Re: Faster and Safer Raytracing in Nim

2020-05-22 Thread zio_tom78
@mratsim, I agree with @aredirect: this repository of yours is pure gold!

Re: Performance issues with "complex" module

2020-05-02 Thread zio_tom78
Awesome @Stefan_Salewski, that worked perfectly! Thanks a lot!

Performance issues with "complex" module

2020-05-02 Thread zio_tom78
I ran a few benchmarks of C++, Julia, and Nim compilers, and I found that Nim's 
implementation of Complex64 type shows sub-optimal performance.

I have implemented a simple algorithm to compute a [Julia 
set]( , and I have found that the 
simplest implementation is quite slow:

import complex

func julia(z: Complex64, c: Complex64, maxiter: int = 256): int =
  var iteridx = 0
  var cur_z = z
  while (abs2(cur_z) < 4) and (iteridx < maxiter):
cur_z = cur_z * cur_z + c
iteridx += 1
  result = if iteridx == maxiter:


Generating a 800x800 image requires 1.5 s on my laptop, to be compared with 
~0.07 s for an almost identical code in Julia (note the pun!). Inspecting the C 
code produced by Nim shows that the compiler is not trying to inline the call 
to functions like 
 So I changed the computation within the `while` loop in this way:

# cur_z = cur_z * cur_z + c
cur_z *= cur_z
cur_z += c


The elapsed time went down to ~1 s: better, but still not good! My 
understanding is that this modification helps the compiler to avoid the 
creation of some temporary Complex64 variables.

Then, I decided to manually unroll the computation of the real and imaginary 
parts of `cur_z`:

# cur_z = cur_z * cur_z + c
let tmp = * - * = 2 * * + = tmp +


The code is much uglier, but now the elapsed time is ~0.2 s!

At this point, I have a few questions:

  1. Is there a way to further improve the code and reach Julia's speed (0.07 
  2. The last version of the code is surely the fastest, but it's really ugly 
to read! Is there an _elegant_ way to keep the elapsed time down to ~0.1 while 
avoiding the need to manually unroll the calculation of the real and imaginary 
parts? (Maybe using `{.inline.}` everywhere in the complex module?)

The full code of the benchmark, as well as the command-line parameters I used 
to compile it, can be found in this Gist: 

Re: Nim programming book for kids

2020-04-13 Thread zio_tom78
> We had a public library where I got many books, one was a nice Pascal book 
> which I loved. Was not able to find it again.

Could it be [«Complete Turbo 
Pascal»](, by Jeff 
Duntemann? This is the book I used to learn Pascal when I was a kid, and I felt 
in love with it!

Re: Nim for Statistics

2019-11-08 Thread zio_tom78
Consider however that most of the work done by statisticians with data involves 
interactive sessions: lLoad the data, do some plots, combine columns, quickly 
compute a few estimators, redo the plots, etc. R and Julia have the advantage 
of being REPL-oriented and have good support for Jupyter, which means that this 
kind of workflow is somewhat natural.

Statically-typed languages like C++ and Nim are perfect if you want to 
implement a data analysis pipeline whose blocks are already settled, but they 
are not great for interactive data exploration, where you do not know exactly 
what you are going to find in your data. 

Re: Fortran bindings

2019-07-16 Thread zio_tom78
I never tried to bind Fortran libraries to Nim, but I often have to deal with 
Fortran codes in my job. If you are lucky enough to work with Fortran 2003 or 
2008, you can use `iso_c_binding`:


I think that the most useful example in that page is the one in Sect. 9 
(«Example of C calling Fortran»).

Re: Nim partners with

2018-08-10 Thread zio_tom78
> I would love to see articles discussing these issues, but at the same time, I 
> wonder if it's a good idea to bring more spotlight to style insensitivity.

Sorry, it has been a looong time since I posted here as I do no longer use Nim, 
but… I always felt a bit "weak" to sell Nim's style insensitivity with the 
argument that it is nice to pick the style you prefer. I consider the inability 
to mix styles to be a far greater advantage; consider the following C code:

int Result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
int result = f(x);
if (result < 0) {
result += g(x);
Result += result;


This is an abridged version of some code I had to work on several years ago. 
Such a mixture of styles would immediately trigger an error in Nim, as `Result` 
and `result` are the same variable. (This is the same reason why I am a fan of 
case insensitivity in variable names, like in good old Pascal.) The same would 
apply if somebody tried to declare two variables `myAccum` and `my_accum` in 
the same context.

When encouraging my colleagues to try Nim, I often found that this argument was 
quite effective.

Re: Trouble with reading from stdin

2017-02-12 Thread zio_tom78
I wasn't aware of this kind of limitation with standard input. Perhaps you can 
find some clues about how to fix this by having a look at the source code of 
[pv]( I often use it to process data 
read through stdin, and I have never encountered problems with large data 
files. Its source code seems very well written and easy to follow: 

Installation instructions on the website

2017-01-02 Thread zio_tom78
Hi to everybody,

Today I tried to install the latest stable version of Nim (0.15.2) on my Linux 
Mint system. I think I spotted a few problems in the documentation; I am 
reporting them here because it is not clear to me if the Nim's GitHub 
bugtracker is appropriate for this kind of issues.

I followed the instructions on the 
(«Installation based on generated C code»), which seems to be the preferred way 
to install Nim under Linux. I downloaded the tarball, unpacked it and compiled 
the `nim` executable. At this point, I was not able to create the executables 
for `nimble` and `nimsuggest`. The site says:

> To build associated tools like `nimble` and `nimsuggest` run `nim c koch && 
> koch tools`

However, the `koch` executable bundled with Nim 0.15.2 does not seem to support 
the `tools` command, as `koch tools` prints the help screen and exits.

I turned to the Nim Documentation index, and I spotted the 
 explaining how to install `nimsuggest`:

cd compiler/nimsuggest
nim c -d:release nimsuggest

So I decided to follow this advice. However, the latter command returned the 
following error message:

compiler/nimsuggest/nimsuggest.nim(12, 8) Error: This project has moved to 
the following repo:

Ok, so I turned to the `nimsuggest` GitHub webpage, which says:

> Starting with version 0.15.3, nimsuggest is part of the Nim repository again. 
> This is only used as an issue tracker. […] Nimsuggest is part of the Nim core 
> now, koch can build nimsuggest for you.

So I am back to the start! With a little bit of effort I should be able to 
compile `nimble` and `nimsuggest` manually, as I used Nim quite a lot a few 
years ago. However, a novice user might get confused.

(I would suggest to add some text/link at the bottom of each page on the 
website, which should explain what is the proper way to report 
errors/omissions/suggestions about the website itself. Should one post on the 
forum, like I am doing right now, or open a ticket on the bugtracker, or…?) 

Re: Love nim but at the same time starting to hate it...

2016-07-09 Thread zio_tom78
**moigagoo**, it was not hard at all. I used it for a couple of projects where 
I desperately needed some of sphinx' features (e.g., mathematical formulas). 
Since currently I am no longer using Nim for my projects, that repository is in 
a quiescent state. (I hope to use Nim again once version 1.0 is out.)

Re: Love nim but at the same time starting to hate it...

2016-07-08 Thread zio_tom78
**moigagoo**, I once wrote a Sphinx extension for Nim. See here: 