Re: nimsuggest and --threads:on

2020-06-29 Thread doongjohn
For me `undeclared identifier` issue happens with `async` function too

Re: LSP client for VSCode

2020-06-28 Thread doongjohn
Yes it is in my PATH

nimlsp --version
nimlsp v0.2.4

LSP client for VSCode

2020-06-28 Thread doongjohn
I've installed [vscode-nim-lsp]( and 
[nimslp]( but it doesn't seems to work. 
(auto-completion, linting, hover, F2, F12, etc... doesn't work)

I tried to make one but I couldn't make it work because of my limited knowledge 
of LSP and programing in general.

Does anyone have plan to make lsp client for vscode?

Also, I'm very curious about how symbol `renaming`, `reference searching` and 
`auto-completion` will work with macro.

For example: 

import strformat

var hi = "hi"
#___^ does renaming this variable will also change
echo &"{hi}"
#___^ this too?


Re: Unicode support for Windows 10 console

2020-06-13 Thread doongjohn
> Input of strings of any length is supported.

I can't add more characters beyond this.

Re: Unicode support for Windows 10 console

2020-05-31 Thread doongjohn
Thanks for the detailed explanation!

`stdin.readLine() # <- Error: unhandled exception: EOF reached [EOFError]`

However this error still occurs when using the `fgetws` version. (win api 
version works as expected.)

Re: Unicode support for Windows 10 console

2020-05-24 Thread doongjohn

import console

let input = consoleReadLine() # <- Works great!
consoleEcho input # <- Works great!


I think this needs to be in the standard module because using `console.nim` 
breaks std functions: (at least for me.)

stdout.write "something" # <- Error: unhandled exception: index -1 not in 
echo "something" # <- Error: unhandled exception: index -1 not in ...
let stdinput = stdin.readLine() # <- Error: unhandled exception: EOF 
reached [EOFError]


Re: Unicode support for Windows 10 console

2020-05-16 Thread doongjohn

# console.nim

when defined(windows):
  import system/widestrs
  proc setMode(fd: int, mode: int): int
   {.importc: "_setmode", header: "io.h".}
  proc fgetws(str: WideCString, numChars: int, stream: File): bool
   {.importc, header: "stdio.h".}
  discard setMode(getFileHandle(stdin), 0x0002)  # _O_U16TEXT
  proc consoleReadLine*(line: var string): bool =
let buffer = newWideCString("", 256)
result = fgetws(buffer, 256, stdin)
let length = buffer.len
if length > 0 and buffer[length - 1].int16 == 10:  # discard '\n'
  buffer[length - 1] = Utf16Char(0)
  # discard extra '\n' in waiting:
  let buffer2 = newWideCString("", 2)
  discard fgetws(buffer2, 2, stdin)
line = $buffer
  proc consoleReadLine*(): string =
discard consoleReadLine(result)

  proc consoleReadLine*(line: var string): bool =
result = stdin.readLine(line)
  proc consoleReadLine*(): string =
result = stdin.readLine()


^ when using "nim c"

^ when using "nim c --gc:arc"

hmm it outputs (bytes: 1026, data: input) instead of string itself when 
using --gc:arc 

Re: Unicode support for Windows 10 console

2020-05-10 Thread doongjohn
Is checking fgetws result unnecessary?

proc consoleReadLine*(line: var string): bool =
  let buffer = newWideCString("", 256)
  result = fgetws(buffer, 256, stdin)
  if result:
let length = buffer.len
if length > 0 and buffer[length - 1].int16 == 10:  #discard '\n'
  buffer[length - 1] = Utf16Char(0)
  # discard extra '\n' in waiting:
  let buffer2 = newWideCString("", 2)
  discard fgetws(buffer2, 2, stdin)
line = $buffer
line = ""


Re: Unicode support for Windows 10 console

2020-05-10 Thread doongjohn
That's very cool!


let a = consoleReadLine()
  echo a
  let b = consoleReadLine()
  echo b


if I run this code and press enter echo b also gets executed.

Re: Unicode support for Windows 10 console

2020-05-10 Thread doongjohn
vs code theme: 

Re: Unicode support for Windows 10 console

2020-05-09 Thread doongjohn
I found this froum thread helpful 

Calling proc with [() -> void] as a last parameter

2020-05-08 Thread doongjohn

import std/sugar

# if [() -> void] is a last parameter of a proc you can do this(?)
proc lambdaTest(a: int, lambdaProc: () -> void) =

  echo "[() -> void] as the last parameter."


Just curious

How does ":" syntax work?

Re: Unicode support for Windows 10 console

2020-05-07 Thread doongjohn
I think I soved this issue(?)

# winconsole.nim

when system.hostOS == "windows":
  import std/winlean
  import std/unicode
  proc readConsoleW(hConsoleInput: Handle, lpBuffer: pointer, 
nNumberOfCharsToRead: int, lpNumberOfCharsRead: pointer, pInputControl: 
pointer): bool {.stdcall, dynlib: "kernel32", importc: "ReadConsoleW".}
  var readBuff: array[256, uint16]
  var readCount: uint32
  proc consoleInputToString(readBuff: array[256, uint16]): string =
for i in 0..

Re: Unicode support for Windows 10 console

2020-05-05 Thread doongjohn
@ktamp Using your solution fixes Korean but it will still break if I use other 
languages. (ie: Japanese)

Is there any "global" solution for this problem?

Re: Unicode support for Windows 10 console

2020-05-04 Thread doongjohn
> You did use "-d:nimDontSetUtf8CodePage" parameter for building your 
> executable, didn't you?

yes I used -d:nimDontSetUtf8CodePage for building.

> What is your "Current language for non-Unicode programs" in Windows? 
> (Settings -> Time & Language -> Date, time, & regional formatting -> 
> Additional date, time , & regional settings -> Change date, time, or number 
> formats -> Administrative) I hope you do not have "Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 
> for worldwide language support" enabled (also in Administrative tab).

those things should not matter because unicode input using c# console app is 
working perfectly in my computer.

> After running nim to compile your code, did you close and reopen cmd (or 
> Windows PowerShell)? Because running nim sets code-page to 65001.

I didn't reopen cmd.

Re: Unicode support for Windows 10 console

2020-05-03 Thread doongjohn
@ktamp I have a same issue. (can't read unicode input from windows console)

I used your console.nim but it doesn't work.

i've encountered a very similar issue with zig. 
 maybe it's relevant?

Help: Zip (Creating / Opening)

2020-02-01 Thread doongjohn
I want to do Something like this.

How can I do this in Nim?

// PATH_FILE_Zip = Path of a Zip file

// Read Zip File's Content Without Unzipping
using (ZipArchive zip = ZipFile.Open(PATH_FILE_Zip, ZipArchiveMode.Read))
// Order by File Name
List entries = zip.Entries.OrderBy(c => 
c.Name.Length).ThenBy(c => c.Name).ToList();

for (int i = 0; i < entries.Count; i++)
using (StreamReader reader = new 
StreamReader(entries[order[i]].Open(), Encoding.UTF8))



// Create Temp Folder
const string PATH_DIR_Data = Path.Combine(PATH_DIR_Root, "DATA-Temp");

// Delete Old Zip File

// Create Zip File
Console.WriteLine("Creating Zip File...");
ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(PATH_DIR_Data, PATH_FILE_Zip);

// Delete Temp Folder
Directory.Delete(PATH_DIR_Data, true);


Learning & Using Nim as a C# user + Fan logo Redesign

2020-01-25 Thread doongjohn
I'm not a programmer, but I'm currently using C# and Unity to make games as a 

And I recently discovered this fantastic language!

I really want to make games with this lovely language but as an intermediate C# 
user I can't make a Game Engine by myself

* * *

So my Questions are:

  1. Any Learning resource targeted at C# user? (comparison, difference, 
equivalent, etc...)
  2. Any Korean Learning resource? (I'm not very good at English )
  3. Is there any Good Game Engine for Nim? (maybe Godot? 
 <\- is it actually usable and better than C# or GD Script?)
  4. Is there any UI app Framework beside using web app?
  5. How do I Debug in VS Code?
  6. Is VS Code the best editor for Nim? (I'm using Windows)
  7. I'm not going to make a Game Engine, but is it possible to use 3d Graphics 
Library? (maybe directX or Vulkan? _just curious :)_ )

# Fan logo Redesign

* * *

I actually don't think Nim needs to change a logo.

I did a logo redesign just for fun! (Inspired by Gitlab Logo)