Re: Sort a table by value

2020-07-13 Thread jasonfi
The examples I saw for sorting OrderedTable were for the key, not sorting by 
the value, so I'm not sure if what I need can be done with an OrderedTable.

Re: Sort a table by value

2020-07-13 Thread jasonfi
Thanks, I'll probably just a seq of tuples.

Re: Sort a table by value

2020-07-13 Thread snej
A Table has no ordering, so you’d have to first copy it to some form that does, 
like a seq of (int, string) tuples, and then sort that (e.g. using a comparator 
proc that returns the result of comparing the two strings.)

Re: Sort a table by value

2020-07-13 Thread Yardanico
FYI there's an OrderedTable and it has a .sort proc. So you can convert your 
table to an OrderedTable and then sort it :) Or just use OrderedTable right 
from the start

Sort a table by value

2020-07-13 Thread jasonfi
I have a table:

> my_table: Table[int, string]

How do I sort by the table by the value field?

Re: Python transpiler

2020-07-13 Thread HashBackupJim
I have a 200K-line Python app that uses 5-10 C extensions plus a few Cython 
modules I wrote for content-defined file chunking and a dedup hash table. 
Performance in general is good, but Python has its limits in several ways:

  * threading allows sharing data but the GIL limits performance
  * multiprocessing allows message passing without the GIL, but there's 
overhead to code, exchange, and decode messages
  * large data structures become impossibly large because of 24/28 byte integers
  * operating on large data structures is slow because of Python's VM

I love Python, and as one of the most popular programming languages in the 
world, if not _the_ most popular, other people apparently love it too. But I 
have hit its limits.

If it was possible to get reasonably maintainable Nim code from Python source, 
even if it required extensive editing, I think that would be huge. It's not 
like we're talking about converting some niche language like OCaml, Scala, 
Haskell, Erlang, Elixir, etc. to Nim. That would be a waste of time. But when 
you're talking about converting the most popular programming language on the 
planet, I think that would justify a lot of effort.

While it is possible to use Nim like a Cython replacement to speed up certain 
slow parts of a Python program, and that may be the best way forward for an 
individual or small team, it has limitations similar to multiprocessing: you 
still may have to take a lot of Python data, convert it to native Nim 
structures, do something with them, then convert it all back to Python, and 
that won't be fast. I haven't tried it, so can't say whether it's worthwhile or 

One way to see how reasonable it is to do a real Python to Nim transpiler would 
be to start manually converting small Python programs, like at 
 The advantage of starting with real programs vs a grammar is that you'd be 
putting effort into converting things that people use all the time rather than 
beating your head against a wall trying to figure out how to convert some 
esoteric Python OO construction that maybe only a few people actually use. If a 
transpiler converted 75% of the code and left the other 25% of "weird" stuff to 
be done by hand, that would be huge. Someone there wrote the weird Python, 
someone there can convert it by hand.

This would also be a great tool for Python programmers to learn Nim. If a 
person is already familiar with their Python program, seeing a decent Nim 
translation would be a great way for them to map the Python concepts they 
already understand, to Nim.

And it isn't just about performance. Have you ever tried to do a static build 
of a Python program that uses C extensions (not the ones that come with 
Python), Cython modules, and needs an updated OpenSSL, for 3 platforms? Try it. 
It ain't fun.

Or if you have a C library you'd like to use, like the new Blake3 hash 
function, that doesn't have a Python binding yet. Ever seen those C-to-Python 
modules, with refcounts all over the place? What if you forget a few and your 
program starts crashing regularly. How do you debug that? Again, not fun.

Those are some of my reasons for looking at Nim. I looked at Go, and while it's 
much more mature and stable because of Google, it doesn't do much for me. Rust 
is way too fussy (Nim is too sometimes) and Rust is starting to look like APL. 
Compared to C++, which is a mess I never even wanted to learn, Rust might be 
wonderful, but they're too much "kitchen, bathroom, and laundry sink" for me. 

Re: Experimenting with a FreeRTOS OS Port

2020-07-13 Thread Araq
> So it's a pain to rebase... Anyone know what's required to get the base PR 
> merged?

Where is your PR?

Re: Understanding Nim compiler

2020-07-13 Thread Araq
> Is there a wish to build a compiler's internals documentation or is it a 
> knowledge that lives in the compiler hackers' minds?

Well we have the internal documentation and we're always accepting PRs but I 
generally assume that compiler contributors have read some book about compiler 
development, there are good ones available like 

> What are the important internal data structures?

It's ASTs all the way down and the compiler's AST is the same AST that is 
exposed in the macro system. :-)

Re: Experimenting with a FreeRTOS OS Port

2020-07-13 Thread shirleyquirk
I was able to auto-merge your branch with upstream devel with no immediate 
problems, but only tested a hello world, didn't test all the POSIX stuff.

The question of how to separate the different options is fraught... It would be 
great to be able to specify --os:esp-idf and have it work as smoothly as, e.g. 

Or are you thinking that since there's so many variants, better to specify each 
separately? How do you specify --lwip when compiling?

I've got lots more bikeshedding, but I'll put it on your github 

Re: Experimenting with a FreeRTOS OS Port

2020-07-13 Thread elcritch
That's a good list! But the LwIP and FreeRTOS <=> POSIX brigde requires support 
in the Nim standard library to make using Nim sockets/selects/etc libraries 

The port on my branch with networking supports the LwIP, and some of the VFS 
via the normal POSIX API's (uart, select, etc). The core part to make Nim 
usable with ESP-IDF is:

  * the FreeRTOS <=> POSIX bridges
  * Nim compiler constants for 'os:freertos'
  * LwIP wrappers
  * Modifications to the standard libraries.

Once those are in place the VFS, FreeRTOS tasks, etc can be handled readily as 
libraries, or small PR's.

Unfortunately the standard libraries include number of when ... blocks to avoid 
functions that don't make sense on FreeRTOS slimmed POSIX. Since you need to 
space the rest of the proc with the when block, any upstream changes in those 
files cause conflicts.

So it's a pain to rebase... Anyone know what's required to get the base PR 
merged? Then it'd be much easier to start working on testing out the full 
system and expanding out the features. 

Re: Experimenting with a FreeRTOS OS Port

2020-07-13 Thread elcritch
The other option is that I may re-apply my changes to 1.2.4 branch and just 
develop from there as the "stable" version. 

Re: Python transpiler

2020-07-13 Thread cblake
I think part of the "sales pitch" for Nim out in the world, for good or ill, is 
"sorta like Python but compiled with static types". It isn't so strange that 
people show up asking how to automate "sorta like" into "more so". ;-)

The vast majority of Python code that I have seen uses precious little of 
Python's very dynamic nature. So, doing a half-baked py2nim with a **_slew_** 
of caveats might have some value. It's not like `c2nim` is perfect, either. The 
questions are more A) if the caveats are beyond the grasp of the typical person 
porting such code and B) if the rather open-ended nature (ever changing Py3) 
would leave it half-done forever. @juancarlospaco may be right that a group 
effort here could yield the best results.

It isn't my question to answer, but as to "why?", it is likely "easier good 
performance". Python unassisted by C/Cython/Pythran/etc. or Pypy is one of the 
slowest programming languages around. Combined with piles and piles of Python 
code out there doing xyz useful thing that could be safer/faster/etc. with Nim. 
Nim just invoking/calling that code is one way to access functionality. If it 
was too slow to begin with, it won't help. People may have misplaced 
expectations about how little they have to think in order to improve 
performance, of course.

Re: Python transpiler

2020-07-13 Thread juancarlospaco
I created the repo because people were asking for **an Example** on how to do 
that, it is an example it was not meant to be complete.

...but if people are interested on making a real working one, we can team-up or 


Re: Python transpiler

2020-07-13 Thread cumulonimbus
If you mean compiling _from_ python, there's 
 which has gained "deprecated" in its name since I last looked at it.

It's not very complete though.

If you compiling _to_ python, there's 
 which is also incomplete.

The biggest question is _why_. If you want to use Python from nim, or the other 
way around, then nimpy and nimporter might be better choices than trying to fit 
everything into the same language runtime.

Re: Understanding Nim compiler

2020-07-13 Thread demotomohiro
I wrote how to debug Nim program and Nim compiler with GDB long time ago. 

It might contain outdated content.

Re: Python transpiler

2020-07-13 Thread cblake
@ShalokShalom can perhaps clarify what he meant, but I took him to be asking 
for a `c2nim`-like program `python2nim` to help facilitate porting pure Python 
code to pure Nim code (as opposed to using already written Nim code from within 
Python or already written Python code from within Nim). Some runtime libraries 
to bridge API differences might also help along those lines. Some quick web 
searchers turn up a few partial moves along this direction.

Re: tests in the same files as the code

2020-07-13 Thread TokenChingy
In my opinion, it really depends on the the size of your file and the 
complexity of your procedure. For me, if it's one simple procedure, I guess 
having it in the file works, and I'd do it the way @shirleyquirk does. But if 
it's multiple procedures or a complex one, I'd probably separate it out.

For projects, I'd have all the tests in a separate directory. I personally 
follow the nimble directory layout:

  * src/
  * bin/
  * tests/

Hope this gives you some insight.

Re: Understanding Nim compiler

2020-07-13 Thread spip
Thanks. For this particular example, I've started looking at how static generic 
expressions are handled by procs and templates into `semtypes.nim`.

But the question wanted to be more general. How a new comer can understand how 
the Nim compiler works? What tools/options are available to have a global 
understanding of the compilation process? Are there ways to see the results of 
the different compilation phases? I've listed 2 undocumented options to see the 
scan and parser phases, but after the AST is built there are many phases when 
the AST is reworked before code generation. What are the important internal 
data structures?

Is there a wish to build a compiler's internals documentation or is it a 
knowledge that lives in the compiler hackers' minds?

Re: Question about move semantics for objects and seqs

2020-07-13 Thread Araq
> Case 2. Overloading for optimization, to avoid copy/reuse buffers we can have 
> 2 versions of a procedure, one with sink and one without, for example

That's not supported by Nim and so far I haven't seen convincing examples. If 
you want to take over ownership, you always want to leaving you with the sink T 
version only.

Re: Question about move semantics for objects and seqs

2020-07-13 Thread hugogranstrom
Thank you very much @mratsim! :-D This has cleared up a lot of my questions. 
It's always fascination how smart compilers can be about reading code and 
optimizing it. A huge amount of work has obviously been put into them.

One more question about sink inference: Is it infered once per proc or is it 
done once for every call to the proc? ie. it creates separate signatures for 
the proc depending on if the argument is sink-able or not. For example: 

proc customAdd(s: seq[SomeType], newElement: SomeType) =
  s.add newElement


Here `newElement` could be sink-able sometimes, but sometimes not. Does the 
compiler see that it _could_ be sink-able, and adds the `sink` parameter? Or 
does it create a new overloaded proc with the `sink` parameter as you showed in 
your example? 

Re: [offtopic]2 cross-platform GUI library

2020-07-13 Thread shirleyquirk
Dear imgui not have any love? 

Re: [offtopic]2 cross-platform GUI library

2020-07-13 Thread Yardanico
It's nice, but I think it's not the best choice if you actually want to make a 
user-oriented desktop application. It's very useful for developers (debugging, 
creating game editors, etc) 

Re: Python transpiler

2020-07-13 Thread shirleyquirk
Have you had a look at nimpy? Lets you compile Nim code to a python module, and 
lets you call python modules from Nim.

That's about as good as anything is going to get, prove me wrong!

I mean, Haxe transpiles to python, but it's about as readable as Nim-compiled c.

Re: Python transpiler

2020-07-13 Thread sschwarzer
Do you mean from Nim to Python or from Python to Nim? Which use cases do you 
have in mind?

Re: tests in the same files as the code

2020-07-13 Thread sschwarzer
Good point. This comes up from time to time in the forum. It would be really 
nice if there was some documentation on `testament` (or if there's some, a link 
to it). Also, I vaguely remember that `testament` also has disadvantages over 
`unittest`, so the tradeoff when to use one or the other should be explained. 
So far I've used only `unittest` and like it, but I've written only relatively 
small programs in Nim.

If the cases where `testament` is considered the better option are known, it 
would help to put this information in the paragraph in the `unittest` 
documentation. So readers wouldn't be confused about missing out on `testament` 
if `unittest` is fine for their purposes.

Python transpiler

2020-07-13 Thread ShalokShalom
How is the stance of the community on this?

Is it feasible? Planned? Wished? Are there any obstacles?

Besides the obvious development effort. 

Re: tests in the same files as the code

2020-07-13 Thread sschwarzer
I think for small simple modules it's ok to have the tests (with doAssert, not 
assert) in the same file. Apart from that, I prefer a test module using the 
[unittest]( module for each module to 

In my experience, putting the tests in the same file as the tested code makes 
maintaining the tests awkward if the tests grow. Consequently, tests aren't as 
thorough as if put into an extra file. Having the tests in an extra file helps 
me focus more on writing good tests with good coverage.

Re: "Nim for Python Programmers" wiki page

2020-07-13 Thread mratsim
You can use macros to provide class-like capabilities to object variants (i.e. 
constructing the object variant from multiple modules)


The only limitation is that in other languages like C++, you can add a new 
subtype even when the library is compiled as a DLL while with macros you need 
compilation from source. But current Nim methods have the same limitation.

Re: Question about move semantics for objects and seqs

2020-07-13 Thread mratsim
### Case 1

`var y = x` would be elided and all further reference of y should use x instead 
in the generated code.

For stack objects this shouldn't really matter because GCC/LLVM should optimize 
those variable renaming anyway. This is because during code generation, they 
transform the code in SSA form (Static Single Assignment) meaning no variables 
are mutable and all changes in values for example `a += 1` are transformed into 
variable assignment `a1 = a0 + 1`

In `consume` the `x` is passed by hidden reference can be mutated, this is 
useful if you need destructive updates that would be costly if you did a copy 
first, for example sorting in-place.

### Case 2

It's option 2

> Arc is smart and knows how different fields should be treated. It knows that 
> it should just copy the pointer of the seq and not the seq itself to avoid 
> unneccecary copies.

### Extra

Arc does sink inference but there are still 2 cases where you might want to use 
explicit sink.

Case 1. To only allow move semantics. Some types can only be moved, in 
particular all types that represent a resource (memory like GPU memory, open 
file, socket connection, database handle, lock, message queue). You want to 
ensure that there is a single owner to those resources throughout the resource 
lifetime and so you disallow copy but allow moves.

Case 2. Overloading for optimization, to avoid copy/reuse buffers we can have 2 
versions of a procedure, one with sink and one without, for example

proc add1(a: seq[int]): seq[int] =
  result.newSeq(a.len) # Extra allocation
  for i in 0 ..< a.len:
result[i] = a[i] + 1

proc add1(a: sink seq[int]): seq[int] =
  # No allocation, we reuse the buffer
  for i in 0 ..< a.len:
a[i] += 1
  `=sink`(result, a)


Re: tests in the same files as the code

2020-07-13 Thread shirleyquirk
testament lets you separate tests from code but yes, less well documented. 
 has some info

Re: tests in the same files as the code

2020-07-13 Thread didlybom
At the topo of the unittest module documentation it says:

> Note: Instead of unittest.nim, please consider to use the testament tool 
> which offers process isolation for your tests. Also when isMainModule: 
> doAssert conditionHere is usually a much simpler solution for testing 
> purposes.

Does that mean that unittest is obsolete and should not be used? The docs do 
not provide a link to the testament module so the advice is not very actionable 

Re: tests in the same files as the code

2020-07-13 Thread shirleyquirk
For simple stuff, especially for unit testing small modules 

when isMainModule:
   doAssert #condition#


is fine or for a larger testsuite you can use 
 which also runs in the same file