Mixing Rust and Nim?

2020-04-26 Thread gattomatto
How feasible / ergonomic is mixing Rust and Nim? Would it be possible to 
leverage Rust's libraries in Nim? 

Time to stabilize the ecosystem

2020-04-19 Thread gattomatto
First of all thank you for all the hard work guys. Much appreciated.

I think Nim reaching 1.0 set many people's expectations very high and now it's 
time to consider how can the Nim ecosystem thrive.

Topic 1

Memory management seems to be going in the right direction but I fear "ARC" 
needlessly fractured the small community. It's a bit unsettling that a lot of 
pkgs do not work with ARC at all. And these are very essential things like 
parsers,db drivers etc.

 parsers relying on deep copy 

Topic 2

Important packages is a very good approach but it needs to be expanded. 
Important packages simply cannot break with every other release of Nim.

Topic 3

Missing / abandoned important packages. At the moment Nim does not really have 
a usable,production ready, http server package. I know it's hard I cant do it 
myself and therefore rely on others. This is I think important to get done.

Topic 4

This is maybe non technical but features that do not really "work" or are not 
really "maintained" should be marked as "experimental" or with some visible 