
I shared this on IRC a month ago, but wanted to share it here too after it has 
been running non-stop for a month.

**What is it?**

This is mostly a cron job that clones all the Git and Mercurial repositories 
and offers them through a modified package registry. What I'm trying to 
accomplish here is two things. First, create a mirror of all the repos since 
previous experience has shown me that repos can be easily taken down either by 
the authors or Github itself (Github hasn't taken any Nim related repos to the 
extend of my knowledge). Second, I don't think of myself as being proficient 
with Mercurial and don't want to mix my packages with other version control 
systems, the fix being to transform the Mercurial repos to Git repos via HgGit. 
An example of a transformed Mercurial repo can be found at 
[https://cgit.nim.moe/strfmt](https://cgit.nim.moe/strfmt) You can find the 
packages registry at 
[https://reg.nim.moe/packages.json](https://reg.nim.moe/packages.json) and an 
overview of the cloned repos served by cgit at 
[https://cgit.nim.moe/](https://cgit.nim.moe/). The packages list is updated 
every 10 minutes and all the packages are fetched and if needed pulled from 
source every 30 minutes. The url of all the packages is modified to target the 
ones at [https://git.nim.moe/](https://git.nim.moe/). (Why git.nim.moe and not 
cgit.nim.moe? Because git.nim.moe uses the git http backend while cgit.nim.moe 
uses a cgit http with similar functionality but with not enough to be fully 
used by nimble)

For a little bit of context, I'm the maintainer/creator/BDFL of 
[https://github.com/nimgl/nimgl](https://github.com/nimgl/nimgl) and one of the 
packages that inspired me was glfw by ephja (I haven't for a while used it 
since I made my own bindings) but one day it simply got deleted after the mass 
migration to Gitlab. That's what inspired me to do this thing.

**Why should I use this?**

You shouldn't. The main reason it exists is so packages don't die out after 
simply being deleted. The only realistic reason is if you find an active 
Mercurial package which you would like to use without having to interface with 
Mercurial. If a package you needed was deleted I would recommend to make a 
clone for yourself from the mirror repo instead of directly referencing it from 

**I still want to use it**

Well, either if for a reason previously stated or because you don't want to 
trust Github but you do me (I don't know why this would happen). You can add it 
by following the [Nimble 
 And simply add: 
    name = "official"
    url = "https://reg.nim.moe/packages.json";

My biggest concern is that I'm a college student earning exactly $0 dollars a 
year (By no means a legal tax statement). So all I can do is a $5 droplet in 
digitalocean and the yearly expenses of the domain. Currently all the packages' 
data is sitting at a 5.4Gb (21.86% of the droplet's disk) with still room to 
grow, the other part being that if enough people use it the little baby droplet 
won't be able to support the load.

**I was using X package but it disappeared, do you have it?**

This is a project (Baby project? It's little.) that started a month ago, so all 
the projects that were deleted before this date (20/04/2020) were not able to 
be cloned. You can find a list of such projects at 

**Please** if you have a fork/clone/zip/png of one of this packages let me know 
either by DM or a comment here so it can be uploaded even if it isn't the 
latest version.

**I like the idea, but I trust no one. Not even me (Yourself)**

You can easily create your own instance, I don't have step by step guide on how 
to create it but all you need is a git http backend and the cron jobs located 
at [https://github.com/nim-moe/cron](https://github.com/nim-moe/cron). Also 
Mercurial and the HgGit extension to be able to push the repo from hg to git. 
Cgit is not necessary since it is only used to give an overview of what 
packages have been updated and when was the last update loaded into the system.

**The future of the project** a.k.a. **I like the domain**

I really like the domain, but this was a mini project made in a few hours 
mostly to try and ignite a conversation on the topics of Nim's package manager 
and what we as a community will do to prevent packages from being lost into the 
void. If any of you have any better ideas or want to use the domain name to 
start a project related to this issues please feel more than free to contact 
me. And I would even be happy to contribute some code.

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