Forward declaration of object name

2020-03-21 Thread Lachu
I need to forward declare of object name. I use c2nim and it generates code 
similar to below:

   #First file
   connection {.bycopy.} = object
   #New line
   #Second file
connection* {.bycopy.} = object
  id*: cint
  sock*: cint


Re: Recommended GUI library?

2020-03-18 Thread Lachu
Python have TCL in standard library (in reference implementation).

Template retrieving variading type of argument (compatible with C vaarg)

2020-03-12 Thread Lachu
I have problem with this code

  va_list *{.pure.} = ptr object
   template va_arg*[T](list: var va_list): T =
  result = (cast[ptr T](va_list))[]
  inc[ptr T](list)

var args: va_list
var c = va_arg[cf_sequence](args)


Error is:

/home/postep2/src/posteppkg/common/includes/slANDothers_nim_utils.nim(96, 13) 
Error: expression cannot be cast to ptr cf_sequence|   

Re: Like C extern pragma?

2020-03-08 Thread Lachu
I use this hack:

when not defined IS_SUPPORT_IMPORTED:
  var IS_SUPPORT_IMPORTED {.compileTime.} : bool = true


But nim (I use nimble package/project manager) complain about 
IS_SUPPORT_IMPORTED is defined twice.

> /home/postep2/src/posteppkg/utility/includes/support.nim(20, 7) Error: 
> redefinition of 'IS_SUPPORT_IMPORTED'; previous declaration here: 
> /home/postep2/src/posteppkg/utility/includes/support.nim(20, 7)|   
> ---|---

Re: Like C extern pragma?

2020-03-07 Thread Lachu
Ok. I found the problem. It was I use c2nim and it puts asterisk after 
procedure name. That was obvious. Procedure must been defined in the same file, 
because it was marked as to be exported. Because It was C header file (and 
after use of c2nim it was nim file contains only signature/prototypes/etc.), I 
revert state of file and removes asterisk.

Like C extern pragma?

2020-03-07 Thread Lachu
I found information about extern pragma, but It don't describe what it does. I 
need C-like extern pragma or way to use only function prototype (and include 
file with these prototypes). That's because I have problem with circual import 
of modules. Nim compiler complain about missing function implementation, when I 
tries to do that (only declaration of function in file, implementation in 

Re: Cannot import module.

2020-02-23 Thread Lachu
Thanks. Currently I have following error: 

/tmp/nimble_15/githubcom_Parashuramanimi18n/i18n.nim(198, 41) Error: usage 
of 'isNil' is a user-defined error


Re: Cannot import module.

2020-02-22 Thread Lachu

version   = "0.0.1"
author= "Sławomir Lach"
description   = "Nimble version of postęp - game based on Freeciv"
license   = "GPL-2.0"
srcDir= "src"
installExt= @["nim"]
bin   = @["posteppkg/common/", 
"executables/client/progressclient", "executables/server/progressserver"]
   # Dependencies
   requires "nim >= 1.0.0"


In ./ I type nimble build .

I thnik I must add dependency. I don't remember what install ext is. 

Re: Cannot import module.

2020-02-22 Thread Lachu
Not worked.

Cannot import module.

2020-02-22 Thread Lachu
Hello. I have problem. I installed i18n module by nimble install, but

> import i18n

Causes problem.

Re: Current status of Nim for Webassembly?

2019-10-26 Thread Lachu
I think using pointers instead of ref will work. About other way I known 
nothing. I also don't understand this.

Re: Getting memory address of object into string

2019-10-26 Thread Lachu
echo obj.addr.repr


Or repr(addr(obj))

Or similar 

Re: Problem with macro and identation ...

2019-10-13 Thread Lachu
I think this source is outdated: 
Compiler complains there's no children field in nim node. When look at official 
documentation, I found sons field. Should I use sons? Also, I look inside some 
system file of nim and there's NimNode declared as an reference to Node. Should 
I use rectangle operator to access NimNode fields? My code now looks like this: 

macro get_decl_name(decl: untyped): untyped =
  for a in decl.children:
if a is nnkTypeDef:
  for c in a.children:
if c is IdentNode:
  return c
  progress_specenum = object
map: seq[string]

var generated: string

macro generate_specenum*(names_of_values: static[seq[string]]; decl: 
untyped): untyped =
  var name = get_decl_name(decl)
  var code = fmt"var\n  progress_specenum_{name}: progress_specenum = 
progress_specenum(map: name_of_values)\n"
  code &= fmt"proc get_str_repr_of_specenum_{name}(val: {name}): string =\n 
  code &= fmt"for a in progress_specenum_{name}.map:\n"
  code &= fmt"if a == val: return a\n  "
  code &= fmt"return nil"
  code &= fmt"proc get_val_of_specenum_{name}_from_str(val: string): {name} 
=\n  "
  code &= fmt"var curr: {name}\n  "
  code &= fmt"for a in progress_specenum_{name}.map:\n"
  code &= fmt"if a == val: return curr\n"
  code &= fmt"succ(curr)\n  "
  code &= fmt"return BAD"
  generated &= code

macro flush_ruleset_rel_code*() =
  result = parseStmt(generated)
  generated = ""


But compiler complains there's no field children inside NimNode.

Re: Problem with macro and identation ...

2019-10-12 Thread Lachu
I think about using inheritance to achieve this. Nim, as pascal, delivers many 
method to use countable types, like splices, etc.

I will write type, which contains seq of strings and I will implement method to 
get string from this sequence by index. Other method will get index of string. 
One question is: can I cast enum to integer and make integer to be 
automatically casted to some enum (compiler should cast this automatically). Is 
there any generic enum type? Exists there some method like get next value of 

Re: Problem with macro and identation ...

2019-10-12 Thread Lachu
Thanks a lot. I was trying to write macro that generates: enum type and 
procedure to map value of this enum to related string. I decided to port game 
based on Freeciv. I'm only developer of this game and introducing a new 
features takes too long. Freeciv (and my game) is write in C and uses 
x-includes to generate code on compile time by macros. Given x-includes header 
takes as „argument” definitions of enum values and related strings by checking 
in the chain next enum value and related string is defined. It request to name 
definition in strict way, so this is good example: 

#define SPECENUM_STR0 "Green"
#define SPECENUM_STR1 "Red"
#define SPECENUM_STRN "Some color"

#include "genereate_specenum.h"


I need to understood how macros in nim works to do similar thinks 
(generate_specenum.h generates enum type and functions translates enum value to 
related string and vice-versa). I found nim function, which converts enum value 
to string, but it do similar thing to nim's quote (or quoteStr - I don't 
remember) or hash/double hash (I don't remember) operator in C preprocesor.

Problem with macro and identation ...

2019-10-12 Thread Lachu
Sorry for that (probably) simple question, but I have indentation problems 
(compiler complains about it):

First file:


progress_specenum_el = object
name: cstring value: string
macro generate_specenum(name: string; elements: 
openarray[progress_specenum_el]): untyped =
echo """{name} = enumn " echo "BAD,"

for a in elements:
echo "{a.value},"

echo "n" echo "proc string_to_{name}(rname: string): {name} =n const map: 
seq[progress_specenum_el] = @[repr({elements})]n var b: {name} = low(b)n for a 
in map:n if == rname:n return bn b=b.succ()n return BAD"

Second file:
include includes/progress_utils

generate_specenum("test", [progress_specenum_el("LOL", "LOL"), 
progress_specenum_el("LOL2", "LOL3")])

Re: Crashed when compiled as dynamic library for C

2019-10-10 Thread Lachu
Also I thought new callable accept variable not a type. I remember it works 
like in Pascal - allocates memory and write pointer to this memory into given 
(as parameter) variable. In nim it also should initializes memory. Does your 
library compile?

Passing more than one parenthesis block to macro

2019-10-10 Thread Lachu
Is it possible to pass more block to macro? One will be normal (indent) block 
and others could be parenthesis or something similar.

Re: Safety of staticRead and StaticExec?

2019-10-10 Thread Lachu
I don't known much about nim and compilation process. I known compilation same 
C code on similar machine with similar system can produce different executable, 
so there's reproductive compilation Debian project. But if nimble could install 
dependencies, is there possible to write nim compilation sandbox. It could use 
bumblewrap under GNU/Linux.

Safety of staticRead and StaticExec?

2019-10-09 Thread Lachu
What can do staticRead and staticExec? Are there exist any restrictions? Is 
there a way to restrict behavior, by (for example) passing command line 
argument to compiler? I mean passing list of regexp. If programmer pass list of 
regexp and staticRead (or staticExec) parameter don't match to any given 
regexp, compilation fails before invoking one of these function. Is good idea 
to allow to put possible commands/files to .nimble files, so user/programmer 
could read, which commands and which file access are needed to be able to 
compile a program. Maybe someone could write GUI tool to read these regexp, 
search filesystem for files and present it (regexp for files/commands and file 
names matching to files regexps) + manual page for matching items.

Re: beginners tutorial

2019-10-09 Thread Lachu
I porting now my program from C to nim. I plan to describe my journey with 
separated article. Currently I have worried about calculating offset/index of 
item in sequence (sequence is something rather similar to array or an list?). I 
have found an solution on this forum, but I doubt it works any time. It is 
truth item could be placed descending or ascending, but with the same first 
element array? I mean a[0].addr = 2, a[1].addr = 1 or a[0].addr = 1, a[1].addr 
= 2?

Re: Integrate NIM with C based project.

2019-10-06 Thread Lachu
I build Progress: Call to Power with nimble. Currently only change is use some 
pragmas, change main function name in C files to something else and add code, 
that calls this function. I will wrote articles how to convert such projects. I 
only partially test. I must start rewriting some part of code to nim.

Re: Integrate NIM with C based project.

2019-10-05 Thread Lachu
I just discovered NIM doesn't append a file extension to my library. -l linker 
argument gives linker name by omitting lib prefix and so extension. These are 
append automatically and linker will search lib names by matching it to result 
of mentioned operations.

How to force nimc to generate file with .so extension?

Re: Translate syntax to some of natural language?

2019-10-05 Thread Lachu
I don't think about something similar to symbolic execution. We don't check any 
possibly value, etc. We only show diagram to user (with descriptions).

Re: link with dynlib contains main

2019-10-05 Thread Lachu
First problem are solved, but... main function of libraries written in NIM 
wasn't called. I use -l="-Lpath_relative_to_main_project_dir -llib_name" (Of 
course, I skip extension and lib prefix). What I must said: When using --clib, 
NIM append directory path of file currently compiled, so in result I've got 

I decided to create function called a just like this:
proc a {.exportc, cdecl.} = echo "a"
And import it just like this:
proc a {.importc, cdecl.}
But have this error, when calling
/home/postep/src/executables/postep.nim(8, 12) Error: expression 'a()' has 
no type (or is ambiguous)|   
I call this function in this way:
discard a()

link with dynlib contains main

2019-10-04 Thread Lachu
Dynamic Load Libraries/Shared Objects under GNU/Linux and Windows can contain 
something like main procedure from C. I will call it start point. I compile 
shared object and now try to link it with my program. This shared object only 
contains echo instruction for testing purpose. How to link it? I tries to use 
--clib="", but it searches it in current directory - placement, 
where executable file exist. When I modify path to point to library (path is 
correct), linker told me file not exists.

Re: Integrate NIM with C based project.

2019-10-04 Thread Lachu
I got first step forward. I will update this thread for any other nim/nimble 

What I doing wrong? First impression I must put different configuration of 
compiler with relating submodules to separate directories was good, but I don't 
known how to order nimble to build more modules. My mind just skip bin property 
in .nimble file was array. I added path to other modules relative to srcDir. 
Also I must repair syntax of nimble file. Missfortunately, path was 
os-dependent. I attach files here:

1\. $PROJECTDIR/postep.nimble

> # Package
> version = "0.0.1" author = "Sławomir Lach" description = "Nimble version of 
> postęp - game based on Freeciv" license = "GPL-2.0" srcDir = "src" installExt 
> = @["nim"] bin = @["postep", "posteppkg/common/libcommon"]
> # Dependencies
> requires "nim >= 1.0.0"

2\. App compiler config file ($PROJECTDIR/nim.cfg)

> \--gc="refc"|   
> ---|---  
3\. Library compiler config file ($PROJECTDIR/src/posteppkg/common/nim.cfg)

> \--cincludes="../../c-files/common"|   
> ---|---  
> \--clibdir="../../c-files/common"|   
> \--app="lib"|   
> \--out="./libcommon"| 

Re: Integrate NIM with C based project.

2019-10-04 Thread Lachu
Sorry I'm answering in two post. My game is opensource. Sources are accessible 
on Game is called progress call to power. There is one 
problem. I must check I upload newest sources. Not everything working, so I 
won't mess up in repository.

Re: Integrate NIM with C based project.

2019-10-04 Thread Lachu
Re: up. Thanks for your response, but this doesn't solve my problem. Your told 
how to debug memory problems with nim app. You don't tell me how to connect C 
code with nim or how to solve memory problem in C code.

Integrate NIM with C based project.

2019-10-03 Thread Lachu
I tries to rewrite my project, called progress: call to power (game based on 
Freeciv) to nim, because I have memory problems (heap overlaps stack, so one 
function jump outside one's bound).

I tries different approach. First was adding nim.cfg given bellow:





But it doesn't work.

Next try was by write {.compiletime.} procedure. I use walkDir from us module 
with pattern *.c, but I cannot use compile with variable, because this variable 
doesn't been known at compile time (I called my function from normal code, so 
probably there's a problem - is there any way to call it at compile time?) 

Rewrite daemonic CMS to NIM?

2019-10-01 Thread Lachu
I asks is there any reason to rewrite my project, called daemonic cms to NIM. 
Daemonic CMS is very simple framework to create web pages. In future I will add 
simple CMS to it.

Daemonic CMS uses PIB (PHP In Browser - project of somebody else, which is an 
compiled version of PHP to webassembly). The reason to rewrite is Apache Server 
with PHP works different than NodeJS. Php script starts and better if it stops 
execution. Node is started and do everything in on process, as far as I known. 
I need to send data to browser in series, because I thought about new 
possibilities, like web game programming. Exists some NIM web server, which 
works as NodeJS? Because NIM is compiled language, maybe in future, instead 
provide compiled to webassembly nim interpreter, I will compile and cache page 
code, which should been interpret in browser and send it as webassembly? It is 
crazy and allows, of course, use cryptocurrency mining on visitor browser. It's 
bad, but it's only an side effect.

Re: Translate syntax to some of natural language?

2019-10-01 Thread Lachu
Ok. I will went this direction. Many years ago I started partnership project, 
which is a computer program and command database with commands description and 
it's insecurity level. Also I have similar database for files. The project was 
abandoned, meanwhile explain shell appear. I now thinking about write similar 
to progress/explain shell reverse engineering tool to create graph of bash 
script. It will translate bash script to graph with human readable description 
of this script. It will save current directory and when it find ls * (for 
example), it will put rectangle and text "ls *; will list each file in /etc/" 
(for example). For pipe it will create tree. For example ls * | grep *.png 
gives "ls * | grep .png: it filter each element containing .png string for: 
list of each file in /home/I" .

[Maybe a new feature] Hook free function pointer.

2019-09-30 Thread Lachu
Nim, as far as I known, uses GC, but can use C headers to generate bindings. C 
and C++ doesn't use GC, so there could be some weird situations, when C/C++ 
library free an memory and our program store pointer to this memory somewhere.

Few years ago I had similar problem and solve it. I use free wrapper, iterate 
through list stores real memory pointers and replace pointer in this list to 0, 
where it was matched. When GC ran, it iterate on this list and free elements 
with NULL pointer.

Solution for Nim could been similar. Just add new pointer type. It will be 
wrapper of normal pointer. To create my pointer type, programmer might specify 
free function and it will be injected or something at runtime (program start). 
When program tries to assign normal pointer to my pointer type, we iterate on 
wrappers list and check it exist currently. If not, we wrap it and create a new 
list element. When assigning my pointer type var to variable of the same type, 
we copy address to a wrapper.

When program uses my pointer type var, we check there exist NULL value. If it's 
true we will throw an exception.

Re: One of my old programming language

2019-09-29 Thread Lachu
I never used TCL, sorry.

It works with template system, when in GUI/CUI mode. I use language like XSLT, 
but better fits with my needs. Application request to activate action 
/action/ok and it activate templates /action/ _. Inside one of /action/_ (or 
/action/ok) template we generate button, attaching callback given by app to 
button in this template and set text to ok (last-part-of-path). When app 
request to change text of ok button, it can do this by special API of course. 
Very positive aspect is, libgreattao can generate gui in many ways. Another 
style (style could be selected by user), we generate dropdown list with options 
like /actions/ok, /action/cancel, etc. and two buttons: (1) process button to 
process event related to selected option and (2) cancel, with will be generated 
only if /actions/cancel is requested. We could also set template priority, so 
/actions/cancel wouldn't be provided in dropdown list, but only near process 

One of my old programming language

2019-09-29 Thread Lachu
What do you think about one of my, but very old programming language. It's a 
scripting language, but invoked by special library. I called this library kind: 
interaction library, because it's automatically detects best way to interact 
with user and handle all interaction manner. Program (for example) telling: i 
need view class /desktop/dialogs/message_dialog and I support /message and 
actions /action/ok, /action/cancel. Program also told: set message to "what 
would you do?" and my library handles everything. I telling you this, because 
one of mode of running programs use my library is shell mode, where 
user/programmer could interact with view by writing commands or text script is 
started based on parameters given to program, but my library contains builtin 
web server and can work with user in cui/gtk+2.0 or QT mode.

Description of shell language supports by my library: 
 (in Polish)

 (in English)

The language looks like an assembler, but it is very flexible. For example, you 
could define block of code, using block statement, put compare instruction at 
beginning of block, put other instruction and .false label at the end of block. 
If condition in compare instruction wasn't true, shell will jump to .false 
label. You think, so how to handle or? There's solution: you can jump to label 
in block up on stack, event it's placed in different procedure body, but that's 
not advised. How it work?

[code] function OR =text i 0 block test_first_true ifintless $i 
$.unnamed_param_count =add i $i 1 =fromdict command $.unnamed_params $i block 
test execute $command scopebyname OR return : .false endblock test continue : 
.false scopebyname OR scopelevel -1 goto .false endblock test_first_true 
endblock [/code] I known it looking bad, but I understood this code in one 
minute and I wrote it long time ago. Magic. And of course - I think core of 
language should be as small as possible. Everything else we could write in my 
language itself!

What do you think? 

Translate syntax to some of natural language?

2019-09-29 Thread Lachu
I decided to learn nim and do funny things. As I remembered, long time ago, 
programming language (scientist?) had to translate syntax of some languages to 
use some other natural language than English. This would be especially useful 
for children (not each child must known English, but learning computer 
programming is like learning math - you must think).

I decided to start with Polish, because I live in Poland. I known nim have 
great macro system, which allows to near define own syntax. I need some help:

  1. Some advice/template macro, which could I extend?
  2. How to change statement to not have special meaning, so nim treads it as 
(for example) variable name or how to disable nim statements?
  3. How to pass command line argument to include file with given path - I need 
this, because include/etc. is an English word and I think we shouldn't force 
user to use it

I known people currently doesn't translate syntax (decided it's stupid think), 
but I think it's best way to learn nim possibilities, especially to generate 
config files from source for example and vice-versa ;-) .