Re: Nim vs. Python & Groovy (string splitting): Why is string splitting so slow in Nim?

2019-08-18 Thread jlhouchin
I want to encourage on your journey with Nim. Nim can be a challenge especially 
if you are coming from a dynamic language like Python. Because Nim has a nice 
and reasonably friendly syntax for most cases. It is not a Python-like 
language. You can not approach Nim like Python. It is a system's level 
language. And as such it can offer you things Python can not. But it will also 
require from you things Python does not.

In my journey with Nim, I have approached it from a high level. I am still 
learning my rhythm for developing with Nim and my style. The challenging part 
for a person who is primarily coming from a higher level language is that Nim 
on the surface feels pretty high level. But then there are times when it pulls 
you down lower than you are accustomed to.

You may start with more naive approaches to problems, similar to how you might 
of in Python. It may work. It may be sub-optimal. But there are solutions. This 
forum is very helpful. People here will help direct you toward a more idiomatic 
Nim solution. Once again, it may require more from you than Python. But it will 
give more back.

Eventually you will become comfortable in Nim and these issues will become 
fewer and fewer.

Nim is far from slow. In my app I am parsing GBs of data. I started with a 
split-like solution. Moved to Nim's csv. Then I changed the format of my data 
to fixed width columns. Now I read in x number of bytes at a time and process. 
I can now process 2GB of data with over 77million rows of data in 24 seconds. 
That is if I compile with -d:release. If I do not then the data parsing is over 
3 minutes.

You will want to use debug mode while you are developing so that you have debug 
information when you encounter problems. But if you are ready to release or 
simply test performance. You will want to compile with -d:release. There are 
also time when you can pass C compiler flags into Nim via -passC: and possibly 
get even more amazing performance gains. It greatly depends on your app.

Be encouraged. Ask questions. When Nim pulls you under to a lower level than 
you understand. Ask. Get help. Keep going. It is worth it.

Re: Dead Code elimination

2019-08-16 Thread jlhouchin
I haven't yet written the part which parses the input config file. I wasn't 
sure if I would need to do anything special. But as I think on it, you are 
right. It is definitely a case of premature concern.

Thanks everybody who replied.

Re: Dead Code elimination

2019-08-16 Thread jlhouchin
Yes. I had read that post. But I didn't find anything conclusive in the thread. 
It is also 4 years old I didn't know what has or has not changed. I currently 
do not find any documentation for a deadCodeElim pragma. I could have 
overlooked it. But I do not see it in the manual or the compiler or internal 


Dead Code elimination

2019-08-15 Thread jlhouchin

I have searched the Nim site and this forum trying to read up on deadCodeElim. 
I am not finding sufficient information for me to understand. Pointers to docs 
are always welcome. Looking through the manual and compiler or internal guides, 
I did not find much or overlooked something. I did a quick scan and search for 

I am writing an application that will have objects that I write in my modules 
that will not have any objects created at compile time. I do not want any of 
these eliminated. They will be created at runtime when a configuration file is 
read into the app.

I am happy for deadCodeElim on any of my standard library imports and such.

Is their a way to protect specific modules from deadCodeElim and allow others?

What is the proper way to accomplish this?

Thanks for any help, knowledge and wisdom.

Re: Trying handle HSlice

2019-08-07 Thread jlhouchin
Thanks for the reply.

I will firmly admit that learning generics is tough. The documentation is slim. 
And I don't know where a nice set of examples exist. That is why I am pressing 
through displaying my ignorance and hoping for some help.

My apologies for the very simple sample code. I was trying to provide enough 
code to convey the problem. But not so much as to bog down in unnecessary 
information. I will endeavor to provide better examples and sufficient 
information in the future.

You are correct I did not provide a valid constructor I did not feel it 
necessary for the question. And yes I do understand that a seq is not fixed 
sized. But my object is. It will never increase the size of the seq which it 
contains. The fact that it is a seq is an implementation detail. I would use an 
array. But I do not have sufficient information at compile time to create an 

I don't know that there will ever be any users of the slice operation of my 
object. But I wanted to learn how to do it and code it. I believed it would be 
another step to understanding generics.

And I was correct. You did provide me with enough information to make it work.

I am writing a trading app. I think Nim is a great language for such an app.

I did not start writing the app in Nim but in Smalltalk. Performance was not 
the best but sufficient. Stability is what became the problem. When I had an 
array of 5-100million floats and the memory was 1gb+. I was going to finish the 
app and get version 1 running. But with the stability problem. I decided to go 
to what I was going to write version 2 in. It will take me a little longer as I 
am far and away not as familiar with static typing, static compilation and Nim 
in general.

In trading you have a continual stream of time series data. Which is a set of 
values containing (datetime, open, high, low, close) for the specified time 
period. Then you operate on those values. A common item is a fixed sized slice 
of the data from the most recent, back a specified number of periods.

Commonly this is done in a multi-dimensional array maintaining a large number 
of periods of data. And on the column you need a slice of

`mydata[latestIndex - numberOfPeriods .. latestIndex]`.

I have chosen not to go that route but simply maintain only the data which 
which is necessary for my specific strategy.

For your complete understanding of what I am actually doing. Not a sample. I 
will provide the complete code below. Should anybody like any of the code. I 
hereby release it under the MIT license.

The MovingArray below is somewhat like a FIFOQueue that is fixed in size. There 
may be something out there like this or better than this. I am not an expert in 
programming or algorithms. So my implementation may be naive or better 
implementations exist. But I will display my ignorance. I have a lot to learn.

Thanks again.

##(c) copyright 2019 Jimmie Houchin
##MIT license

type MovingArray*[T: int|float] = ref object
  ##MovingArray is an array type object with a fixed number of values.
  ##It maintains a small set of state variables which are update each push()
  values*: seq[T]
  size*: int
  index: int
  sum*: T
  high*: T
  low*: T

proc newMovingArray*[T: int|float](size: int, tp: typedesc[T]): 
MovingArray[T] =
  result = MovingArray[T](
size: size,
values: newSeq[T](size),
sum: 0,
index: size-1,
high: low(T), #guarantees first value will replace initial value
low: high(T) #guarantees first value will replace initial value

proc `[]`*(ma: MovingArray, index: int): int|float =
  var i = ma.index + index
  if i > ma.size-1:
i = i - ma.size
  result = ma.values[i]

proc `[]`*[T: int|float](ma: MovingArray[T], hs: HSlice): seq[T] =
  result = newSeq[float](hs.b - hs.a + 1)
  var index = 0
  for i in hs:
result[index] = ma[i]
index += 1

proc push*[T: int | float](ma: MovingArray, n: T): T =
  if ma.index == ma.size-1:
ma.index = 0
ma.index += 1
  result = ma.values[ma.index]
  ma.values[ma.index] = n
  ma.sum = ma.sum - result + n
  if ma.high < n:
ma.high = n
  elif ma.high == result:
ma.high = ma.values.max()
  if ma.low > n:
ma.low = n
  elif ma.low == result:
ma.low = ma.values.min()

proc avg*(ma: MovingArray): float =
  result = ma.sum / ma.size


Trying handle HSlice

2019-08-07 Thread jlhouchin
I am attempting to write a proc for `[]` which handles `HSlice`.

I am failing to see how to convey to the newSeq the desired T

type MyArray*[T: int|float] = ref object
  #Fixed size array type object with state.
  values*: seq[T]
  size*: int

proc `[]`*[T: int|float](ma: MyArray, hs: HSlice): seq[T] =
  result = newSeq[T](hs.b - hs.a + 1)
  # ...

# I want to be able to do ...
var ma = newMyArray(...)

let sliceOfMA = ma[5..10]


Any help, wisdom or understanding greatly appreciated. 

Re: Problem catching SslError

2019-08-06 Thread jlhouchin
Ah okay, silly mistake on my part. That fixes it. I have another app which uses 
the code with the `SslError` and it compiled without problem but I was using 
the `-d:ssl` flag to compile it. I did not notice I was doing it differently 

Thanks for your patience with my mistake.

Problem catching SslError

2019-08-06 Thread jlhouchin
I am trying to catch SslError in some HttpClient code.

import net, httpclient

  var client = newHttpClient(timeout=500)
except SslError:
  echo("caught SslError")

#Gives this error
#~/ntplayground2.nim(5, 8) Error: undeclared identifier: 'SslError'


To my understanding SslError is in the net module.


I do not understand why it is undeclared? Or how to resolve the problem.


Re: What text editor are you using for Nim?

2019-08-06 Thread jlhouchin
Thanks for the reply. I didn't know that their was a nim.kak.

Interesting story. I don't know how I would classify myself. I am a long time 
Smalltalker. I have struggled entering the world of editors and have kind of 
simply settled for a reasonable IDE/Editor rather than committing the time to 
learning Vim or Emacs. So currently that is Atom. I am not a fan of bloat of 
modern apps. I am also doing more server side apps. I would like a ssh, 
terminal friendly editor. Vim is definitely one. It seemed that Kakoune would 
be somewhat an evolution of that.

If I were to learn Vim first, am I going to have to unlearn or relearn much 
should I at a later date move to Kakoune?

Thanks for the advice. 

Re: Trouble creating type containing generic array

2019-08-06 Thread jlhouchin
Thanks for the advice. I will look into it.

Re: Trouble creating type containing generic array

2019-08-05 Thread jlhouchin
My apologies for not being more clear. I could easily simply create and pass 
around the plain seqs. But that defeats the purpose. The purpose is to maintain 
state and knowledge of the array or seq that a smarter object can do.

For example in time series data that I collect as time goes on or on historical 
data that I operate on as if I am in the moment.

It is far less expensive to maintain state of a seq than to perform operations 
on it. Especially if those operations are being done over and over.

I tried for a minimal example that would teach me what I needed to know to fix 
my understanding and solve my problem. However it is not a complete example.

An easy example is if I had a seq of which I wanted to know the sum, average, 
max and min.

All these things are easily achieved in a seq or array and computed when 
desired. They can also become expensive. What is the cost of sum, max and min 
over a arbitrarily large array? Verses the cost of maintaining a sum, max and 
min. And then you multiply that cost by every object which has a reference to 
that seq.

That is what I am trying to achieve. Nim is amazing. Its performance in those 
computation is outstanding. However, if I can avoid them in the first place. I 
can do better.

Creating such an object even in a dynamic language makes knowing the sum, max 
and min instant even over a multi-million valued array.

Then the question might be why have the array not simply maintain state. The 
array is part of the state. And I do not know that there are no other 
requirements which can only be met by the array itself.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for engaging in the conversation.

Re: Trouble creating type containing generic array

2019-08-05 Thread jlhouchin
Thanks. That works and got me going.

I wasn't trying to pass types as a string so much as knowledge about the type.

I am still working on understanding generics. I have not found much 
documentation regarding generics. I have the book and I have read the Tutorial 

Most documentation is regarding defining a proc not a type.

Is there documentation I am overlooking? Or is there a good source of source 
code which would have good examples that are comprehensible by mortals. :)

Again thanks.

Trouble creating type containing generic array

2019-08-05 Thread jlhouchin
I am trying to create a type which is basically an Array with additional 
information. I want to use only [int | float] for the Array.

  MyArray* = ref object
length*: int
index: int
arr: seq[int|float]

proc createMyArray(length: int, tp: string): MyArray =
  if tp == "int":
let ttype = int
  elif tp == "float":
let ttype = float
  result = MyArray(
length: length,
index: 0,
arr: newSeq(ttype)[length]

var ma = createMyArray(int(rows), "float")


The code is probably naive as I am still learning. The MyArray type compiles if 
everything below is commented out. As soon as I uncomment, it gives me this 

/home/jimmie/Dev/Nim/ntplayground.nim(125, 19) Error: invalid type: 'int or 
float' in this context: 'proc (length: int, tp: string): MyArray' for proc


Any help, wisdom or understanding greatly appreciated. 

Re: What text editor are you using for Nim?

2019-08-05 Thread jlhouchin
I have been briefly exploring Kakoune. I like the idea of a less bloated 
editor. Currently I have been using Atom. I have not yet really gotten into 
Vim, or Emacs. I wish it were available for Android.

I don't see Nim support. Are you using the lsp plugin?


Re: Dynamic Tuple creation

2019-06-27 Thread jlhouchin
Thanks. I will take a look.

Re: Dynamic Tuple creation

2019-06-26 Thread jlhouchin
I was not sure if there were a way or not. Tuple is what I want for production 
code. By then I will know all the details. During exploration and experimenting 
JSON will work fine.

Thanks for the information and suggestion. The link was educational.

Re: Struggling with writing an iterator

2019-05-29 Thread jlhouchin
I have read that before. I don't quite understand all of it in relation to how 
to write an iterator and call it.

However, I went and put back the {.closure.} in my iterator and it works if I 
call like this:

var stream = pricestream
for p in stream("oanda", EUR_USD):


What I don't understand is something like this: 

iterator walkDir*(dir: string; relative=false): tuple[kind: PathComponent, 
path: string] {.
  tags: [ReadDirEffect].} =
  when nimvm:
for k, v in items(staticWalkDir(dir, relative)):
  yield (k, v)

#And  walkDir  is called just like just like a proc   and it contains no 

for file in walkDir(datapath / source / $instrument / "Prices"):


Thanks for at least getting me working even if lack understanding.

I don't understand why the intermediate step of assigning the iterator to a 
variable and then providing the variable with the parameters.

Thanks again.

Struggling with writing an iterator

2019-05-29 Thread jlhouchin
I am writing an iterator which calls walkDir and iterates over all of the files 
in the dir creating objects from those files. I have a proc which reads the 
file and creates a seq of the objects. It works fine. Amazingly so, on my 
machine Nim will read one of these files and create almost 400k objects in 40ms.

I want an iterator which iterates over each of these files, serving each of its 
objects one at a time.

iterator pricestream*(source: string, instrument: Instrument): Price =
  ## Iterator for all historic prices for the source, and instrument.
  var paths: seq[string]
  for file in walkDir(datapath / source / $instrument / "Prices"):
  for path in paths:
for price in pricesFromCsv(path):
  yield price

# If I call like this:

var stream = pricestream("oanda", EUR_USD)
for p in stream:

# I get this:
# ntplayground.nim(46, 27) Error: attempting to call undeclared routine: 

# If I call like this:
var stream = pricestream
for p in stream("oanda", EUR_USD):

# I get this:
# ntplayground.nim(47, 18) Error: type mismatch: got 
# but expected one of:
# iterator items[T](a: set[T]): T
# ...


Any help in understanding how to write and call an iterator (this iterator) 
would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Understanding performance compared to Numpy

2019-05-10 Thread jlhouchin
Thanks for all the replies.

I will have to take some time later to analyze the more idiomatic code above 
and learn.

I understand my code may not appear to make sense. It's primary purpose is 
simply to provide somewhat of a stress test of what I might commonly do in 
various methods/functions. I like the idea of a compiled solution which is 
smaller and light weight verses Numpy and such. My requirements are reasonable 
performance and do not require the breadth or depth of the Numpy stack.

My code was simply copied and pasted from a playground.nim file where I explore 
and play around trying to learn and understand.

Simply compiling my code with the above nim c -r -d:release 
--passC:-march=native --passC:-ffast-math ntplayground.nim worked wonders.

My code as existing now runs in under 30 seconds. Performing better than the 
Python/Numpy code. Yay!

I am very happy that Nim properly understood performed as I had hoped.

Hopefully I will have time to learn from this thread on Sunday. Time to spend 
time with the family.

Thanks again.

Understanding performance compared to Numpy

2019-05-10 Thread jlhouchin

I have some code that I am trying to understand why it is slower than 
Python/Numpy. I am not a C programmer and Nim is my first real attempt to learn 
a systems level, statically compiled language. But to my understanding Nim 
should approach C speeds to a certain extent. If what I present can be improved 
please let me know. I want to learn and I want to use Nim correctly.

I know Python/Numpy has been well optimized for certain tasks. I understand my 
Nim code may be naive. I would love to see the Nim code that competes with the 
Numpy code. I want to understand how to write it well.

Ubuntu 18.04 x86-64

Python/Numpy perfoms this at 0:50.0. Nim performs this at: 1:43.151

When I remove the sum() code Nim is 5x faster.

I need fast summing and averaging of slices of arrays. Numpy does this 

I know about Arraymancer but am lost at looking at it. I do not do high level 
maths. I only need simple arrays and accessing, summing, averaging, slicing and 
doing similar on the slices. I do not need any matrix type operations.

I am okay with doing what I need with Arraymancer should it be the solution to 
speed up my app. But I am currently clueless on how to do so with the below 

Any help in accomplishing these goals and competing reasonably with 
Python/Numpy would be greatly appreciated. I can easily complete my app in 
Python. And I may do so. But I would like either initially or app v2.x to be 
able to do it in something like Nim.

I understand very well I may have done something stupid and/or naive. I am 
willing to learn.


#latest nim dev
proc pricesFromGainCsv*(fullpath: string): array[337588, float] =
  let csvfile = open(fullpath, fmRead)
  let contents = csvfile.readAll()
  let lines = contents.splitLines()
  for i in 1.. 0:
  let parts = line.split(",")
  result[i-1] = parseFloat(parts[5])

var ctime = getTime()
echo("time: ", ctime)
var cpustart = cpuTime()
let gaincsvpath = "/home/jimmie/data/EUR_USD_Week1.txt"
let prices = pricesFromGainCsv(gaincsvpath)
var psum = 0.0
var pcount = -1
var pips = 0.0
var psumsum = 0.0
var farray: array[prices.len-1, float]
for price in prices:
  pcount += 1
  farray[pcount] = ((price * price) * ((pcount+1) / prices.len))
  pips += price
  psum = farray.sum()
  psumsum += psum
echo("pcount: ", $pcount, "  pips: ", $pips, "  farray[^1]: ", farray[^1], 
"  psum: ", $psum, "  psumsum: ", $psumsum)
echo("clock:  " & $(getTime()-ctime) & "   cpuTime: " & 

#pcount: 337587  pips: 383662.562762  farray[^1]: 1.295654754912296  
psum: 218237.9662717213  psumsum: 24517634293.9183
#clock:  1 minute, 43 seconds, 151 milliseconds, 497 microseconds, and 564 
nanoseconds   cpuTime: 102.814928774


#python 3.7 latest numpy
stime = time()
fpcsv = "/home/jimmie/data/EUR_USD_Week1.txt"
count = -1
pips = 0
psum = 0
psumsum = 0
f = open(fpcsv,"r")
csvlines = f.readlines()[1:]
csvreader = csv.reader(csvlines)
pasize = len(csvlines)
parray = np.ndarray(shape=(pasize,),dtype="f8")
for tid,d,pair,dt,b,a in csvreader:
count += 1
price = float(a)
parray[count] = ((price * price) * ((count+1) / pasize))
pips += price
psum = parray.sum()
psumsum += psum
print(count, pips, psum, psumsum, time()-stime0)

#337587 383662.562762 218239.26158885768 73674955841.14886 


SslError: ssl3_write_pending:bad write retry

2018-12-18 Thread jlhouchin

In an app I am writing I am getting the following error. This is occurring 
inside code which when encountering an exception will sleep(100) and retry. 
After 10 retries (1 second) it will close the client and create a newHttpClient.

Rather than catching this exception the app just stops, goes silent for 10+ 
minutes and then quits with the below.

I am not sure how to handle this.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Current Exception: SslError
Current Exception Msg: error:1409F07F:SSL routines:ssl3_write_pending:bad 
write retry

Current Exception: SslError
Current Exception Msg: error:1409F07F:SSL routines:ssl3_write_pending:bad 
write retry

Current Exception: SslError
Current Exception Msg: error:1409F07F:SSL routines:ssl3_write_pending:bad 
write retry
Traceback (most recent call last)
httpclient.nim(1235) get
httpclient.nim(1227) request
httpclient.nim(1204) request
httpclient.nim(1183) requestAux
SIGPIPE: Pipe closed.


Re: HttpClient networking problem

2018-12-02 Thread jlhouchin
Mark this one as Solved.

I want to thank you all for pushing me to persist and for providing me with 
some information to help solve the problems.

What helped was showing me to use the timeout. Once that happened the errors 
happened in a timely manner. And then I had to discover a few places where I 
forgot the timeouts. Now it fails and I catch it and keep going.

The one thing I don't know is what is the best way to determine that the 
current connection has closed and I need to create a newHttpClient. I see in 
the docs that the HttpClient.connected var is private.

If there is a good way to determined the connection closed status, I would 
appreciate it.

Again thanks.

Re: HttpClient networking problem

2018-12-01 Thread jlhouchin
Thanks for the reply.

I don't know if that code makes any difference or not. But it is correct and I 
made the change. And whether or not that change did anything when I ran the 
code again I did get an error right up front. And then I noticed an error in 
the code I posted. I have the "while" loop inside the try/except. It never had 
a chance to loop. I moved it outside the loop and the code now does what I 
want. It loops indefinitely.

However, I went back and looked at my original code. And it did not have such a 
problem. However, I did notice a different logical error on my part. But the 
api is only open 22:00utc Sunday to 22:00utc Friday.

I will test tomorrow on Sunday.


Re: HttpClient networking problem

2018-11-30 Thread jlhouchin

My apologies that terminal session is gone.

Here is what I am attempting. Here is some code that I would like to see run 

I would think that while I have it running and I turn off my network that at 
some point I would see an Error raised. I almost never do.

My naive understanding of what I wrote is that if any Errors would work up to 
my code then it could loop correctly and checking the connection and eventually 
when the network is restored continue getting Google.

I am not understanding why this isn't working and why I am not seeing the 

Maybe this is enough information that you who are far, far more knowledgeable 
than I can see the error in my ways and put me on the right path. Wisdom and 
knowledge gratefully accepted.


import httpclient, httpcore, net, times, strutils
from os import sleep

  resetDuration = initDuration(seconds=2)
  deciSecondDuration* = initDuration(milliseconds = 100)
  qtrsecondDuration* = initDuration(milliseconds = 250)

  client = newHttpClient()
  lastConnection = getTime().utc

proc resetHttpClient() =
  if (getTime().utc - lastConnection) > resetDuration:
# Probably a new timeout. We have not yet experienced a long outage.
# We may however be entering an extended outage.
# Creating the new clients seems to use up lots of CPU.
# I want to do that as little as possible.
  echo("Attempted to close clients. Probably do not exist.")
  echo("Current exception:  ", getCurrentExceptionMsg())
client = newHttpClient(timeout=500)

proc getGoogle() =
  var dt = getTime().utc
  let enddate = dt + initDuration(days = 1)
while dt <= enddate:
  echo(client.get(";).body[0..14], "  ", 
  let diff = getTime().utc - dt
  if diff < deciSecondDuration:
  dt = getTime().utc
  except TimeoutError, IOError, OSError:
# I naively think I would see this thrown or the plain except below.
# But I almost never see an Error raised.
echo("Current Exception: ", getCurrentException().name)
echo("Current Exception Msg: ", getCurrentExceptionMsg())
echo("Sleeping for 1 seconds at: ", getTime().utc)
echo("Current Exception: ", getCurrentException().name)
echo("Current Exception Msg: ", getCurrentExceptionMsg())
echo("Sleeping for 1 seconds at: ", getTime().utc)

when isMainModule:
  echo("Executing network_test")


If I turn of my network and then Ctrl-C after a few seconds I get this:

\--(Is there a style code for something like this terminal session output?)

 2018-11-30T22:35:27Z 2018-11-30T22:35:27Z ^CTraceback (most 
recent call last) proxyexe.nim(62) proxyexe proxyexe.nim(49) main 
osproc.nim(1136) waitForExit SIGINT: Interrupted by Ctrl-C. Traceback (most 
recent call last) network_test.nim(48) network_test network_test.nim(33) 
getGoogle httpclient.nim(1235) get httpclient.nim(1227) request 
httpclient.nim(1204) request httpclient.nim(1189) requestAux 
httpclient.nim(1024) parseResponse net.nim(1312) recvLine net.nim(1272) 
readLine net.nim(1069) recv net.nim(1056) readIntoBuf net.nim(1052) uniRecv 
SIGINT: Interrupted by Ctrl-C. Error: execution of an external program failed: 
'/home/jimmie/Dev/Nim/network_test/network_test '

After almost 16 minutes I get this output.

2018-11-30T22:44:21Z  2018-11-30T22:44:21Z 2018-11-30T22:44:21Z 
Current Exception: OSError Current Exception Msg: Invalid argument Sleeping for 
1 seconds at: 2018-11-30T23:00:06Z

Re: HttpClient networking problem

2018-11-28 Thread jlhouchin
You are probably right. I probably do need to drop a level.

Since yours and @dom96 replies I have experimented some more.

I have tried catching, TimeoutError, IOError, OSError. I have reduced the 
timeout in the HttpClient to 500millis.

Sometimes it catches the errors. Sometimes none show up in my try/except.

Most of my experience the higher level library isn't totally protected from the 
errors and gets a chance to handle them. Which is what I was thinking I was 
going to get here.

SIGINT: Interrupted by Ctrl-C.

SIGPIPE: Pipe closed.

Some sort of IO Error

I have a few parallel implementations of this app in various languages to see 
which I like the best.

I want to thank everyone for their help. I think at this present time and the 
schedule I have to implement this app, that Nim is not the best match for me. 
This is not anything against Nim. Simply that Nim and I are not an ideal team 
at the moment.


Re: HttpClient networking problem

2018-11-26 Thread jlhouchin
I have a plain except:. It should catch everything. But nothing is being caught.

It isn't a server problem. I am testing what happens to the program if there 
are network problems like when a network goes down briefly. In this instance. I 
am simply turning off my wifi while it is running.

I was hoping to find what Errors get raised that I could catch and simply have 
a loop which sleeps a little while, then tries again, until I have success.

I can work on writing a sample app. It shouldn't be difficult. But it can't be 
the one I am using at the moment because it is for a secured api which requires 
an account and credentials.

But again the key part is nothing is happening when I disconnect the network. 
It just goes comatose. No errors. The server side is fine. When my network is 
up, the app works flawlessly.

If the outage is short enough, 2 minutes and under from what I have briefly 
experimented with. It simply resumes. But my app has not been informed of any 
issues and I have missed ??? amount of data during the outage.

I am at a loss on how to make this fault tolerant and how to debug.


HttpClient networking problem

2018-11-26 Thread jlhouchin

I am writing an app which requests data from a REST API multiple times a 
second. At the moment I am testing in a loop which collects data, sleeps until 
the next .1 of second and then continues collecting data.

Below is some slightly modified, abbreviated and cleaned up code which does 
what I want.

It works fine most of the time. I am wanting to make the code robust against 
network failures.

I am not sure how to do that. When running it on my laptop I will disconnect my 
wifi. It produces no output while the wifi is disconnected. I get no output 
from the request which as to be expected. But I also get no errors. It just 
sits idle. I don't like that. I can imagine there is some code built into 
HttpClient that also attempts to be robust. However, I do not know how or when 
it will fail.

If there is network failure I want to be able to resume as soon as it is back 

The app sometime seems to just go comatose. Even after the network is back up, 
it does not resume, nor give any kind of exceptions. Which is why I wrapped 
this proc in a try/except and put in many echo statments. How do I debug this 
when disconnected? How do I make this robust to failure where I can resume 
immediately after any sort of network failure when the network returns?

Any help and wisdom greatly appreciated.


var client = newHttpClient()

proc secondLoop() =
dt = getTime().utc
let pathQuery = "my path and query string"
echo("before secondLoop1:  ", getTime().utc)
let result = client.get(pathQuery)
echo("in secondLoop2:  ", getTime().utc)
echo("print some of the result")
let diff = getTime().utc - dt
if diff < deciSecondDuration:
echo("after secondLoop3: ", getTime().utc)
echo("exception message:  ", getCurrentExceptionMsg())


Re: Problem sleeping

2018-11-07 Thread jlhouchin
Slaps self on forehead.

Okay, I know see what you and the manual are saying. It seems obvious when you 
see and invisible if you don't.

For whatever Type, such as int, simply using the Type as the function to do the 
conversion. Ugh!

Such that, originalType.convertedType should work for anything where the 
conversion is implemented?

Thanks for helping the old guy see the obvious. 

Re: Problem sleeping

2018-11-07 Thread jlhouchin
Thanks for the reply.

It has been awhile since I read the tutorial.

However, when searching 

I do not find the int() procedure. I do not find any procedure answers the 
question of how to provide the right type.

Yes I understood the error message. It was readily apparent. It was getting 
from where I am to where I want to be that I could not find a path.

My question is and has been is there something I am missing from the standard 
documentation or is the standard documentation at present not at a place to 
provide answers like this.

I still do not see where this is defined. And this is for a question we know 
the answer to. Let alone a question that I do not know the answer and have not 

Nim has different challenges with regard to discoverability. In your OO 
languages you generally find all methods associated with a Type in the class 
definition. As they generally lack the ability to modify the class and add 
methods anywhere else. Smalltalk is a little different in this regard.

Regarding Smalltalk and Python. I am a long time user of both. Python longer, 
but Smalltalk more. I enjoy Pharo. I am able to do my app in Pharo and may do 
so. I have this app partially in Nim, Python and Pharo. Most recent exploration 
in Python showed significant performance problems. So I wanted to explore Nim 
some more.

Nim is very different from Pharo or Python. There is much I like about Nim. The 
things I don't like are not necessarily problems with Nim, but rather my lack 
of experience with Statically typed and statically compiled languages. That is 
something that I do want to learn over time.

I love the idea of small, fast, memory efficient apps. I hate the current trend 
towards lazy, bloated and slow apps.

I have explored many, many languages over the course of many years. I am not a 
professional programmer. I have a day job and a family. So like many people, 
time is limited.

Nim looks like it hits a pretty sweet spot with its syntax, performance, etc. 
It's current or past state of maturity has been its most limiting factor for 
me. I have limitations in skill, and time to acquire said skill. However, Nim 
is getting close to the place where my skills and its maturity are able to 
start doing things.

I am one of the people you refer to. Looking at my profile, I have been 
registered for a little over 3 years with 24 posts. Most of my reasons of 
stopping my attempt with Nim has been the combination of where I was skillwise 
and where Nim was maturity wise. But I have come and gone a number of times. I 
keep checking back. I think there are probably a lot of people like me. And as 
Nim matures and its ecosystem grows. The ability for people like me to use Nim 
will improve.

I have also explored Rust, Kotlin, OCaml, C++, C. I really like Nim. I think 
Andreas has created a beautiful language. I think he made a lot of great 
decisions. And now that there is a little money behind Nim. I think the future 
is bright.

Nim is different from what I am used to. But different is not bad, it is simply 
different. I take full responsibility for the problems being with me and not 
Nim. I am not assigning any blame

Thanks for the suggestion of the IRC. I had forgotten about that. I am used to 
mailing lists.

I will check out the IRC channel and try there first unless it is something 
more permanent which deserves post on the forum.

Again, thanks for engaging in conversation. This is a good community. :)

Re: Problem sleeping

2018-11-07 Thread jlhouchin
Thanks. I do need to read the manual. However, nothing I read there leads me to 
understand that there is a .int procedure that can be applied to an int64. 
Everything I have seen about converting to an int is a floating point number.

I come from Smalltalk and Python and am used to an environment I can explore. 
In Smalltalk everything is available all the time. Discovery is relatively easy.

How do I find the standard procedures available to operate on any type? In this 
case int64?

Where do I find

proc toInt(i: int64): int =
  ... convert int64 to int

# or

proc int(i: int64): int =


I would love to be able to discovery the answer to the question I posted on my 
own and reduce the frequency in which myself or someone else asks a question 
whose answer is discoverable.

I hope that makes sense.

Thanks again for the help and replies.

Re: Problem sleeping

2018-11-06 Thread jlhouchin
Thanks for all the replies.

I thought it was a funny title also. I didn't have a better one.

I looked for how to convert int64 to an int, but I did not find one.

How would I discover this proc? I don't currently use a magical IDE like 
VSCode. I have not found it within me to use it.


Problem sleeping

2018-11-06 Thread jlhouchin

I am trying to create a loop which do some stuff and when finished sleeps until 
the next iteration at the top of the next minute.

I have the below code but I get a type error when trying to sleep.

import times, os

let minute = initDuration(seconds = 60)
let dt = getTime().utc
var dt2 = dt + minute
dt2 = initDateTime(dt2.monthday, dt2.month, dt2.year, dt2.hour, dt2.minute, 
0, utc())
let dur = dt2-dt

let dt4 = getTime().utc
let sleeptime = dur.seconds*1000 + dur.milliseconds
echo("sleeptime: ", sleeptime)
let dt5 = getTime().utc

echo("dt4: ",dt4)
echo("dt5: ", dt5)


playground3.nim(17, 6) Error: type mismatch: got 
but expected one of:
proc sleep(milsecs: int)
expression: sleep(sleeptime)
> exit status: 256


If I comment out the call to sleep(), and run. I can take the resulting 
sleeptime and manually place it in the code such as



And it works just fine.

I do not understand why it doesn't work.

Any help and wisdom greatly appreciated.


Re: Error converting json to types

2018-08-06 Thread jlhouchin
The below fails with the same error.

  DateTime* = string

response = """

var data = parseJson(response)
echo(to(data, DateTime))


If I am doing something wrong. I am okay with that. But I don't see what it is.

I have this app mostly written in Python. I might simply need to finish version 
1 with Python and revisit Nim when I have more time to be better at Nim.

I am in complete control of my app and all client side code. The only thing I 
don't control over is the REST api coming from the third party servers. I am a 
consumer and also producer of json to them in the requests.

Thanks for your help.

Error converting json to types

2018-08-05 Thread jlhouchin

I have been working on an app which calls a REST api which returns json objects.

I have created the types and when I attempt to convert I get this error.

lib/system.nim(2833, 7) Error: unhandled exception: false Unable to process 
nnkSym DateTime

It is probably a simple newbie error. But I am failing to see why it fails or 
how to fix.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Here is from what I see the pertinent code.

  DateTime* = string
  Price* = object
time*: DateTime

proc test_prices(data: string): seq[Price] =
  let jsonNode = parseJson(data)
  result = to(jsonNode, Price)



Re: Introduction

2017-02-26 Thread jlhouchin
Hello Göran,

I have liked what I read about Spry. I look forward to giving it a try. I plan 
on doing so once I get up to speed and am comfortable with Nim. Hopefully I can 
join you on that journey. 

The family is doing well. I hope yours is as well.


Re: Introduction

2017-02-23 Thread jlhouchin

Many forums have a long running thread for introductions. So I am joining this 
thread. Hopefully others will continue in the future.

I just wanted to say Hi and introduce my self.

I am just learning Nim, but I have decided to make a commitment. I have read 
the tutorials and bought the book and am working my way through it. I have also 
joined the Bountysource where I could afford.

I am not a professional developer, but would like to attempt some serious 
projects. One of the things that attracts me to Nim is the natural ability to 
interface with both C and C++. I have used lots of things which do okay with C, 
but C++ always required a C wrapper around the C++ which made it either 
difficult to near impossible. I have projects where I will need that ability.

I have used Python casually for 20+ years. I have also been a long time user of 
Squeak and Pharo. I have known Göran Krampe for a long time before he was Göran 

As a long time casual user of Python for a long time, I find the syntax of Nim 
to be comfortable. I think it is in some ways nicer than Python, but I do have 
to get used to the static typing. As a long time user of Squeak and Pharo, like 
Göran, I do miss the live environment. I would dearly love to see some things 
that direction in the future. Pharo has been my language and environment of 
choice the last several years.

I am enjoying learning Nim. I like the features it provides. I like the 
efficiency and I do believe it makes for a nice balance between efficiency and 

I hope to be able to contribute back to the community when I am up to speed on 
using Nim.

Thanks for this language and the reasonably unique set of features it has.
