-passing-based hardware or 

  * Intel SCC had hardware channels 
  * I assume Tile CPUs from Tilera/EzChip/Mellanox/Nvidia (successive 
acquisitions by a bigger fish) also have hardware channels 
  * Similarly for Adapteva 1024 cores RISC network-on-chip CPU: 
  * You can reuse Infiniband or MPI channels as primitives for distributed 

Adding async support on top of a channels only requires adding a way for the 
channel to return control the event loop. If channels use `tryRecv` and 
`trySend` it's easy to add a `poll()` or equivalent callback to the event loop.

In all languages (Go, Nim, ...) channels are built either on top of 
Lock+Condition variables or Atomics (reusing queue designs) but I expect we 
will reach the limits of memory coherency at the CPU level and that in the 
future NUMA will become increasingly important and we might see hardware 
channels being more popular (rather than restricted to stuff like Infiniband)

Re: Exporting string functions from DLLs

2020-06-15 Thread PMunch
As @Javi alluded to NimMain is what sets up the GC. So without calling NimMain 
the GC won't work and thus no Nim strings as they require the GC. It's worth 
noting though that \--noMain only removes the call to NimMain, the procedure is 
still generated. So you can import it into your Nim code as any other C 
function and call it yourself.

Re: Unicode support for Windows 10 console

2020-06-15 Thread Araq
Nice to see progress here. Maybe we can improve the stdlib's solution too, PRs 
are welcome.

Re: Can't access fields of object returned by a procedure

2020-06-15 Thread Araq
Anytime soon now (ha!) we'll improve the error message for this, it's a common 
gotcha for newcomers.