Re: New "Learn Nim" page

2019-01-10 Thread rect0x51
@Prohyon it's actually the other way around. When you use a `for` loop with 1 
iterator (e.g. `for i in 0 .. 9:`) you are iterating over **values**. If you 
want to also have the corresponding index of each loop you have to do ` for i, 
v in 0 .. 9:`, then `i` will be the index and `v` the value. Also keep in mind 
that `mod` is an expensive function, you should try to avoid it if possible.

Re: List of pending CT evaluation features

2019-01-06 Thread rect0x51
Of course other constructs can be used instead, but with this logic you could 
also use a different program just to calculate what is known before (main 
program's) runtime, and then somehow pipe the results into your program.

The whole point of metaprogramming is **flexibility**. Using closure iterators 
and dynamic dispatching idioms and still getting CTE would be awesome, and it 
's certainly doable! The VM **is** _a runtime_ so there is no restriction; it 
can emulate the runtime phase and resolve dynamic behavior.

Re: List of pending CT evaluation features

2019-01-05 Thread rect0x51
CTE for methods is missing. There must be more.

List of pending CT evaluation features

2019-01-05 Thread rect0x51
Recently I found out about CTFE and started reading all about it.  
I am very pleased to discover that Nim is currently the #1 language on this 

Dlang is catching up; they are developing a new [bytecode 
VM]( for CTFE just like 
Nim has for years now (vmdef.nim).

Recently [attempts]( to provide the 
missing FFI support begun!

What are all the features that Nim _could eventually_ that you can think of?  
I know this is not top priority stuff, but it would be nice to concentrate all 
the CT pending features in one place (maybe github RFC issue).  

Re: Convincing my friend about Nim

2018-12-31 Thread rect0x51
I have this feeling that the particular quote of Araq will become really famous 
and be remembered. So happy I was the one asking! :D

Re: Saying hi

2018-12-29 Thread rect0x51
So... is this accurate?

**Today:** Each thread has its own memory heap and GC. This eliminates pauses 
and race conditions but impairs efficiency because the communication between 
threads is less nimble (can only exchange messages but no other data).

**Tomorrow:** ARC will allow a shared-memory model implementation. This will 
improves data locality significantly and eliminate the need for message 
passing, all while retaining safety.

Re: Saying hi

2018-12-29 Thread rect0x51
Message Passing is not enough?

Need guidelines for contributing bugfixes

2018-12-29 Thread rect0x51
Hi, I want to eventually start fixing bugs and I worry about misusing git (it's 
probably just my lack of experience).

The [relevant article]( 
doesn't go into details about branching.

I considered a couple of strategies and I am not sure which one the maintainers 

  * Common first step: Create a `branch` off devel
  * Common last step: Make the PR

* * *

  * Strategy 1: Just push the `branch` to the fork
  * Strategy 2: Merge `branch` with `upstream/devel`, then push to the fork
  * Strategy 3: Rebase to `upstream/devel`, then push to the fork

Re: Saying hi

2018-12-29 Thread rect0x51
I barely dare to ask because it might be self-explanatory... but if you can put 
it briefly: how will destructors aid concurrency? (I've seen the relevant 
articles and videos on destructors but still can't make the connection)

Re: Functional Programming in Nim

2018-12-27 Thread rect0x51
Regarding that... what is currently the preferred way to do laziness in Nim? 
Hand-writing closure iterators works, but is there any established library? I 
know of [lazy]( and 
[iterutils](, but it's 
unclear if I should use one (which?) of them.