Re: reader macro

2020-02-20 Thread jdn
Awesome, thank you very much for the links. Converting my AST to Nim AST is not 
my issue. It is putting that Nim AST into a macro to get it to compile which 
I'm struggling. I think I follow the basic logic in your compile macro although 
I haven't tried to sort out with my code. I'll report back when I give it a 
shot. Thanks again for the links!

reader macro

2020-02-19 Thread jdn
Is there any equivalent to a reader macro in nim? I wrote an expression parser 
and evaluator in nim which was very easy to do. To get better performance I 
thought that since nim has macro's I can leverage that without too much 
trouble. However, walking the AST of my expression parser to create nim AST (in 
macros) requires compile time proc's for recursion and so I have a chicken and 
egg problem that I can't seem to resolve. 

Re: Nim calling Lemon parser and SIGSEGV

2020-02-07 Thread jdn
This problem seems to have been a bug in gcc 8.3.0 (version in debian stable 
[buster]). Once I tried clang and it worked I installed debian testing on Gnome 
Boxes and it compiled and ran correctly with gcc 9.2.1.

Re: Nim calling Lemon parser and SIGSEGV

2020-02-02 Thread jdn
ledigbick reported that it works under Windows with a few .cdecl. additions. 
The current version of the repo should run if you use Windows. Doesn't fix the 
segfault on Linux. I have a Windows instance in boxes and I'll set up Nim in it 
a play around but I'm not certain this will help me figure this out. 

Re: Nim calling Lemon parser and SIGSEGV

2020-02-02 Thread jdn
Yes, nothing jumped out at me as unusual. Reading the generated C code isn't so 
clear so I could have missed something. On linux when calc_parser is executing 
state->tree is 0x0 which shouldn't happen (gdb). When it exits it is no longer 
null but points to invalid memory and hence the segfault. When running under 
valgrind it does the same in calc_parser (0x0) but when it exits it points to 
the correct location and the AST is printed and evaluated. The equivalent with 
a main.c (all that is really Nim here) works as expected.

Re: Nim calling Lemon parser and SIGSEGV

2020-01-31 Thread jdn
Boy, I haven't been this stumped in a very long time. When run it doesn't seem 
that the parsers state (PState struct called state) exists for either Nim or C. 
I've tried a bunch of things and no joy. Anyone on this forum who knows 
anything about valgrind that could provide any insight as to why the code works 
when it is evoke and fails when it doesn't? Clearly all my intuition previously 
was wrong else I'd have this sorted by now. Thanks.

Re: Nim calling Lemon parser and SIGSEGV

2020-01-30 Thread jdn
`.bycopy.` was originally in the pragma for all the C types. I removed any 
pragma that didn't seem to help to not obfuscate the issue. The code segfaults 
in `dump_ast` at the switch statement. The first 32 bits made me think that it 
was `ntype` a c integer that was the issue but I don't think so now. Lemon 
produces a header in this case called `calc.h` of token types: 

#define ADD  1
#define SUB  2
#define MUL  3
#define DIV  4
#define LPAR 5
#define RPAR 6
#define NUM  7


which the Makefile evokes `c2nim` to create `calc.nim`: 

  ADD* = 1
  SUB* = 2
  MUL* = 3
  DIV* = 4
  LPAR* = 5
  RPAR* = 6
  NUM* = 7


The reason I don't think this is the issue is that I hard coded the c int's to 
their actual values in both `calc.y` and `main.nim` and got the same result.

Thank you both for your input.

Nim calling Lemon parser and SIGSEGV

2020-01-29 Thread jdn
I'm trying to call a Lemon based parser from Nim. I think Nim is garbage 
collecting the parsers state but I can't figure out why that is happening. I've 
created the simplest example of the issue on 
[github]( More info on the problem and 
how to run the code are at the link. There is nothing fancy going here as far 
as I know as it is just Nim calling into C (the AST is all C code etc.). I'm 
pretty new to Nim so any input would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Wrapped C++ code is leaking memory

2020-01-20 Thread jdn
Sorry, I saw "match" in your code and assumed it was calling re. I now see you 
have a real memory leak and not a "still reachable". There isn't anything else 
in the std. lib that has "still reachable" warnings so I still think it is a 
bug in the interface (arguable a low priority one). Sorry for the noise.

Re: Wrapped C++ code is leaking memory

2020-01-20 Thread jdn
I haven't looked too closely at your code but it looks to be using pattern 
matching which is likely calling re. See #12952.


Re: exportc pragma and ref object

2020-01-14 Thread jdn
Got it, I was assuming this was going to be less effort on my part, thank you. 
I was using the --header flag mostly to see how to make the interface. Also, 
all material I could find on how to call nim from C uses it.

Re: exportc pragma and ref object

2020-01-14 Thread jdn
So does that mean there is no way to export a recursive type to C++/C? I'm 
happy to make a bug report if this is considered an issue.

exportc pragma and ref object

2020-01-13 Thread jdn
When I compile the following code: 

import strutils

  Token {.exportc.} = object
typ: cint
val: cstring

proc exportc(a: Token) {.exportc.} =
  let msg = "Token (type, value): ($1, $2)" % [$a.typ, $a.val]
  echo msg



nim c --header exportc.nim


I get a header file with the following snippet: 

typedef struct Token Token;
struct Token {
int typ;
N_NOCONV(void, signalHandler)(int sign);
N_NIMCALL(NI, getRefcount)(void* p);
N_NIMCALL(void, exportc)(Token a);
N_CDECL(void, NimMain)(void);


which is what I expect and can then call from a c main function. However, if I 
change the object to a ref object

  Token {.exportc.} = ref object
typ: cint
val: cstring


I get a header file with the following: 

typedef struct tyObject_TokencolonObjectType___My6xn9bSiVikjAjVy7Y8xcA 
N_NOCONV(void, signalHandler)(int sign);
N_NIMCALL(NI, getRefcount)(void* p);
exportc)(tyObject_TokencolonObjectType___My6xn9bSiVikjAjVy7Y8xcA* a);
N_CDECL(void, NimMain)(void);


So for a ref object the exportc pragma doesn't stop name mangling which makes 
calling from c a pain. Is this a bug or is there something about reference 
objects I'm not comprehending.

