Re: Exporting json objects to Javascript, how can I make this code more terse?

2020-05-01 Thread hiteshjasani
Some more research turned up a macro in jsffi that works the way I want. Here's 
the improved code.

import jsffi

  Person = ref object of JsObject
name: cstring
val: int
lang: cstring
  Rec = ref object of JsObject
name: cstring
val: int

let obj1 {.exportc: "obj1".} = Rec{
  friends: [
  val: 19,
  name: "wendy",
  lang: "nim"
  name: "sam",
  val: 21

var myobj1 {.exportc: "myobj1".} = obj1


Exporting json objects to Javascript, how can I make this code more terse?

2020-05-01 Thread hiteshjasani
I'm trying to create a json object that is exported and available to other 
Javascript libraries. Here's a trivial example below. The code below works, I 
can generate the js file, access the exported vars in the browser js console 
and it works with my other library.

But I wish it weren't so verbose. My real json objects will be much larger, 
more deeply nested and have many more variations in format. I really like the 
%* macro in the json module, but the js it generates is not in a format that 
other libraries can use.

How can this be improved?

import jsffi

# {
#   "friends": [
# {
#   "val": 19,
#   "name": "wendy",
#   "lang": "nim"
# }
#   ],
#   "name": "sam",
#   "val": 21
# }

proc makeObj1(): JsObject =
  result = newJsObject()
  result.val = 19 = cstring"wendy"
  result.lang = cstring"nim"

proc makeObj2(): JsObject =
  result = newJsObject()
  result.friends = [
  ] = cstring"sam"
  result.val = 21

var myobj2 {.exportc: "myobj2".} = makeObj2()


Re: Initializing a page with data from backend in Karax

2020-04-14 Thread hiteshjasani
Top level function calls run once, whereas each function called from the 
renderer will be called multiple times. So I put any single calls at the end. 
The redrawSync ensures that the DOM elements have been created so the data that 
comes back has a place to be rendered.

setRenderer createDom

kajax.ajaxGet( ... )


Re: New GUI Framework

2020-04-14 Thread hiteshjasani
Looks cool. Thanks for sharing.

I couldn't tell from the docs, does it package the GTK deps in with the 
executable? Do we get a self-contained package at the end? 

Re: Karax: Change element value

2020-02-27 Thread hiteshjasani
Here's a better example. It's modified from some code I'm working on but should 
work. The H1 will update automatically as you type characters into the text 
field. The text field itself actually won't update without us explicitly 
changing its value using setInputText(). Not sure if that's intended behavior 
or a bug.

from strutils import toUpper
include karax / prelude

var myText = ""

proc createDom(): VNode =
result = buildHtml(tdiv):
h1: text myText
input(value = myText):
proc onkeyup(ev: Event, n: VNode) =
myText = toUpper($n.value())

setRenderer createDom


Re: Karax: Change element value

2020-02-27 Thread hiteshjasani
Don't know if this is the proper way to do it, but you can get/set the 

let n = getVNodeById("changeName")
echo n.innerHTML
n.innerHTML = kstring("my new string")


Re: Nim based Github Actions

2019-11-16 Thread hiteshjasani
Great idea. Just added it.

Re: how to integrate existing react components in karax?

2019-08-14 Thread hiteshjasani
Rewriting React components in Karax is less than optimal given how small the 
Nim community is and how quick the Web changes. We need to figure out how to 
leverage the large frontend codebases already out there.

Re: db_mysql: how to get column name?

2019-08-02 Thread hiteshjasani
Your question was unclear.

I would take a look at the code for [instantRows 
 and do something similar with the addition of calling 
[fetch_fields]( to get 
field information from the result set and returning a data structure that 
includes field names and row results. 

Re: db_mysql: how to get column name?

2019-08-02 Thread hiteshjasani
If you know the table name being used in the stored procedure, then you can 
query the information_schema to get column names.



Re: Anyone using D3.js?

2019-07-24 Thread hiteshjasani
Thanks for the links -- they were very helpful!

It's in the early stages, but I've got some things working with D3 now. Check 
 for the code and examples.

As an aside, I really want to thank @araq and others who were involved in 
making generics. They really helped with binding statically typed nim with 
dynamically typed javascript. I didn't have to write a bunch of redundant 
boilerplate code matching types -- so thank you!

Confused with async compile error

2019-05-31 Thread hiteshjasani
The following code generates a compile error and I'm confused as to why. Why 
doesn't the await keyword give me a string to work with in this case?

import asyncdispatch

proc fa(i: int): Future[string] =
  var fut = newFuture[string]("fa")
  fut.complete("fa: " & $i)
  result = fut

proc fb(s: string): Future[string] =
  var fut = newFuture[string]("fb")
  fut.complete("fb: " & s)
  result = fut

proc fc(i: int): Future[string] {.async.} =
  let a = await fa(i)
  result = fb(a)# <-- compile error

when isMainModule:
  echo(waitFor fa(3))
  echo(waitFor fb("main"))
  echo(waitFor fc(3))


b1.nim(13, 35) template/generic instantiation of `async` from here
b1.nim(15, 14) Error: type mismatch: got  but 
expected 'string'


Re: Why does sorting the data mess up this Karax app?

2019-05-17 Thread hiteshjasani
Yes, that works!

I'm a little familiar with React's "key" prop and was thinking there should be 
something similar in Karax. Not so crazy about using the "id" prop though since 
it has other implications and should be unique for that page. I noticed in the 
code that there is a "key" prop on VComponent that does similar, but I don't 
understand VComponents yet. 

Why does sorting the data mess up this Karax app?

2019-05-17 Thread hiteshjasani
The following bit of code will work fine as is when the list is unsorted. You 
can add and remove persons as expected.

The problem crops up when we want the list to be sorted. Just adding in sorting 
commands seems to change something that causes the wrong name to be associated 
with the remove action. Any ideas how to fix this problem?

To see the bug, do the following:

  1. Uncomment the call to `sorted` in line **A**
  2. Uncomment the `sort` calls in lines **B** and **C**
  3. Run the app
  4. Add a person named otto
  5. Click the `(x)` next to otto to delete him


  * otto is deleted and the list renders the other names in order


  * otto is not deleted
  * The person alphabetically after otto is deleted
  * This process is repeated each time you try to delete otto

include karax/prelude
import algorithm, sequtils

  people: seq[string] = @["wendy", "sam", "nancy"] #.sorted # line A
  newPersonName = ""

proc mkRemoveAction(person: string): proc() =
  result = proc() =
echo "trying to remove " & person
people = filter(people,
proc(pA: string): bool =
  pA != person)
# sort(people)# line B
echo "people = " & $people

proc createDom(): VNode =
  result = buildHtml(tdiv):
h1: text "Example Bug"
  input(`type` = "input"):
proc onchange(ev: Event, n: VNode) =
  echo "value = " & n.value
  newPersonName = $n.value
  button(`type` = "button"):
text "Add Person"
proc onclick(ev: Event, n: VNode) =
  echo "trying to add person: " & newPersonName
  # sort(people)  # line C
  echo "People = " & $people
  for x in people:
  text x
button(`type` = "button", onclick = mkRemoveAction(x)):
  text "(X)"

setRenderer createDom
