Re: Nim Compiler Documentation

2020-05-17 Thread lotzz
i have not, i will take a look at that now, thank you

Nim Compiler Documentation

2020-05-16 Thread lotzz
This is just a simple question. I have started looking at the nim compiler 
source and trying to implement my own backend for nim. Is there not 
documentation for the nim compiler or is it reserved for developers? I might 
just not have found where it is though.

Re: Error: unhandled exception: paramCount is not implemented on Nintendo Switch [OSError]

2020-05-01 Thread lotzz
thanks i will do that

Re: Error: unhandled exception: paramCount is not implemented on Nintendo Switch [OSError]

2020-04-29 Thread lotzz
If there is no quick fix, i guess i can patch the file. but i just thought id 
show this because it is weird

Error: unhandled exception: paramCount is not implemented on Nintendo Switch [OSError]

2020-04-29 Thread lotzz
I got this error msg from this code

#The file is get_saves.nims

import parseopt
import "check_installed.nims"
echo check_installed.exists
var ops = initOptParser()
while true:
  case ops.kind
  of cmdEnd: break
  of cmdLongOption, cmdShortOption:
echo "got and option"
  of cmdArgument:
echo "got and argument"


Here is the other file "check_installed.nims"

from os import `/`
mode = ScriptMode.Verbose

var user_profile = getEnv("userprofile")
let minecraftDir = user_profile / "AppData/Roaming/.minecraft"
var exists* = false
if dirExists(minecraftDir):
  exists = true
  echo "The Java Edition of minecraft has been installed on this system"
  echo "We will now be creating a directory: .resourceManager in your 
UserProfile directory( " & user_profile & " )"
  echo "The Java Edition of minecraft has not been installed on this system"
  echo "Exiting..."


This might be a little spammy, but I am just trying to make a simple script 
that checks if minecraft is installed, grabs my save folder and allows me to 
manage resource packs and datapacks from another area using a CLI.

This is the output I get from running "nim get_saves.nims"

{{USERNAME}}@{{COMPUTER_NAME}} ~/Documents/GitHub/CodeDump/minecraft 
(master) $ nim get_saves.nims
Hint: used config file 
'C:\Users\{{USERNAME}}\.choosenim\toolchains\nim-1.2.0\config\nim.cfg' [Conf]
The Java Edition of minecraft has been installed on this system
We will now be creating a directory: .resourceManager in your UserProfile 
directory( C:\Users\{{USERNAME}} )
stack trace: (most recent call last)

 49) initOptParser
5) paramCount
5) Error: unhandled exception: paramCount is not implemented on Nintendo Switch 


I am on a Windows 10 OS and i wonder if this is some kind of bug

examples or documentation of Source Code filters

2020-03-21 Thread lotzz
Hi, sorry I am looking into the source code filters for nim and it is actually 
kind of hard to figure out what a good use case for them is, or if they have 
any uses besides just generating xml. I was just wondering if anyone had any 
examples of how they have used them in their projects or anywhere to find more 
information on them in action so I can see what I can do with them. it would be 
greatly appreciated. **Thanks**

Re: unable to deference pointer and assign? Nim 1.0.6

2020-02-17 Thread lotzz
ah thank you so much

unable to deference pointer and assign? Nim 1.0.6

2020-02-17 Thread lotzz
So I'm just messing around and from what I understand this code should be fine, 
but for some reason I'm getting an error. I am wondering if there is something 
I don't understand about pointers in Nim and how to use them

proc newLead[T](oldData:T):Lead =
#copy the data if the old data is not mutable
result.desc = = alloc0(sizeof(T))[] = 10 #THIS is where im getting the error at the `=`, also 
here we are assuming T == int
dealloc( ##this is just to clean up because im testing


Re: Is allowing non-matching types for assignment overloading in the development timeline?

2019-04-18 Thread lotzz
Wow thanks, I didn't know about this use of converters. I can simplify a lot it 
code with this! 

Re: Auto import file with config.nims

2019-04-16 Thread lotzz
Oh I figured it out the --import argument in the computer

Re: Auto import file with config.nims

2019-04-16 Thread lotzz
Sorry, I want to do something like. Include a module automatically to my 
project without having to call import in every file. Like the standard library. 
I'm wondering if I can do that using nimscript or something else

Auto import file with config.nims

2019-04-16 Thread lotzz
Might be a noobish question but I've googled for a while and I can't find 
anything on being able to automatically import files in a project, like the 
system module

Re: FOSDEM "Metaprogramming in Nim" talk now online

2019-02-06 Thread lotzz
Nice, for the amount of time you had it was a good taste of what nim can do. 
Not really how to do it but it should get people interested in that

Re: Deleting a certain value from a sequence

2019-01-23 Thread lotzz
I like @Araq s suggestion as well lol

Re: ability to undefine a symbol?

2019-01-17 Thread lotzz
Fair enough thanks for the time

ability to undefine a symbol?

2019-01-16 Thread lotzz
Is there anyway to undefine a symbol in nim using macros? like in C you can do 

#undefine SYMBOL_NAME


Re: Associating data to types

2019-01-13 Thread lotzz
you can also hold data on types by using static though then it needs to be 
known at compileTime

typeWithData[data:static[auto]] = distinct object
  var a:typeWithData[10]
  #outputs 10


Re: recommendation for simple graphics lib?

2019-01-10 Thread lotzz
thanks for the suggestions, as for my question not being smart. I didn't say 
because I don't know exactly what I plan to do. I am researching options at the 

Re: Should we get rid of style insensitivity?

2018-11-20 Thread lotzz
I think a vote is good, will be voting no for the change though

Re: Compiler plugins?

2018-09-27 Thread lotzz
What can they do??? Is there documentation?

Compiler plugins?

2018-09-27 Thread lotzz
Digging up a dead thread, is there anybody who knows exactly what you need to 
do to make a compiler plugin?

Re: Nim source equivalent to C #define

2018-09-26 Thread lotzz
i just want to say, i love how many good options nim has for such a simple 

Nim -- a buffet for the programmers taste 

Re: Nim source equivalent to C #define

2018-09-26 Thread lotzz

const Thing = 0

when declared(Thing):
  const otherThing = 0

when declared(otherThing):
  echo "we are here"


this works

a small change to macros.getCustomPragmaVal

2018-09-26 Thread lotzz
real quick here is the code for the change

macro getCustomPragmaVal*(n: typed, cp: typed{nkSym}): untyped =
 let pragmaNode = customPragmaNode(n)
  result = newTree(nnkPar)
  for p in pragmaNode:
if p.kind in nnkPragmaCallKinds and p.len > 0 and p[0].kind == nnkSym 
and p[0] == cp:
  if p.len > 1:
for arg in 1..(p.len-1):
  result.add p[arg]
return p[1]
  error(n.repr & " doesn't have a pragma named " & cp.repr()) # returning 
an empty node results in most cases in a cryptic error,


and the original for reference

macro getCustomPragmaVal*(n: typed, cp: typed{nkSym}): untyped =
  let pragmaNode = customPragmaNode(n)
  for p in pragmaNode:
if p.kind in nnkPragmaCallKinds and p.len > 0 and p[0].kind == nnkSym 
and p[0] == cp:
  return p[1]
  error(n.repr & " doesn't have a pragma named " & cp.repr()) # returning 
an empty node results in most cases in a cryptic error,


now running the original version with this code 

template test_prag(d:int,b:int) {.pragma.}

  test_type {.tprag(10,20).} = int

var a:test_type = 0
echo a.getCustomPragmaVal(tprag) # this outputs 10, there is no way to get 
the second value that I know of


but with the change it would output 

(Field0: 10, Field1: 20)


ill be using this myself, but I wanted to get others opinions

Re: How to check an auto type parameter in a proce

2018-09-25 Thread lotzz
the module typetraits might be able to help you

Re: Is there any untyped list data type in Nim ?, like in python.

2018-09-25 Thread lotzz
I might be able to help

> 1.Node is a ref object.

Yes, it is. Acting like a pointer (guessing at the inner workings of this) with 
the statement 

case kind: NodeKind  # the ``kind`` field is the discriminator
of nkInt: intVal: int
of nkFloat: floatVal: float
of nkString: strVal: string


kind is declared in the type like a variable and the compiler will create 
separate "Node types" depending on whether or not it is nkInt, nkFloat, or 
nkString, I assume.


> 2.kind is not declared in this type. Or this case statement is declaring kind 
> as a varibale, i don't know.

kind is declared as a variable

> 3\. If the latter is true then, case statement is checking the data type and 
> allow us to use this type for required data type.
> 4.And in the last portion, you have declared a varibale "n" which contains a 
> seq of nodes.


**If I am wrong please let me know, I 'm just really starting to learn Nim 

Re: How to check an auto type parameter in a proce

2018-09-25 Thread lotzz
Do you need to know the type at runtime?

Re: a funny compiler crash

2018-09-24 Thread lotzz
looks like there was some other problem. you are right that example now works

I assume i was using a 32 bit version of gcc or nim or i wasnt as up to date as 
i thought I will close the issue

Re: a funny compiler crash

2018-09-24 Thread lotzz
ah, yeah fixed the indentation and case mistakes, same problem though made an 
issue ticket on github


Re: a funny compiler crash

2018-09-23 Thread lotzz
Might be because I'm using 0.18.0, I will see

Re: a funny compiler crash

2018-09-23 Thread lotzz
Os and compiler?

Re: shorthand if statement

2018-09-23 Thread lotzz
Sometimes, I just like astetics ok guys

Re: shorthand if statement

2018-09-23 Thread lotzz

You realize this evaluates both statements regardless of the condition


Evaluated yes

with a bit different syntax?



shorthand if statement

2018-09-23 Thread lotzz
**_IF_** you have been looking for a shorthand if statement here is some code

  pair*[T] = (T,T)

template `|`*[A](a:A,b:A):pair[A] = (a,b)

template `?`*[T](cond:bool,res:pair[T]):untyped =
  if cond:


Re: shorthand if statement

2018-09-23 Thread lotzz
oh how to use it

var a = 0==1 ? 1|2 # == 2
var b = 0==0? 1|2 # == 1
#must give the same types for the result


Re: shorthand if statement

2018-09-23 Thread lotzz
oh how to use it

var a = 0==1 ? 1|2 # == 2
var b = 0==0? 1|2 # == 1
#must give the same types for the result


Re: a funny compiler crash

2018-09-23 Thread lotzz
will do

Re: a funny compiler crash

2018-09-23 Thread lotzz
I'm not sure if its just my computer, but that crashes something. my program 
won't output anything now

Exploring namespaces support in Nim

2018-09-23 Thread lotzz
going to dig up an old thread, I would still love to see 

from module import type foo


Re: a funny compiler crash

2018-09-23 Thread lotzz
came up with a fix, so you cannot supply different types

  same[T] = T
  Gen[A:auto,val:static[same[A]]] = same[A]


a funny compiler crash

2018-09-23 Thread lotzz
So today i was messing around with Generic types and I found something that I 
think would be considered "Undefined behavior". I thought I would just share it 
here in case anyone else gets the same idea.

  Gen[val:static[auto]] = auto
  true_t = Gen[true]

var a:true_t = "hello"
var b:true_t = 10
proc c(a:true_t):void =
  echo a


**the output here is understandable**

 Hint: system [Processing]
Hint: test [Processing]
Error: internal error: (filename: "semtypes.nim", line: 908)

No stack traceback available
To create a stacktrace, rerun compilation with ./koch temp c 


I would like to explain why I think this happens. I think that the error occurs 
because when declaring Gen[ **whatever this may be** ] I actually turn 
**true_t** into two distinct types, and when executing the _proc_ **c** it 
would probably expect the type **string** because that would be what the first 
actual definition of the _proc_ does, or maybe because it is an ambiguous proc, 
though it doesn't really seem to catch onto that and just crashes.

It made me laugh a little so I thought I would share.

**Thanks for reading**

Re: Returning from Concepts

2018-09-21 Thread lotzz
alright, thank you very much. Just another question do you know if its planned 
for V1 or working in devl?

Returning from Concepts

2018-09-21 Thread lotzz
I have just started playing around with concepts, but I'm very confused about 
what this return statement is used for with the generics converters I have 
tried to do the exact same example and nothing seems to work. though I don't 
understand what should be happening anyway. Any help would be greatly 


Re: --stdout question

2018-08-09 Thread lotzz
that seems useless

--stdout question

2018-08-02 Thread lotzz
Just a quick question, the compiler flag --stdout says it outputs to stdout, am 
I assuming that it gives the resulting binary to stdout incorrectly?

Re: quick question about macros

2018-05-16 Thread lotzz
thank you very much

Nim as a run time interpreter?

2018-03-27 Thread lotzz
I am looking for a way to evaluate Nim at run time, is there anything to 

Re: Why is my destructor not called?

2018-03-15 Thread lotzz
> I am on Windows 10, Nim Compiler Version 0.18.0 [Windows: i386], MinGW GCC.

I don't know if that is just for windows 10, I am on ubuntu with 0.18.0 and I 
am getting the same thing though my code is a little different

type thing = object

proc `=destroy`(o:thing):void =
  if o.p != nil: dealloc o.p
  echo "destroyed"

proc op():thing =
  result = thing(x:10,p:alloc(1))
proc work(o:thing):void=
  echo o

proc main() =
  let t= op()

Hint: used config file '/etc/nim.cfg' [Conf]
Hint: system [Processing]
Hint: destruct [Processing]
CC: destruct
Hint:  [Link]
Hint: operation successful (11723 lines compiled; 0.185 sec total; 22.32MiB 
peakmem; Debug Build) [SuccessX]
Hint: /home/User/Desktop/nim/tests/destruct  [Exec]
(x: 10, p: ...)

Re: Delaying macro expansion

2018-03-02 Thread lotzz
well this isn't exactly delaying macro expansion I found a work around that 
works for what I want

I changed getRNG into a static proc

  proc getRNGS():uint32 =
mz =  (36969u32 * mz and high(uint32) + (mz shr 32))
#echo tobin(,64)
mw = (18000u32 * mw and high(uint32) + (mw shr 32))
if mw == 0: mw = 18000
if mz == 0: mz = 36969
return ((mz shl 16) + mw)

and use that in both my regular macros

macro getRNG*() = getRNGS()

macro getRNGF*():float =
  let fh = high(uint32)
  var fr = getRNGS()
  return fr.float / fh.float

I don't think this actually creates any functions in your C code, just values 
and that is what I am aiming for with this

Delaying macro expansion

2018-03-02 Thread lotzz
So I am making just a small compile time RNG and having a few problems

macro getRNGF*():float =
  let fh = high(uint32)
  let fr = getRNG()
  return fr.float / fh.float

the getRNG proc is another macro that affects some static variables declared 
earlier, but the problem is that nim expands the macro and gives me a static 
value that doesn't change with each call.

I will include the getRNG proc and the variables it affects

  var mz:uint32 = 36969
  var mw:uint32 = 18000

macro getRNG*():uint32=
  mz =  (36969u32 * mz and high(uint32) + (mz shr 32))
  mw = (18000u32 * mw and high(uint32) + (mw shr 32))
  if mw == 0: mw = 18000
  if mz == 0: mz = 36969
  return (mz shl 16) + mw

so my question is if there is anyway to delay macro expansion or some work 
around to make getRNG's return value not static

Re: Community name?

2018-03-02 Thread lotzz
nimeks, like planet namek in dragonball z

Re: static macro

2018-03-02 Thread lotzz
you are right, thank you

Re: static macro

2018-03-01 Thread lotzz
alright thank you, that narrows my search

static macro

2018-03-01 Thread lotzz
Just a quick question, I have been looking for where the static macro is 
defined so I can look at how it is implemented does anyone have an idea of 
where that would be?

Re: two questions about static

2018-01-14 Thread lotzz
yeah I have noticed that too, might be a bug... I wouldn't know how to go about 
stating that though

Re: two questions about static

2018-01-10 Thread lotzz
Awesome Thank you, that worked great

Re: Wow. It all 'just works'

2018-01-10 Thread lotzz
I have started using nim just recently as well, and I can agree with you this 
language is great! My brother is the one who let me know about this language 
because he has been watching me do experiments with compiler abuse in C++ 
(which if I wanted to do anything fun I had to abuse the compiler), but Nim 
lets me do very cool and fun things without having to find hacky work arounds. 
I am in love lol

Re: two questions about static

2018-01-10 Thread lotzz
Here I have made an example of what is happening

#module A

  var test=0

proc test_proc(): void {.discardable,compileTime.} =
  var a = test
  echo a

#module B

import A


this will give me an "Error: cannot evaluate at compile time: test" for line 6 
of module A

Re: two questions about static

2018-01-10 Thread lotzz
thanks, I think i learned I have a completely different problem then what I 
thought was going on, I will try to figure it out before I bother more people 
about it, but what is happening is that a proc I have made is using static 
variables defined in one module, but when I export that proc and use it in 
another module I am getting an error saying it cannot evaluate my static 
variable at compile time. that is why I thought the issue was that they didn't 
export out of modules

two questions about static

2018-01-10 Thread lotzz
So just to start, I am very new to nim I started reading about it and 
programming in it 4 days ago. I understand that using static like this 

  var some_variable = 10

evaluates the statement at compile time and uses the Nim VM to do that

my questions are, is there a way to use these static variables outside of the 
module they are defined in, and does anyone know where static is defined so i 
can look at how it is coded so that if my first question results in no I can 
possibly recreate a version of static that could